36,517 research outputs found

    Keck IR Spectroscopy of WZ Sge: Detection of Molecular Emission from the Accretion Disk

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    Time-resolved IR spectroscopy of WZ Sge was obtained using NIRSPEC on Keck II. We detect CO and H2_{\rm 2} emission from the accretion disk placing WZ Sge into a rarefied class of astronomical objects including YSOs and high luminosity early-type stars. During the eclipse phase, the molecular emission greatly weakens but no firm evidence for the secondary star is seen allowing new limits on its luminosity to be determined. The detection of molecular emission provides physical properties within the outer disk of T=3000K and NH_H>1010>10^{10} cm−3^{-3}. Such a cool, dense region, not associated with areas of H I and He I emission, provides the first observational confirmation of predictions made by accretion disk models.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Polymeric foams from cross-linkable poly-N-ary lenebenzimidazoles

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    Foamed cross-linked poly-N-arylenebinzimidazoles are prepared by mixing an organic tetraamine and an ortho substituted aromatic dicarboxylic acid anhydride in the presence of a blowing agent, and then heating the prepolymer to a temperature sufficient to complete polymerization and foaming of the reactants. In another embodiment of the process, the reactants are heated to form a prepolymer. The prepolymer is then cured at higher temperatures to complete foaming and polymerization

    Metal drilling with portable hand drills

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    Study of metal drilling solves problems of excessive burring, oversized holes, and out-of-round holes. Recommendations deal with using the proper chemical coolants, applying the coolants effectively, employing cutting oils, and dissipating the heat caused by drilling

    Generation of Cosmological Seed Magnetic Fields from Inflation with Cutoff

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    Inflation has the potential to seed the galactic magnetic fields observed today. However, there is an obstacle to the amplification of the quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field during inflation: namely the conformal invariance of electromagnetic theory on a conformally flat underlying geometry. As the existence of a preferred minimal length breaks the conformal invariance of the background geometry, it is plausible that this effect could generate some electromagnetic field amplification. We show that this scenario is equivalent to endowing the photon with a large negative mass during inflation. This effective mass is negligibly small in a radiation and matter dominated universe. Depending on the value of the free parameter of the theory, we show that the seed required by the dynamo mechanism can be generated. We also show that this mechanism can produce the requisite galactic magnetic field without resorting to a dynamo mechanism.Comment: Latex, 16 pages, 2 figures, 4 references added, minor corrections; v4: more references added, boundary term written in a covariant form, discussion regarding other gauge fields added, submitted to PRD; v5: matched with the published versio

    Sub-Milliarcsecond Precision of Pulsar Motions: Using In-Beam Calibrators with the VLBA

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    We present Very Long Baseline Array phase-referenced measurements of the parallax and proper motion of two pulsars, B0919+06 and B1857-26. Sub-milliarcsecond positional accuracy was obtained by simultaneously observing a weak calibrator source within the 40' field of view of the VLBA at 1.5 GHz. We discuss the merits of using weak close calibrator sources for VLBI observations at low frequencies, and outline a method of observation and data reduction for these type of measurements. For the pulsar B1919+06 we measure a parallax of 0.31 +/- 0.14 mas. The accuracy of the proper motions is approximately 0.5 mas, an order of magnitude improvement over most previous determinations.Comment: 11 pages plus 4 figures. In press, Astronomical Journa

    Heisenberg exchange in magnetic monoxides

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    The superexchange intertacion in transition-metal oxides, proposed initially by Anderson in 1950, is treated using contemporary tight-binding theory and existing parameters. We find also a direct exchange for nearest-neighbor metal ions, larger by a factor of order five than the superexchange. This direct exchange arises from Vddm coupling, rather than overlap of atomic charge densities, a small overlap exchange contribution which we also estimate. For FeO and CoO there is also an important negative contribution, related to Stoner ferromagnetism, from the partially filled minority-spin band which broadens when ionic spins are aligned. The corresponding J1 and J2 parameters are calculated for MnO, FeO, CoO, and NiO. They give good accounts of the Neel and the Curie-Weiss temperatures, show appropriate trends, and give a reasonable account of their volume dependences. For MnO the predicted value for the magnetic susceptibility at the Neel temperature and the crystal distortion arising from the antiferromagnetic transition were reasonably well given. Application to CuO2 planes in the cuprates gives J=1220oK, compared to an experimental 1500oK, and for LiCrO2 gives J1=4 50oK compared to an experimental 230oK.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev. B 1/19/07. Realized J=4V^2/U applies generally, as opposed to J=2V^2/U from one-electron theory (1/28 revision

    Production Systems Involving Stocker Cattle and Soft Red Winter Wheat

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    A three year study at the Livestock and Forestry Research Station near Batesville, Arkansas evaluated production systems involving stocker cattle and soft red winter wheat. Grazing of soft red winter wheat forage from October through February followed by harvesting wheat grain or grazing through April with stocker cattle offers an alternative to conventional farming. Soft red winter wheat, when planted by September 15, produces an ample supply of high-quality forage that supports rapid growth of stocker cattle during October through April. Net income from stocker cattle averaged over 100peracre.Anormalwheatgraincropcanalsobeharvested.Thesealternativeproductionsystemscouldincreasetheagriculturalincomebyover100 per acre. A normal wheat grain crop can also be harvested. These alternative production systems could increase the agricultural income by over 75,000,000 per year if 750,000 acres of wheat are grazed

    Optical matrix elements in tight-binding models with overlap

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    We investigate the effect of orbital overlap on optical matrix elements in empirical tight-binding models. Empirical tight-binding models assume an orthogonal basis of (atomiclike) states and a diagonal coordinate operator which neglects the intra-atomic part. It is shown that, starting with an atomic basis which is not orthogonal, the orthogonalization process induces intra-atomic matrix elements of the coordinate operator and extends the range of the effective Hamiltonian. We analyze simple tight-binding models and show that non-orthogonality plays an important role in optical matrix elements. In addition, the procedure gives formal justification to the nearest-neighbor spin-orbit interaction introduced by Boykin [Phys. Rev \textbf{B} 57, 1620 (1998)] in order to describe the Dresselahaus term which is neglected in empirical tight-binding models.Comment: 16 pages 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The extensive nature of group quality

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    We consider groups of interacting nodes engaged in an activity as many-body, complex systems and analyse their cooperative behaviour from a mean-field point of view. We show that inter-nodal interactions rather than accumulated individual node strengths dominate the quality of group activity, and give rise to phenomena akin to phase transitions, where the extensive relationship between group quality and quantity reduces. The theory is tested using empirical data on quantity and quality of scientific research groups, for which critical masses are determined.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures containing 13 plots. Very minor changes to coincide with published versio
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