916 research outputs found

    How does the outcome of research training fellowships funded via the NHS compare with that from competitively funded fellowships from the MRC and other charities::a cross-sectional retrospective survey of trainees undertaking research training in the West Midlands

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    ObjectivesThis study aimed to investigate the impact of research training funded via the National Health Service (NHS) on medical trainees compared with traditional clinical research training fellowships (CRTFs).Design, setting and participantsOnline survey of 221 clinical trainees who had completed a period of research during their clinical training between 2009 and 2015 in the West Midlands.Main outcome measuresResearch outcomes.ResultsOverall response rate was 59%, of whom 72 participants were funded by CRTFs and 51 funded by the NHS. Although participants with CRTFs were more likely to be awarded a higher degree compared with those on NHS-administered funding (66/72 CRTFs and 37/51 NHS, P=0.005), similar proportions of NHS-funded and CRTF-funded participants entered clinical lecturer posts on completing initial research training (8/51 NHS and 16/72 CRTF, P=0.37). 77% of participants had three or more publications (CRTF 57 and NHS 39, P=0.72). 57 participants had completed clinical training; similar proportions of CRTF-funded and NHS-funded trainees had research included in their consultant contract (12/22 NHS and 14/26 CRTF, P=0.96) or were appointed to academic posts (3 of 25 NHS funded and 6 of 32 CRTF, P&gt;0.05). 95% of participants would recommend to colleagues and 82% of participants felt the research experience improved their provision of clinical care with no difference between CRTF-funded and NHS-funded participants (P=0.49). Continuing to participate in clinical work during the research reduced reports of trainee difficulty on returning to clinical work (23/108 continued clinical work vs 12/22 no clinical work, P=0.001).ConclusionResearch training funded by the NHS provides a quality experience and contributes to the clinical academic capacity within the UK. More needs to be done to support NHS participants to successfully achieve a higher degree.</jats:sec

    Black mantle tissue of endolithic mussels (<i>Leiosolenus </i>spp.) is cloaking borehole orifices in Caribbean reef borals

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    Bioerosion caused by boring mussels (Mytilidae: Lithophaginae) can negatively impact coral reef health. During biodiversity surveys of coral-associated fauna in Curaçao (southern Caribbean), morphological variation in mussel boreholes was studied. Borings were found in 22 coral species, 12 of which represented new host records. Dead corals usually showed twin siphon openings, for each mussel shaped like a figure of eight, which were lined with a calcareous sheath and protruded as tubes from the substrate surface. Most openings surrounded by live coral tissue were deeper and funnel-shaped, with outlines resembling dumbbells, keyholes, ovals or irregular ink blotches. The boreholes appeared to contain black siphon and mantle tissue of the mussel. Because of the black color and the hidden borehole opening in live host corals, the mantle tissue appeared to mimic dark, empty holes, while they were actually cloaking live coral tissue around the hole, which is a new discovery. By illustrating the morphological range of borehole orifices, we aim to facilitate the easy detection of boring mussels for future research

    Black Mantle Tissue of Endolithic Mussels (Leiosolenus spp.) Is Cloaking Borehole Orifices in Caribbean Reef Corals

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    Bioerosion caused by boring mussels (Mytilidae: Lithophaginae) can negatively impact coral reef health. During biodiversity surveys of coral-associated fauna in Curaçao (southern Caribbean), morphological variation in mussel boreholes was studied. Borings were found in 22 coral species, 12 of which represented new host records. Dead corals usually showed twin siphon openings, for each mussel shaped like a figure of eight, which were lined with a calcareous sheath and protruded as tubes from the substrate surface. Most openings surrounded by live coral tissue were deeper and funnel-shaped, with outlines resembling dumbbells, keyholes, ovals or irregular ink blotches. The boreholes appeared to contain black siphon and mantle tissue of the mussel. Because of the black color and the hidden borehole opening in live host corals, the mantle tissue appeared to mimic dark, empty holes, while they were actually cloaking live coral tissue around the hole, which is a new discovery. By illustrating the morphological range of borehole orifices, we aim to facilitate the easy detection of boring mussels for future research

    Host range of the coral-associated worm snail <i>Petaloconchus</i> sp. (Gastropoda: Vermetidae), a newly discovered cryptogenic pest species in the southern Caribbean

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    The presence of associated endofauna can have an impact on the health of corals. During fieldwork on the southern Caribbean island of Curaçao in 2021, the presence of an unknown coral-dwelling worm snail was discovered, which appeared to cause damage to its hosts. A study of photo archives revealed that the species was already present during earlier surveys at Curaçao since 2014 and also in the southern Caribbean island of Bonaire in 2019. It was not found in St. Eustatius, an island in the eastern Caribbean, during an expedition in 2015. The vermetid snail was preliminarily identified as Petaloconchus sp. Its habitat choice resembles that of P. keenae, a West Pacific coral symbiont. The Caribbean species was observed in 21 host coral species, more than reported for any other vermetid. Because Petaloconchus sp. is a habitat generalist, it is possible that it was introduced from an area with another host-coral fauna. The unknown vermetid is considered to be cryptogenic until future studies reveal its actual identity and its native range

    Morphological modifications and injuries of corals caused by symbiotic feather duster worms (Sabellidae) in the Caribbean

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    Some coral-associated invertebrates are known for the negative impact they have on the health of their hosts. During biodiversity surveys on the coral reefs of Curaçao and a study of photo archives of Curaçao, Bonaire, and St. Eustatius, the Caribbean split-crown feather duster worm Anamobaea sp. (Sabellidae) was discovered as an associate of 27 stony coral species (Scleractinia spp. and Millepora spp.). The worm was also found in association with an encrusting octocoral (Erythropodium caribaeorum), a colonial tunicate (Trididemnum solidum), various sponge species, and thallose algae (mainly Lobophora sp.), each hypothesized to be secondary hosts. The worms were also common on dead coral. Sabellids of the genera Bispira and Sabellastarte were all found on dead coral. Some of them appeared to have settled next to live corals or on patches of dead coral skeleton surrounded by living coral tissue, forming pseudo-associations. Associated Anamobaea worms can cause distinct injuries in most host coral species and morphological deformities in a few of them. Since Anamobaea worms can form high densities, they have the potential to become a pest species on Caribbean coral reefs when environmental conditions become more favorable for them

    A feasibility study of a cross-diagnostic, CBT-based psychological intervention for acute mental health inpatients: Results, challenges, and methodological implications

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    ObjectivesAcute psychiatric inpatient wards are characterised by minimal provision of therapeutic activities and high readmission rates. Implementation of a comprehensive inpatient psychological intervention service has been recommended to overcome these problems, however whether this is feasible or effective remains unclear.MethodsThis non-randomised parallel cluster feasibility trial examined the feasibility of delivering and evaluating cross-diagnostic psychologically informed acute psychiatric care (the E-Acute Psychological Inpatient Therapy Service; EDAPTS), and gathered preliminary clinical outcome data. Patients able to consent and complete questionnaires were recruited from two adult acute wards (i.e. clusters) and received either EDAPTS plus TAU or TAU.ResultsBetween October 2015 and 2016, 96 inpatients were recruited. Findings suggested there were good data completion rates for several clinical outcomes, that several EDAPTS components were successfully delivered and that some initial effects appeared to favour the intervention, depending on outcome. However difficulties relating to the recruitment process were also identified, as well as problems relating to adequate delivery of group therapies, participant engagement in some intervention components, and data-completion at follow-up.ConclusionThese issues, and the feasibility of randomisation and rater-blinding, have important implications for the design of future trials. Overall, this study provides an important insight into the challenges and complexities of developing and evaluating a comprehensive psychological intervention service in an acute psychiatric setting

    A comparison of shared patterns of differential gene expression and gene ontologies in response to water-stress in roots and leaves of four diverse genotypes of Lolium and Festuca spp. temperate pasture grasses

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    Ryegrasses (Lolium spp.) and fescues (Festuca spp.) are closely related and widely cultivated perennial forage grasses. As such, resilience in the face of abiotic stresses is an important component of their traits. We have compared patterns of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in roots and leaves of two perennial ryegrass genotypes and a single genotype of each of a festulolium (predominantly Italian ryegrass) and meadow fescue with the onset of water stress, focussing on overall patterns of DEGs and gene ontology terms (GOs) shared by all four genotypes. Plants were established in a growing medium of vermiculite watered with nutrient solution. Leaf and root material were sampled at 35% (saturation) and, as the medium dried, at 15%, 5% and 1% estimated water contents (EWCs) and RNA extracted. Differential gene expression was evaluated comparing the EWC sampling points from RNAseq data using a combination of analysis methods. For all genotypes, the greatest numbers of DEGs were identified in the 35/1 and 5/1 comparisons in both leaves and roots. In total, 566 leaf and 643 root DEGs were common to all 4 genotypes, though a third of these leaf DEGs were not regulated in the same up/down direction in all 4 genotypes. For roots, the equivalent figure was 1% of the DEGs. GO terms shared by all four genotypes were often enriched by both up- and down-regulated DEGs in the leaf, whereas generally, only by either up- or down-regulated DEGs in the root. Overall, up-regulated leaf DEGs tended to be more genotype-specific than down-regulated leaf DEGs or root DEGs and were also associated with fewer GOs. On average, only 5-15% of the DEGs enriching common GO terms were shared by all 4 genotypes, suggesting considerable variation in DEGs between related genotypes in enacting similar biological processes

    Global chromatin fibre compaction in response to DNA damage

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    AbstractDNA is protected by packaging it into higher order chromatin fibres, but this can impede nuclear processes like DNA repair. Despite considerable research into the factors required for signalling and repairing DNA damage, it is unclear if there are concomitant changes in global chromatin fibre structure. In human cells DNA double strand break (DSB) formation triggers a signalling cascade resulting in H2AX phosphorylation (γH2AX), the rapid recruitment of chromatin associated proteins and the subsequent repair of damaged sites. KAP1 is a transcriptional corepressor and in HCT116 cells we found that after DSB formation by chemicals or ionising radiation there was a wave of, predominantly ATM dependent, KAP1 phosphorylation. Both KAP1 and phosphorylated KAP1 were readily extracted from cells indicating they do not have a structural role and γH2AX was extracted in soluble chromatin indicating that sites of damage are not attached to an underlying structural matrix. After DSB formation we did not find a concomitant change in the sensitivity of chromatin fibres to micrococcal nuclease digestion. Therefore to directly investigate higher order chromatin fibre structures we used a biophysical sedimentation technique based on sucrose gradient centrifugation to compare the conformation of chromatin fibres isolated from cells before and after DNA DSB formation. After damage we found global chromatin fibre compaction, accompanied by rapid linker histone dephosphorylation, consistent with fibres being more regularly folded or fibre deformation being stabilized by linker histones. We suggest that following DSB formation, although there is localised chromatin unfolding to facilitate repair, the bulk genome becomes rapidly compacted protecting cells from further damage

    Defining biodiverse reforestation: Why it matters for climate change mitigation and biodiversity

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    Mixed species plantings present an attractive alternative to monoculture reforestation through their added benefits to biodiversity. Yet there is ambiguity in the use of the term ‘biodiversity’ in carbon and biodiversity markets, which may create perverse outcomes when designing schemes and projects. Here, we review how the concept of biodiversity is defined and applied in reforestation projects, and restoration more broadly. Improved transparency around the use of the term biodiversity is urgently needed to provide rigour in emerging market mechanisms, which seek to benefit the environment and people. Summary: Reforestation to capture and store atmospheric carbon is increasingly championed as a climate change mitigation policy response. Reforestation plantings have the potential to provide conservation co-benefits when diverse mixtures of native species are planted, and there are growing attempts to monetise biodiversity benefits from carbon reforestation projects, particularly within emerging carbon markets. But what is meant by ‘biodiverse’ across different stakeholders and groups implementing and overseeing these projects and how do these perceptions compare with long-standing scientific definitions? Here, we discuss approaches to, and definitions of, biodiversity in the context of reforestation for carbon sequestration. Our aim is to review how the concept of biodiversity is defined and applied among stakeholders (e.g., governments, carbon certifiers and farmers) and rights holders (i.e., First Nations people) engaging in reforestation, and to identify best-practice methods for restoring biodiversity in these projects. We find that some stakeholders have a vague understanding of diversity across varying levels of biological organisation (genes to ecosystems). While most understand that biodiversity underpins ecosystem functions and services, many stakeholders may not appreciate the difficulties of restoring biodiversity akin to reference ecosystems. Consequently, biodiversity goals are rarely explicit, and project goals may never be achieved because the levels of restored biodiversity are inadequate to support functional ecosystems and desired ecosystem services. We suggest there is significant value in integrating biodiversity objectives into reforestation projects and setting specific restoration goals with transparent reporting outcomes will pave the way for ensuring reforestation projects have meaningful outcomes for biodiversity, and legitimate incentive payments for biodiversity and natural capital accounting

    A Comparison of Differential Gene Expression in Response to the Onset of Water Stress Between Three Hybrid Brachiaria Genotypes

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    Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb. (syn. Urochloa P. Beauv.) is a C4 grass genus belonging to the Panicoideae. Native to Africa, these grasses are now widely grown as forages in tropical areas worldwide and are the subject of intensive breeding, particularly in South America. Tolerance to abiotic stresses such as aluminum and drought are major breeding objectives. In this study, we present the transcriptomic profiling of leaves and roots of three Brachiaria interspecific hybrid genotypes with the onset of water stress, Br12/3659-17 (gt-17), Br12/2360-9 (gt-9), and Br12/3868-18 (gt-18), previously characterized as having good, intermediate and poor tolerance to drought, respectively, in germplasm evaluation programs. RNA was extracted from leaf and root tissue of plants at estimated growing medium water contents (EWC) of 35, 15, and 5%. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were compared between different EWCs, 35/15, 15/5, and 35/5 using DESeq2. Overall, the proportions of DEGs enriched in all three genotypes varied in a genotype-dependent manner in relation to EWC comparison, with intermediate and sensitive gt-9 and gt-18 being more similar to each other than to drought tolerant gt-17. More specifically, GO terms relating to carbohydrate and cell wall metabolism in the leaves were enriched by up-regulated DEGs in gt-9 and gt-18, but by down-regulated DEGs in gt-17. Across all genotypes, analysis of DEG enzyme activities indicated an excess of down-regulated putative apoplastic peroxidases in the roots as water stress increased. This suggests that changes in root cell-wall architecture may be an important component of the response to water stress in Brachiaria
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