355 research outputs found

    Cataglyphis cubicus (Forel, 1903) stat. nov. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) y ♂ nov., grupo albicans, de Asilah, costa atlántica de Marruecos

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    The male of Cataglyphis cubicus (Forel, 1903), (Hym. Formicidae), group albicans, from Asilah, NW of Morocco, is described. This species is separated from C. rosenhaueri (Emery, 1906), from SW of Spain, not only by the genitalia, but also by the morphometry of workers.Se describe el macho de Cataglyphis cubicus (Forel, 1903) (Hym. Formicidae), del grupo albicans, de Asilah, litoral noroeste de Marruecos. Se separa esta especie de C. rosenhaueri(Emery, 1906), del suroeste de España, no sólo por la genitalia de los machos, sino también por la morfometría de las obreras

    Salud organizacional análisis de salud de una entidad del sector financiero

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    The increasing development and competitiveness of enterprises worldwide has questioned the traditional variables that influence the development of organizations. The management of human talent is undoubtedly one of the features that make a difference between one company and another. That is why management guru, Javier Fernández Aguado, has become aware of the importance of creating and encouraging the development of healthy companies, for which he has created a management model based on an anthropomorphic system to detect organizational diseases. He thinks that if people get sick, so do organizations. In addition, it is also possible to make a diagnosis, detect causes and apply short and long-term treatment, which can improve or eradicate organizational diseases. This investigation applied the mentioned model, in order to detect possible organizational pathologies in a company from the financial sector of Ecuador.El creciente desarrollo y competitividad de las empresas a nivel mundial, ha cuestionado las variables tradicionales que inciden en el desarrollo de las organizaciones. El manejo del talento humano es sin duda una de las características que marcarán la diferencia entre una empresa y otra. Es por esto que Javier Fernández Aguado, gurú del management ha tomado conciencia de la importancia de crear e incentivar el desarrollo de empresas saludables, para lo cual ha creado un modelo de gestión, basado en un sistema antropomórfico con el fin de detectar patologías a nivel organizacional, apoyado en su pensamiento base: Si las personas se enferman, las organizaciones también. En adición, existe también la posibilidad de realizar un diagnóstico, delimitar causas y aplicar tratamientos a corto y largo plazo donde se pueda mejorar o erradicar las enfermedades organizacionales. La presente investigación aplicó el modelo mencionado, para detectar posibles patologías en una organización del sector financiero del Ecuador

    Particularitats de la mirmecofauna del Cap de Gata (Almeria)

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    The study of the myrmecofauna of Cabo de Gata (Almería) shows the presence of 20 species and 12 genera. It must be noted the presence of Cardiocondyla batesii, till now only found in Almería and Murcia. Camponotus sicheli is also localised in Almeria and the Balearic Islands. Monomorium subopacum is also abundant in the zone, but scarce in Andalucía. The 80 % of the myrmecofauna is Iberomauritanic and African, and the remaining 20 % is of Euromediterranean origin

    Cataglyphis cubicus (Forel, 1903) stat. nov. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) y ♂ nov., grupo albicans, de Asilah, costa atlántica de Marruecos

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    Se describe el macho de Cataglyphis cubicus (Forel, 1903) (Hym. Formicidae), del grupo albicans, de Asilah, litoral noroeste de Marruecos. Se separa esta especie de C. rosenhaueri(Emery, 1906), del suroeste de España, no sólo por la genitalia de los machos, sino también por la morfometría de las obreras.The male of Cataglyphis cubicus (Forel, 1903), (Hym. Formicidae), group albicans, from Asilah, NW of Morocco, is described. This species is separated from C. rosenhaueri (Emery, 1906), from SW of Spain, not only by the genitalia, but also by the morphometry of workers

    Evidence-Based Ruminal Microbiota

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    Ruminants break down the fiber of the feed intake in the rumen through a microbial symbiosis, which performs its enzymatic hydrolysis and subsequent fermentation. Therefore, the objective, was demonstrate the activity of rumen microorganisms consisting of bacteria, protozoa, fungi and methanogenic archaea. Bacterial populations are located at three different levels in the rumen: attached to the solid, associated with the particles, and free in the rumen fluid. The concentration of bacteria in the rumen is higher than that of protozoa. Protozoa support a fundamental role in fiber degradation, store large amounts of starch and slow down the production of acids that reduce rumen pH. Fungi have an important function in the digestion of the cell walls of plants, especially those of low quality. Archaea in the rumen are strictly anaerobic microorganisms and produce methane from CO2 and hydrogen. Conclusion: Rumen microorganisms establish complex relationships among themselves, which allow the degradation of the feed that reaches the rumen and consequently the use of the nutrients it contains.Ruminants break down the fiber of the feed intake in the rumen through a microbial symbiosis, which performs its enzymatic hydrolysis and subsequent fermentation. The objective was demonstrating the activity of rumen microorganisms consisting of bacteria, protozoa, fungi and methanogenic archaea. Bacterial populations are located at three different levels in the rumen: attached to the solid. The concentration of bacteria in the rumen is higher than that of protozoa. Protozoa support a fundamental role in fiber degradation, store large amounts of starch and slow down the production of acids that reduce rumen pH. Fungi have an important function in the digestion of the cell walls of plants, especially those of low quality. Archaea in the rumen are strictly anaerobic microorganisms and produce methane from CO2 and hydrogen. Conclusion: Rumen microorganisms establish complex relationships among themselves, which allow the degradation of the feed that reaches the rumen and consequently the use of the nutrients it contains

    Communication: Inferring the equation of state of a metastable hard-sphere fluid from the equation of state of a hard-sphere mixture at high densities

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    A possible approximate route to obtain the equation of state of the monodisperse hard-sphere system in the metastable fluid region from the knowledge of the equation of state of a hard-sphere mixture at high densities is discussed. The proposal is illustrated by using recent Monte Carlo simulation data for the pressure of a binary mixture. It is further shown to exhibit high internal consistency.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; v2: Simulation data for one-component hard spheres included in Fig.

    Cataglyphis gadeai sp. nov. (Hym. Formicidae), del grupo albicans de color negro del Cabo de Gata (Almería), SE de España

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    Se describe Cataglyphis gadeai sp. nov. (Hym. Formicidae), del Cabo de Gata, Almería, SE de España, nueva especie del grupo albicans de color negro. Esta población era considerada por nosotros en trabajos anteriores, como perteneciente a C. albicans, pero el estudio de la genitalia de los machos y el estudio bioestadístico de las obreras, nos ha confirmado pertenecer a una especie distinta y diferente de la considerada por nosotros como C. ibericus de Bellaterra (Barcelona) y Monegros (Zaragoza).The populations of ants from Cabo de Gata (Almería), formerly identified by us, following the worker characters, as C. albicans are now considered by the study of male genitalia and worker biostatistics as a new species and different from the classified by us as C. ibericus from Bellaterra (Barcelona) and Monegros (Zaragoza)
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