3,392 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Sistem Pelatihan Melalui Analisis Kesenjangan Kompetensi Arsiparis di Kementerian Sekretariat Negara Tahun 2021

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    Kementerian Sekretariat Negara menyimpan arsip terkait dengan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden. Arsip tersebut perlu dikelola Arsiparis yang kompeten. Pembentukan arsiparis kompeten dilakukan melalui program Pengembangan Kompetensi Aparatur Sipil Negara, yang salah satu prosesnya adalah analisis kebutuhan pelatihan. Analisis kebutuhan pelatihan dilakukan melalui pendekatan analisis kesenjangan. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menganalisis level dan jenis kompetensi yang dibutuhkan, yang dimiliki saat ini, kesenjangan antara level dan jenis kompetensi serta merancang program pelatihan sesuai kebutuhan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif melalui metode sensus dengan responden sebanyak 46 orang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis kesenjangan kompetensi. Hasil dari penelitian yaitu jenis kompetensi yang dibutuhkan arsiparis meliputi kompetensi manajerial, sosial kultural, dan teknis berkisar di level 4 - 5, jenis kompetensi yang dimiliki arsiparis berkisar di level 3 - 4, terdapat kesenjangan yang signifikan di semua jenis kompetensi baik itu kompetensi manajerial, sosial kultural maupun teknis, dengan besaran kesenjangan level kompetensi berkisar antara 0,13 sampai dengan 1,73, program pelatihan yang dirancang sesuai dengan kebutuhan arsiparis dan termasuk kategori prioritas antara lain membangun integritas, bekerja dalam tim,  bekerja efektif, pelayanan prima, penetapan tujuan, membangun tim efektif, komunikasi, penetapan tujuan dan umpan balik, people development, pengelolaan arsip dinamis, pengelolaan arsip statis,  dan pembinaan kearsipan

    Overview of Recent Trends in Microchannels for Heat Transfer and Thermal Management Applications

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    Distinctive recent research and experimental trends in microchannels for heat transfer and thermal management applications are investigated via a novel framework. The qualitative literature analysis was performed from four perspectives: materials, enhanced flow control, design, and sustainability (MEDS). The findings revealed that enhanced microchannel (MC) heat transfer performance (HTP) could be achieved by adding asymmetrical barriers, pin-fins, non-conventional geometries, mixed-wettability/biphilic surfaces, hybrid/silver nanofluids, and adopting innovative experimental and analysis methods. Additionally, researchers urged to focus on new microchannel designs and flow boiling/phase change-based experiments to understand the physics and different effects caused by various parameters. Furthermore, the qualitative analyses were transformed into quantitative results from the evaluated described methods and datasets, followed by a critical discussion of the findings. Finally, this article points out a set of promising future investigations and draws conclusions about current state-of-the-art. It is observed that, despite the decent progress made so far, microchannel-based applications still rely on traditional rectangular shapes, water-based working fluids, and numerical methods. Therefore, the role and focus on Industry 4.0 technologies to drive further innovations and sustainability in microchannel technologies are still in the early stages of adoption; this arguably acts as a barrier that prevents meeting current thermal and heat transfer needs

    Forgotten but not gone - Scrofuloderma in a migrant student from India

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    A 34-year-old Indian student who immigrated to Australia five years ago presented with a four-week history of neck pain. Physical examination revealed two firm fixed cervical lymph nodes in the anterior triangle and midline region which were tender on palpation and erythematous on inspection. Cording phenomenon was found on ZN staining of FNA sample and mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) PCR confirmed the diagnosis with incomplete resistance to isoniazid. Patient was treated with other three first line antituberculosis medications for nine months with an excellent outcome. Prednisolone was also used as adjunctive therapy and tapered during the course of treatment

    Reducing Blood Pressure through Education on Lifestyle Interventions

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    This is the virtual presentation on a quality improvement study conducted in fulfillment of the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree requirements. The purpose of this study was to develop an educational plan for patients with elevated blood pressure to increase their knowledge and self-efficacy of lifestyle interventions proven to help lower blood pressure rates

    Reducing Blood Pressure through Education on Lifestyle Interventions

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    The purpose of this study was to develop an educational plan for patients with elevated blood pressure to increase their knowledge and self-efficacy of lifestyle interventions proven to help lower blood pressure rates.https://jagworks.southalabama.edu/scholarsday2023_spring-posters/1001/thumbnail.jp

    User Experiments of a Social, Faceted Multimedia Classification System

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    Internet document sharing systems such as Flickr store billions of user-contributed images. Many collections on the Web contain large numbers of multimedia objects such as images. While such systems are designed to encourage user contributions and sharing, they are not well-organized collections on any given subject and are not easy to browse for specific subject matters. We have built a system that systematically organizes a large multimedia collection into an evolving faceted classification. This paper discusses the evaluation of such a system through a number of usage studies in a university setting

    Parameters study on the fabrication of Nickel-Titanium Shape Memory Alloy Core-Sheath Friction Yarn (NiTi-SMA CSFY) via dref spinning machine / Mohammad Harris M. Yahya

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    The research focuses on the fabrication, mechanical and actuation performances of Nickel-Titanium Shape Memory Alloy Core-Sheath Friction Yarn (NiTi-SMA CSFY) produced from a DREF 3000 friction spinning machine parameters including spinning drum speed, delivery speed, core-sheath ratio and air-suction pressure. Two types of thin NiTi-SMA wires (SMA MEMRY wire and FLEXINOL Actuator wire) were used as the core of the yarn. Both 100% cotton and polypropylene (PP) fibers were used as the sheath and core fibers respectively. The selected machine parameters were arranged and categorised into several machine parameter plans. The first plan was focused on the determination of the appropriate yarn size to be spun the core-sheath yarn on the DREF 3000 friction spinning machine. The second plan was arranged to investigate the NiTi- SMA CSFY yarn mechanical properties. The third plan was arranged to validate the NiTi-SMA CSFY yarn actuation performance upon the parameters changes, in specific, the spinning drum speed, delivery speed and air-suction pressure. The appropriate Tex value was found to be 320 Tex as it was successfully spun the NiTi-SMA CSFY yarn without caused of machine stoppages. The results showed that the strength of both NiTi- SMA CSFY yarns (from SMA MEMRY wire and FLEXINOL Actuator wire) declined as the core-sheath ratio and delivery speed increased from 40 to 60% and 100 to 160m/min respectively. The strip resistance of the NiTi-SMA CSFY yarn (SMA MEMRY wire) increased with the increase in the spinning drum speed, delivery speed and core-sheath ratio. Under the thermal heating test, the actuation time of the NiTi- SMA CSFY (SMA MEMRY wire) yarn reduced approximately 5 to 93%, 39 to 91% and 15 to 87% as the spinning drum speed increased from 3000 to 4400rpm and coresheath ratio from 40 to 60%, respectively. The NiTi-SMA CSFY yarn (FLEXINOL Actuator wire) showed faster shape recovery at approximately 0.01s in comparison with the NiTi-SMA CSFY yarn (SMA MEMRY wire) when it was heated through the resistive heating test. The pre-set shape of the SMA MEMRY wire (spiral annealed) and FLEXINOL Actuator wire (straight annealed) gave different NiTi-SMA CSFY yarn physical appearances, mechanical properties, actuation performance and affected the SMA wire actuation performances in both the woven and knitted fabric structures


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    Objective: This study aimed to analyze blood viscosity as a determining factor of ischemic stroke outcomes evaluated with National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and modified Rankin Scale (mRS) on day 7 and 30 post-thrombolysis. Methods: This study was a 4-months cohort study taking place in Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital from January to April 2017. Subjects were collected at the Emergency Department or Neurology Outpatient Department. Eligible patients gave informed consent. Patients underwent numerous examinations, including blood viscosity test using digital microcapillary (DM) instrument. Outcomes of patients were identified on day 7 and day 30 post-thrombolysis using NIHSS and mRS, respectively. Results: Most acute ischemic stroke patients (88.6%) had blood hyperviscosity. 9.1% patients had poorer neurologic deficit on day 7 evaluated with NIHSS and 18.2% patients had poor outcome on day 30 evaluated with mRS. All patients with normal blood viscosity did not have a poorer neurologic deficit on day-7-evaluation. Conclusion: Blood viscosity determines the outcomes of acute ischemic stroke patients on day 7 and day 30 post-thrombolysis

    Study of thermal degradation of biomass wastes generated from palm oil milling plant

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    Thermal decomposition of empty fruit bunch (EFB), palm kernel shell (PKS) and palm oil milling effluent sludge (POMES) have been investigated. Thermogravimetry analysis was employed to determine the proximate analysis of the samples, and then to study the characteristic of the thermal degradation. Proximate analysis of the sample was conducted by introduce the samples into the TGA and run it under the nitrogen environment from 25 to 800 °C. The gas was shifted to oxygen to let the sample burn and left their ash. Thermal degradation studies were carried out by heating up the samples in TGA from 25 to 800 °C at different heating ratio. Second order kinetic model was applied to determine the characteristic of the degradation.
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