155 research outputs found

    Practical Experience“ Related to Crisis Communication During the Oil and Oil Products Shortage

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    Oil security (not just oil shortages, but many other possible scenarios) are challenges for society, businesses, or government authorities. The public sphere is in a difficult situation: positive and proactive communication can cause a panic reaction to the public. The same pays for the strategy based on the „relativisation“ of the situation. Based on examples of different „strategies“ in this respect, the authors attempt to summarize their steps to illustrate the „least-bad“ attitude towards this challenge. Individual states are under different conditions, regulatory systems are also different, and the same can be said about the nature of the respective nation

    Az intellektuális tőke az információs korszakban

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    Jelen tanulmány elsÅ‘dleges célja egy szekunder kutatás eredményeinek bemutatása, melyben összefoglalásra került, hogy milyen jellemzÅ‘kkel rendelkezik egy információs korszakbeli, az intellektuális tÅ‘kére koncentráló teljesítményértékelÅ‘ metódus. Elmondható, hogy alapvetÅ‘ elvárás egy ilyen módszertÅ‘l, hogy a múlt információi mellett képes legyen a jelen és a jövÅ‘ lehetÅ‘ségeit is számba venni, és a pénzügyi nézÅ‘pont mellett további perspektívákat is megjeleníteni. A tanulmány másik fontosabb célja annak a kérdéskörnek a felvázolása, melyben a környezet mint tÅ‘keelem vonásai és értékelésének tulajdonságai vizsgálhatók az intellektuális tÅ‘kével párhuzamosan. A cél teljesítésekor kérdések merültek fel, melyek megválaszolása további kutatást igényel. Azonban következtetésképpen levonható, hogy az intellektuális tÅ‘ke és a környezet stratégiai fontosságú szerepet tölt be a szervezet életében, így értékelésükhöz megfelelÅ‘ eszközök alkalmazása szükséges, hiszen mint információ járulnak hozzá a sikeres szervezeti teljesítményhez, támogatják a vezetÅ‘i döntéshozatalt. Összegzésképpen Laáb következÅ‘ idézetét fontos a szervezeteknek figyelembe venni: az „elkövetkezÅ‘ információs társadalom már nem a pénzt fogja a középpontba állítani. Vagy lesz elegendÅ‘ belÅ‘le vagy lényegtelenebb lesz, mert a menedzsment a fogyasztás és a gazdaságos termelés közötti növekvÅ‘ összefonódás láttán fÅ‘leg az információra és az innovatív intelligenciára támaszkodik. Az eljövendÅ‘ gazdaságban a pénz csak egyik eleme lesz az információ nevű új, központi nyersanyagnak.†----------------------------------- ‘We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.’ Albert Einstein The main goal of this paper is to present the findings of a secondary research to identify the characteristics of a performance assessment method suited to the information era and focusing on intellectual capital. A fundamental expectation for a system like this is that in addition to information about the past, it should take into consideration current and future possibilities, as well as perspectives other than financial aspects. Another main goal of the paper is to outline how characteristics and assessment of the environment, as a capital component, may be examined in parallel with examining intellectual capital. Working towards these goals gave rise to additional questions which need further research. The conclusion, however, is that intellectual capital and the environment play a strategic role in the life of organization. They must be evaluated using suitable tools for the related information to contribute to good organizational performance and support managerial decision-making. As a summary, organizations must take into account the following quotation from Laab: ‘The upcoming information society will not focus on money any more. Either money will be sufficient or it will become unimportant because – seeing that consumption and profitable production become increasingly intertwined – management will principally rely on information and innovative intelligence. In the future economy, money will be just one component of the new central resource called information.’információs korszak, intellektuális tÅ‘ke, jövÅ‘, innováció, information era, intellectual capital, future, innovation, International Development, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Social Challenges: Social Innovation through Social Responsibility

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    There are several methods, which can help organizations evaluate and follow up organizational performance. However, beyond traditional performance evaluation there are new aspects that should be involved into the process of evaluation. According to the authors, these aspects are challenges and influence the long-term competitiveness of organizations. This paper concentrates on answers for social challenges and examines the concept and relationship of social innovation and corporate social responsibility. Social innovation is a real challenge today because innovation is a cornerstone of Europe 2020 Strategy. Business organizations also have a role, interest and responsibility in social innovation, because social innovation can and must come from all sectors. It can be stated that business organizations can engage in social innovation through corporate social responsibility. However, there is a question: are business organizations able to be drivers in social innovation through their social responsibility especially with the help of the most current and practical tool of corporate social responsibility, the ISO 26000 standard

    Nano and microbubbles created by cavitation

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    V práci je řešena problematika rozeznávání velmi malých bublin a částic, tvoření a termodynamická stabilita bublin, přičemž na začátku textu je rešeršním způsobem zpracována kavitace. V experimentální části je řešen problém vizualizace a určení množství bublin a možnosti ovlivnění množství a velikosti bublin při použití překážek. Problém vizualizace bublin byl řešen za pomoci prosvicování průhledné trubice laserovým paprskem a následným vyhodnocením pomocí softwaru. Problém možnosti ovlivnění množství a velikosti bublin byl řešen pomocí vkládání ocelového sítka do proudu, díky čemuž docházelo k ovlivnění proudu. Provedeným experimentem jsme zjistili, že laserový paprsek umožňuje, při vhodných okolních podmínkách, dobrou vizualizaci bublin a částic a tedy i možnost výpočtu množství bublin pomocí softwaru. Využití ocelového sítka umožnilo tvoření většího počtu malých bublin.This work solves the problematics of distinguishing tiny bubbles and particles as well as the thermodynamics of bubbles and their creation. The process of cavitation is described in the first part of the thesis. The problem of visualisation and counting the number of bubbles is described in the experimental part as well as the posibility of influencing the stream through the input of obstacles. Problem with visualisation was dealt with laser beam shining through the transparent tube with software postprocessing. The issue of influencing the stream was dealt with input of the strainer into the stream. Results of these experiments are, that with good ambient light situation, the laser beam ensures good visualisation of bubbles and particles and therefore the posibility of counting the number of bubbles with the help of a software. The usage of strainer helped to create bigger number of tiny bubbles.

    Mutual interaction of magnetic field and cavitating flow

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    Práce je složena z rešeršní a experimentální části. V rešeršní části je podrobně řešeno vzájemné ovlivnění mezi magnetickým polem a vodou a mezi magnetickým polem a kavitací. Jelikož jsou názory na ovlivnění často protichůdné, tak nelze dost dobře odhadnout reálný vliv magnetického pole na vodu či kavitaci.\\ Experimentální část se skládá ze tří pokusů s permanentními magnety. Měřeno bylo napětí mezi magnety pomocí elektromagnetické sondy. Ze všech pokusů plyne, že magnetické pole na kavitaci může mít vliv, jelikož po přechodu z bezkavitačního do kavitačního proudění došlo ke změně měřených hodnot. Změny však nebyly natolik zásadní, aby bylo možné doporučit využití tohoto jevu v praxi například pro zabíjení sinic, či výrobě nanoprášků.Presented work consists of research and experimental part. Main focus of the research part is on mutual interaction between magnetic field and water and between magnetic field and cavitating flow. Prediction of the result is almost impossible, because the opinions on the effects differ, sometimes even go against each other. Experimental part consisted of three trials with permanent magnets. Electromagnetic probe was employed for measuring of the voltage. It appears, that magnetic field affects the cavitation, because in all of the trials the measured voltage changed after the switch from non-cavitating to cavitating flow. The change of the voltage was not great enough, thus application of this phenomenon in practice cannot be recommended.

    Hydrothermal carbon release to the ocean and atmosphere from the eastern equatorial Pacific during the last glacial termination

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    Arguably among the most globally impactful climate changes in Earth's past million years are the glacial terminations that punctuated the Pleistocene epoch. With the acquisition and analysis of marine and continental records, including ice cores, it is now clear that the Earth's climate was responding profoundly to changes in greenhouse gases that accompanied those glacial terminations. But the ultimate forcing responsible for the greenhouse gas variability remains elusive. The oceans must play a central role in any hypothesis that attempt to explain the systematic variations in pCO2 because the Ocean is a giant carbon capacitor, regulating carbon entering and leaving the atmosphere. For a long time, geological processes that regulate fluxes of carbon to and from the oceans were thought to operate too slowly to account for any of the systematic variations in atmospheric pCO2 that accompanied glacial cycles during the Pleistocene. Here we investigate the role that Earth's hydrothermal systems had in affecting the flux of carbon to the ocean and ultimately, the atmosphere during the last glacial termination. We document late glacial and deglacial intervals of anomalously old 14C reservoir ages, large benthic-planktic foraminifera 14C age differences, and increased deposition of hydrothermal metals in marine sediments from the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) that indicate a significant release of hydrothermal fluids entered the ocean at the last glacial termination. The large 14C anomaly was accompanied by a ~4-fold increase in Zn/Ca in both benthic and planktic foraminifera that reflects an increase in dissolved [Zn] throughout the water column. Foraminiferal B/Ca and Li/Ca results from these sites document deglacial declines in [CO32{{{\rm{CO}}}_{3}}^{2-}] throughout the water column; these were accompanied by carbonate dissolution at water depths that today lie well above the calcite lysocline. Taken together, these results are strong evidence for an increased flux of hydrothermally-derived carbon through the EEP upwelling system at the last glacial termination that would have exchanged with the atmosphere and affected both Δ14C and pCO2. These data do not quantify the amount of carbon released to the atmosphere through the EEP upwelling system but indicate that geologic forcing must be incorporated into models that attempt to simulate the cyclic nature of glacial/interglacial climate variability. Importantly, these results underscore the need to put better constraints on the flux of carbon from geologic reservoirs that affect the global carbon budget.We gratefully acknowledge the support by the National Science Foundation through a grant to Stott (MG&G 1558990) and WiSE (women in science and engineering at USC) to Harazi