9 research outputs found

    Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution(TOPSIS) Untuk Penentuan Subsidi Listrik

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    Poverty is a condition where a person or household has insufficient income to meet the minimum living needs. BPS states that 40% of Indonesians are in the lowest economy. One of the measures to tackle poverty by the government is the application of electricity subsidies. The government in collaboration with PT. PLN to control poverty has an electricity subsidy program by providing electricity subsidy assistance funds to underprivileged communities. The purpose of the subsidy is to achieve electricity supply and help poor customers and those who have not been contacted by PT. PLN so that they can participate in enjoying electrical energy. However, there are still obstacles where there are many procedures so that it takes a long time to make decisions, because it must be seen from several criteria. One of the methods used to overcome the many criteria of FMADM is TOPSIS to complete 10 alternatives including: Job, Income, Dependents, Vehicle Assets, Home Ownership, Building Area, Drinking Water Source, Electrical Power Range, type of floor, and type of house wall. The results of the study obtained accurate results, namely from 20 submissions, only 11 residents were automatically acceded without having to wait a long time in the decision to grant electricity subsidies. And for 9 residents, they were given recommendations to be acc, 1 citizen was given a recommendation not to be ac

    Optimization of Ground Control Point (GCP) and Independent Control Point (ICP) on Orthorectification of High Resolution Satellite Imagery

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    In the rapidly evolving technology era, various survey methods have been widely used one of them by remote sensing using satellite. It is known that the satellite image recording process is covered by rides (satellites) moving over the Earth's surface at hundreds of kilometers, causing satellite imagery to have geometric distortion. To reduce the effect of geometric distortion of objects on the image, geometric correction by orthorectification is done. Pleiades is a satellite of high resolution satellite image producer made by Airbus Defense & Space company. The resulting satellite imagery has a 0.5 meter spatial resolution. As a reference for the more detailed space utilization activities of space utilization arranged in the Regional Spatial Plans, Detailed Spatial Plans was created with the 1: 5000 scale map which has been governed by the Geospatial Information Agency. In the process of orthorectifying satellite imagery for this 1: 5000 scale map, ground control or Ground Control Point (GCP) is used for geometric correction and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data. In this research, the optimal number of GCP usage for orthorectification process in Rational Function method is 21 GCP using 2nd order polynomia

    Mengembalikan Hak Umat: Pengalaman Nahdliyyin Center Pekalongan dalam Membangun dan Memberdayakan Komunitas

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    Peran Nahdlatul Ulama menjadi sangat penting melakukan advokasi, mendampingi umat mengakses layanan publik dan memberi kontrol kepada umara (pemerintah) yang ada. Gerakan yang diusung oleh Nahdliyyin Center Kota Pekalongan merupakan salah satu inovasi untuk mengembalikan NU menjadi “pejuang rakyat” yang sesungguhnya. Yaitu sebuah gerakan yang langsung bersentuhan dengan umat kaum mustadl\u27afin. Kerja NU sesungguhnya adalah kerja sosial yang tidak bisa dilakukan secara individual. Tapi kerja yang harus dilakukan secara kolektif (jama\u27ah), yaitu membimbing umat dalam berbangsa, bernegara, membangun ekonomi umat, kesehatan dan pendidikan. Satu hal yang harus dipahami, keberadaan jam\u27iyyah (organisasi) hanya mungkin bila ada warga (jama\u27ah). Warga adalah salah satu dari sendi jam\u27iyyah selain imam (pengurus), tujuan bersama, dan aturan main

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Manisan Sayuran Bagi Paguyuban Ibu Rumah Tangga Di Daerah Pesisir Pantai Timur, Surabaya, Jawa Timur

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    Community Partnership Program (PKM) Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University with partners of housewives in Keputih Timur Water Pump has conducted community empowerment activities aimed at overcoming partner problems, namely low levels of knowledge of the mothers of the community towards vegetable processing and no additional income as well. The community emporement team acts as an instructor in providing training. In the first phase of the training that had been carried out was training on food preservation and making sweets of carrot, chili, tomato and star fruit vegetables. The training is conducted by lecturing and discussion. To evaluate the implementation of activities in the form of pretest and posttest, as well as the practice of making sweets. The pretest and postest was given after delivery of the material given. The success of socialization is determined by the increase in value between the pretest and posttest

    Peramalan Kedatangan Wisatawan ke Suatu Negara Menggunakan Metode Support Vector Machine (SVM)

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    Tourism is one of the most promising ecosystems for economic sectors worldwide. A strong tourism sector directly contributes to the country's national income, fights unemployment, and improves the balance of payments. Tourism development can be seen from the increase in arrivals to a nation; based on data obtained from the UNWTO from 1995-2019, it has increased and decreased. The sudden increase and decrease in tourists will have positive and negative impacts. Forecasting is an activity to predict events that will occur in the future by taking data from the past. So this study will expect tourist arrivals to a country using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method. SVM has properties about maximizing margins and kernel tricks to map nonlinear data. The results obtained in this study indicate that SVM Confidence is 86.3%, has a MAPE value of 56.00%, and an RMSE worth of 11126.36 from the total data of 53 countries. And forecasting is carried out in 5 countries with the highest tourist visits. The results obtained are excellent: SVM Confidence of 99.13%, a MAPE value of 2.78%, and an RMSE value of 2783.57.Industri pariwisata adalah salah satu ekosistem yang paling menjanjikan untuk sektor ekonomi di seluruh dunia. Sektor pariwisata yang kuat secara langsung memberikan berkontribusi positif  pada pendapatan nasional negara, memerangi pengangguran dan meningkatkan keseimbangan pembayaran. Perkembangan pariwisata dapat dilihat dari adanya peningkatan kedatangan ke suatu negara, berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari UNWTO dari tahun 1995-2019 mengalami peningkatan dan penurunan. Peningkatan dan penurunan jumlah wisatawan secara tiba-tiba akan memberikan dampak positif dan negatif. Maka penelitian ini akan meramalkan kedatangan wisatawan ke suatu negara menggunakan metode Support Vector Machine (SVM). Berdasarkan penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa bahwa di dapat SVM Confidence sebesar 86,3%, memiliki nilai Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) sebesar 56.00% dan nilai Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) sebesar 11126.36 dari keseluruhan data yaitu 53 negara. Dan dilakukan forecasting terhadap 5 negara dengan kunjungan jumlah wisatawan terbanyak. Di dapatkan hasil yang sangat baik yaitu SVM Confidence sebesar 99,13%, memiliki nilai MAPE sebesar 2,78% dan nilai RMSE sebesar 2783,57

    Optimization of Ground Control Point (GCP) and Independent Control Point (ICP) on Orthorectification of High Resolution Satellite Imagery

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    In the rapidly evolving technology era, various survey methods have been widely used one of them by remote sensing using satellite. It is known that the satellite image recording process is covered by rides (satellites) moving over the Earth's surface at hundreds of kilometers, causing satellite imagery to have geometric distortion. To reduce the effect of geometric distortion of objects on the image, geometric correction by orthorectification is done. Pleiades is a satellite of high resolution satellite image producer made by Airbus Defense & Space company. The resulting satellite imagery has a 0.5 meter spatial resolution. As a reference for the more detailed space utilization activities of space utilization arranged in the Regional Spatial Plans, Detailed Spatial Plans was created with the 1: 5000 scale map which has been governed by the Geospatial Information Agency. In the process of orthorectifying satellite imagery for this 1: 5000 scale map, ground control or Ground Control Point (GCP) is used for geometric correction and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data. In this research, the optimal number of GCP usage for orthorectification process in Rational Function method is 21 GCP using 2nd order polynomia