12 research outputs found

    Sistem skripsi prodi Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi UIN Malang

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    Sistem ini dibuat untuk monitoring proses skripsi di program studi Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Setiap proses skripsi mulai konsultasi sampai pemberian nilai ujian seminar proposal, ujian komprehensif, ujian seminar hasil dan ujian skripsi dilakukan melalui sistem ini. Sehingga pengelola program studi dapat melakukan monitoring terhadap progress skripsi setiap mahasiswanya dan akan timbul transparansi proses dan nilai kepada mahasiswa

    Sistem skripsi prodi Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi UIN Malang

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    Sistem ini dibuat untuk monitoring proses skripsi di program studi Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Setiap proses skripsi mulai konsultasi sampai pemberian nilai ujian seminar proposal, ujian komprehensif, ujian seminar hasil dan ujian skripsi dilakukan melalui sistem ini. Sehingga pengelola program studi dapat melakukan monitoring terhadap progress skripsi setiap mahasiswanya dan akan timbul transparansi proses dan nilai kepada mahasiswa

    Smart Home Berbasis IoT Menggunakan Suara Pada Google Assistant

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    This research builds an IoT based Smart Home using voice command on Google Assistant. It is a solution for sick people who are in wheelchairs / beds or people with disabilities but can speak or elderly people who cannot reach the switch in order to turn on / turn off home devices. In addition, we able to control home devices from any where. The system is built using voice command on the Google Assistant application. Google Assistant converts the voice command to the text command. And then, the text command is forwarded from Google Assistant to Webhooks by IFTTT. Webhooks makes a request to the HTTP RESTful API. The text command is published to MQTT Broker by phpMQTT library available on the HTTP RESTful API. ESP32 Dev Kit as an internet connected microcontroller receives text command from MQTT Broker to turn on or turn off the lights in home. The system testing has succeeded in turning on and turning off the lights with voice commands using Google Assistant.Penelitian ini membangun sebuah Smart Home berbasis IoT menggunakan suara pada Google Assistant. Hal ini dibutuhkan sebagai solusi untuk orang sakit yang berada di kursi roda/tempat tidur atau orang disabilitas tetapi dapat berbicara atau orang lanjut usia yang tidak dapat mencapai saklar agar dapat menghidupkan/mematikan perangkat rumah. Selain itu, agar dapat mengontrol perangkat rumah dari jarak yang sangat jauh. Sistem yang dibangun menggunakan perintah suara pada aplikasi Google Assistant di android. Google Assistant mengubah perintah suara menjadi teks. Teks tersebut kemudian diteruskan dari Google Assistant ke Webhooks oleh IFTTT. Webhooks akan melakukan request ke HTTP RESTful API. Dengan library phpMQTT yang terdapat di HTTP RESTful API, perintah di publish ke MQTT Broker. ESP32 Dev Kit sebagai microcontroller yang terhubung dengan internet menerima perintah dari MQTT Broker untuk menyalakan atau mematikan lampu yang ada di rumah. Pada pengujian sistem telah berhasil menyalakan dan mematikan lampu dengan perintah suara menggunakan Google Assistant


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    Animal feed is one of the most important things for sheep and goat farming. Without a good balance of feed ingredients, sheep and goats will not grow optimally, because the feed given to livestock does not match their needs. Therefore, we need an appropriate way to regulate the nutritional needs of feed required by sheep and goats. This study aims to meet the nutritional needs of sheep and goats from a variety of concentrate and forage feed ingredients. To meet the nutritional needs of feed ingredients, it is necessary to do research on optimization in the manufacture of ration feed formulas. If the nutritional needs have been met, the next goal is to predict the price of the ration economically in order to provide a profit. To solve this problem, an approach is needed to model the relationship between concentrate feed ingredients and forage feedstuff variables. Multivariate linear regression is a regression analysis method that involves more than one response variable.Pakan Ternak merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat penting bagi peternakan domba dan kambing. tanpa keseimbangan zat bahan pakan yang baik, ternak domba dan kambing tidak naik pertumbuhan secara optimal, karena pakan yang diberikan ke ternak tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu cara yang tepat untuk mengatur kebutuhan nutrisi pakan yang diperlukan oleh ternak domba dan kambing. Penelitian ini bertujuan memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi pada ternak domba dan kambing dari berbagai macam bahan pakan konsentrat dan hijauan. Untuk memenuhi Kebutuhan nutrisi pada bahan pakan, perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang optimalisasi dalam pembuatan formula pakan ransum. Jika kebutuhan nutrisi sudah terpenuhi tujuan berikutnya yaitu memprediksi harga ransum secara ekonomis agar memberikan keuntungan. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut, dibutuhkan sebuah pendekatan memodelkan hubungan antara variabel bahan pakan konsentrat dan variabel bahan pakan hijauan. Multivariate Linear Regression merupakan salah satu metode analisis regresi yang melibatkan lebih dari satu variabel respon

    Clustering gempabumi di wilayah regional VII menggunakan pendekatan DBSCAN

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    Wilayah Regional VII meliputi Jawa Tengah, Yogyakarta, dan Jawa Timur merupakan wilayah tektonik yang aktif karena terletak di wilayah zona subduksi lempeng Indo-Australia dan Eurasia serta terdapat beberapa patahan aktif di daratan. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan klasifikasi gempabumi untuk memetakan zona rawan gempabumi berdasarkan sumbernya di wilayah Regional VII berdasarkan kesamaan atribut salah satunya adalah berdasarkan karakteristik gempabumi dari sumber yang sama. Pada penelitian ini digunakan pendekatan algoritma Unsupervised Learning Clustering berbasis kepadatan yaitu, Density Based Spatial Clustering of Application with Noise atau DBSCAN, algoritma ini membutuhkan parameter input epsilon (ε) dan MinPts. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data gempabumi wilayah Regional VII tahun 2017 hingga 2021 yang diperoleh dari BMKG. Selanjutnya, proses clustering dilakukan dengan membagi data gempabumi berdasarkan periode yaitu periode tahunan dan periode lima tahun dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pola cluster berdasarkan periode waktu. Hasil yang terbentuk selanjutnya dievaluasi menggunakan Silhouette Coefficient serta dibandingkan dengan peta Seismisitas Jawa yang telah ada dari katalog PuSGeN 2017. Hasil clustering menggunakan DBSCAN diperoleh jumlah cluster sebanyak 2 hingga 6 cluster dengan nilai Silhouette Coefficient terendah sebesar 0.270 untuk periode T5_2017-2021 dan tertinggi sebesar 0.499 untuk periode T1_2020

    Plagiarism detection using Manber and Winnowing Algorithm

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    Plagiarism is a copy of the essay or opinion of others and does not list the written references, and makes it his own essay or opinion. There are several algorithms that have the ability to detect plagiarism of documents such as Jaro-Winkler algorithm, winnowing, Manber and others. In this study, research conducted on Mamber and Winnowing algorithms in detecting plagiarism. The Manber algorithm is an algorithm that uses K-grams but does not use the formation of a window while the winnowing algorithm is an algorithm that uses the K-grams approach in shaping the fingerprint pool. The app divides the documents into Biword and Triword tokens. These tokens are converted to MD5 value, the tokens have a hash value that has the same length and can be used as a document fingerprint. The Biword and Triword approaches are implanted in the winnowing algorithm, while the Biword is for Manber algorithms. This algorithm can check the phrase of each document, then saved in to an array. At the time of displaying the document will be obtained the same value long, the algorithm is able to display the value of arrays that form a Biword token as a fingerprint. From the results of the similirity of the 10 test data, the average result for manber algorithm is 90.56%, the Winnowing algorithm is 94% and the Winnowing triword 91.22% algorithm. The average time of generating winnowing triword data is 78.95 seconds and is 5.2% slower than the winnowing biword of 73.75 seconds

    Principal component analysis-based data clustering for labeling of level damage sector in post-natural disasters

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    Post-disaster sector damage data is data that has features or criteria in each case the level of damage to the post-natural disaster sector data. These criteria data are building conditions, building structures, building physicals, building functions, and other supporting conditions. Data on the level of damage to the post-natural disaster sector used in this study amounted to 216 data, each of which has 5 criteria for damage to the post-natural disaster sector. Then the 216 post-disaster sector damage data were processed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to look for labels in each data. The results of these labels will be used to cluster data based on the value scale of the results of data normalization in the PCA process. In the data normalization process at PCA, the data is divided into 2 components, namely PC1 and PC2. Each component has a variance ratio and eigenvalue generated in the PCA process. For PC1 it has a variance ratio of 85.17% and an eigenvalue of 4.28%, while PC2 has a variance ratio of 9.36% and an eigenvalue of 0.47%. The results of the data normalization are then made into a 2-dimensional graph to see the visualization of the PCA results data. The result is that there is 3 data cluster using a value scale based on the PCA results chart. The coordinate value (n) of each cluster is cluster 1 (n<0), cluster 2 (0 ≤n <2), and cluster 3 (n≥2). To test these 3 groups of data, it is necessary to conduct trials by comparing the original target data, there are two experiments, namely testing the PC1 results with the original target data, and the PC2 results with the original target data. The result is that there are 2 updates, the first is that the distribution of PC1 data is very good in grouping the data when comparing the distribution of data with PC2, because the variance ratio and eigenvalue values of PC1 are greater than PC2. While second, the results of testing the PC1 data with the original target data produce good data grouping, because the original target data which has a value of 1 (slightly damaged) occupies the coordinates of cluster 1 (n<0), while the original target data which has a value of 2 (damaged moderately) occupies cluster 2 coordinates (0 ≤n <2), and for the original target data the value 3 (heavily damaged) occupies cluster 3 coordinates (n≥2). Therefore, it can be concluded that PCA, which so far has been used by many studies as feature reduction, this study uses PCA for labeling unsupervised data so that it has an appropriate data label for further processing