144 research outputs found

    TMEM16A calcium-activated chloride currents in supporting cells of the mouse olfactory epithelium

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    Glial-like supporting (or sustentacular) cells are important constituents of the olfactory epithelium that are involved in several physiological processes such as production of endocannabinoids, insulin, and ATP and regulation of the ionic composition of the mucus layer that covers the apical surface of the olfactory epithelium. Supporting cells express metabotropic P2Y purinergic receptors that generate ATP-induced Ca2+ signaling through the activation of a PLC-mediated cascade. Recently, we reported that a subpopulation of supporting cells expresses also the Ca2+-activated Cl- channel TMEM16A. Here, we sought to extend our understanding of a possible physiological role of this channel in the olfactory system by asking whether Ca2+ can activate Cl- currents mediated by TMEM16A. We use whole-cell patch-clamp analysis in slices of the olfactory epithelium to measure dose-response relations in the presence of various intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, ion selectivity, and blockage. We find that knockout of TMEM16A abolishes Ca2+-activated Cl- currents, demonstrating that TMEM16A is essential for these currents in supporting cells. Also, by using extracellular ATP as physiological stimuli, we found that the stimulation of purinergic receptors activates a large TMEM16A-dependent Cl- current, indicating a possible role of TMEM16A in ATP-mediated signaling. Altogether, our results establish that TMEM16A-mediated currents are functional in olfactory supporting cells and provide a foundation for future work investigating the precise physiological role of TMEM16A in the olfactory system

    Dynamic Interpretation of Hedgehog Signaling in the Drosophila Wing Disc

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    Morphogens are classically defined as molecules that control patterning by acting at a distance to regulate gene expression in a concentration-dependent manner. In the Drosophila wing imaginal disc, secreted Hedgehog (Hh) forms an extracellular gradient that organizes patterning along the anterior–posterior axis and specifies at least three different domains of gene expression. Although the prevailing view is that Hh functions in the Drosophila wing disc as a classical morphogen, a direct correspondence between the borders of these patterns and Hh concentration thresholds has not been demonstrated. Here, we provide evidence that the interpretation of Hh signaling depends on the history of exposure to Hh and propose that a single concentration threshold is sufficient to support multiple outputs. Using mathematical modeling, we predict that at steady state, only two domains can be defined in response to Hh, suggesting that the boundaries of two or more gene expression patterns cannot be specified by a static Hh gradient. Computer simulations suggest that a spatial β€œovershoot” of the Hh gradient occurs, i.e., a transient state in which the Hh profile is expanded compared to the Hh steady-state gradient. Through a temporal examination of Hh target gene expression, we observe that the patterns initially expand anteriorly and then refine, providing in vivo evidence for the overshoot. The Hh gene network architecture suggests this overshoot results from the Hh-dependent up-regulation of the receptor, Patched (Ptc). In fact, when the network structure was altered such that the ptc gene is no longer up-regulated in response to Hh-signaling activation, we found that the patterns of gene expression, which have distinct borders in wild-type discs, now overlap. Our results support a model in which Hh gradient dynamics, resulting from Ptc up-regulation, play an instructional role in the establishment of patterns of gene expression

    SFSSClass: an integrated approach for miRNA based tumor classification

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    Background: MicroRNA (miRNA) expression profiling data has recently been found to be particularly important in cancer research and can be used as a diagnostic and prognostic tool. Current approaches of tumor classification using miRNA expression data do not integrate the experimental knowledge available in the literature. A judicious integration of such knowledge with effective miRNA and sample selection through a biclustering approach could be an important step in improving the accuracy of tumor classification. Results: In this article, a novel classification technique called SFSSClass is developed that judiciously integrates a biclustering technique SAMBA for simultaneous feature (miRNA) and sample (tissue) selection (SFSS), a cancer-miRNA network that we have developed by mining the literature of experimentally verified cancer-miRNA relationships and a classifier uncorrelated shrunken centroid (USC). SFSSClass is used for classifying multiple classes of tumors and cancer cell lines. In a part of the investigation, poorly differentiated tumors (PDT) having non diagnostic histological appearance are classified while training on more differentiated tumor (MDT) samples. The proposed method is found to outperform the best known accuracy in the literature on the experimental data sets. For example, while the best accuracy reported in the literature for classifying PDT samples is similar to 76.5%, the accuracy of SFSSClass is found to be similar to 82.3%. The advantage of incorporating biclustering integrated with the cancer-miRNA network is evident from the consistently better performance of SFSSClass (integration of SAMBA, cancer-miRNA network and USC) over USC (eg., similar to 70.5% for SFSSClass versus similar to 58.8% in classifying a set of 17 MDT samples from 9 tumor types, similar to 91.7% for SFSSClass versus similar to 75% in classifying 12 cell lines from 6 tumor types and similar to 382.3% for SFSSClass versus similar to 41.2% in classifying 17 PDT samples from 11 tumor types). Conclusion: In this article, we develop the SFSSClass algorithm which judiciously integrates a biclustering technique for simultaneous feature (miRNA) and sample (tissue) selection, the cancer-miRNA network and a classifier. The novel integration of experimental knowledge with computational tools efficiently selects relevant features that have high intra-class and low interclass similarity. The performance of the SFSSClass is found to be significantly improved with respect to the other existing approaches

    MIR-99a and MIR-99b Modulate TGF-Ξ² Induced Epithelial to Mesenchymal Plasticity in Normal Murine Mammary Gland Cells

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    Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a key process during embryonic development and disease development and progression. During EMT, epithelial cells lose epithelial features and express mesenchymal cell markers, which correlate with increased cell migration and invasion. Transforming growth factor-Ξ² (TGF-Ξ²) is a multifunctional cytokine that induces EMT in multiple cell types. The TGF-Ξ² pathway is regulated by microRNAs (miRNAs), which are small non-coding RNAs regulating the translation of specific messenger RNAs

    The foxa2 Gene Controls the Birth and Spontaneous Degeneration of Dopamine Neurons in Old Age

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    Parkinson disease affects more than 1% of the population over 60 y old. The dominant models for Parkinson disease are based on the use of chemical toxins to kill dopamine neurons, but do not address the risk factors that normally increase with age. Forkhead transcription factors are critical regulators of survival and longevity. The forkhead transcription factor, foxa2, is specifically expressed in adult dopamine neurons and their precursors in the medial floor plate. Gain- and loss-of-function experiments show this gene, foxa2, is required to generate dopamine neurons during fetal development and from embryonic stem cells. Mice carrying only one copy of the foxa2 gene show abnormalities in motor behavior in old age and an associated progressive loss of dopamine neurons. Manipulating forkhead function may regulate both the birth of dopamine neurons and their spontaneous death, two major goals of regenerative medicine

    Ectopic Wnt/Beta–Catenin Signaling Induces Neurogenesis in the Spinal Cord and Hindbrain Floor Plate

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    The most ventral structure of the developing neural tube, the floor plate (FP), differs in neurogenic capacity along the neuraxis. The FP is largely non-neurogenic at the hindbrain and spinal cord levels, but generates large numbers of dopamine (mDA) neurons at the midbrain levels. Wnt1, and other Wnts are expressed in the ventral midbrain, and Wnt/beta catenin signaling can at least in part account for the difference in neurogenic capacity of the FP between midbrain and hindbrain levels. To further develop the hypothesis that canonical Wnt signaling promotes mDA specification and FP neurogenesis, we have generated a model wherein beta–catenin is conditionally stabilized throughout the FP. Here, we unambiguously show by fate mapping FP cells in this mutant, that the hindbrain and spinal cord FP are rendered highly neurogenic, producing large numbers of neurons. We reveal that a neurogenic hindbrain FP results in the altered settling pattern of neighboring precerebellar neuronal clusters. Moreover, in this mutant, mDA progenitor markers are induced throughout the rostrocaudal axis of the hindbrain FP, although TH+ mDA neurons are produced only in the rostral aspect of rhombomere (r)1. This is, at least in part, due to depressed Lmx1b levels by Wnt/beta catenin signaling; indeed, when Lmx1b levels are restored in this mutant, mDA are observed not only in rostral r1, but also at more caudal axial levels in the hindbrain, but not in the spinal cord. Taken together, these data elucidate both patterning and neurogenic functions of Wnt/beta catenin signaling in the FP, and thereby add to our understanding of the molecular logic of mDA specification and neurogenesis

    Heterochronic Shift in Hox-Mediated Activation of Sonic hedgehog Leads to Morphological Changes during Fin Development

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    We explored the molecular mechanisms of morphological transformations of vertebrate paired fin/limb evolution by comparative gene expression profiling and functional analyses. In this study, we focused on the temporal differences of the onset of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) expression in paired appendages among different vertebrates. In limb buds of chick and mouse, Shh expression is activated as soon as there is a morphological bud, concomitant with Hoxd10 expression. In dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula), however, we found that Shh was transcribed late in fin development, concomitant with Hoxd13 expression. We utilized zebrafish as a model to determine whether quantitative changes in hox expression alter the timing of shh expression in pectoral fins of zebrafish embryos. We found that the temporal shift of Shh activity altered the size of endoskeletal elements in paired fins of zebrafish and dogfish. Thus, a threshold level of hox expression determines the onset of shh expression, and the subsequent heterochronic shift of Shh activity can affect the size of the fin endoskeleton. This process may have facilitated major morphological changes in paired appendages during vertebrate limb evolution

    Evolution of Mutational Robustness in the Yeast Genome: A Link to Essential Genes and Meiotic Recombination Hotspots

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    Deleterious mutations inevitably emerge in any evolutionary process and are speculated to decisively influence the structure of the genome. Meiosis, which is thought to play a major role in handling mutations on the population level, recombines chromosomes via non-randomly distributed hot spots for meiotic recombination. In many genomes, various types of genetic elements are distributed in patterns that are currently not well understood. In particular, important (essential) genes are arranged in clusters, which often cannot be explained by a functional relationship of the involved genes. Here we show by computer simulation that essential gene (EG) clustering provides a fitness benefit in handling deleterious mutations in sexual populations with variable levels of inbreeding and outbreeding. We find that recessive lethal mutations enforce a selective pressure towards clustered genome architectures. Our simulations correctly predict (i) the evolution of non-random distributions of meiotic crossovers, (ii) the genome-wide anti-correlation of meiotic crossovers and EG clustering, (iii) the evolution of EG enrichment in pericentromeric regions and (iv) the associated absence of meiotic crossovers (cold centromeres). Our results furthermore predict optimal crossover rates for yeast chromosomes, which match the experimentally determined rates. Using a Saccharomyces cerevisiae conditional mutator strain, we show that haploid lethal phenotypes result predominantly from mutation of single loci and generally do not impair mating, which leads to an accumulation of mutational load following meiosis and mating. We hypothesize that purging of deleterious mutations in essential genes constitutes an important factor driving meiotic crossover. Therefore, the increased robustness of populations to deleterious mutations, which arises from clustered genome architectures, may provide a significant selective force shaping crossover distribution. Our analysis reveals a new aspect of the evolution of genome architectures that complements insights about molecular constraints, such as the interference of pericentromeric crossovers with chromosome segregation

    Isolation and Culture of Larval Cells from C. elegans

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    Cell culture is an essential tool to study cell function. In C. elegans the ability to isolate and culture cells has been limited to embryonically derived cells. However, cells or blastomeres isolated from mixed stage embryos terminally differentiate within 24 hours of culture, thus precluding post-embryonic stage cell culture. We have developed an efficient and technically simple method for large-scale isolation and primary culture of larval-stage cells. We have optimized the treatment to maximize cell number and minimize cell death for each of the four larval stages. We obtained up to 7.8Γ—104 cells per microliter of packed larvae, and up to 97% of adherent cells isolated by this method were viable for at least 16 hours. Cultured larval cells showed stage-specific increases in both cell size and multinuclearity and expressed lineage- and cell type-specific reporters. The majority (81%) of larval cells isolated by our method were muscle cells that exhibited stage-specific phenotypes. L1 muscle cells developed 1 to 2 wide cytoplasmic processes, while L4 muscle cells developed 4 to 14 processes of various thicknesses. L4 muscle cells developed bands of myosin heavy chain A thick filaments at the cell center and spontaneously contracted ex vivo. Neurons constituted less than 10% of the isolated cells and the majority of neurons developed one or more long, microtubule-rich protrusions that terminated in actin-rich growth cones. In addition to cells such as muscle and neuron that are high abundance in vivo, we were also able to isolate M-lineage cells that constitute less than 0.2% of cells in vivo. Our novel method of cell isolation extends C. elegans cell culture to larval developmental stages, and allows use of the wealth of cell culture tools, such as cell sorting, electrophysiology, co-culture, and high-resolution imaging of subcellular dynamics, in investigation of post-embryonic development and physiology
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