32 research outputs found

    U-Pb zircon dating of metasedimentary rocks within the Ikkari gold deposit, Central Lapland belt, northern Finland

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    Abstract. The gold deposit of Ikkari located in Central Lapland belt, near Jeesiö and Rajala villages. Central Lapland belt have been divided to six units from oldest to youngest: Salla group, Kuusamo group, Sodankylä group, Savukoski group, Kittilä suite and Kumpu group. The purpose of this study was to figure out how old metasediments of Ikkari are and what stratigraphy unit they represent by using U-Pb method to zircon grains and comparing these age results to older publications. Mineralogy and lithology of the samples were studied in petrography studies from thin section. Two of the samples are conglomerates and eight are sericite-albite altered quartzites. Major zircon populations of the conglomerates occur ca. 2.015 Ga and maximum deposit ages of them occur 1910 ± 10 Ma (120059_A) and 1919 ± 5 Ma (120071_A). Rocks of Kittilä suite and Savukoski group are probably the local source for the sedimentary material of this age. Major zircon populations of the quartzites occur ca. 1.95–1.90 Ga and maximum deposit ages of them are between 1.90–1.86 Ga. The felsic magmatism in the Lapland Granulite belt is potential source for the material of this age zircon populations. Based on U-Pb ages of the detrital zircon populations of this study, samples can be correlated in to the Kumpu group. The conglomerates are slightly older than the quartzites. Metamorphic overgrowth occurs in some zircon grains.U-Pb ikämääritys Ikkarin kultaesiintymän metasedimenttikivien zirkoneista, Keski-Lapin vyöhykkeellä, Pohjois-Suomessa. Tiivistelmä. Ikkarin kultaesiintymä sijaitsee Keski-Lapin vyöhykkeellä, lähellä Jeesiön ja Rajalan kyliä. KeskiLapin vyöhyke koostuu kuudesta stratigrafisesta yksiköstä, vanhimmasta nuorimpaan Sallan ryhmä, Kuusamon ryhmä, Sodankylän ryhmä, Savukosken ryhmä, Kittilän sviitti ja Kummun ryhmä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, Ikkarin metasedimenttien ikäjakauma ja mihin stratigrafiseen yksikköön ne kuuluvat. Ikämääritykset tehtiin metasedimenteissä olevista detritaalisista zirkoneista zirkon U-Pb menetelmän avulla ja näitä ikämääritystuloksia vertailemalla muihin julkaisuihin. Petrografisissa tutkimuksissa tutkittiin ohuthie istä näytteiden mineraalikoostumus ja kivilaji. Kaksi näytteistä on konglomeraatteja ja kahdeksan serisiitti-albiitti muuttuneita kvartsiitteja. Konglomeraattien suurimmat zirkonipopulaatiot asettuvat noin 2.015 Ga ikään ja niiden maksimi kerrostumisiät ovat 1910 ± 10 Ma (120059_A) ja 1919 ± 5 Ma (120071_A). Luultavasti Savukosken ryhmän ja Kittilän sviitin kivet ovat olleet paikallinen lähde 2.05–2.00 Ga zirkoneille. Kvartsiittien suurimmat zirkonipopulaatiot asettuvat noin 1.95–1.90 Ga ja niiden maksimikerrostumisikä on 1.86–1.90 Ga välillä. Felsinen magmatismi Lapin granuliittivyöhykkeellä on mahdollinen materiaalinlähde näille zirkonipopulaatioille. Verrattaessa työn zirkonipopulaatioita muihin julkaisuihin osoittautuivat kaikki työn näytteet Kummun ryhmän kiviksi, konglomeraattien ollessa kuitenkin hieman vanhempia. Osassa zirkoni rakeista on havaittavissa metamorfista ylikasvu

    A Theory of Participatory Budgeting Decision Making as a Form of Empowerment

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    There is a growing literature concerning participatory budgeting (PB), which transfers some element of budgetary decision making from the executive or legislature to citizens. During the earlier years of development, this practice was found primarily in less developed countries. Early PB reoriented government expenditures to better focus on the needs of the populace. Substantial shares of the budget were allocated through participatory process (Souza, 2001). PB is alternative claimed as an example of participatory democracy and deliberative democracy. This paper considers issues related to these theories and further develops a distinctive budgetary theory of participatory budgeting

    Improvement in the quality of life following cholecystectomy : a randomized multicenter study of health status (RAND-36) in patients with laparoscopic cholecystectomy versus minilaparotomy cholecystectomy

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    The assessment of the quality of life (QoL) in minilaparotomy cholecystectomy (MC) versus laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) with the ultrasonic dissection in both groups has not been addressed earlier. Initially, 109 patients with non-complicated symptomatic gallstone disease were randomized to undergo either MC (n = 59) or LC (n = 50). RAND-36 survey was conducted preoperatively and at 4 weeks and 6 months postoperatively. The end point of our study was to determine differences in health status in MC versus LC groups. QoL improved significantly in both groups, and the recovery was similar in the two groups, except from the higher score in 'health change' subscale at 4 weeks in MC group [MC score 75.0 (25.0) vs. LC score 56.5 (23.2), p = 0.008]. The MC and LC groups combined, RAND-36 scores increased significantly in 'physical functioning' [combined mean (SD) preoperative score 80.5 (23.9) vs. 6-month postoperative score 86.5 (21.7), p = 0.015], 'vitality' [64.5 (19.2) vs. 73.5 (18.3), p = 0.001], 'health change' [43.0 (21.6) vs. 74.6 (25.4), p = 0.0001] and 'bodily pain' scores [57.7 (26.3) vs. 75.5 (25.5), p = 0.001], respectively. Four RAND-36 domains indicated statistically significant health status differences in comparing the preoperative and postoperative RAND-36 scores in LC and MC groups combined. Four RAND-36 domains indicated a significant positive change in QoL after cholecystectomy.Peer reviewe

    High incidence of inguinal hernias among patients with congenital abdominal wall defects: a population-based case-control study

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    The aim of this nationwide population-based case-control study was to assess the incidence of inguinal hernia (IH) among patients with congenital abdominal wall defects. All infants born with congenital abdominal wall defects between Jan 1, 1998, and Dec 31, 2014, were identified in the Finnish Register of Congenital Malformations. Six controls matched for gestational age, sex, and year of birth were selected for each case in the Medical Birth Register. The Finnish Hospital Discharge Register was searched for relevant diagnosis codes for IH, and hernia incidence was compared between cases and controls. We identified 178 infants with gastroschisis and 150 with omphalocele and selected randomly 1968 matched, healthy controls for comparison. Incidence of IH was significantly higher in gastroschisis girls than in matched controls, relative risk (RR) 7.20 (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.25-23.07). In boys with gastroschisis, no statistically significant difference was observed, RR 1.60 (95% CI 0.75-3.38). Omphalocele was associated with higher risk of IH compared to matched controls, RR 6.46 (95% CI 3.90-10.71), and the risk was equally elevated in male and female patients.Conclusion: Risk of IH is significantly higher among patients with congenital abdominal wall defects than in healthy controls supporting hypothesis that elevated intra-abdominal pressure could prevent natural closure of processus vaginalis. Parents should be informed of this elevated hernia risk to avoid delays in seeking care. We also recommend careful follow-up during the first months of life as most of these hernias are diagnosed early in life.</p

    Understanding Different Approaches to ECE Pedagogy through Tensions

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    The concept of pedagogy is the key to understanding pedagogy in early childhood education (ECE) in the Nordic countries, which are known for their high quality of life and education. However, in ECE, there are several different approaches toward pedagogy and it can be said that pedagogy is a multidimensional and dynamic concept. In this paper, the different approaches to pedagogy are defined and reconceptualized through an integrative literature analysis focusing on scientific papers and research reports of the concept. Five approaches to pedagogy were constructed: pedagogy through interaction, pedagogy through scaffolding, pedagogy through didactics, pedagogy through expertise, and pedagogy through future orientation. The identified tensions and elements within the five approaches are presented. Finally, the shared elements among these pedagogical approaches are presented in a dynamic model.</p

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    How Does Participatory Budgeting Affect Council Member Priorities?

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    There is a growing literature concerning participatory budgeting (PB), which transfers some element of budgetary decision making from the executive or legislature to the citizens. It is widely held that this practice originated in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 1989, although there is evidence of antecedents from the 1970s and 1980s and co-developments elsewhere in Brazil (Goldfrank, 2007; Souza, 2001). During the earlier years of development, this practice was found primarily in less developed countries. Early PB reoriented government expenditures to better focus on the needs of the populace. Substantial shares of the budget (9.8-21%) were allocated through participatory process (Souza, 2001). The first documented instance of PB in North America is in Guelph, Canada beginning in 1999 (Pinnington, Lerner, & Schugurensky, 2009). The first United States municipality to adopt PB was Chicago in 2009 (Stewart, Miller, Hildreth, & Wright-Phillips, 2014). New York City adopted a version of participatory budgeting with a process occurring in 2011-2012 with budgetary decisions for Fiscal Year 2013 (Lerner & Secondo, 2012; New York City Council, [2015]; Stewart et al., 2014). Initially four city council members committed a portion of their member selected discretionary capital projects to participatory budgeting, for a total of 6million.Overtheyearsthenumberofcouncilmembershasincreased;inthe201617cycle,31councilmemberscontributed6 million. Over the years the number of council members has increased; in the 2016-17 cycle, 31 council members contributed 40 million of their discretionary capital spending. As of September 2017, the City Council website shows 31 council members participating in the 2017-18 process (New York City Council, 2017c, 2017d). Discretionary spending refers to what is more commonly known as earmarks. In New York City, earmarks are in two large groups, one for the expenditure budget and the other for capital budget. The New York City variant of PB is only associated with the capital budget. The $40 million is less than 1% of the capital budget and, in fact, is a relatively small share of the member directed capital spending. Data on member item capital spending is available from 2002 through the most recent budget decision period. For this study, data has been collected through FY 2017. The data are aggregated into eight categories: education, parks and recreation, arts, culture and communities, transit, housing, public safety, seniors, and all other. The data availability across these years suggests a natural experiment: PB allows citizens to select projects. However, council members contribute only part of their capital discretionary funds to PB. While citizens may select specific projects, council members may balance their overall allocations by adjusting priorities within the discretion they retain. If there is actual impact on priorities, there should be some shift in the funding among the eight categories. If there is no substantial shift, then that suggests that the council members are using their remaining discretion to maintain their aggregate priority preferences. This study uses time series of allocations of participating and nonparticipating members to determine whether allocation changes differ between the two groups

    “At worst it leads to madness.” A phenomenographic approach on how early childhood education professionals experience emotions in teamwork

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    Teamwork is a key part of almost any person’s working life. At its best, teamwork embodies a good team spirit and increases employee well-being, but at its worst, a team is characterized by mistrust or competition between members where action and development is not possible. In this study we explored what types of emotions early childhood education professionals experience during teamwork. These questions are answered with the help of a phenomenographic approach. As a theoretical frame, in this study, we utilize Warr’s (2012) Affective circumplex model. According to our results the ECE professional’s experienced emotions can be mostly described through the categories of enthusiasm, anxiety, and depression. A worrying result was also identified. The respondents described emotions around the category of comfort only a few times, which are related to job satisfaction.peerReviewe