65 research outputs found

    A review of consumer preferences of and interactions with electric vehicle charging infrastructure

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    This paper presents a literature review of studies that investigate infrastructure needs to support the market introduction of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). It focuses on literature relating to consumer preferences for charging infrastructure, and how consumers interact with and use this infrastructure. This includes studies that use questionnaire surveys, interviews, modelling, GPS data from vehicles, and data from electric vehicle charging equipment. These studies indicate that the most important location for PEV charging is at home, followed by work, and then public locations. Studies have found that more effort is needed to ensure consumers have easy access to PEV charging and that charging at home, work, or public locations should not be free of cost. Research indicates that PEV charging will not impact electricity grids on the short term, however charging may need to be managed when the vehicles are deployed in greater numbers. In some areas of study the literature is not sufficiently mature to draw any conclusions from. More research is especially needed to determine how much infrastructure is needed to support the roll out of PEVs. This paper ends with policy implications and suggests avenues of future research

    Método de obtenção e análise da composição centesimal do polvilho da fruta-de -lobo(Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil)

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    O polvilho da fruta-de-lobo é um produto extraído da polpa da fruta-de-lobo verde (Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil), popularmente utilizado. Pouco se conhece a respeito desse polvilho, apesar de ele ser comercializado em farmácias na região de Lavras-MG, na forma de cápsulas de 300 mg. É utilizado no tratamento da diabetes e a ele são atribuídos outros efeitos terapêuticos, como a redução da obesidade e do colesterol, mas sem conhecimento científico e sem conhecer sua composição centesimal. Com o objetivo de conhecer sua composição centesimal, foram coletadas 80 frutas-de-lobo na área de pastagem do Departamento de Zootecnia, na Universidade Federal de Lavras. Foram selecionadas 61 frutas, levando em consideração o tamanho e o estádio de maturação. As frutas selecionadas foram lavadas, descascadas e picadas, as sementes retiradas, trituradas e o polvilho obtido foi filtrado, decantado, lavado com água destilada por duas vezes e seco em estufa de ventilação. A amostra foi triturada em um gral de porcelana e armazenada em um recipiente de vidro hermeticamente fechado e protegido da luz, sob temperatura ambiente. Foram realizadas as análises de composição centesimal, observando-se que, no polvilho da fruta-de-lobo, os carboidratos são os constituintes predominantes (84,99%), seguidos de fibras solúveis (1,35%), fibras insolúveis (1,60%), proteínas (0,60%), lipídeos (0,07%), cinzas (0,03%) e umidade (11,16%). Os teores de fibras alimentares encontrados no polvilho da fruta-de-lobo podem estar relacionados aos efeitos terapêuticos que são atribuídos a ele

    Teacher-child interaction in the teaching of reading: a review of research perspectives over twenty-five years

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    This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article 'Teacher-child interaction in the teaching of reading: a review of research perspectives over twenty-five years' Journal of Research in Reading 28(1) pp.15-27, which has been published in final form at http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/118693931/issue.Taking as a starting point a paper published in 1981, this paper considers the importance of interaction between teacher and pupil in learning to read. Twenty-five years ago, the study of classroom language was relatively new. Research perspectives have moved from describing the process of interaction between teacher and child to considering the outcomes. At the same time a greater awareness of the sociocultural nature of language and classrooms has developed. An enduring theme in research from a variety of perspectives has been the call for more extended opportunities for exchanges about texts and more reciprocity in teacher-child dialogue. Studies of classroom practice, however, evidence persistence in the use of triadic dialogue in which the teacher controls the interaction and effectively closes down discussion. Despite initiatives calling for high-quality interaction, it is argued here that there is still no agreement about what high-quality interaction should look like