2,789 research outputs found

    Rape Prevention and Education 2021: Principles-Focused Evaluation Measurement Tools

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    Throughout 2020, sexual violence (SV) preventionists across Nebraska came together to identify prevention principles for Nebraska RPE. Preventionists identified and agreed upon the following eight prevention principles

    Characterization of substrates and inhibitors of the human heterodimeric transporter 4F2hc-LAT1 using purified protein and the scintillation proximity radioligand binding assay.

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    Amino acids have diverse and essential roles in many cellular functions such as in protein synthesis, metabolism and as precursors of different hormones. Translocation of amino acids and derivatives thereof across biological membranes is mediated by amino acid transporters. 4F2hc-LAT1 is a heterodimeric amino acid transporter that is composed of two subunits belonging to the SLC3 (4F2hc) and SLC7 (LAT1) solute carrier families. The ancillary protein 4F2hc is responsible for the correct trafficking and regulation of the transporter LAT1. Preclinical studies have identified 4F2hc-LAT1 as a valid anticancer target due to its importance in tumor progression. The scintillation proximity assay (SPA) is a valuable radioligand binding assay that allows the identification and characterization of ligands of membrane proteins. Here, we present a SPA ligand binding study using purified recombinant human 4F2hc-LAT1 protein and the radioligand [3H]L-leucine as tracer. Binding affinities of different 4F2hc-LAT1 substrates and inhibitors determined by SPA are comparable with previously reported K m and IC 50 values from 4F2hc-LAT1 cell-based uptake assays. In summary, the SPA is a valuable method for the identification and characterization of ligands of membrane transporters including inhibitors. In contrast to cell-based assays, where the potential interference with other proteins such as endogenous transporters persists, the SPA uses purified protein making target engagement and characterization of ligands highly reliable

    Betsy Funk Therapy 2021: Growing with Expressive Arts Together

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    The purpose of this report is to provide Betsy Funk, Project Harmony, and their stakeholders with a comprehensive overview of the processes and outcomes of The “GREAT” Kids Group between October 2018 and April 2020. The overview includes a summary of child demographics, initial Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) (Goodman, 1987) scores, and child outcomes

    Drug Overdose Prevention 2021: Lived Experiences Study

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    STEPs wishes to acknowledge and thank the following: ‱The interview participants who were so generous in sharing their time, experiences, and perspectives, ‱The many substance abuse treatment providers, treatment centers, the Grace Abbott School of Social Work, and the many other individuals who shared recruitment messaging, and ‱NE DHHS DOP for their continued partnership and dedication to this vital work

    Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy, from the Subpectoral to the Prepectoral Approach: An Evidence-Based Change of Mind?

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    Over the last years, prepectoral implant-based breast reconstruction has undergone a renaissance due to several technical advancements regarding mastectomy techniques and surgical approaches for the placement and soft tissue coverage of silicone implants. Initially abandoned due to the high incidence of complications, such as capsular contraction, implant extrusion, and poor aesthetic outcome, the effective prevention of these types of complications led to the prepectoral technique coming back in style for the ease of implant placement and the conservation of the pectoralis muscle function. Additional advantages such as a decrease of postoperative pain, animation deformity, and operative time contribute to the steady gain in popularity. This review aims to summarize the factors influencing the trend towards prepectoral implant-based breast reconstruction and to discuss the challenges and prospects related to this operative approach

    Efficacy of Cyclooctadepsipeptides and Aminophenylamidines against Larval, Immature and Mature Adult Stages of a Parasitologically Characterized Trichurosis Model in Mice

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    The genus Trichuris includes parasites of major relevance in veterinary and human medicine. Despite serious economic losses and enormous impact on public health, treatment options against whipworms are very limited. Additionally, there is an obvious lack of appropriately characterized experimental infection models. Therefore, a detailed parasitological characterization of a Trichuris muris isolate was performed in C57BL/10 mice. Subsequently, the in vivo efficacies of the aminophenylamidines amidantel, deacylated amidantel (dAMD) and tribendimidine as well as the cyclooctadepsipeptides emodepside and in particular PF1022A were analyzed. This was performed using various administration routes and treatment schemes targeting histotropic and further developed larval as well as immature and mature adult stages. Duration of prepatent period, time-dependent localization of larvae during period of prepatency as well as the duration of patency of the infection were determined before drugs were tested in the characterized trichurosis model. Amidantel showed no effect against mature adult T. muris. Tribendimidine showed significantly higher potency than dAMD after oral treatments (ED50 values of 6.5 vs. 15.1 mg/kg). However, the opposite was found for intraperitoneal treatments (ED50 values of 15.3 vs. 8.3 mg/kg). When emodepside and PF1022A were compared, the latter was significantly less effective against mature adults following intraperitoneal (ED50 values of 6.1 vs. 55.7 mg/kg) or subcutaneous (ED50 values of 15.2 vs. 225.7 mg/kg) administration. Only minimal differences were observed following oral administration (ED50 values of 2.7 vs. 5.2 mg/kg). Triple and most single oral doses with moderate to high dosages of PF1022A showed complete efficacy against histotropic second stage larvae (3 × 100 mg/kg or 1 × 250 mg/kg), further developed larvae (3 × 10 mg/kg or 1 × 100 mg/kg) and immature adults (3 × 10 mg/kg or 1×100 mg/kg). Histotropic first stage larvae were only eliminated after three doses of PF1022A (3 × 100 mg/kg) but not after a single dose. These results indicate that the cyclooctadepsipeptides are a drug class with promising candidates for further evaluation for the treatment of trichurosis of humans and livestock animals in single dose regimens

    Flexural Fatigue Behavior of an EBC CMC Composite System In Air and Steam at High Temperature

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    Both coated and uncoated SiCSiC ceramic matrix composite (CMC) samples were tested in flexure under sustained peak low cycle fatigue (SPLCF) conditions in air or steam at elevated temperatures. The SiCSiC composites were reinforced with 2-D plies of boron nitride coated Hi-Nicalon Type-S SiC fibers which were woven as 5 harness satin (5HS) cloth. The composites were densified by chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) followed by slurry melt infiltration (SMI). A multilayer barium strontium aluminosilicate (BSAS) coating was applied to the samples by a plasma spray method. Fatigue loading limits were determined from monotonic flexure tests at room temperature and 1200oC. Stress levels under the proportional limit of the composite material were selected for the SPLCF tests. After cyclic testing, the composites were evaluated to determine crack propagation and failure modes in the coated and uncoated composites. Microstructural examination was used to identify coating degradation and failure modes of the EBCCMC system

    Constraints on Appalachian orogenesis and continental rifting in the Southeastern United States from wide-angle seismic data

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2019. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 124(7), (2019): 6625-6652, doi: 10.1029/2019JB017611.The Southeastern United States is an ideal location to understand the interactions between mountain building, rifting, and magmatism. Line 2 of the Suwannee suture and Georgia Rift basin refraction seismic experiment in eastern Georgia extends 420 km from the Inner Piedmont to the Georgia coast. We model crustal and upper mantle VP and upper crustal VS. The most dramatic model transition occurs at the Higgins‐Zietz magnetic boundary, north of which we observe higher upper crustal VP and VS and lower VP/VS. These observations support the interpretation of the Higgins‐Zietz boundary as the Alleghanian suture. North of this boundary, we observe a low‐velocity zone less than 2 km thick at ~5‐km depth, consistent with a layer of sheared metasedimentary rocks that forms the Appalachian detachment. To the southeast, we interpret synrift sediments and decreasing crustal thickness to represent crustal thinning associated with the South Georgia Rift Basin and subsequent continental breakup. The correspondence of the northern limit of thinning with the interpreted suture location suggests that the orogenic suture zone and/or the Gondwanan crust to the south of the suture helped localize subsequent extension. Lower crustal VP and VP/VS preclude volumetrically significant mafic magmatic addition during rifting or associated with the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province. Structures formed during orogenesis and/or extension appear to influence seismicity in Georgia today; earthquakes localize along a steeply dipping zone that coincides with the northern edge of the South Georgia Basin and the change in upper crustal velocities at the Higgins‐Zietz boundary.The SUGAR experiment would not have been possible without the help of local landowners, county and state officials, the University of Texas El Paso seismic source facility, IRIS PASSCAL instrument center, and the team of students who scouted, deployed, and recovered the geophones. We thank Jim Knapp, Susie Boote, and Ross Cao for helpful discussion and providing the sonic log data from GGS‐3080; Lindsay Worthington for discussion and sharing codes; Bradley Hacker and Mark Behn for sharing their lower crust velocity constraints; Emily Hopper and Karen Fischer for discussions; and Fred Cook for an image of processed COCORP data. We used the PyVM toolbox from Nathan Miller, the VMTomo code from Alistair Harding for tomographic inversions, VMTomo code from Harm van Avendonk for resolution tests, and the Upicker package of MATLAB scripts maintained by W. Wilcock to pick arrivals. Seismic Unix was used for data processing (Cohen & Stockwell, 2002). This project was funded by an NSF GRFP fellowship DGE 16‐44869 and a grant from the National Science Foundation's Division of Earth Sciences (NSF‐EAR) EarthScope program through the collaborative awards EAR‐1144534, EAR‐1144829, and EAR‐1144391. Robert Hawman and two anonymous reviewers provided thorough feedback that improved this manuscript. The refraction seismic data set analyzed in the current study is available on request through the IRIS Data Management Center, report number 14‐023 (http://ds.iris.edu/ds/nodes/dmc/forms/assembled‐data/). The velocity model grid files and arrival picks are available in the supporting information.2019-12-2

    Rape Prevention and Education 2021: The Impact of COVID-19 on Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention in Nebraska

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    The overarching purpose of the COVID-19 Supplement evaluation project is to equip Nebraska practitioners and the sexual and intimate partner violence (SV/IPV) prevention community with accessible, timely, and relevant evaluation to enhance evidence-informed decision-making for COVID-19 response and recovery efforts
