22 research outputs found

    Writing scientific articles for undergraduate students: A need analysis

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    Excellent and appropriate teaching materials are based on the results of needs analysis. They significantly affect students’ ability to write scientific articles and increase their knowledge and understanding of scientific papers required by indexed and reputable journals. This article explores the target needs (i.e., necessities, lacks, and wants) for teaching materials based on accredited journal criteria for scientific article writing. The design used is a case study. The data were collected using a questionnaire about target needs based on the theory of Hutchinson and Waters, namely lacks, necessities, and wants, and a focus group interview. The results showed that students must learn about teaching materials to write scientific articles to improve their writing quality. Regarding the students’ lack of learning material for writing scientific articles, 85.53% indicated students’ lack of IMRAD or introduction, method, result and discussion, and conclusion format research articles. According to students’ perceptions, restating the research objective and approach and creating a research gap is the most difficult. Among 72 participants, 80% mentioned learning how to write based on the IMRAD format creating a research gap found to be the most critical skill they want to learn in the new course and then followed by summarizing and presenting data

    Islamic Perspectives On Social Media Literacy

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    In an age of media tightness, public wisdomis needed in literating information. The necessity toliterate information is also taught in Islam so thatMuslims are able to filter the information received. Thisresearch includes library research and uses descriptivemethods, namely discussing the Qur'anic verses relatingto literacy by referring to the opinions of commentators. :1) social media is the biggest access content, 2) Islamrequires to titrate information 3), Islam forbids trustingthe fascists, and 4) accountability for every act in Islam.In conclusion, Islamic teachings require every Ummah toimprove literacy skills. This is because literacy isimportant to improve one's quality of lif

    Filsafat Ilmu sebagai Landasan Pengembangan Pendidikan Bahasa

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    As the mother of knowledge, philosophy of science plays a crucial role in the development of science, particularly language education, which is a subfield of science. This study's objective is to examine language instruction in terms of three facets of the philosophy of science: anthology, epistemology, and axiology. The research approach employs a systematic literature review (SLR) to identify research publications pertinent to the research questions and objectives. Following the screening phase, five research articles that are pertinent to the research questions and objectives enter the analysis and study outcomes phases. According to the study's findings, the ontology component of education stresses the objectives of language instruction, which include core competencies, basic competencies, attitudes, knowledge, and abilities. The epistemological part focuses on language-teaching techniques that prioritize student needs. The axiological part of language learning focuses more on practical values, allowing pupils to effectively communicate following language acquisition. To ensure the continued survival of language education as a science, it is imperative that the development of language education adhere to the ontology, epistemology, and axiology characteristics that are central to the philosophy of science

    Aspek Moral Tokoh Dalam Dwilogi Novel Padang Bulan Dan Novel Cinta Dalam Gelas Karya Andrea Hirata

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    This article aimed to describe and explain the moral aspects of the characters in the novel Dwilogi Padang Bulan and the novel Cinta di Dalam Gelas by Andrea Hirata. The data of this study is novel text contained in the novel, taken in accordance with the research objectives. The data source of this research is novel Dwilogi Padang Bulan and the novel Cinta di Dalam Gelas by Andrea Hirata. Data collected by reading the novel Dwilogi first to get a clear picture of the content of the novel, and then described the data as advanced techniques. Research findings, namely that most of the characters in the novel Dwilogi already have good morale as reflected in the attitudes and behavior related to (1) conscience, (2) freedom and responsibility, (3) the rights and obligations, and (4) values ​​and norms

    Nyanyian Panjang Bujang Si Undang as oral tradition in Melayu Ethnic; an alternative approach for mental revolution

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    This study aimeds to describe the form of mental revolution in NyanyianPanjangBujang Si Undang which is viewed from six aspects tunjuk ajar, namely faith to God, honesty, intelligence, integrity, caring, and nationality. This study was a qualitative research using descriptive method. The data in this study were the character of educational value from the narrator, characters’ utterance and characters’ act which werecollected through format of data inventory. The data were analyzed based on Miles dan Hubeman’s models through three steps; data reduction, data display and conclusion. There are six forms mental revolution on the characters of educational value in NyanyianPanjangBujang Si Undangnamely faith to God, honesty, intelligence, integrity, caring, and nationality. Therefore, NyanyianPanjangBujang Si Undang as oral tradition inheritance can be used as the alternative in supporting the education from local wisdom of Melayu society to solve the problems of morality and ethic

    Kiat menulis cerita pendek

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    x, p : il.; 21 c

    Si Padang

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    Kiat Menulis Cerita Pendek

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    Kiat Menulis Cerita Pendek

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    Penerbitan buku ini dimaksudkan untuk melengkapi kekurangan buku acuan tentang cara dan tenik menulis kreatif. Tidak saja bermanfaat untuk mahasiswa yang menekuni penulisan kreatif di bangku kuliah juga dapat dibaca oleh calon-calon pengarang cerita pendek untuk memotivasi bakat dan minat yang terpendam. Buku ini terdiri dari 5 bab. Bab 1 berupa pendahuluan. Bab 2 membahas tentang dorongan menulis cerpen. Bab 3 tentang kiat menulis cerpen. Bab 4 membahas tentang visi dan gayapengarang ternama dan pengarang remaja. Bab 5 membahas tentang proses kreatif

    SiPadang : kumpulan cerpen Harris Effendi Thahar

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    149 p. : 25 cm