55 research outputs found

    Substrate surface patterning by optical near field modulation around colloidal particles immersed in a liquid

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    Optical near field enhancements in the vicinity of particles illuminated by laser light are increasingly recognized as a powerful tool for nanopatterning applications, but achieving sub-wavelength details from the near-field distribution remains a challenge. Here we present a quantitative analysis of the spatial modulation of the near optical fields generated using single 8 ps, 355 nm (and 532 nm) laser pulses around individual colloidal particles and small close packed arrays of such particles on silicon substrates. The analysis is presented for particles in air and, for the first time, when immersed in a range of liquid media. Immersion in a liquid allows detailed exploration of the effects on the near field of changing not just the magnitude but also the sign of the refractive index difference between the particle and the host medium. The level of agreement between the results of ray tracing and Mie scattering simulations, and the experimentally observed patterns on solid surfaces, should encourage further modelling, predictions and demonstrations of the rich palette of sub-wavelength surface profiles that can be achieved using colloidal particles immersed in liquids

    Real-time sliding mode observer scheme for shear force estimation in a transverse dynamic force microscope

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.This paper describes a sliding mode observer scheme for estimation of the shear force affecting the cantilever in a Transverse Dynamic Force Microscope (TDFM). The vertically oriented cantilever is oscillated in proximity to the specimen under investigation. The amplitude of oscillation of the cantilever tip is affected by these shear forces. They are created by the ordered-water layer above the specimen. The oscillation amplitude is therefore a measure of distance between the tip and the surface of the specimen. Consequently, the estimation of the shear forces provides useful information about the specimen characteristics. For estimating the shear forces, an approximate finite dimensional model of the cantilever is created using the method of lines. This model is subsequently reduced for its model order. An unknown input sliding mode observer has been used to reconstruct the unknown shear forces using only tip position measurements and the cantilever excitation. This paper describes the development of the sliding mode scheme and presents experimental results from the TDFM set up at the Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information (NSQI) at Bristol University

    “Cross” Supermicelles via the Hierarchical Assembly of Amphiphilic Cylindrical Triblock Comicelles

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    Self-assembled “cross” architectures are well-known in biological systems (as illustrated by chromosomes, for example); however, comparable synthetic structures are extremely rare. Herein we report an in depth study of the hierarchical assembly of the amphiphilic cylindrical P–H–P triblock comicelles with polar (P) coronal ends and a hydrophobic (H) central periphery in a selective solvent for the terminal segments which allows access to “cross” supermicelles under certain conditions. Well-defined P–H–P triblock comicelles M­(PFS-<i>b</i>-PtBA)-<i>b</i>-M­(PFS-<i>b</i>-PDMS)-<i>b</i>-M­(PFS-<i>b</i>-PtBA) (M = micelle segment, PFS = polyferrocenyldimethylsilane, PtBA = poly­(<i>tert</i>-butyl acrylate), and PDMS = polydimethylsiloxane) were created by the living crystallization-driven self-assembly (CDSA) method. By manipulating two factors in the supermicelles, namely the H segment-solvent interfacial energy (through the central H segment length, <i>L</i><sub>1</sub>) and coronal steric effects (via the PtBA corona chain length in the P segment, <i>L</i><sub>2</sub> related to the degree of polymerization DP<sub>2</sub>) the aggregation of the triblock comicelles could be finely tuned. This allowed a phase-diagram to be constructed that can be extended to other triblock comicelles with different coronas on the central or end segment where “cross” supermicelles were exclusively formed under predicted conditions. Laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) analysis of dye-labeled “cross” supermicelles, and block “cross” supermicelles formed by addition of a different unimer to the arm termini, provided complementary characterization to transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) and confirmed the existence of these “cross” supermicelles as kinetically stable, micron-size colloidally stable structures in solution

    Modifying the Morphology of Silicon Surfaces by Laser Induced Liquid Assisted Colloidal Lithography

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    Single, or isolated small arrays of, spherical silica colloidal particles (with refractive index ncolloid = 1.47 and radius R = 350 nm or 1.5 μm) were placed on a silicon substrate and immersed in carbon tetrachloride (nliquid = 1.48) or toluene (nliquid = 1.52). Areas of the sample were then exposed to a single laser pulse (8 ps duration, wavelength λ = 355 nm), and the spatial intensity modulation of the near field in the vicinity of the particles revealed via the resulting patterning of the substrate surface. In this regime, ncolloid &lt; nliquid and the near-field optical intensification is concentrated at and beyond the edge of the particle. Detailed experimental characterization of the irradiated Si surface using atomic force microscopy reveals contrasting topographies. The same optical behavior is observed with both liquids, i.e., the incident laser light diverges on interaction with the colloidal particle, but the resulting interaction with the substrate is liquid dependent. Topographic analysis indicates localized ablation and patterning of the Si substrate when using toluene, whereas the patterning induced under carbon tetrachloride is on a larger scale and extends well below the original substrate surface—hinting at a laser induced photochemical contribution to the surface patterning

    Structural features distinguishing infectious ex vivo mammalian prions from non-infectious fibrillar assemblies generated in vitro

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    Seeded polymerisation of proteins forming amyloid fibres and their spread in tissues has been implicated in the pathogenesis of multiple neurodegenerative diseases: so called "prion-like" mechanisms. While ex vivo mammalian prions, composed of multichain assemblies of misfolded host-encoded prion protein (PrP), act as lethal infectious agents, PrP amyloid fibrils produced in vitro generally do not. The high-resolution structure of authentic infectious prions and the structural basis of prion strain diversity remain unknown. Here we use cryo-electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy to examine the structure of highly infectious PrP rods isolated from mouse brain in comparison to non-infectious recombinant PrP fibrils generated in vitro. Non-infectious recombinant PrP fibrils are 10 nm wide single fibres, with a double helical repeating substructure displaying small variations in adhesive force interactions across their width. In contrast, infectious PrP rods are 20 nm wide and contain two fibres, each with a double helical repeating substructure, separated by a central gap of 8-10 nm in width. This gap contains an irregularly structured material whose adhesive force properties are strikingly different to that of the fibres, suggestive of a distinct composition. The structure of the infectious PrP rods, which cause lethal neurodegeneration, readily differentiates them from all other protein assemblies so far characterised in other neurodegenerative diseases
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