28 research outputs found

    Solar irradiance spectra from the compact SOLSTICE (CSOL) experiment: Instrument design, FUV calibration, measurements, and comparison of the 2018 rocket flight

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    The Compact SOLSTICE, a compact far and mid ultraviolet (FUV and MUV) spectrograph, flew on a sounding rocket on 18 June 2018 to validate and potentially calibrate the SOLar STellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment (SOLSTICE) onboard the Solar Radiation Climate Experiment (SORCE) spacecraft. This article reports the instrument design, the calibration of the FUV channel, and the FUV irradiance measurements. Irradiance measurements are compared to SOLSTICE showing agreement within the combined instrumental uncertainties at most wavelengths, including the H Lyman-α emission at 121.6 nm. Some unexplained differences in line ratios between 130.5 nm and 147.5 nm are observed

    Solar irradiance spectra from the compact SOLSTICE (CSOL) experiment: instrument design, FUV calibration, measurements, and comparison of the 2018 rocket flight

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    The Compact SOLSTICE, a compact far and mid ultraviolet (FUV and MUV) spectrograph, flew on a sounding rocket on 18 June 2018 to validate and potentially calibrate the SOLar STellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment (SOLSTICE) onboard the Solar Radiation Climate Experiment (SORCE) spacecraft. This article reports the instrument design, the calibration of the FUV channel, and the FUV irradiance measurements. Irradiance measurements are compared to SOLSTICE showing agreement within the combined instrumental uncertainties at most wavelengths, including the H Lyman-α emission at 121.6 nm. Some unexplained differences in line ratios between 130.5 nm and 147.5 nm are observed

    Spectral irradiance variations: Comparison between observations and the SATIRE model on solar rotation time scales

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    Aims: We test the reliability of the observed and calculated spectral irradiance variations between 200 and 1600 nm over a time span of three solar rotations in 2004. Methods: We compare our model calculations to spectral irradiance observations taken with SORCE/SIM, SoHO/VIRGO and UARS/SUSIM. The calculations assume LTE and are based on the SATIRE (Spectral And Total Irradiance REconstruction) model. We analyse the variability as a function of wavelength and present time series in a number of selected wavelength regions covering the UV to the NIR. We also show the facular and spot contributions to the total calculated variability. Results: In most wavelength regions, the variability agrees well between all sets of observations and the model calculations. The model does particularly well between 400 and 1300 nm, but fails below 220 nm as well as for some of the strong NUV lines. Our calculations clearly show the shift from faculae-dominated variability in the NUV to spot-dominated variability above approximately 400 nm. We also discuss some of the remaining problems, such as the low sensitivity of SUSIM and SORCE for wavelengths between approximately 310 and 350 nm, where currently the model calculations still provide the best estimates of solar variability.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, accepted by A&

    Midlatitude atmospheric OH response to the most recent 11-y solar cycle

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    The hydroxyl radical (OH) plays an important role in middle atmospheric photochemistry, particularly in ozone (O_3) chemistry. Because it is mainly produced through photolysis and has a short chemical lifetime, OH is expected to show rapid responses to solar forcing [e.g., the 11-y solar cycle (SC)], resulting in variabilities in related middle atmospheric O_3 chemistry. Here, we present an effort to investigate such OH variability using long-term observations (from space and the surface) and model simulations. Ground-based measurements and data from the Microwave Limb Sounder on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Aura satellite suggest an ∌7–10% decrease in OH column abundance from solar maximum to solar minimum that is highly correlated with changes in total solar irradiance, solar Mg-II index, and Lyman-α index during SC 23. However, model simulations using a commonly accepted solar UV variability parameterization give much smaller OH variability (∌3%). Although this discrepancy could result partially from the limitations in our current understanding of middle atmospheric chemistry, recently published solar spectral irradiance data from the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment suggest a solar UV variability that is much larger than previously believed. With a solar forcing derived from the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment data, modeled OH variability (∌6–7%) agrees much better with observations. Model simulations reveal the detailed chemical mechanisms, suggesting that such OH variability and the corresponding catalytic chemistry may dominate the O_3 SC signal in the upper stratosphere. Continuing measurements through SC 24 are required to understand this OH variability and its impacts on O_3 further