221 research outputs found

    The Comfort of Home: Why \u3cem\u3ePeruta v. County of San Diego\u3c/em\u3e’s Extension of Second Amendment Rights Goes Beyond the Scope Envisioned by the Supreme Court

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    On February 13, 2014, in Peruta v. County of San Diego, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit extended the scope of the Second Amendment to cover the public carry of handguns. Extending the scope of the Second Amendment caused the Ninth Circuit to apply the incorrect standard of scrutiny in analyzing the challenged gun regulation. This Comment argues that the Ninth Circuit’s overzealous extension of the scope of the Second Amendment is inconsistent with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, its own precedent in United States v. Chovan, and the approach taken by its sister circuits

    Long term evaluation of the development of children with cerebral palsy receiving support neurodevelopmental

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    Recent years show a gradual increase in births of children with cerebral palsy. All children affected by this disease entity should be supported neurodevelopmental. The aim of the work is to assess the long-term development of children with cerebral palsy. It is intended, allowed to increase opportunities and leveling development differences neurological rehabilitation of children covered by unifying therapeutic support and education of parents. An important aspect is the assessment of the effects of neurodevelopmental therapy in the context of the intensity and complexity of the treatment and analysis of the development of motor skills of children covered by development assistance

    Assessment of preschool and pre-school children

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    Physical activity is the natural, physiological need of the child, which at the same time determines its proper development. In the pre-school period there is a golden age of motoriness, ie the time when the child acquires new skills the fastest, but also a great improvement in the precision and complexity of motor activities. The overall change has a positive effect on the improvement of motor skills. The Modified Wroclaw Physical Fitness Test should be used to assess the motor skills of children in pre-school and school age. The Wrocław Test was characterized briefly. Research has shown that motor efficiency of children is significantly worse than individuals in the same age from 20 years ago

    Motor fitness of young children undergoing general development exercises

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    Objectives : A still small number of Poles declare regular physical activity. International Obesity reports Task Force shows that 30-45 million children in the world aged 5 to 17 suffer from overweight, and under the age of five, 22 million. In total, nearly 155 million children and adolescents are obese or overweight. Currently in Poland is the highest percentage of men over 15 years of age suffering from these conditions among all European Union countries. The research aims to assess the impact of general conditioning exercises on the development of motor fitness of pre-school children. Material and methods : The research was carried out in 2013 at the kindergarten in Szczecin. The children who took part in the study were aged three to six years. Classes were conducted according to the "Key to Learning" program, which was based on the ideas of LeoVygotsky . The study involved 82 preschoolers, including 38 girls and 44 boys. Results : Compiled results indicate that physical activity determines the proper formation of traits not only motor but also psychological and social behavior in pre-school children. Own research has shown that general development exercises positively influence the level of children's physical fitness, they show on average a very good and good level, which should positively affect their health. Conclusions : Physical efficiency is one of the most important health parameters, and its high level obtained in the early years guarantees correct adaptation in later periods of life. In children and adolescents, the right amount of traffic plays a huge role. Encouraging and introducing as early as possible an active form of spending time both in kindergarten and outside it is very important and positively affects motor efficiency of children. kay words : motor fitness, health, physical activity, general development exercises, sport, childre

    Elective cesarean section on psychiatric indications - tokophobia

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    Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to analyze the influence of tokophobia on delivery solution by Caesarean section. The number of deliveries solved by Caesarean section has increased significantly in recent years. In Poland, it has almost doubled since 2000 (from 18.1% to 37%) Research methods: A survey was used in the study. 25 first-born girls and 25 multi-rivers took part, the selection criterion was delivered by caesarean section. Results: The fear of giving birth was the cause of caesarean section in 12 of the 25 primigravidas and 12 of the 25 multigravidas. Conclusion: Fear of childbirth may be a very important issue related to planning the delivery method

    Seismic Code Analysis of Multi-Storey Asymmetric Buildings

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    Static torsional provisions in most seismic codes require that the lateral force at each floor level be applied at some distance from the reference centre at that floor. However, codes do not specify how to determine the locations of these centres. As a result, several different definitions of the reference centres are being used to implement the code analysis. This investigation examined how the results using various reference centres differ and which of these centres would lead to results that are in agreement with those of dynamic analysis. For this purpose three different buildings ranging form torsionally stiff to torsionally flexible were analysed. It was shown that for the class of buildings studied in this investigation that although the locations of the reference centres were quite different, the results were very similar and nearly independent of the reference centre. Comparison of results calculated from static code equivalent lateral force procedures and results from dynamic response spectrum analyses showed that the static code procedures led to design forces very close (flexible wall) or slightly conservative (stiff wall) when compared to the dynamic analysis for the torsionally stiff building. However, the static code procedures significantly underestimated the design forces of the stiff walls and significantly overestimated the design forces of the flexible walls for the torsionally flexible buildings

    Effect of sowing method and density on the physical properties of the seed bed and oilseed rape yield

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    Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. var. napus), as a plant requiring shallow sowing, is sensitive to water deficiency in the soil during germination. The lack of rainfall results in the delay of emergence and a reduction in plant density before winter. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of various sowing methods (sowing with the furrow method – in furrows 6–8 cm deep; direct sowing into non-cultivated soil using disc coulters and conventional sowing) on the physical properties of the seed bed and winter oilseed rape yield depending on the sowing density (40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 seeds per m2 ). The field study was carried out in 2011–2014, in Albic Luvisols with fine sandy loam texture. Furrow sowing and direct sowing provided higher seed bed moisture than conventional sowing. The use of furrow sowing resulted in the formation of a greater number of siliques per plant than in other sowing methods. Furrow sowing made it possible to produce a higher seed yield than direct sowing, however the oilseed rape yield did not increase significantly in relation to conventional sowing. The winter rapeseed yield after sowing 80–120 seeds per m2 was significantly higher than after sowing 40 and 60 seeds per m2 . When using low sowing densities (40 seeds per m2 ), furrow sowing made it possible to produce a higher seed yield than conventional sowing. The possibility of improving oilseed rape yield by differentiating sowing methods at a density of 60–120 seeds per m2 was not demonstrated

    Filozoficzne aspekty przyzwyczajenia

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    This article describes philosophical aspects of the group of phenomena which are closely related to an English word “habit” and Latin habitus. The author uses a term “habit” when meaning a large set of effects of the process of habituating or accustoming in multiple descriptions – the following meanings seem to be the most popular: tendency, disposition, motor skill, unreflective/automatic behavior, attitude or mental state. The process appears in two different dimensions, as a habituation, it refers to a psychophysiological process of adaptation to constantly repeated stimulus, and as a habit formation, it usually refers to the formation of automatic response to stimulus in a behavioral sense. The author signalises a wide range of subjects mentioned in this article because all mentioned phenomena are included in the Polish term “przyzwyczajenie”, which here is understood as a process or an effect of a process existing in the psychophysical sphere as a scheme, which is formed by a long-time repetition with a characteristic reduction of attention proportional to progression made in the learning process.The main purpose of the research is to present that phenomena of the process and effects of habituating can be analyzed in a philosophical sense as an important category and described in ethical, epistemological, aesthetical and anthropological areas. The process and effects of habituating can be considered in reference to the problem of fundamental philosophical dichotomy like ‘subjective vs. objective’, ‘empirical vs. rational’ and ‘relative vs. absolute’. They can also be described in the context of values – truth, goodness and beauty.This article describes philosophical aspects of the group of phenomena which are closely related to an English word “habit” and Latin habitus. The author uses a term “habit” when meaning a large set of effects of the process of habituating or accustoming in multiple descriptions – the following meanings seem to be the most popular: tendency, disposition, motor skill, unreflective/automatic behavior, attitude or mental state. The process appears in two different dimensions, as a habituation, it refers to a psychophysiological process of adaptation to constantly repeated stimulus, and as a habit formation, it usually refers to the formation of automatic response to stimulus in a behavioral sense. The author signalises a wide range of subjects mentioned in this article because all mentioned phenomena are included in the Polish term “przyzwyczajenie”, which here is understood as a process or an effect of a process existing in the psychophysical sphere as a scheme, which is formed by a long-time repetition with a characteristic reduction of attention proportional to progression made in the learning process.The main purpose of the research is to present that phenomena of the process and effects of habituating can be analyzed in a philosophical sense as an important category and described in ethical, epistemological, aesthetical and anthropological areas. The process and effects of habituating can be considered in reference to the problem of fundamental philosophical dichotomy like ‘subjective vs. objective’, ‘empirical vs. rational’ and ‘relative vs. absolute’. They can also be described in the context of values – truth, goodness and beauty

    Efekty aglomeracji – czynnik czy bariera rozwoju miast? Analiza wybranych aspektów w świetle literatury przedmiotu

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    The paper presents the concept of agglomeration economies in the context of urbanization. The benefits and costs resulting from the aggregation of many diverse subjects in urban areas were characterized. Based on the research on agglomeration economies presented in the literature one indicated the role of some agglomeration effects in the light of cities functioning. This article attempts to answer the question whether these factors underlying the creation and growth of cities can also be a barrier to their development.Artykuł przedstawia koncepcję gospodarki aglomeracji w kontekście procesów urbanizacji. Scharakteryzowane zostały korzyści i koszty wynikające ze skupiania się wielu różnorodnych podmiotów na obszarach miejskich. Na podstawie prezentowanych w literaturze badań gospodarki aglomeracji wskazano znaczenie wybranych efektów aglomeracji dla funkcjonowania miast. Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy powyższe czynniki leżące u podstaw tworzenia i wzrostu miast mogą okazać się także barierą ich rozwoju