163 research outputs found

    Severe maternal morbidity (near miss) as a sentinel event of maternal death. An attempt to use routine data for surveillance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To identify all the records within the Brazilian Hospital Information System (HIS) that contained information suggestive of severe maternal morbidity (near miss); to describe the diagnoses and procedures used; to identify variables associated with maternal death.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A descriptive population study with data from the HIS and Mortality Information System (MIS) files of records of women during pregnancy, delivery and in the postpartum period in all the capital cities of the Brazilian states in 2002. Initially, records of women between 10 and 49 years of age were selected; next, those records with at least one criterion suggestive of near miss were selected. For the linkage of HIS with MIS and HIS with itself, a blocking strategy consisting of three independent steps was established. In the data analysis, near miss ratios were calculated with corresponding 95% confidence interval and the diagnoses and procedures were described; a multiple logistic regression model was adjusted. Primary and secondary diagnoses and the requested and performed procedures during hospitalization were the main outcome measures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall maternal near miss ratio was 44.3/1,000 live births. Among the records indicating near miss, 154 maternal deaths were identified. The criteria of severity most frequently found were infection, preeclampsia and hemorrhage. Logistic regression analysis resulted in 12 variables, including four significant interactions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although some limitations, the perspective of routinely using this information system for surveillance of near miss and implementing measures to avoid maternal death is promising.</p

    A prática da amamentação no município de Paulínia, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil

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    In 1977 a survey was carried out in the municipality of Paulínia, State of S. Paulo, with the purpose of obtaining information on the breastfeeding of children up to two years of age. The survey would provide base line data for the evaluation of a breastfeeding promotion program, that was to be carried out later. The children's mean age at weaning was 3.3 months, and 2.2 months when they started bottle feeding. At the end of the; first month, 74% of the children were breastfed and 57% were fully breastfed. Children whose mothers were at least 28 years old were fully breastfed for a significantly longer period than children with younger mothers. Urban/rural residence and the sex of the children had no influence on the duration of breastfeeding.Em 1977 foi realizado um inquérito no município de Paulínia, Estado de São Paulo (Brasil), com a finalidade de se estudar o aleitamento materno das crianças de até dois anos de idade. O inquérito forneceria dados a serem utilizados para avaliar um programa de estímulo ao aleitamento materno, a ser desenvolvido mais tarde. A idade média das crianças no desmame foi 3.3 meses, e 2.2 meses ao começar a tomar leite em mamadeira. No final do primeiro mês, 74% das crianças estavam sendo amamentadas e 57% estavam com aleitamento exclusivo. As crianças de mães com 28 anos ou mais tiveram uma amamentação exclusiva significativamente mais longa que as crianças de mães mais jovens. A residência, urbano/rural, e o sexo das crianças não influíram na duração da amamentação

    Adequação do uso de pílula anticoncepcional entre mulheres unidas

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    A total of 2,364 women in marital union, 15 to 49 years of age, were interviewed at home. They lived in poor neighbourhoods in the metropolitan area and in the interior of S. Paulo State, Brazil. The prevalence of contraceptive pill use and the association between socio-demographic characteristics of users and the presence or not of risk factors for pill use were studied. One fourth (25.8 percent) of the women interviewed were using contraceptive pills. Prevalence was higher among younger women, those with no more than one live child and those who had completed between three and eight grades of schooling. Over 40 percent of the users referred having risk factors for pill use at the time they initiated the method. No association was found between age and the percentage of women with risk factors. This percentage increased with number of children and decreased with women's schooling. The fact that pills were prescribed or obtained through the health system was not associated with the proportion of users with risk factors. The percentage of users with risk factors was similar when comparing women who did not consult any health service before initiating use with those who had consulted a public service. The prevalence of use observed in this study is similar to that described by other authors. Results show that the health system in the State of S. Paulo played no role in the improvement in the prescription of hormonal contraceptive pills. Central policy seemed not to have filtered down to the peripheral areas of the system.Foram entrevistadas em seus domicílios 2.364 mulheres unidas de 15 a 49 anos de idade, que moravam em bairros de baixa renda, na área metropolitana e no interior do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Estudou-se a prevalência de uso da pílula contraceptiva, a associação entre algumas características sócio-demográficas das usuárias e a presença ou não de fatores de risco para seu uso. Verificou-se que 25,8% das mulheres usavam pílula anticoncepcional. A prevalência de uso foi maior entre as mais jovens, entre as com até um filho vivo e nas com 5ª a 8ª séries de escolaridade. Mais de 40% das usuárias referiram apresentar fatores de risco ao iniciar o uso. Não se verificou associação entre a idade e a percentagem de mulheres com fatores de risco. Essa percentagem aumentou com o número de filhos e diminuiu com a escolaridade da mulher. A presença de fatores de risco foi igualmente freqüente entre as mulheres que não consultaram nenhum serviço de saúde para iniciar o uso como entre aquelas que consultaram em serviços públicos. As políticas do nível central não parecem ter atingido a periferia do sistema

    Aleitamento materno exclusivo entre trabalhadoras com creche no local de trabalho

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate factors related to the decision of exclusive breastfeeding, and the planned and the actual duration among working women with free daycare available at workplace. METHODS: A qualitative study was conducted comparing a group of 15 women exclusively breastfeeding their babies with a similar group of women whose babies were already being fed with other food besides maternal milk at the time they started attending a daycare center. Semi-structured interviews and focus groups were carried out for data collection. RESULTS: The factors related to the decision of breastfeeding and maintaining it when women went back to work were: the desire to breastfeed based on the importance women of both groups as well as their husbands and significant others attributed to it. The duration of exclusive breastfeeding was mainly associated to the baby's pediatrician counseling, which differed in each group. CONCLUSIONS: The availability of free daycare center at the work place seems an important aspect to breastfeeding maintenance after women go back to work, especially regarding exclusive breastfeeding. The duration of exclusive breastfeeding was related to the information received before and during pregnancy, and also in the postpartum. Women who have exclusively breastfed for almost six months believed the longer they breastfeed the better to their babies' health, while other women believed that three months of exclusive breastfeeding would be enough.OBJETIVO: Investigar os fatores relacionados à decisão das mulheres em amamentar e a duração planejada e, de fato observada, do aleitamento exclusivo entre trabalhadoras que dispõem de creche na empresa. MÉTODOS: Estudo qualitativo no qual se comparou um grupo de 15 trabalhadoras cujos bebês estavam sendo alimentados apenas com leite materno quando começaram a freqüentar a creche da empresa com outro similar que incluía mulheres cujos bebês que, ao ingressar, já estavam recebendo, além do leite materno, outros alimentos. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas e grupos focais. RESULTADOS: Evidenciaram-se como fatores relacionados à decisão de iniciar a amamentação e mantê-la ao retornar ao trabalho: o desejo de amamentar, embasado no valor que as mulheres dos dois grupos atribuíam ao aleitamento materno, bem como seus maridos e outras pessoas significativas (por exemplo: mãe, irmã, amigas). A duração do aleitamento exclusivo relacionou-se principalmente à orientação do pediatra que cuidava do bebê, que foi distinta em cada um dos grupos estudados. CONCLUSÃO: A existência da creche no local de trabalho aparece como elemento relevante para a manutenção do aleitamento após a licença de maternidade, especialmente o materno exclusivo. A decisão sobre quanto tempo amamentar de forma exclusiva esteve relacionada às informações recebidas acerca do assunto antes e durante a gestação, e no pós-parto. A diferença entre os dois grupos estudados foi que as mulheres que mantiveram o aleitamento exclusivo por quase seis meses acreditavam que quanto mais tempo dessem somente o leite materno, mais benefícios o bebê teria, enquanto as mulheres do outro grupo acreditavam que três meses de aleitamento exclusivo eram suficientes

    The InterLACE study: design, data harmonization and characteristics across 20 studies on women's health

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    The International Collaboration for a Life Course Approach to Reproductive Health and Chronic Disease Events (InterLACE) project is a global research collaboration that aims to advance understanding of women's reproductive health in relation to chronic disease risk by pooling individual participant data from several cohort and cross-sectional studies. The aim of this paper is to describe the characteristics of contributing studies and to present the distribution of demographic and reproductive factors and chronic disease outcomes in InterLACE