460 research outputs found

    Searching for and characterising the high redshift star-forming galaxy population in the early universe

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    This thesis focuses on the study of LAEs and LBGs at z=3.4-6.8, a period of time between ~0.8-2 Gyr after the Big Bang, hosting the end of the reionisation epoch. To reach such deep galaxies, we have made use of the SHARDS survey of the GOODS-N field, with 200 h of exposure time with GTC. The 25 consecutive medium-band filters in the optical/NIR have provided us with very good SEDs of these galaxies, which we have further completed with ancillary data from other previous deep observations of the field, allowing a comprehensive analysis of the SEDs. In the first part of this work, we develop our own robust selection criteria, paying special attention to the interlopers rejection. The final selected sample consists of 1558 sources, divided in 528 LAEs and 1030 non-LAEs/LBGs. The comparison of this sample with previous broad-band studies has revealed that the latter are prone to introduce a non-negligible amount of low redshift interlopers due to the lack of good spectral resolution in their SEDs. From the SEDs in our sample, we have derived photometric redshifts, Ly alpha EWs, SFRs and LFs. In order to calculate ages and stellar masses of our galaxies, we have carried out a SP synthesis modeling of the SEDs, using burst-like SFHs. We focus the SP analysis on differences between subfamilies of LAEs and LBGs, as well as on the need of one or two SPs to properly describe each SED. The results derived from the model fitting, joined to the relative fraction of each subfamily found at each z in this work, support an evolutionary relation from low mass LAEs to more massive LBGs. With the model-derived masses, we have built SMFs and estimated the SMD at different redshifts. We have also performed a search for galaxies in close groups, reporting 92 of them, some with up to six members. Many of these groups show tail-like structures that point to a gravitational bound between their galaxies. Additionally, we have studied a previously discovered z=5.198 overdensity in GOODS-N, finding 44 new candidates within our sample. Some of them have been further confirmed through MOS observations. If most of the remaining new candidates are confirmed, this proto-cluster would be the most populated one up to date beyond z=5 in such a tight redshift range. The final part of this thesis is dedicated to an unsupervised ML SEDs clustering of both our sample and the SC4K-COSMOS high-z LAEs sample. The results point to the Ly alpha line and the UV slope as the most relevant parameters driving the classes differentiation, separating sources with strong Ly alpha emission and blue UV slope from those with steeper slope and fainter line emission. The study of the median ages and stellar masses of the groups supports the evolutionary hypothesis between LAEs and LBGs subgroups. Moreover, the ML classification has shown to be very effective for the detection of some few remaining interlopers in both samples

    Parallel Desynchronized Block Matching: A Feasible Scheduling Algorithm for the Input-Buffered Wavelength-Routed Switch

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    The input-buffered wavelength-routed (IBWR) switch is a promising switching architecture for slotted optical packet switching (OPS) networks. The benefits of the IBWR fabric are a better scalability and lower hardware cost, when compared to output buffered OPS proposals. A previous work characterized the scheduling problem of this architecture as a type of matching problem in bipartite graphs. This characterization establishes an interesting relation between the IBWR scheduling and the scheduling of electronic virtual output queuing switches. In this paper, this relation is further explored, for the design of feasible IBWR scheduling algorithms, in terms of hardware implementation and execution time. As a result, the parallel desynchronized block matching (PDBM) algorithm is proposed. The evaluation results presented reveal that IBWR switch performance using the PDBM algorithm is close to the performance bound given by OPS output buffered architectures. The performance gap is especially small for dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) architectures.This research has been funded by the Spanish MCyT grant TEC2004-05622-C04-02/TCM (ARPaq). Authors would like to thank also the COST 291 action and the e-Photon/ONe+ European Network of Excellence

    Out-of-plane buckling of boundary regions in planar RC structural walls: an approach to prevent instability

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    Despite the slenderness that usually characterizes planar RC structural walls, these structural elements effectively resist significant in-plane earthquake demands. However, during the 2010 Chile and 2011 New Zealand earthquakes, some medium to high-rise buildings exhibited out-of-plane buckling instability, a failure mode that had only been observed in experiments. This failure mode was first studied in the 1980s; however, it was just after the recent earthquakes that several studies arose to improve design procedures to avoid future damage. Parameters as the height-to-thickness ratio, reinforcement content, material properties, and the hysteretic behavior of the longitudinal steel have been identified as critical for the onset of buckling instability. In this paper, the influence of the concrete cover was studied through a fiber-based element parametric analysis conducted on 120 RC prisms that simulate boundary elements of special RC walls. The prisms were subjected to incremental axial cyclic loading that mimics the effects of in-plane lateral displacements. As a result, a new approach is presented to limit tensile strains developed in the longitudinal reinforcement of boundary zones to prevent the onset of out-of-plane buckling instability

    Normalización de parámetros en las variables que inciden en la calidad de la tela jersey, mexcla algodón 30/1 /elastano 40denier, colores oscuros, en el proceso de prefijado y termofijado, en la empresa Asotextil.

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    El algodón fue utilizado desde tiempos prehistóricos. En los tiempos bíblicos era ampliamente conocido. En la India existe la “planta de la lana”, llamada Karpassos, que es considerada como planta sagrada. Este curioso concepto de árbol de lana”, fue recogido en la Edad Media, época de la que procede el curioso dibujo de la planta en la que crece un cordero. En la figura Nº 1, se muestra la planta de algodón. Los árboles, que lo cultivaban en Egipto y Argelia, lo introdujeron en Europa, estableciendo plantaciones en Sevilla y Granada, siendo este algodón granadino el más apreciado. Más tarde, los venecianos lo traen a Europa y se establecen en Holanda las primeras y más eficientes industrias algodoneras de la época. Los conquistadores españoles lo encontraron en América, en tejidos incas de 3000 años de antigüedad. La circunstancia de que los tejidos que los indios regalaban a sus nuevos dueños no fuese oro ni plata motivó que tales presentes fueron despreciados. Podemos, pues, considerar que el auge del algodón en Europa empezó en el siglo XVIII, coincidiendo con el despertar del industrialismo. El algodón es la fibra que forma el vello que cubre la semilla del algodonero, proviene de las plantas que, botánicamente, se les conoce con el nombre de GOSSYPIUM. Hay diferentes variedades de estas plantas, dependiendo especialmente del clima donde se cultivan y su duración es anual, bienal, trienal, etc., pero las más cultivadas son las anuales, son cápsulas de 4 a 10 semillas, con flores de color amarillo pálido y la altura varía de 40 a 90 cm. Para su utilización y cotización , el algodón es clasificado en calidades comerciales, dicha clasificación ha venido haciéndose, hasta ahora, por personas expertas, comparándolas con los tipos Standard, que habían dejado preestablecidas en anteriores análisis. Hoy en día y gracias a las entidades de investigación del Algodón, se propende a tener en cuenta una serie de propiedades capaces de ser medidas por medio de aparatos, tipificados. Dicha clasificación, por comparación, se hace a base de tres características: el grado o aspecto general de la fibra, el color y la longitud

    Sustentabilidad de los sistemas de agricultura familiar en el cantón Penipe, provincia de Chimborazo, Ecuador

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Agricultura SustentableLa presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la sustentabilidad de los sistemas de producción de agricultura familiar del cantón Penipe, provincia de Chimborazo, Ecuador. De una población de 1055 familias dedicadas a este sistema de producción, se tomó una muestra (n=68), que abarcaban una extensión de estudio de 200 hectáreas, para realizar el proceso de caracterización y tipificación mediante la metodología de Ward, con una distancia euclidiana cuadrada de 90. Se identificaron 3 tipologías: agricultura familiar especializada (AFE), (28%), agricultura familiar diversificada (AFD), (50%), y agricultura familiar de subsistencia (AFS), (22%). Aplicando la metodología de MESMIS, se evaluó la sustentabilidad de cada uno de los sistemas, determinando los atributos, puntos críticos y la construcción de indicadores, validados por especialistas, productores y autoridades locales. De los resultados obtenidos se concluye que, en una escala de 0 a 2, la AFE alcanza los niveles de sustentabilidad con una valoración de (1,56), la AFD, posee un valor considerado como medianamente sustentable (1,32) y la AFS tiene una valoración que la califica como sistema no sustentable (0,77). Se incluyen propuestas y alternativas contrastando con los umbrales productivos, para mejorar la sostenibilidad de la agricultura familiar en el cantón Penipe, provincia de Chimborazo. Las propuestas y alternativas incluyen aspectos de la tenencia de tierra, su ocupación, gestión y ejecución gubernamental, participación, vinculación social, acceso crédito, nivel de ingresos, capacitación frente a innovaciones, dependencia de recursos externos, riesgos de los cultivos, pendiente, erosión, drenaje, agua riego, contenido de materia orgánica, desarrollo radicular, cobertura del suelo, biodiversidad animal y vegetal, manejo de los cultivos, rendimiento para mejorar cada uno de los sistemas de producción y poder alcanzar valores sustentables para el desarrollo agro productivo del cantón Penipe.The objective of this research was to evaluate the sustainability of the family farming production systems of the Penipe canton, Chimborazo province, Ecuador. From a population of 1055 families dedicated to this production system, a sample (n = 68) was taken, covering a study area of 200 hectares, to carry out the characterization and typification process using Ward's methodology, with a squared Euclidean distance equal to 90. Three typologies were identified: specialized family farming (AFE), (28%), diversified family farming (AFD), (50%), and subsistence family farming (AFS), (22%). Applying the MESMIS methodology, the sustainability of each one of the systems was evaluated, determining the attributes, critical points and the construction of indicators, validated by specialists, producers and local authorities. From the results obtained, it is concluded that, on a scale of 0 to 2, the AFE reaches sustainability levels with a valuation of (1.56), the AFD has a value considered as moderately sustainable (1.32) and the AFS has a rating that qualifies it as an unsustainable system (0.77). Proposals and alternatives were included, contrasting with the productive thresholds, to improve the sustainability of family farming in the Penipe canton, Chimborazo province. The proposals and alternatives include aspects of land tenure, its occupation, government management and execution, participation, social linkage, access to credit, income level, innovation´s training , dependence on external resources, crop risks, slope, erosion , drainage, irrigation water, organic matter content, root development, soil cover, plant and animal biodiversity, crop management, yield to improve each of the production systems in order to be able to achieve sustainable values for the agro-productive development of the Penipe canton

    Methodology for Tuning MTDC Supervisory and Frequency-Response Control Systems at Terminal Level under Over-Frequency Events

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    This paper proposes a methodology for tuning a supervisory and frequency-response outer loop control system of a multi-terminal direct current (MTDC) grid designed to transmit o_shore wind energy to an onshore AC grid, and to provide frequency support during over-frequency events. The control structure is based on a master–slave scheme and ensures the achievement of frequency response, with specific implementation of the UK national grid code limited-frequency sensitive (LFSM) and frequency-sensitive (FSM) modes. The onshore AC grid is modelled with an equivalent frequency-response model to simulate the onshore AC grid dynamics under frequency deviations. The main innovation of this paper is the development of a methodology for tuning simultaneously two hierarchical levels of a MTDC coordinated control structure, i.e., the MTDC supervisor, given by the active power set point for slave terminal, and the slope of frequency-response functions at onshore terminals. Based on these two hierarchical levels, di_erent strategies are evaluated in terms of frequency peak reductions and change of the frequency order type. Moreover, tuning guidance is given when a di_erent MTDC control structure or di_erent synchronous generator characteristics of the onshore AC grid are considered.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (project ENE2016-79145-R AEI/FEDER, UE) and the Basque Government (project KK-2017/00083, and research group GISEL, grant number IT1083-16

    Evaluación de la factibilidad para la implementación de una empresa de acopio y comercialización de productos frescos a domicilio, ciudad Riobamba.

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    En la presente investigación se realizó el estudio de factibilidad de la implementación de una empresa de acopio y comercialización de productos frescos a domicilio, ciudad de Riobamba. En base a la información secundaria recopilada se diseñó, aplicó y se sistematizó las encuestas, determinando el comportamiento de los consumidores. Resultando que el (88 %) de personas cocinan en casa, responsabilizando a la madre de las compras en un (44%), la frecuencia de adquisición de productos es semanalmente con un (44%) y quincenalmente con un (25%), el (35%) adquiere sus productos en los establecimientos de su preferencia debido al buen servicio, el (30%) adquiere sus productos por variedad, el (91%) expresan que pagarían por este servicio un adicional del 10% del valor total de la canasta. La empresa denominada FRESHMARKET cuenta con infraestructura, maquinaria y todos los requerimientos necesarios para su funcionamiento, terminado el proceso en la comercialización. Se concluyó con el desarrollo de un proyecto que facilite la adquisición de productos frescos de calidad y precios justos a las familias Riobambeñas recibiendo sus productos en la comodidad de sus hogares. Se recomienda implementar la empresa de acopio y comercialización de productos frescos a domicilio.In this investigation the feasibility study of the implementation of a collecting company and marketing of fresh products on home was carried out, in Riobamba city. It was based on the secondary information collected, the surveys were designed, applied and qualified. This determines the behavior of consumers. As a result (88%) of people cook at home, holding the mother for the purchases (44%), the frequency of purchase products is weekly with a (44%) and fortnightly with a (25%), (35%) of people acquires their products in the establishments of their preference due to good service, (30%) of people buy their products for their variety, (91%) of people express that they would pay for this service an additional 10% of the total value of the food basket. The company called FRESH MARKET has infrastructure, machinery and all the necessary requirements for its operation, completed the marketing process. It was concluded with the development of a project that facilitates the acquisition of quality fresh products and fair prices to Riobambeños families who receive their products in the comfort of their homes. It is recommended to implement the collecting company and marketing of fresh products al home

    Evaluación de la factibilidad para la implementación de una empresa de acopio y comercialización de productos frescos a domicilio, ciudad Riobamba.

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    En la presente investigación se realizó el estudio de factibilidad de la implementación de una empresa de acopio y comercialización de productos frescos a domicilio, ciudad de Riobamba. En base a la información secundaria recopilada se diseñó, aplicó y se sistematizó las encuestas, determinando el comportamiento de los consumidores. Resultando que el (88 %) de personas cocinan en casa, responsabilizando a la madre de las compras en un (44%), la frecuencia de adquisición de productos es semanalmente con un (44%) y quincenalmente con un (25%), el (35%) adquiere sus productos en los establecimientos de su preferencia debido al buen servicio, el (30%) adquiere sus productos por variedad, el (91%) expresan que pagarían por este servicio un adicional del 10% del valor total de la canasta. La empresa denominada FRESHMARKET cuenta con infraestructura, maquinaria y todos los requerimientos necesarios para su funcionamiento, terminado el proceso en la comercialización. Se concluyó con el desarrollo de un proyecto que facilite la adquisición de productos frescos de calidad y precios justos a las familias Riobambeñas recibiendo sus productos en la comodidad de sus hogares. Se recomienda implementar la empresa de acopio y comercialización de productos frescos a domicilio.In this investigation the feasibility study of the implementation of a collecting company and marketing of fresh products on home was carried out, in Riobamba city. It was based on the secondary information collected, the surveys were designed, applied and qualified. This determines the behavior of consumers. As a result (88%) of people cook at home, holding the mother for the purchases (44%), the frequency of purchase products is weekly with a (44%) and fortnightly with a (25%), (35%) of people acquires their products in the establishments of their preference due to good service, (30%) of people buy their products for their variety, (91%) of people express that they would pay for this service an additional 10% of the total value of the food basket. The company called FRESH MARKET has infrastructure, machinery and all the necessary requirements for its operation, completed the marketing process. It was concluded with the development of a project that facilitates the acquisition of quality fresh products and fair prices to Riobambeños families who receive their products in the comfort of their homes. It is recommended to implement the collecting company and marketing of fresh products al home

    On the tuning of fractional order resonant controllers for a voltage source converter in a weak AC grid context

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    This paper proposes a method for tuning the fractional exponent of different types of fractional order resonant controllers for a voltage source converter in a weak AC grid context. The main objective is to ensure the stability of the controlled system in a weak AC grid environment and to achieve an adequate dynamic response under disturbances. Therefore, six commonly used integer order proportional resonant (PR) control structures are selected from the literature and compared with each other according to their frequency behaviour. Afterwards, a rational approximation for the fractional order term is selected based on continuous fraction expansion technique. The inclusion of a fractional exponent in each integer order PR structure generates the fractional order proportional resonant (FPR) control transfer functions. Once the FPR controllers have been obtained, their closed-loop responses are tested via eigenvalue trajectory analysis. For each FPR control structure, a range of the fractional exponent that ensures stability is obtained. The conclusions of eigenvalue trajectory analysis are tested by implementing the FPR control structures in an specific application consisting in a modular multi-level converter (MMC) connected to a weak AC grid with adjustable short-circuit ratio. By means of time-domain simulations, not only the previous eigenvalue analyses are validated, but also new tuning criteria are given for the fractional exponent in combination with other control parameters, such as the damping frequency and the inductance of the complementary feedback branch. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis of the tuning criteria is carried out for other sizes of the AC filter inductance.This work was supported by the Basque Government through the Project of Research Group GISEL under Grant IT1083-16. Besides, TECNALIA is a ‘‘CERVERA Technology Centre of Excellence’’ recognised by the Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Are we teaching what they need? Going beyond employability in Translation Studies

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    As lecturers and researchers in translation and interpreting, we areaware of the need to design curricula so that students are well equipped, and able to respond to the requirements of modern society. In the world today, there is an evident gap between what is actually taught in higher education and what should be taught to meet student needs. Even though variousstudies have already focused on the impact of constructs, such as self-regulation, empathy, or creativity, on performance quality, there is still a long way to go. In order to bridge this gap and highlight the role of the university as a transformational agent, our study uses LifeComp, the European framework for the personal, social, and learning to learn key competence. The objective of this research was firstly to discover the transversal competences that are most highly valued by employers in the language industry sector; and secondly, to identify the competences that need more attention in curricula. For this purpose, a questionnaire-based study was designed and administered to translation companies based in Spain. The results obtained indicate that these competences are necessary to foster employability as well as real wealth creation in a lifelong learning context. This study is part of a broader project within the LifeComp framework, in which a competence-based psycho-educational intervention was designed and is now integrated in the translation and interpreting degree programme at the University of Granada (Spain).Como docentes e investigadores en el ámbito de la traducción e interpretación, somos conscientes de la necesidad de diseñar los currículos para que los estudiantes de traducción e interpretación estén preparados y, como consecuencia, puedan responder a las necesidades de la sociedad. Hoy en día, hay un amplio consenso sobre el desfase que existe entre lo que se enseña y lo que debería enseñarse para satisfacer las necesidades del estudiantado. Aunque hay algunos estudios que se han centrado en el impacto que constructos como autorregulación, empatía o creatividad tienen en la calidad del rendimiento, aún queda mucho por hacer en el entornouniversitario. Para poder solucionar esta situación y con la intención de contribuir al papel que la universidad debe tener como agente transformador, LifeComp, el marco europeo para las competencias clave personal, social y aprender a aprender, se toma como base para (1) explorar cuáles son las competencias transversales que los empleadores del sector de las industrias de la lengua consideran más importantes y, como consecuencia, (2) detectar cuáles son las que necesitan más atención en los currículos. Para este fin, se diseña un estudio basado en cuestionarios que se distribuyen entre las empresas de traducción con base en España. Las conclusiones de este estudio apuntan a la necesidad de este tipo de competencias no solo para mejorar la empleabilidad, sino para un crecimiento real en un contexto de aprendizaje de por vida. Este estudio se inserta en un proyecto de mayor envergadura en el que se ha diseñado una intervención psico-educativa basada en el marco LifeComp que ha sido integrada en el currículo de los estudios de Grado en Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Granada (España)