60 research outputs found


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    The Great Jakarta Bay Ecosystem (GJBE) supports the economic growth for the surrounding community, including fisheries sector. This large ecosystem is consisted of two coastal ecosystems, i.e. Jakarta Bay and Thousands islands. There are only traditional fisheries operating either in Jakarta Bay or Thousand islands. Some economically important fisheries include shrimp, demersal and small pelagic fisheries, which are caught using different fishing gears, either active or passive fishing gears. There are some serious concerns related to the fish resources and habitat degradations in the GJBE, which in turn can cause the decrease in fish population and fish species diversity, respectively. CPUE and catch composition of the fixed lift nets, sero and fixed gillnet fisheries were obtained from the observations in 2006 and 2014. In addition, to determine the level of pollution, tissue samples were collected for green mussel (Perna viridis), blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) and white-spotted spinefoot (Siganus canaliculatus) in 2009. The CPUE trend and catch composition showed that overfishing might have been occurring in the Jakarta Bay. The histological study on gill tissues of the three species shows that the Jakarta Bay has been polluted. Several efforts have been done to address the problems, including sea farming, habitat rehabilitation (artificial reef and mangrove restoration), marine conservation area and fish shelter, restocking and sea ranching


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    Investigatton on oxidative stability of several fishery products during processing and storage was carried out in Pektrlongan and Muncar during the period of 1994-1995

    Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan

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    Characteristics of Solid Waste Agar Industries

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    Agar processed from red seaweed Gracilaria sp. in Indonesia can be found in the form of sheet and powder. The abundance of cellulose in agar solid waste can be used as an alternative source of carbon for microorganism growth. The purpose of this study was to determine the component of agar solid waste and to characterize the cellulose. The agar solid waste (limbah industri agar-agar, LIA) was undergone physical separation process into agar, fiber cellulose, and celite. The result showed that agar solid waste consisted of 53.53% fiber; 37.33% agar and 8.60% celite. LIA was characterized for its components including ash, lignin, extractive substances, cellulose, hemicellulose, and holocellulose using Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Method (TAPPI). The TAPPI analysis revealed that solid waste generated from seaweed Gracilaria sp processing had 28.19% cellulose, 38.83% holocellulosa, 10.63% hemicellulose, 8.27% ash, 3.54% insoluble acid ash, 11.23% water, and 1.62% extractives substances. The lignin content of the solid waste was low (2.08%), therefore it has potential to be utilized as biomass (bio fertilizer, alternative carbon source). The components in solid waste of agar was determined using Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR). The LIA sample had high content of celite indicated by the absorption peak which appears at wave length 2343.45 cm-1 for the -Si-H bond and at the wave length 772.99 cm-1 for the bond -Si- O-. Infra-red spectra showed that celite still exist in solid waste of agar. The study indicated that there was still a large amount of cellulose in the solid waste of agar. Keywords: solid waste, cellulose, agar, lignin, celit

    Optimization of the Flour Formulation of Crispy Fried Soft Shell Crab Products using the Mixture Design Method

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    Crispy fried soft-shelled crab products are soft-shelled crabs that are coated with flour and then fried and dried until crispy. The type and formulation of flour used greatly influences the level of crispiness of crispy products. This research aims to determine the best flour formulation as a result of optimization for crispy fried soft-shelled crab products. The research method employed was the mixture design and de Garmo methods. The test parameters in this study were the hedonic sensory evaluation by 10 trained panelists, the significant difference test, and the productivity test which were carried out in 3 replicates. The results showed that optimization of flour formulations could improve the sensory quality of crispy fried soft-shelled crab products. The flour optimization treatment had a significant effect on the parameters of appearance, texture, crispiness and overall acceptability (p-value 0.05 The best optimized flour formulation for crispy fried soft shell crab products has a composition of 72.5% wheat flour, 10% rice flour and 17.5% cornstarch with a productivity value of 0.8


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    Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara pengekspor produk ikan tuna dalam kaleng.  Terdapat berbagai jenis ikan tuna di perairan Indonesia yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku untuk pengolahan produk ikan tuna kaleng.  Secara garis besar pengolahan tuna kaleng yang dilakukan oleh pabrik pengalengan ikan di Indonesia adalah penerimaan bahan baku, penyiangan, penyusunan dalam rak, pemasakan pendahuluan, pendinginan, pembuangan kepala dan kulit ikan, pembersihan daging, pemotongan, pengisian ke dalam kaleng, penambahan medium, penutupan kaleng, sterilisasi, pendinginan dan pemeraman kaleng, pelabelan, dan pengepakan.  Standar Nasional Indonesia yang harus diikuti di dalam pengolahan produk ikan tuna kaleng adalah SNI 01-2712-1992: Tuna dalam Kaleng, SNI 01-2712.1-1992: Bahan Baku Tuna dalam Kaleng, dan SNI 01-2712.2-1992: Penanganan dan Pengolahan Ikan Tuna dalam Kaleng


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    Rumput laut hijau Caulerpa dapat ditemukan di setiap daerah pesisir Indonesia, dan merupakan salah satu rumput laut dengan potensi besar untuk dikembangkan di masa depan. Parameter kimia, terutama konsentrasi nutrisi di kolom perairan (nitrat, nitrit, fosfat, dan amonia), memainkan peran penting dalam distribusi dan keanekaragaman rumput laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kelimpahan, indeks ekologi, dan hubungan antara konsentrasi nutrisi di kolom perairan dengan keanekaragaman Caulerpa dari tiga lokasi yang berbeda (Pulau Bintan, Jepara, dan Pulau Osi). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara kadar nutrisi di perairan dengan kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman Caulerpa di tiga lokasi. Kadar nitrat, amonia, dan rasio DIN:P berbeda secara signifikan berbeda di semua lokasi. Namun demikian, kadar nitrit dan fosfat tidak berbeda secara signifikan di ketiga lokasi. Kadar nitrat dan fosfat tertinggi ditemukan di Pulau Osi. Kadar nitrit dan amonia mencirikan kondisi yang ada di Pulau Bintan. Kadar nitrat merupakan karakteristik utama yang membedakan nutrisi perairan di semua lokasi. Spesies Caulerpa yang ditemukan pada penelitian ini adalah Caulerpa racemosa, Caulerpa lentilifera, Caulerpa serrulata, Caulerpa sertularoides, dan Caulerpa cupresoides. Faktor pertumbuhan rumput laut hijau Caulerpa lentilifera dipengaruhi oleh kadar nitrat dan fosfat. Di sisi lain, kadar amonia menentukan pertumbuhan Caulerpa racemosa dan Caulerpa serrulata. Keragaman dan kelimpahan Caulerpa cupresoides dipengaruhi oleh kadar nitrit. Hasil analisis korespondensi kanonik menunjukkan bahwa parameter nitrat, fosfat, dan amonia menjadi parameter dominan yang mempengaruhi distribusi Caulerpa di tiga lokasi.The green seaweed Caulerpa can be found in almost every coastal area of Indonesia, and it is one of the seaweeds with immense potential to be developed in the future. The chemical factors, especially water nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, and ammonia), play an essential role in the distribution and diversity of seaweed. This study aimed to identify the abundance, ecological index, and relationship between the water column nutrients concentration and the biodiversity of Caulerpa from three different locations (Bintan Island, Jepara, and Osi Island). There were 12 points of observation at each site. The result showed a correlation between the nutrient levels and the abundance and diversity of Caulerpa in three locations. The nitrate, ammonia, and DIN:P ratio values were significantly different between areas. In contrast, there were insignificant differences in nitrite and phosphate concentrations between sites. The highest nitrate and phosphate concentrations were observed on Osi Island. The nitrite and ammonia values were identical for the condition on Bintan Island. The nitrate value was the main characteristic that distinguished the water nutrient at all sites. The Caulerpa species found in this research were Caulerpa racemosa, Caulerpa lentilifera, Caulerpa serrulata, Caulerpa sertularoides, and Caulerpa cupresoides. The nitrate and phosphate values influenced the growth factor of the green seaweed Caulerpa lentilifera. Caulerpa racemosa and Caulerpa serrulata, on the other hand, grew in response to ammonia levels. Caulerpa cupresoides diversity and abundance were impacted by the nitrite value. The results of the canonical correspondence analysis revealed that nitrate, phosphate, and ammonia were the most important factors influencing Caulerpa distribution in three locations

    Achieving Sustainability in Capture Fishing Industry Based on the Regional Characteristics

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    The prospect of the fishery sector becomes one of strategic economic activities, in which the government implements fisheries industrialization as a strategy to enhance added values of fishery production. The fishing industry is unique since it exploits fish as the main raw material naturally available and accessible by humans. Moreover, the capture fishing industry is relatively a high cost economy. This study was aimed at designing the regional-based institutional and network models of the fishing industry in order to achieve the sustainable fishing industry in Maluku province. The research employed Soft System Methodology to obtain an ideal model for the management of the sustainable capture fishing industry. Structure identification in designing the institutional model for a supply chain system of the sustainable fishing industry was carried out using the Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM). Meanwhile, TOPSIS was involved in establishing a model for the fishing industry. The results show the institution that would be developed was a financial institution (cooperative) that would be managed and run by fishermen. The capture fishing industrial network in Maluku province was built by actualizing PPN Ambon as a main server in the route of PPI Masarette PPI Eri PPN Ambon. While Amahai would act as a main server for the route of PPN Tual PPI Amahai and PPI East Tahme PPI Amahai

    Characteristics of Kamaboko from Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) Surimi Processed with Carrot and Beet Root as Filler and Natural Food Colorants

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    The objective of the  study was to investigate  the effect of beet root  and carrot as filler and natural food colourant on the  chemical, physical  and sensory properties of kamaboko. Kamaboko from catfish (Clarias gariepinus) surimi was  processed with carrot (Daucus carota) and beet root (Beta vulgaris) at two concentrations (12 and 16%  of surimi weight). Assesment was done on chemical (proximate, pH), physical (folding test, WHC, gel strength and breaking force) properties as well as sensory evaluation. The results showed that kamaboko gel processed using beet root had better performance than kamaboko gel processed using carrot. Kamaboko processed  using beet root has protein content, folding test, water holding capacity, gel strength, breaking force, and sensory characteristics (appearance, colour, odor, texture, and taste)  better than kamaboko processed with carrot.  Increasing concentration of filler only affect on the gel strength and breaking force of kamaboko processed with beet root.  The best characteristic of kamaboko was obtained from kamaboko processed using beet root  with concentration of 12%. However, beet root was not recommended as colourant since the colour was not stable especially when stored at freezer


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    An EAFM from a global perspective is still moving towards on implementation. EAFM is based on conventional fisheries management but broadens the perspective beyond seeing a fishery as simply “fish in the sea, people in boats,” beyond consideration only of commercially important species, and beyond management efforts directed solely at the harvesting process. This research aims to initiate implementing EAFM in Indonesia: case in Tarakan Fisheries, North Kalimantan Province. From the initiate implementation of EAFM, we found that the possibility to improve the performance on arrange fisheries management based on ecosystem approach. EAFM could be used as tools to confirm scientific findings and gathering initial information on fisheries. In the case, fisheries community in Tarakan was put human well-being as important point to determine fisheries management, rather than ecological well-being. To secure the fisheries the possible options would arrange accepted and adaptable policy on controlling fisheries i.e. temporary fishing closure in term of area and season