43 research outputs found

    The Postpartum Specific Anxiety Scale: Confirmatory factor analyses and relationships with birth experience

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    The Postpartum Specific Anxiety Scale [PSAS] was developed and validated as a research tool with a four-factor structure; with predictive validity corroborated in studies examining infant-feeding and maternal bonding outcomes. The PSAS has not been examined in relation to birth experiences. We aimed to confirm the PSAS four-factor structure and examine these domains of anxiety in relation to subjective and objective birth experiences. Postpartum mothers (≤ 12-months; N = 500) completed the PSAS alongside measures of subjective birth satisfaction and objective obstetric interventions/complications. Confirmatory factor analyses [CFA] tested eight models, theoretically derived from the preceding exploratory work. Structural equation modelling [SEM] tested associations between each PSAS factor and birth experience variables in the best-fitting model. An identical 51-item four-factor model fits the data well. SEM analyses revealed associations between lower perceptions of quality of intrapartum care and increased maternal competence and attachment anxieties, practical infant care anxieties, and infant safety and welfare anxieties. High subjective stress and negative emotional response to labour were associated with increased psychosocial adjustment to motherhood anxieties. Specific associations were found between neonatal care unit admission and practical infant care anxieties; and infant asphyxia and infant safety and welfare anxieties. Findings confirm construct and convergent validity of the four-factor PSAS and its use in measuring postpartum anxiety. Unique associations were also identified, indicating specific subjective and objective experiences occurring during birth may elicit a differential anxiety response, in that they are related to specific forms of postpartum anxiety which occur during the first postpartum year

    Differential vascular dysfunction in response to diets of differing macronutrient composition: a phenomenonological study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Vascular dysfunction can develop from consumption of an energy-rich diet, even prior to the onset of obesity. However, the roles played by different dietary components remain uncertain. While attempting to develop models of obesity in a separate study, we observed that two high-energy diets of differing macronutrient compositions affected vascular function differently in overweight rats.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Male Wistar rats (<it>n </it>= 6/group) were fed diets providing varying percentages of energy from fat and carbohydrate (CHO). For 10 weeks, they were fed either chow, as control diet (10% of energy from fat; 63% from CHO), chow supplemented with chocolate biscuit (30% fat; 56% CHO) or a high-fat diet (45% fat; 35% CHO). Blood concentrations of biochemical markers of obesity were measured, and epididymal fat pads weighed as a measure of adiposity. Mesenteric arteries were dissected and their contractile and relaxant properties analysed myographically. Data were tested by analysis of variance (ANOVA).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Weight gain and plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin and leptin were similar in all groups. However, biscuit-fed animals showed increased food intake (+27%; <it>p </it>< 0.01) and elevated concentrations of TGs and NEFAs (+41% and +17%; both <it>p </it>< 0.05). High-fat-fed animals showed an increase only in NEFAs (+38%; <it>p </it>< 0.01). Arterial vasoconstriction in response to NA and KCl increased only in biscuit-fed rats (both <it>p </it>< 0.01), while vasorelaxation in response to CCh and SNP, but not histamine, was attenuated in both groups (both <it>p </it>< 0.01). Furthermore, whereas the effect of the high-fat diet was most pronounced in endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation, the biscuit diet had the greater effect on endothelium-independent vasorelaxation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Vascular dysfunction resulting from consumption of a high-fat or combined relatively high-fat/high-CHO diet occurs through different physiological processes, which may be attributable to their differing macronutrient compositions. Combining potentially atherogenic macronutrients induces more extensive vascular impairment than that of high-fat alone, and may be attributable to the more marked dyslipidaemia observed with such a diet. Thus, these findings help clarify the role of dietary components in vascular impairment, which has implications for clinical approaches to preventing cardiovascular disease.</p

    The social and healthcare professional support drawn upon by women antenatally during the COVID-19 pandemic:A recurrent, cross-sectional, thematic analysis

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    Objective: To explore antenatal experiences of social and healthcare professional support during different phases of social distancing restriction implementation in the UK. Design: Semi-structured interviews were conducted via telephone or video-conferencing software between 13 July 2020 – 2 September 2020. Interviews were transcribed and a recurrent, cross-sectional, thematic analysis was conducted. Participants: Twelve antenatal women were interviewed during UK social distancing restrictions (Timepoint 1; T1) and a separate sample of twelve women were interviewed in the initial easing of these restrictions (Timepoint 2; T2). Findings: T1 themes were: ‘Maternity care as non-essential’ and ‘Pregnancy is cancelled’. T2 themes were: ‘Technology is a polarised tool’ and ‘Clinically vulnerable, or not clinically vulnerable? That is the question’. Key conclusions: At T1, anxieties were ascribed to the exclusion of partners from routine care, and to perceived insensitivity and aggression from the public. For T2, insufficient Governmental transparency led to disillusionment, confusion, and anger. Covert workplace discrimination also caused distress at T2. Across timepoints: deteriorated mental wellbeing was attributed to depleted opportunities to interact socially and scaled back maternity care. Implications for practice: Recommendations are made to: protect maternal autonomy; improve quality of mental health and routine care signposting; prioritise parental community support in the re-opening of ‘non-essential’ services; prioritise the option for face-to-face appointments when safe and legal; and protecting the rights of working mothers.</p

    Circulating Metabolites Associated with Body Fat and Lean Mass in Adults with Overweight/Obesity

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    The interplay between fat mass and lean mass within human metabolism is not completely understood. We aimed to identify specific circulating metabolomic profiles associated with these body composition compartments. Cross-sectional analyses were conducted over 236 adults with overweight/obesity from the Satiety Innovation (SATIN) study. Body composition was assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. A targeted multiplatform metabolite profiling approach was applied. Associations between 168 circulating metabolites and the body composition measures were assessed using elastic net regression analyses. The accuracy of the multimetabolite weighted models was evaluated using a 10-fold cross-validation approach and the Pearson's correlation coefficients between metabolomic profiles and body compartments were estimated. Two different profiles including 86 and 65 metabolites were selected for % body fat and lean mass. These metabolites mainly consisted of lipids (sphingomyelins, phosphatidylcholines, lysophosphatidylcholines), acylcarnitines, and amino acids. Several metabolites overlapped between these body composition measures but none of them towards the same direction. The Pearson correlation coefficients between the metabolomic profiles and % body fat or lean mass were 0.80 and 0.79, respectively. Our findings suggest alterations in lipid metabolism, fatty acid oxidation, and protein degradation with increased adiposity and decreased lean body mass. These findings could help us to better understand the interplay between body composition compartments with human metabolic processes

    Psychosocial experiences of postnatal women during the COVID-19 pandemic. A UK-wide study of prevalence rates and risk factors for clinically relevant depression and anxiety

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    Background When the vulnerabilities of the postnatal period are combined with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, psychosocial outcomes are likely to be affected. Specifically, we aim to: a) explore the psychosocial experiences of women in the early postnatal period; b) describe prevalence rates of clinically-relevant maternal anxiety and depression; and c) explore whether psychosocial change occurring as a result of COVID-19 is predictive of clinically-relevant maternal anxiety and depression. Methods A sample of UK mothers (N=614) with infants aged between birth and twelve weeks were recruited via convenience sampling. A cross-sectional survey design was utilised which comprised demographics, COVID-19 specific questions, and a battery of validated psychosocial measures, including the EPDS and STAI-S which were used to collect prevalence rates of clinically relevant depression and anxiety respectively. Data collection coincided with the UK government\u2019s initial mandated \u201clockdown\u201d restrictions and the introduction of social distancing measures in 2020. Findings Descriptive findings from the overall sample indicate that a high percentage of mothers self-reported psychological and social changes as a result of the introduction of social distancing measures. For women who reported the presence of psychosocial change, these changes were perceived negatively. Whilst seventy women (11.4%) reported a current clinical diagnosis of depression, two hundred and sixty-four women (43%) reported a score of 6513 on the EPDS, indicating clinically relevant depression. Whilst one hundred and thirteen women (18.4%) reported a current clinical diagnosis of anxiety, three hundred and seventy-three women (61%) reported a score of 6540 on STAI-S, indicating clinically relevant anxiety. After accounting for current clinical diagnoses of depression or anxiety, and demographic factors known to influence mental health, only perceived psychological change occurring as a result of the introduction of social distancing measures predicted unique variance in the risk of clinically relevant maternal depression (30%) and anxiety (33%). Interpretation To our knowledge, this is the first national study to examine the psychosocial experiences of postnatal women during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. Prevalence rates of clinically relevant maternal depression and anxiety were extremely high when compared to both self-reported current diagnoses of depression and anxiety, and pre-pandemic prevalence studies. Perceived psychological changes occurring as a result of the introduction of social distancing measures predicted unique variance in the risk for clinically relevant maternal depression and anxiety. This study provides vital information for clinicians, funders, policy makers, and researchers to inform the immediate next steps in perinatal care, policy, and research during COVID-19 and future health crises

    Exploring the reasons why mothers do not breastfeed, to inform and enable better support

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    IntroductionInfant and maternal breastfeeding benefits are well documented, globally. Despite efforts to increase global breastfeeding rates, the majority of high-income settings fall short of recommended targets. Breastfeeding rates in the UK are especially poor, and physiological difficulties (e.g., inverted nipples), fail to account for the observed breastfeeding intention-behaviour gap.MethodThe current online study sought to investigate the infant feeding experiences of 624 UK formula feeding mothers, through open text survey responses.ResultsA content analysis identified the following clusters of reasons for formula feeding: Feeding Attitudes, Feeding Problems, Mental Health, and Sharing the Load.DiscussionFeeding Attitudes explained a large percentage of reasons given for formula feeding. Recommendations are made to improve antenatal breastfeeding education and to develop an intervention with an aim to improve maternal breastfeeding attitudes and subsequent practice. Feeding Problems also explained a large portion of combination feeding and started but stopped infant feeding accounts. The current paper calls for more comprehensive and tailored antenatal breastfeeding education to refine practical breastfeeding skills necessary for successful breastfeeding establishment and maintenance. Mental Health explained relatively small coverage. Suggestions are therefore made to train mental health practitioners on infant feeding with an aim to provide more extensive support, which may serve to disrupt the bidirectional relationship between poor mental health and poor breastfeeding outcomes. Finally, Sharing the Load explained moderate coverage across never breastfed, combination fed, and started but stopped feeding groups. Recommendations are made, in light of these findings, to tighten workplace legislation to protect breastfeeding women

    An interpretive phenomenological analysis of the experiences of mothers who continue to breastfeed despite facing difficulties.

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    BackgroundBreastfeeding offers many health benefits to mother and infant.ProblemBreastfeeding difficulties are common and are linked with postnatal distress.AimTo explore the lived experiences of breastfeeding continuation despite facing difficulties.MethodsQualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight women who had experienced breastfeeding difficulties yet continued breastfeeding. Interviews were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA).FindingsThe first superordinate theme, 'Radical acceptance of the imperfect' included sub-themes of: 'Taking it day-by-day', 'Breastfeeding takes a community', and, 'Finding what works for you'. The second superordinate theme, 'Determination and persistence' included sub-themes of: 'Adopting a headstrong attitude' and 'Transient challenges versus lifelong achievement'.DiscussionParticipants found radical acceptance of breastfeeding as an imperfect, variable process which enabled them to sustain breastfeeding despite challenges. Participants proactively drew on social and personal resources to navigate guidance and to find solutions which worked for their individual circumstances. Finally, open-mindedness, optimism, self-compassion, and being headstrong and determined were all personal qualities which facilitated breastfeeding during exceptionally difficult moments on their breastfeeding journey.ConclusionRecommendations are made for healthcare professionals: to provide emotional counselling during routine care (with an aim to instil breastfeeding self-efficacy) and to encourage breastfeeding advocacy among fathers and the maternal social support network (with an aim to further scaffold successful breastfeeding). Recommendations are also made for mothers: to develop and refine maternal confidence, patience, flexibility, self-compassion, and trust

    Long-term low dose nitisinone therapy in adults with alkaptonuria shows no cognitive decline or increased severity of depression.

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    Little is documented on whether nitisinone-induced hypertyrosinaemia alters cognitive functioning or leads to worsening depression in alkaptonuria (AKU). Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (WAIS-IV) and Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) assessments were performed before and annually following treatment with nitisinone 2 mg daily to assess the impact on cognitive functioning and severity of depression. Serum tyrosine concentrations were also measured annually. WAIS-IV: 63 patients (27 females/36 males: mean age[years] [±standard deviation, range] 55.7[13.7, 26-79]; 60.3[9.6, 19-75]) were included at baseline for assessment of: verbal comprehension (VC), perceptual reasoning (PR), working memory (WM), and processing speed (PS) using separate indices. Over the 6-year period studied 43, 39, 36, 29, 26 and 15 patients had annual assessments. Using a longitudinal model (age and sex adjusted) no significant differences were observed in any of the indices over this period, apart from VC which showed a significant increase after adjustment for sex (p BDI-II: 74 patients (32 females/42 males: mean age[years] [±standard deviation, range] 56.1[13.2, 26-79]; 42 males, 51.5[16.3, 19-70]) were included at baseline. Over the 7-year period studied 48, 47, 38, 34, 32, 24 and 12 patients had annual assessments. No significant differences in BDI-II scores were observed when compared to baseline. Hypertyrosinaemia was observed in all patients following treatment with nitisinone (p < 0.001, at all annual visits). Serum tyrosine was not correlated with WAIS-IV sub-test indices or BDI-II scores pre- or post-nitisinone therapy. These findings suggest that treatment with nitisinone does not affect cognitive functioning and or lead to increased severity of depression

    Changes in Circulating Metabolites during Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance in Relation to Cardiometabolic Risk

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    (1) Background: There is a substantial lack of knowledge of the biochemical mechanisms by which weight loss and weight regain exert their beneficial and adverse effects, respectively, on cardiometabolic outcomes. We examined associations between changes in circulating metabolites and changes in cardiometabolic risk factors during diet-induced weight loss and weight loss maintenance. (2) Methods: This prospective analysis of data from the Satiety Innovation (SATIN) study involved adults living with overweight and obesity (mean age=47.5). One hundred sixty-two subjects achieving ≥8% weight loss during an initial 8-week low-calorie diet (LCD) were included in a 12-week weight loss maintenance period. Circulating metabolites (m=123) were profiled using a targeted multiplatform approach. Data were analyzed using multivariate linear regression models. (3) Results: Decreases in the concentrations of several phosphatidylcholines (PCs), sphingomyelins (SMs), and valine were consistently associated with decreases in total (TChol) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels during the LCD. Increases in PCs and SMs were significantly associated with increases in TChol and LDL-C during the weight loss maintenance period. Decreases and increases in PCs during LCD and maintenance period, respectively, were associated with decreases in the levels of triglycerides. (4) Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that decreases in circulating PCs and SMs during weight loss and the subsequent weight loss maintenance period may decrease the cardiovascular risk through impacting TChol and LDL-C

    The effect of Korean pine nut oil (PinnoThin™) on food intake, feeding behaviour and appetite: A double-blind placebo-controlled trial

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    Certain free fatty acids have been shown to have potent effects on food intake and self-reported changes in appetite; effects associated with increases in the release of endogenous cholecystokinin (CCK) and glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1). In the current study, the effects of a Korean pine nut oil product, PinnoThin™, at doses 2 g, 4 g and 6 g triglyceride (TG) and 2 g free fatty acid (FFA), on food intake and appetite were examined in a cross-over double-blind placebo-controlled randomised counter-balanced design in 42 overweight female volunteers. 2 g FFA PinnoThin™, given 30 minutes prior to an ad-libitum buffet test lunch, significantly reduced food intake (gram) by 9% (F(4,164) = 2.637, p = 0.036) compared to olive oil control. No significant effect of PinnoThin™ on macronutrient intake or ratings of appetite were observed. Given the recent data showing that the TG form of PinnoThin™ may also reduce appetite by increasing CCK release, the lack of any effect of the TG form found in this study could be attributed to the timing of the dosing regime. Collectively, these data suggest that PinnoThin™ may exert satiating effects consistent with its known action on CCK and GLP-1 release, and previously observed effects on self-reported appetite ratings