115 research outputs found

    Makna Lafadz Idrib Dalam Qs. An-nisa Ayat 34 Perspektif Ulama Kabupaten Malang

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    The background of this research, is the fact often indicates that the marital relationship is not always harmonious. Sometimes a spouse fails to save the Big Dipper in the household as it faces problems that are considered to be beyond their means. Sometimes women ignore or less than the maximum husband right in doing his duty to the house and her children. This study aims to describe, how do cleric Malang Meaning Lafadz idrib on Qs. An-Nisa verse 34 and how do Malang cleric on how the settlement of disputes in domestic life which in turn can realize harmonious family. While the object of research is the Ulema Malang.The results of this Penetian, researchers finally, first, the meanings of the Salafi Ulama Lafadz idrib on Qs. AnNisa verse 34 by taking the path of violence that is hitting with the hand, while the scholars of Modern and Contemporary in meaning Lafadz Idrib ie, hit without using street violence, ie by continuously advised. Second, Salafi cleric in resolving disputes in domestic life are clubbed, Salaf allow wife beating wives who disobey the reason is still the responsibility of the husband, it is necessary to resort to violence to revive him. Modern and contemporary scholars While there are two methods to resolve disputes that occur in the home, The first is by way of violence, that is allowed to beat his wife as long as the stage-the stage prior to the beating had done well and has not produced results. The second dispute resolution process in the household is, without the use of the least violent way, which is enough to be kept advised menurus due to violence if the problem is not going to finish, and beating only produces more dangerous uprising.Studinya bertujuan untuk menggambarkan, bagaimana ulama Malang Arti Lafadz idrib pada Qs. An-Nisa ayat 34 dan bagaimana ulama Malang tentang bagaimana penyelesaian sengketa dalam kehidupan rumah tangga yang pada gilirannya dapat mewujudkan keluarga yang harmonis. Sedangkan objek penelitian adalah Ulama Malang. Hasil Penetian ini, peneliti akhirnya, pertama, arti dari Salafi Ulam aLafadzidrib pada Qs.An - Nisa ayat 34 dengan mengambil jalan kekerasan yang memukul dengan tangan, sementara para ulama Modern dan Kontemporer dalam arti Lafadz Idribi adalah memukul tanpa menggunakan jalan kekerasan, yaitu dengan saran atau masukan, kedua, ulama salafi dalam menyelesaikan sengketa kehidupan rumah tangga dengan dipukul, ulama' Salafi membolehkan pemukulan terhadap istri yang tidak taat alasannya adalah karena masih tanggung jawab suami, maka perlu menggunakan kekerasan untuk menghidupkan kembali kepadanya. Sedangkan para ulama' kontemporer pertama adalah dengan cara pendekatan musyawarah, apabila belum membuahkan hasil. Proses penyelesaian sengketa kedua dalam rumah tangga adalah dengan peringatan yang keras, hindari kekerasan karena hanya menghasilkan pemberontakan lebih berbahaya

    Dichromacy: Color Vision Impairment and Consanguinity in Heterogenous Population of Pakistan

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    Background and Objectives: Dichromacy, an X-linked recessive disorder is identified worldwide, more in males than females. In European Caucasians, its incidence is 8% in males and 0.5% in females. In India, it is 8.73% in males and 1.69% in females, and in Iran, it is 8.18% in males and 0.43% in females. Population based epidemiological data about dichromacy in different ethnic groups in Pakistan is not available. The aim of this study was to find out the population prevalence of inherited red-green dichromacy in a heterogenous population of the district of Chiniot, Punjab, Pakistan, and to determine the impact of consanguinity and ethnicity. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, boys and girls of the higher secondary schools were examined in the three tehsils of district Chiniot. Pseudoisochromatic Ishihara Test has been employed for detection of dichromacy in the study population. The sample size was calculated statistically as 260, which was expanded to 705 and divided by population density of the three tehsils. Results: Screening of 359 males and 346 females revealed 19 (5.29%) dichromat males and only 2 (0.58%) females. The study population belonged to 23 castes / isonym groups. The consanguinity found in the district of Chiniot is 84.82% and in the dichromat families, it is 85.71%, of which 52.37% are first cousin. Interpretation & Conclusion: The study has shown that the incidence of dichromacy could be reduced through genetic counselin

    Improved Distributed Estimation Method for Environmental\ud time-variant Physical variables in Static Sensor Networks

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    In this paper, an improved distributed estimation scheme for static sensor networks is developed. The scheme is developed for environmental time-variant physical variables. The main contribution of this work is that the algorithm in [1]-[3] has been extended, and a filter has been designed with weights, such that the variance of the estimation errors is minimized, thereby improving the filter design considerably\ud and characterizing the performance limit of the filter, and thereby tracking a time-varying signal. Moreover, certain parameter optimization is alleviated with the application of a particular finite impulse response (FIR) filter. Simulation results are showing the effectiveness of the developed estimation algorithm

    Internalisasi Nilai-nilai Karakter Peserta Didik dalam Pembelajaran Tahsin dan Tahfidzul Qur’an di SMA Darun Nasya Kabupaten Bandung Barat

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    Al-Qur'an as a holy book has an important role in the hearts of Muslims. A Muslim has an obligation to improve reading (Tahsin) and practice the messages contained. The Tahsin and Tahfidz learning programs which are currently widespread in schools and Islamic boarding schools foster a spirit of learning among the people. In particular, it motivates parents to send their children to schools that have tahfidz programs. with the hope that the Tahsin and Tahfidz programs have a positive influence on the growth and development of students. This study aims to identify how the implementation of the tahsin and tahfidz programs at SMA Darun Nasya with the hope of providing information on the internalization of character values. This type of research is field research with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. The results showed that there was a pattern of behavior change in students after participating in the tahsin and tahfidz learning programs

    Internalisasi Revolusi Mental

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    Fokus penelitian ini yaitu, “Bagaimana internalisasi revolusi mental siswa SMK Nurul Islam Manyar Gresik?”. Jenis penelitian termasuk penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yaitu kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan pada objek tertentu secara jelas dan sistematis. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan Internalisasi Revolusi Mental Siswa di SMK Nurul Islam Manyar Gresik. Hasil penelitian : 1). Internalisasi diartikan sebagai penghayatan, pendalaman, pengasingan, penggabungan atau penyatuan sikap, standart tingkah laku, pendapat dan seterusnya di dalam kepribadian. 2). Revolusi mental adalah transformasi etos, yaitu Perubahan mendasar dalam mentalitas, cara berfikir, cara merasa dan cara mempercayai, yang semuanya menjelma dalam perilaku dan tindakan sehari-hari. Etos ini menyangkut semua aspek kehidupan, mulai dari ekonomi, politik, sains tekhnologi, seni, agama, dan sebagainya, 3). Internalisasi revolusi mental adalah suatu proses secara mendalam tentang nilai-nilai Revolusi Mental yang berjalan di SMK Nurul Islam. Proses internalisasi sangatlah penting dalam Revolusi Mental. Oleh karena Revolusi Mental merupakan bagian nilai-nilai pendidikan

    Pengembangan Laboratorium Virtual pada Materi Penanaman dan Pewarnaan Bakteri di SMA: Development of Virtual Laboratory on Bacteria Planting and Staining Materials in Senior High Schools

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    The material for culturing and coloring bacteria is abstract, requiring other alternatives to understand the material through a practicum in a virtual laboratory. This development research aims to produce virtual laboratory media for high school students. The media development was carried out using the ADDIE model. Media and material experts' and product validation obtained results in a very good category. The feasibility of this virtual laboratory media was practically seen through the results of the teacher's response which is in the excellent category, and the analysis of the perception of small group students is in a good category. Trials for large groups of students were performed in the two classes of MIA. The obtained result was in an excellent category, with Choen's Kappa index of 0.47 (significant 0.00), indicating a fairly strong and significant agreement on the students' responses in both classes regarding the feasibility of the developed virtual laboratory media. It can be concluded that the virtual laboratory media on culturing and coloring bacteria is feasible to be used in schools as an alternative to practicum learning media


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    As the era develops, the need for petroleum is getting bigger as a fuel so thatinnovation is needed to create renewable energy that can be continuously renewed and utilized,one of which is by creating biodiesel. Biodiesel is a fuel produced from animal fats and vegetableoils through a transesterification process. One of the crops that has the potential to becomebiodiesel is coconut, because Indonesia has the largest coconut plantation in the world. Inaddition, coconut oil also has a very high ester content when compared to other vegetable oils.This study aims to analyze the performance of marine diesel engines under full load conditionsusing mixed fuels, namely diesel and coconut oil biodiesel for power, torque, and gsfc. In thisstudy, the most optimal variation of the fuel mixture on the performance of marine dieselengines. From the test results, it can be concluded that the mixture of coconut oil biodiesel withdiesel fuel increases the power produced with a torque of 239.6343 Nm. The use of the fuelmixture increases the performance of the diesel engine so that the power and torque produced ishigher than using Pertamina Dex alone. From the results of research, the B30 fuel has the highestpower and torque and the B30 fuel also has the lowest gsfc value

    Analysis of Service Quality Influence, Commitment, and Customer Confidence Against Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Makassar Area Raya

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    Currently the development of banking services is growing so rapidly because banking is one part of financial institutions that play a very important role for the smooth economic activities of a country. This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of Service Quality, Commitment, and Customer Confidence Against Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty At PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Makassar Area Raya. The type of research used in this study is quantitative approach. The quantitative approach bases the study of empirical rational principles. The quantitative approach bases the study of empirical rational principles. Therefore, before doing research the researcher must find the problem and hypothesis to be tested based on the criteria specified and the analytical tool used is Smart PLS 2.0. The results showed that partially, the quality of service, commitment, and customer confidence have a positive and significant impact on satisfaction. Furthermore, service quality variables, commitment, customer trust and satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. The indirect effect indicates that satisfaction can mediate the influence of service quality, commitment, and trust of customer to customer loyalty of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Makassar Area Raya positively and significantly

    Analisis Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Jumlah Kejahatan Pencurian Kendaraan Bermotor (Curanmor) Menggunakan Model Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression (Gwpr)

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    Theft is an act taking someone else's property, partially or entierely, with intention to have it illegally. Motor vehicle theft is one of the most highlighted crime type and disturbing the communities. Regression analysis is a statistical analysis for modeling the relationships between response variable and predictor variable. If the response variable follows a Poisson distribution or categorized as a count data, so the regression model used is Poisson regression. Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression (GWPR) is a local form of Poisson regression where data sampling location is prioritized. GWPR model is used for identifying the factors that influence the numbers of motor vehicles theft, either using a weighted gauss kernel function or bisquare kernel function. Based on the value of Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) of Poisson regression and GWPR model, it is analyzed that GWPR model using a weighted fixed bisquare kernel function is the best model for analyzing the number of motor vehicles theft at every Sub-Districts in the Semarang city in 2012, because it has the smallest AIC value. This model has a precision of 88,81%
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