103 research outputs found

    Accurate timekeeping is controlled by a cycling activator in Arabidopsis.

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    Transcriptional feedback loops are key to circadian clock function in many organisms. Current models of the Arabidopsis circadian network consist of several coupled feedback loops composed almost exclusively of transcriptional repressors. Indeed, a central regulatory mechanism is the repression of evening-phased clock genes via the binding of morning-phased Myb-like repressors to evening element (EE) promoter motifs. We now demonstrate that a related Myb-like protein, REVEILLE8 (RVE8), is a direct transcriptional activator of EE-containing clock and output genes. Loss of RVE8 and its close homologs causes a delay and reduction in levels of evening-phased clock gene transcripts and significant lengthening of clock pace. Our data suggest a substantially revised model of the circadian oscillator, with a clock-regulated activator essential both for clock progression and control of clock outputs. Further, our work suggests that the plant clock consists of a highly interconnected, complex regulatory network rather than of coupled morning and evening feedback loops. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.00473.001

    Obesity among Hispanics: The Relationship to Lifestyles, Socioeconomic Characteristics, and Education

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    Honorable Mention Winner In the Hispanic community, there are multiple factors that increase the probability of obesity. Among them are the diets and changes in diets over the past several decades, lifestyles and urbanization that have promoted sedentarism, status in society and stratification, education, and gender. Among the populations, women have higher risk of obesity in the Hispanic community. Education and socioeconomic status plays differing roles in the rates of obesity in developed and developing countries. Socioeconomic status affects the resources and support that are available. Urbanization increases the likelihood of adopting diets that are higher in fats and refined sugars, as well as adapting lifestyles that are more sedentary. Obesity is a major risk factor in the development of chronic diseases which can lead to premature death. Obesity is also a condition that increases the likelihood of transmission of COVID-19. It is imperative for us to understand the various factors that increase the likelihood of obesity in order to better treat it. The disparities between different groups and societal changes must be addressed to lower the rates of obesity in minorities

    Mutation of Arabidopsis SPLICEOSOMAL TIMEKEEPER LOCUS1 Causes Circadian Clock Defects

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    The circadian clock plays a crucial role in coordinating plant metabolic and physiological functions with predictable environmental variables, such as dusk and dawn, while also modulating responses to biotic and abiotic challenges. Much of the initial characterization of the circadian system has focused on transcriptional initiation, but it is now apparent that considerable regulation is exerted after this key regulatory step. Transcript processing, protein stability, and cofactor availability have all been reported to influence circadian rhythms in a variety of species. We used a genetic screen to identify a mutation within a putative RNA binding protein (SPLICEOSOMAL TIMEKEEPER LOCUS1 [STIPL1]) that induces a long circadian period phenotype under constant conditions. STIPL1 is a homolog of the spliceosomal proteins TFP11 (Homo sapiens) and Ntr1p (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) involved in spliceosome disassembly. Analysis of general and alternative splicing using a high-resolution RT-PCR system revealed that mutation of this protein causes less efficient splicing of most but not all of the introns analyzed. In particular, the altered accumulation of circadian-associated transcripts may contribute to the observed mutant phenotype. Interestingly, mutation of a close homolog of STIPL1, STIP-LIKE2, does not cause a circadian phenotype, which suggests divergence in function between these family members. Our work highlights the importance of posttranscriptional control within the clock mechanism. © 2012 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved

    Critical Role for CCA1 and LHY in Maintaining Circadian Rhythmicity in Arabidopsis

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    AbstractCircadian clocks are autoregulatory, endogenous mechanisms that allow organisms, from bacteria to humans, to advantageously time a wide range of activities within 24-hr environmental cycles [1]. CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED 1 (CCA1) and LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (LHY) are thought to be important components of the circadian clock in the model plant Arabidopsis[2–5]. The similar circadian phenotypes of lines overexpressing either CCA1 or LHY have suggested that the functions of these two transcription factors are largely overlapping. cca1-1 plants, which lack CCA1 protein, show a short-period phenotype for the expression of several genes when assayed under constant light conditions [5]. This suggests that LHY function is able to only partially compensate for the lack of CCA1 protein, resulting in a clock with a faster pace in cca1-1 plants. We have obtained plants lacking CCA1 and with LHY function strongly reduced, cca1-1 lhy-R, and show that these plants are unable to maintain sustained oscillations in both constant light and constant darkness. However, these plants exhibit some circadian function in light/dark cycles, showing that the Arabidopsis circadian clock is not entirely dependent on CCA1 and LHY activities

    Global transcriptome analysis reveals circadian regulation of key pathways in plant growth and development

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    Transcript abundance of roughly a third of expressed Arabidopsis thaliana genes is circadian-regulated

    Overlapping and Distinct Roles of PRR7 and PRR9 in the Arabidopsis Circadian Clock

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    AbstractThe core mechanism of the circadian oscillators described to date rely on transcriptional negative feedback loops with a delay between the negative and the positive components [1–3]. In plants, the first suggested regulatory loop involves the transcription factors CIRCADIAN CLOCK-ASSOCIATED 1 (CCA1) and LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (LHY) and the pseudo-response regulator TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION 1 (TOC1/PRR1)[4]. TOC1 is a member of the Arabidopsis circadian-regulated PRR gene family [5,6]. Analysis of single and double mutants in PRR7 and PRR9 indicates that these morning-expressed genes play a dual role in the circadian clock, being involved in the transmission of light signals to the clock and in the regulation of the central oscillator. Furthermore, CCA1 and LHY had a positive effect on PRR7 and PRR9 expression levels, indicating that they might form part of an additional regulatory feedback loop. We propose that the Arabidopsis circadian oscillator is composed of several interlocking positive and negative feedback loops, a feature of clock regulation that appears broadly conserved between plants, fungi, and animals

    The circadian clock controls temporal and spatial patterns of floral development in sunflower

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : All source data have been uploaded to Dryad under the following accession codes: 10.25338/B8865X (timelapse scoring), 10.25338/B86358 (pollinator visits), 10.25338/B8963G (consensus scoring), 10.25338/B8CW5R (ovary measurements), and 10.25338/B8HP9F (organ growth kinetics).Biological rhythms are ubiquitous. They can be generated by circadian oscillators, which produce daily rhythms in physiology and behavior, as well as by developmental oscillators such as the segmentation clock, which periodically produces modular developmental units. Here, we show that the circadian clock controls the timing of late-stage floret development, or anthesis, in domesticated sunflowers. In these plants, up to thousands of individual florets are tightly packed onto a capitulum disk. While early floret development occurs continuously across capitula to generate iconic spiral phyllotaxy, during anthesis floret development occurs in discrete ring-like pseudowhorls with up to hundreds of florets undergoing simultaneous maturation. We demonstrate circadian regulation of floral organ growth and show that the effects of light on this process are time-of- day dependent. Delays in the phase of floral anthesis delay morning visits by pollinators, while disruption of circadian rhythms in floral organ development causes loss of pseudowhorl formation and large reductions in pollinator visits. We therefore show that the sunflower circadian clock acts in concert with environmental response pathways to tightly synchronize the anthesis of hundreds of florets each day, generating spatial patterns on the developing capitulum disk. This coordinated mass release of floral rewards at predictable times of day likely promotes pollinator visits and plant reproductive success.The National Science Foundation and the US Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture.https://elifesciences.orgam2024Plant Production and Soil ScienceSDG-15:Life on lan

    Mechanical Stress Induces Biotic and Abiotic Stress Responses via a Novel cis-Element

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    Plants are continuously exposed to a myriad of abiotic and biotic stresses. However, the molecular mechanisms by which these stress signals are perceived and transduced are poorly understood. To begin to identify primary stress signal transduction components, we have focused on genes that respond rapidly (within 5 min) to stress signals. Because it has been hypothesized that detection of physical stress is a mechanism common to mounting a response against a broad range of environmental stresses, we have utilized mechanical wounding as the stress stimulus and performed whole genome microarray analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana leaf tissue. This led to the identification of a number of rapid wound responsive (RWR) genes. Comparison of RWR genes with published abiotic and biotic stress microarray datasets demonstrates a large overlap across a wide range of environmental stresses. Interestingly, RWR genes also exhibit a striking level and pattern of circadian regulation, with induced and repressed genes displaying antiphasic rhythms. Using bioinformatic analysis, we identified a novel motif overrepresented in the promoters of RWR genes, herein designated as the Rapid Stress Response Element (RSRE). We demonstrate in transgenic plants that multimerized RSREs are sufficient to confer a rapid response to both biotic and abiotic stresses in vivo, thereby establishing the functional involvement of this motif in primary transcriptional stress responses. Collectively, our data provide evidence for a novel cis-element that is distributed across the promoters of an array of diverse stress-responsive genes, poised to respond immediately and coordinately to stress signals. This structure suggests that plants may have a transcriptional network resembling the general stress signaling pathway in yeast and that the RSRE element may provide the key to this coordinate regulation