5 research outputs found

    Ecotoxicological responses of two Planorbarius corneus s. lato (Mollusca, Gastropoda) allospecies to exposure of heavy metals

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    Planorbarius corneus (Linnaeus, 1758) is the most widespread and numerous gastropods in Central-European waters, which range covers from the Atlantic to the Ural and outside the latter to the Ob river basin. Before the beginning of 21 century, malacologists had no doubts about its species status. This situation changed when genetic labeling showed that P. corneus is not a species, but a superspecies complex, Planorbarius (superspecies) corneus s. lato, according to the centromere indices of the 12th pair chromosome. This complex consists of two vicarious genetic allospecies, western and eastern one, which ranges are separated by a narrow (up to 100 km) zone of the introgressive hybridization lying just in Ukraine. Ecotoxicological features of P. corneus s. lato allospecies under the influence of any pollutants have not been studied yet. Our research focused on how different concentrations (0,001–1000 mg L-1) of some heavy metal ions (Cu2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Mn2+) in the water environment affected the main ecotoxicological parameters of each vicarious allospecies, and on the limits of toxic effects for studied pollutants. We found the duration of the latency period, time-to-death, and mean time-to-death, as well as the coefficients of persistence and adaptation for each allospecies. According to our results, eastern allospecies are more sensitive to the heavy metals in the aquatic environment than western one. That creates a significant threat to the eastern allospecies populations, because the concentrations of these pollutants in the Ukrainian waters remain rather high, despite some positive downward trends

    Dynamik der anthropogenen und natürlichen Landschaftsökosysteme des Slovetschan-Ovrusch-Grates in der Ukraine

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    The need for landscape management cannot be satisfied by static data alone. Landscape ecosystems are complex dynamic objects and the successful protection or operation of such areas depends on the quality of monitoring their dynamics and the forecasts built on its basis. Forecasting accuracy also depends on the quality of the modelling and this is why it is necessary to highlight the most universal and key characteristics of ecosystems. The Slovechansko-Ovruchsky ridge, which has a phenomenally high variety of landscapes, is well suited as an object for testing approaches to modelling. The authors singled out 11 territorial parts of the Slovechansko-Ovruchsky ridge at the level of landscapes and tracts. The differentiation of these landscapes was assessed using the synphytoindication method to determine the value of natural and anthropogenic dynamics. This made it possible to build prognostic algorithms for ecosystem changes using geobotanical data and produce prospects to create the best suitable landscape protection strategy or more effective and safe exploitation of landscapes.Upravljanje krajobrazima ne može se temeljiti isključivo na statističkim podacima. Krajobrazni ekosustavi složeni su i dinamični objekti. Uspjeh zaštite i upravljanja takvim područjima ovisi o kvaliteti praćenja njihove dinamike i prognozama koje se na temelju toga oblikuju. S druge strane, točnost takvih predviđanja ovisi o kvaliteti modeliranja. Zbog toga je Slovečansko-Ovruški greben, koji posjeduje neka ključna i univerzalna obilježja ekosustava koja su i univerzalna, te veliku raznolikost krajobraza, prikladan za testiranje pristupa modeliranju. Autori su izdvojili 11 teritorijalnih dijelova Slovečansko-Ovruškog grebena na razini krajobraza i trakta. Diferencijalnost ovih krajolika provjerena je metodom sinfitoindikacije kako bi se utvrdila vrijednost prirodne i antropogene dinamike. To omogućuje izgradnju prognostičkih algoritama za promjene ekosustava koristeći geobotaničke podatke. Time se omogućuje oblikovanje prikladnije strategije zaštite krajobraza te njegova učinkovitijeg i sigurnijeg iskorištavanja.Das Landschaftsmanagement kann nicht ausschließlich auf statistischen Angaben beruhen. Landschaftsökosysteme sind komplexe und dynamische Objekte. Der Erfolg beim Schutz und Verwaltung solcher Gebiete hängt von der Qualität der Überwachung, deren Dynamik und der darauf beruhenden Prognosen ab. Andererseits hängt die Richtigkeit solcher Vorhersagen von der Qualität der Modellierung ab. Aus diesem Grund ist der Slovetschan-Ovrusch-Grat mit einigen grundlegenden und universellen Eigenschaften und einer Vielfalt der Landschaften dazu geeignet, den Modellieransatz zu testen. Die Autoren haben 11 Gebietsteile des Slovetschan-Ovrusch-Grates auf der Landschafts- und Traktebene herausgehoben. Die Differenziertheit dieser Landschaften wurde mit Hilfe der Synphytoindikationsmethode überprüft, damit der Wert der natürlichen und anthropogenen Dynamik festgestellt werden kann. Dies ermöglicht den Aufbau von prognostischen Algorithmen für die Änderung des Ökosystems unter Anwendung von gebotanischen Daten. Dadurch wird ermöglicht, eine besser geeignete Stategie zum Landschaftsschutz zu entwickeln und die Landschaft auf eine effizientere und sicherere Art und Weise zu nutzen

    Gestión Estratégica de Marketing de Actividades Innovadoras para Garantizar la Seguridad Económica Empresarial

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    In article the role and a place of economic safety in management of strategic marketing activity by the enterprise is investigated. Use of marketing as a tool in development of innovative activity of the enterprise promotes increase of maintenance of economic safety that will allow to trace occurrence of threats for economy of the enterprise in the market. Conditions of development and influence of innovative activity on providing of economic safety, and also their interrelation and crossing of the purposes of strategic management, marketing and innovations on the basis of the SWOT-analysis and construction of the map of strategic marketing purposes of the enterprise that allows to define the further directions of its improvement are considered.En el artículo se investiga el papel y un lugar de seguridad económica en la gestión de la actividad de marketing estratégico por parte de la empresa. El uso del marketing como herramienta en el desarrollo de actividades innovadoras de la empresa promueve el aumento del mantenimiento de la seguridad económica que permitirá rastrear la aparición de amenazas para la economía de la empresa en el mercado. Condiciones de desarrollo e influencia de la actividad innovadora en la provisión de seguridad económica, y también su interrelación y cruce de los propósitos de gestión estratégica, marketing e innovaciones sobre la base del análisis FODA y la construcción del mapa de fines de marketing estratégico de la empresa. que permite definir las direcciones adicionales de su mejora se consideran

    Формалізація та оцінка якісних і кількісних параметрів визначення передумов та детермінантів здійснення злочинної діяльності у фінансовому секторі економіки України

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    Об’єктом дослідження – система нейромережевих зв’язків фінансово- економічних та інформаційних потоків, що виникають між економічними суб’єктами в процесі розподілу фінансових ресурсів. Мета роботи – формування інформаційного та математичного забезпечення ідентифікації та оцінювання специфічних економічних відносин, які виникають при здійсненні протиправної діяльності у фінансовому секторі економіки країни, на основі використання технологій та методів інтелектуального аналізу даних

    Lumbricides as a bio-indicators of the influence of electrical transmission line in the conditions of Ukrainian Polissia

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    The complex interaction of a man and the environment requires the creation of algorithms for predict- ing the effects of anthropogenic impact. This requires the creation of the ecosystem models where all their basic elements and relationships are taken into account. One of the most effective methods for choosing the most informative differential elements of a system is the development and the implemen- tation of bio-indication models. Nowadays the important task is the development of the bio-indication methods for various anthropogenic complex effects.The electrical transmission lines carry out a specific integrated environmental impact. It is created on the changes in the environment under the influence of magnetic and electric fields and the long-term consequences of their interaction with ecosystem components. This effect is negative for the most representatives of biota and for earthworms in particular. We observe how the number of species de- creases, the species diversity reduces and the morphological parameters change towards species with a shorter body length under reaching the electrical transmission lines.Some genera of the earthworms are able to survive under the effects of the modern electrical transmis- sion lines, although this reflects their abundance and morphological parameters. These species include Aporrectodea caliginosa and Aporrectodea trapezoides. They can be used as diagnostic genera of impact of the electrical transmission lines on biota. They can be genera indicators for the determination of the effect of the electrical transmission lines. The presence of Lumbricus terrestris shows the low electrical transmission line effects, and the presence of Aporrectodea roseа or Aporrectodea longа shows low or moderate effects.We can create bioindication models according to the relations between groups of species of dominant and subdominant specimens formed by the body size. Under the condition of creating a wide data-base and establishing the vitality parameters, it is possible to develop more advanced and efficient algorithms for the synbioindicator analysis of the impact of the electrical transmission lines on the environment