502 research outputs found

    Impurities and orbital dependent superconductivity in Sr_2RuO_4

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    There now exists a wealth of experimental evidence that Sr_2RuO_4 is an odd-parity superconductor. Experiments further indicate that among the bands stemming from the Ru {xy,xz,yz} orbitals, the portion of the Fermi surface arising from the xy orbitals exhibits a much larger gap than the portions of the Fermi surface arising from the {xz,yz} orbitals. In this paper the role of impurities on such an orbital dependent superconducting state is examined within the Born approximation. In contrast to expected results for a nodeless p-wave superconductor the unique nature of the superconducting state in Sr_2RuO_4 implies that a low concentration of impurities strongly influences the low temperature behavior.Comment: 5 pages 3 figure

    Impurity scattering in unconventional density waves

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    We have investigated the effect of nonmagnetic impurities on the quasi-one-dimensional unconventional density wave (UDW) ground state. The thermodynamics were found to be close to those of a d-wave superconductor in the Born limit. Four different optical conductivity curves were found depending on the direction of the applied electric field and on the wavevector dependence of the gap.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Threshold electric field in unconventional density waves

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    As it is well known most of charge density wave (CDW) and spin density wave (SDW) exhibit the nonlinear transport with well defined threshold electric field E_T. Here we study theoretically the threshold electric field of unconventional density waves. We find that the threshold field increases monotonically with temperature without divergent behaviour at T_c, unlike the one in conventional CDW. The present result in the 3D weak pinning limit appears to describe rather well the threshold electric field observed recently in the low-temperature phase (LTP) of alpha-(BEDT-TTF)_2KHg(SCN)_4.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Impurity effects in unconventional density waves in the unitary limit

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    We investigate the effect of strong, nonmagnetic impurities on quasi-one-dimensional conventional and unconventional density waves (DW and UDW). The conventional case remains unaffected similarly to s-wave superconductors in the presence of weak, nonmagnetic impurities. The thermodynamic properties of UDW were found to be identical to those of a d-wave superconductor in the unitary limit. The real and imaginary part of the optical conductivity is determined for electric fields applied in the perpendicular directions. A new structure can be present corresponding to excitations from the bound state at the Fermi energy to the gap maximum in addition to the usual peak at 2\Delta. In the dc limit, universal electric conductivity is found.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Extent of Low-accumulation 'Wind Glaze' Areas on the East Antarctic Plateau: Implications for Continental Ice Mass Balance

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    Persistent katabatic winds form widely distributed localized areas of near-zero net surface accumulation on the East Antarctic ice sheet (EAIS) plateau. These areas have been called 'glaze' surfaces due to their polished appearance. They are typically 2-200 square kilometers in area and are found on leeward slopes of ice-sheet undulations and megadunes. Adjacent, leeward high-accumulation regions (isolated dunes) are generally smaller and do not compensate for the local low in surface mass balance (SMB). We use a combination of satellite remote sensing and field-gathered datasets to map the extent of wind glaze in the EAIS above 1500m elevation. Mapping criteria are derived from distinctive surface and subsurface characteristics of glaze areas resulting from many years of intense annual temperature cycling without significant burial. Our results show that 11.2 plus or minus 1.7%, or 950 plus or minus 143 x 10(exp 3) square kilometers, of the EAIS above 1500m is wind glaze. Studies of SMB interpolate values across glaze regions, leading to overestimates of net mass input. Using our derived wind-glaze extent, we estimate this excess in three recent models of Antarctic SMB at 46-82 Gt. The lowest-input model appears to best match the mean in regions of extensive wind glaze

    Iwasawa theory and p-adic L-functions over Zp2-extensions

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    We construct a two-variable analogue of Perrin-Riou’s p-adic regulator map for the Iwasawa cohomology of a crystalline representation of the absolute Galois group of Q p , over a Galois extension whose Galois group is an abelian p-adic Lie group of dimension 2. We use this regulator map to study p-adic representations of global Galois groups over certain abelian extensions of number fields whose localisation at the primes above p is an extension of the above type. In the example of the restriction to an imaginary quadratic field of the representation attached to a modular form, we formulate a conjecture on the existence of a “zeta element”, whose image under the regulator map is a p-adic L-function. We show that this conjecture implies the known properties of the 2-variable p-adic L-functions constructed by Perrin-Riou and Kim

    p-Adic Mathematical Physics

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    A brief review of some selected topics in p-adic mathematical physics is presented.Comment: 36 page