63 research outputs found

    Mullitization behaviour of alumina enriched clay inpresence of dopant fe2o3

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    Mullatization behaviour of china clay with reactive alumina sources has been studied. The calcined clay was ground then mixed with reactive alumina. These raw material are mixed with different amount of iron oxide (vig. 0% Fe2O3,, 1.5% Fe2O3, 3% Fe2O3, 4.5% Fe2O3,, 6% Fe2O3). Rectangular bars and pallets were sintered at different temperatures (vig. 14500C, 15500C, 16500C) with a soaking period of 2 hrs. A holding in temperature was done to accommodate binder burn out. Previously the characterizations of the raw materials were carried by XRD analysis, DSC, TG. The X-ray and microstructural analysis were to understand the mullatization behaviour of the china clay. The calcined clay derived samples were used as they show better physical and mechanical properties and it shows very low shrinkage. The fired samples fired at 16500C shows more than 98% mullite formation in the body but they differ in their grain size. With increase in the percentage iron oxide there is not significant change in the formation in the mullite formation at 16500C but the grain size increases continuously. The formation of needle like mullite grain increases with increases in the iron oxide content. With increase in the iron oxide content there is decrease in the amount in the unreacted free alumina. Microstructural studies on the sintered and polished samples and X-ray diffraction studies on the sintered specimens are carried out to estimate the mullitization of the individual samples fired at different temperatures. The formation of secondary mullite formation has been observed through inter-diffusion. The formation of primary mullite formation has been observed at lower iron oxide content through XRD analysis


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    História é estudada para tomar a decisão perfeita para o progresso futuro de uma área. Contextohistórico do desenvolvimento industrial de uma região inspira os industriais para tomar a decisãocorreta para o desenvolvimento futuro. O Distrito Murshidabad, a antiga capital de Bengala,tinha a sua própria glória durante a opulência de nababo, mas agora ele está sofrendo de doença.A região, que contribuíram com 5 % do PIB do mundo em um ponto, onde o cidadão mais ricoda Jagat Seth (ex- Rei / nababo de Bengala notas promissórias foram homenageados sem dúvidana Grã-Bretanha e América. Devido à sua presença no Delta Bengala (maior delta do mundo), oconjunto industrial até teve o forte impacto fluvial em sua seleção de tipos e escala em queinundação torna-se um dos parâmetros mais importantes. não há mineral encontrado no distrito em quantidade suficiente por que uma indústria de base mineral pode ser estabelecida. Assim,quase todos os setores, exceto a indústria de cana de açúcar, são indústrias de pequena escala debase agrícola do distrito. Entre essas indústrias de pequena escala da indústria de seda, IvoryCarving, indústria têxtil, indústria de metal, modelo de argila e da indústria bidi foramimportantes durante o período de nababo. Agora, apenas as indústrias de seda e bidi estãolevando a sua glória e outros vão estar doente devido a alguns fatores essenciais, como os danosfreqüentes inundações, destruição de nababo Unido, negligência do Governo, pressão dapopulação devido aos refugiados etc. Agora o estudo do contexto histórico é altamentenecessário para melhorar o futuro progresso industrial do distrito economicamente atrasadocomo Murshidabad na situação atual

    Electrocardiographic abnormalities with quinine and artesunate combinations in comparison to quinine or artesunate alone in severe falciparum malaria

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    Background: In Multi drug resistant falciparum malaria anti-malarial combinations are frequently used i.e. Quinine and IV Artesunate. Quinine is associated with electrocardiographic disturbances. Artesunate in high dose produce QTC prolongation in animal models, so the electrocardiogram (ECG) is thoroughly studied.Methods: Severe falciparum malaria cases 15 to 60 years were randomly allocated into 3 treatment regimens i.e. Artesunate, Quinine alone and their combination. Electrocardiographic recordings were taken periodically in 3 groups and compared statistically.Results: The mean QTC interval is significantly prolonged in combination treatment group from 0.40+0.02 to 0.49+0.09 (P<0.05) ECG disturbance (44%). QTC prolongation was commonest (i.e. 27%) with electrolyte imbalance could produce life threatening cardiac arrhythmia (Polymorphic VT with Sr K+ 2.9). Artesunate alone was list prone (i.e. only 6%) Quinine though has comparatively more (i.e. 25%) but there is no life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia in artesunate and Quinine

    Proučavanje radijativnog raspada b-mezona u modelima dvojni-Higgs-dublet s četvrtom generacijom kvarkova

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    Considering the nonstandard indirect effect of Yukawa couplings of the Higgs doublet to the quarks, we examine strong-interaction effects in weak radiative B-meson decay. The virtual effects of the Model I and Model II in the penguin-type diagram on the b → sγ decay have been tested considering the possibility of the fourth generation in quark sector, with corrections up to the leading QCD logarithms, using evolution of the fourth-generation CKM matrix, with CP violation phase equal to zero. Range of the masses of the fourth-generation down-type quark b0 and up-type quark t 0 have been taken with due consideration of the constraint imposed by the present experimental value of the ρ parameter, keeping in view the mass difference of the fourth-generation quark doublet. As a by-product, it is observed that the CLEO bound clearly sets the lower bound on the Higgs boson mass at 220 GeV, which is above the top quark mass.Razmatramo nestandardni posredni učinak Yukawinog vezanja Higgsovog dubleta na kvarkove i ispitujemo učinke jakog međudjelovanja u slabom radijativnom raspadu B-mezona. Virtualni učinci u Modelu I i Modelu II u dijagramima pingvinskog tipa u raspadu b → sγ ispituju se razmatrajući mogućnost četvrte generacije u kvarkovskom sektoru, s ispravkama do vodećih QCD logaritama, primjenjujući CKM matricu četvrte generacije s fazom kršenja CP jednakom nuli. Područja masa četvrte generacije kvarka “dolje” b0 i četvrte generacije kvarka “gore” t 0 su određena uzevši u obzir ograničenja sadašnjim eksperimentalnim vrijednostima parametra ρ, uz uvažavanje razlike masa kvarkovskog dubleta četvrte generacije. Dodatni je ishod da ograničenje CLEO daje jasnu donju granicu na masu Higgsovog bozona od 220 GeV, što je iznad mase kvarka “gore”


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    Around half of the world’s population faces Helicobactor pylori (H. pylori) infection. Enormous progress has been made to understand the bacterial pathogenesis process and pathogen interaction with eukaryotic cells but infectious diseases are still the cause of premature death of humans around the world. H. pylori is categorized under class I carcinogen by the WHO based on clinical study results. This review paper discusses various attempts made to establish an efficient vaccine to manage H. pylori infection. Some of the problems in developing an efficient vaccine against H. pylori are recurrent or persistent infection, insufficient knowledge about the action specifically in case of probiotics, development of antibiotic resistance, and cost of therapy are noted. This research may come up with transient Nicotiana benthamiana with suitable H. pylori genes expressed as antigenic proteins, which can be used for further studies to develop a vaccine for gastric ulcer/cancer and generate good scientific data that can be helpful for scientists and researchers in this field. This review article for monitors’ current approaches monitoring&nbsp;H. pylori infection since 1998 to 2019 using world-wide recognized journals and books, questioning its efficacies and whether these strategies help eradicate or there is a need to focus on several diversions. We provide scientific recommendations in eliminating&nbsp;H. pylori through vaccination along with addressing the preventive vaccine for this pathogen rather than using defeated treatments with plant-based nil side effects solution. The information relies on the available content in Google Scholar and PubMed using the keywords listed below

    Development of PCR assay for targeting partial lipL21 and lipL41 gene of leptospira

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    Leptospirosis is a bacterial zoonotic disease caused by spirochetes of the genus Leptospira that affects human and a wide range of animals. The direct method of diagnosis of leptospirosis, has been so far by culture isolation but it is time consuming and potentially biohazardous. Another traditional method is the detection of antibodies (Serological tests) which is also a time consuming method and fails to identify the infecting serovar. To overcome these limitations associated with the cultivation and serology, we developed PCR assay targeting partial lipL21 gene and lipL41 gene of Leptospires using in-house designed P28/29 and P30/31 primers, with a product size of 385bp and 427bp. The amplicons were subjected to restriction enzyme digestion using RsaI, Pvu II and HindIII for product of P28/29 and ClaI, TaqI and RsaI were used for product of P30/31. The protocols were standardized and the assay targeting the partial lipL21 and lipL41 gene was found to be specific for eight pathogenic Leptospires out of nine leptospires tested. The products were then cloned in pGEMT Easy vector and sequenced to facilitate further studies. PCR could detect the target bacterial gene without any ambiguity and showed good efficiency in detection of targeted species in the sample. This simple, rapid and cost-effective method can be applicable in a prediction system to prevent disease outbreak by these Leptospira species and can be considered as an effective tool for disease diagnosis of Leptospira species. Key words: PCR; lipL21; lipL41; Molecular Diagnostics; Transformation. Nepal Journal of Biotechnology. Jan. 2011, Vol. 1, No. 1 : 22-3


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    Em todo o mundo, os n&iacute;veis do mar foram subindo, proporcionando mais um lembrete de conectividade global e um futuro em que os riscos de inunda&ccedil;&atilde;o iria piorar, e El-ni&ntilde;o tornou-se um fen&ocirc;meno conhecido por muitos. Novas tecnologias foram surgindo constantemente, principalmente nos meios de comunica&ccedil;&atilde;o, informa&ccedil;&atilde;o, espa&ccedil;o e a comunica&ccedil;&atilde;o foi puxando alguns dos ocupantes da "aldeia global" muito mais pr&oacute;ximos, tornando "not&iacute;cias desastre," mais imediato e gr&aacute;fico. Os avan&ccedil;os tecnol&oacute;gicos desafiou o poder das institui&ccedil;&otilde;es, os governos j&aacute; n&atilde;o podia t&atilde;o facilmente restringir o acesso aos seus cidad&atilde;os a informa&ccedil;&atilde;o ou prosseguir as suas pol&iacute;ticas de forma isolada. Antes de 1990, n&atilde;o havia tal uso de medidas de sensoriamento remoto da &Iacute;ndia. Ent&atilde;o, at&eacute; agora o estudo de inunda&ccedil;&atilde;o, v&aacute;rzea, seu tipo, causas e sua an&aacute;lise comparativa de registros emp&iacute;ricos pode introduzir o cen&aacute;rio na Bengala Ocidental.&nbsp; O estudo adequado e cient&iacute;fico da plan&iacute;cie de inunda&ccedil;&atilde;o e sua an&aacute;lise comparativa comprova sua import&acirc;ncia na &Iacute;ndia e ajuda a sugerir a gest&atilde;o sustent&aacute;vel das enchentes no estado