147 research outputs found

    Increasing Education of Family Support for Decreasing Depression Level Towards Elderly

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    The elderly was a natural process that can not be avoided. The many changing occurred due to biological aspects, psychological, social, economic, and health. The brain aging process was a part of the degeneration process caused neuropsychological disorder varieties. The present study aimed at analyzing the family support depression level of the elderly before and after being given an education. It used a randomized pre-experimental design with pretest and posttest One Group Only Design (in form of the community trial). The research was conducted in Selemadeg village for 4 months i.e. July to October 2016. The study population was all elderly in Selemadeg village. The sampling techniques with total sampling, which meets the criteria for inclusion and exclusion amounted to 400 people. Based on the data analysis showed that there was the very significant positive difference between family support with the depression level in the elderly before being given education as indicated by the value t < p-value (t = -39.001) and p = 0:01)

    Faktor Dan Pengaruh Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian Terhadap Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Penduduk Di Kabupaten Bantul. Kasus Daerah Perkotaan, Pinggiran Dan Pedesaan Tahun 2001-2010

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    Jumlah penduduk yang meningkat berdampak pada kebutuhan lahan, seperti permukiman,industry, jasa sehingga terjadi alih fungsi lahan pertanian karena lahan terbatas. Tujuan penelitian (1)mengetahui karakteristik sosial ekonomi, (2) faktor yang mempengaruhi, (3) pengaruh (4) hubunganluas lahan pertanian dengan keberlangsungan USAhatani.Lokasi penelitian di Desa Panggungharjo, Desa Bantul dan Desa Kebonagung. Metodepenelitian adalah survai. Analisis data deskriptif menggunakan tabel frekuensi, tabel silang dan regresibinary.Penduduk yang mengalihfungsikan lahan memiliki pendidikan rendah, sebagai petani denganpendapatan <Rp 1.500.000. Harga jual lahan berpengaruh terhadap alih fungsi lahan diPanggungharjo, di Bantul dan Kebonagung yaitu lokasi lahan. Munculnya jenis pekerjaan sebagaipedagang dan wiraswasta. Pendapatan cenderung menurun, terutama pemilik lahan sempit danmenggantungkan USAhanya di sektor pertanian. Strategi bertahan hidup dengan lahan sempit yaitumengusahakan lahan yang masih dimilikinya sehingga USAhatani terus berlanjut. Keinginanmengalihfungsikan lahan pertanian berbanding terbalik terhadap keberlangsungan USAhatani

    The implementation of project-based learning model and audio media Visual can increase students’ activities

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    This research aims to investigate whether the use of project-based learning assisted by audio visual media can increase students’ activities. This research was an action research The object of this research were students in East Nusa Tenggara which are students in SMAK Suria and those in SMA Negeri 1 Atambua The data were collected through observation, interview, document ion and questionnaires technique. This research utilized qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The combination method was convergent parallel mixed methods type that is the researcher collected qualitative and quantitative data at the same time, analysed data separately, and compared the findings to know whether or not those findings complete each other. The result of this research showed that the implementation of PBL assisted by audio visual media in Economics increased learning activities in   class XI Social science at SMAK Suria Atambua and class XI social science at SMA Negeri 1 Atambua The results were shown through the improvement of learning activities in which the result of pretest was 41.41% and the post test was 61.09% after getting treatment in cycle 1 and increased to 78.91%. This also happened in SMA Negeri 1 Atambua, class XI social science. After implementing PJBL assisted by audio visual media, from 42.59% it increased to 56.49 in cycle 1until  82.49% after gettingt treatment in cycle II that is included in high criteria. Keywords: Project Based Learning, Audio visual, Activitie


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    Jemaat Gereja Betesda Buraen sebagian besarnya adalah petani dan tergabung dalam 5 kelompok tani. Banyak permasalahan pertanian dan ekonomi yang dihadapi kelompok tani di jemaat ini diantaranya menurunnya kesuburan tanah, meningkatnya serangan hama dan patogen  tanaman sehingga menurunkan pendapatan petani. Oleh karena itu pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini, petani diberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam mengolah limbah yang ada di linkungannya menjadi produk yang dapat meningkatkan produksi pertanian sekaligus pendapatan keluarga.Kegiatan ini juga dimaksudkan untuk mendaur ulang limbah menjadi bahan yang lebih bernilai sekaligus mengurangi dampak negatif limbah bagi lingkungan.  Kegiatan yang disiapkan berupa pelatihan pengolahan  limbah sekam padi menjadi biochar (bahan pembenah tanah), pengolahan limbah tekstil khususnya handuk bekas menjadi wadah tanam yang bernilai ekonomis serta peningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam memanfaatkan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang tersedia di sekitartempat tinggal untuk membuat pestisida organik. Kegiatan ini telah dilakukan selama 1 hari. Terdapat paling sedikit 15 petani mengikuti kegiatan dari awal sampai selesai. Antusiasme peserta cukup besar untuk mengetahui dan mengikuti kegiatan PKM. terbukti dengan keterlibatan secara aktif selama diskusi dan praktek. Hasil evaluasi menunjukan ada peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan petani terhadap materi yang diberikan. Berdasarkan hasil  umpan balik peserta mengharapkan adanya kesinambungan kegiatan seperti ini sehingga dapat meningkatkan hasil pertanian dan juga  menghasilkan produk-produk lain yang dapat dijual untuk peningkatan pendapatan keluarga

    Long-Term Memorability On Advertisements

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    Marketers spend billions of dollars on advertisements but to what end? At the purchase time, if customers cannot recognize a brand for which they saw an ad, the money spent on the ad is essentially wasted. Despite its importance in marketing, until now, there has been no study on the memorability of ads in the ML literature. Most studies have been conducted on short-term recall (<5 mins) on specific content types like object and action videos. On the other hand, the advertising industry only cares about long-term memorability (a few hours or longer), and advertisements are almost always highly multimodal, depicting a story through its different modalities (text, images, and videos). With this motivation, we conduct the first large scale memorability study consisting of 1203 participants and 2205 ads covering 276 brands. Running statistical tests over different participant subpopulations and ad-types, we find many interesting insights into what makes an ad memorable - both content and human factors. For example, we find that brands which use commercials with fast moving scenes are more memorable than those with slower scenes (p=8e-10) and that people who use ad-blockers remember lower number of ads than those who don't (p=5e-3). Further, with the motivation of simulating the memorability of marketing materials for a particular audience, ultimately helping create one, we present a novel model, Sharingan, trained to leverage real-world knowledge of LLMs and visual knowledge of visual encoders to predict the memorability of a content. We test our model on all the prominent memorability datasets in literature (both images and videos) and achieve state of the art across all of them. We conduct extensive ablation studies across memory types, modality, brand, and architectural choices to find insights into what drives memory


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    Bali is known as one of the most popular tourism destination in the world. The number of tourist visit to Bali increases every year. In 2010, there roughly 7 millions tourist visits to Bali and reach up to 14 million people by the end of 2017. This increased in number may affect the growth of tourism industries and economic growth in Bali Province. This study aims to analyze the patterns of causal relationship between tourism industry receipts, tourist visits, and economic growth in Bali based on time series data using vector autoregressive (VAR) model. The results conclude the following: (i) foreign tourist visits is significantly affect economic growth. In addition, economic growth, domestic tourist visits, and foreign tourist visits are significantly impact to tourism industry receipts, (ii) economic growth would affect the tourism industry receipts in the next four consecutive months, (iii) the forecasting result of economic growth with VAR model is highly accurated with MAPE 2%


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    The purpose of this research is to know the performance of Fuzzy Evolutionary Algorithm in solving one type of Vehicle Routing Problem that is Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP). There are 8 different CVRP data to be solved. The performance of the algorithm can be determined by comparing the value obtained by AFE with the optimal value of the data. The result of this research is fuzzy evolution algorithm yields the best average relative error from all data for distance that is equal to 69,5855% and for minimum vehicle equal to 26%

    ARTICLE Neurite Growth in 3D Collagen Gels With Gradients of Mechanical Properties

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    ABSTRACT: We have designed and developed a microfluidic system to study the response of cells to controlled gradients of mechanical stiffness in 3D collagen gels. An &apos;H&apos;-shaped, source-sink network was filled with a type I collagen solution, which self-assembled into a fibrillar gel. A 1D gradient of genipin-a natural crosslinker that also causes collagen to fluoresce upon crosslinking-was generated in the cross-channel through the 3D collagen gel to create a gradient of crosslinks and stiffness. The gradient of stiffness was observed via fluorescence. A separate, underlying channel in the microfluidic construct allowed the introduction of cells into the gradient. Neurites from chick dorsal root ganglia explants grew significantly longer down the gradient of stiffness than up the gradient and than in control gels not treated with genipin. No changes in cell adhesion, collagen fiber size, or density were observed following crosslinking with genipin, indicating that the primary effect of genipin was on the mechanical properties of the gel. These results demonstrate that (1) the microfluidic system can be used to study durotactic behavior of cells and (2) neurite growth can be directed and enhanced by a gradient of mechanical properties, with the goal of incorporating mechanical gradients into nerve and spinal cord regenerative therapies