47 research outputs found

    Sulfide Intrusion and Detoxification in the Seagrass <i>Zostera marina</i>

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    Gaseous sulfide intrusion into seagrasses growing in sulfidic sediments causes little or no harm to the plant, indicating the presence of an unknown sulfide tolerance or detoxification mechanism. We assessed such mechanism in the seagrass Zostera marina in the laboratory and in the field with scanning electron microscopy coupled to energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, chromatographic and spectrophotometric methods, and stable isotope tracing coupled with a mass balance of sulfur compounds. We found that Z. marina detoxified gaseous sediment-derived sulfide through incorporation and that most of the detoxification occurred in underground tissues, where sulfide intrusion was greatest. Elemental sulfur was a major detoxification compound, precipitating on the inner wall of the aerenchyma of underground tissues. Sulfide was metabolized into thiols and entered the plant sulfur metabolism as well as being stored as sulfate throughout the plant. We conclude that avoidance of sulfide exposure by reoxidation of sulfide in the rhizosphere or aerenchyma and tolerance of sulfide intrusion by incorporation of sulfur in the plant are likely major survival strategies of seagrasses in sulfidic sediments

    A trait-based framework for seagrass ecology: Trends and prospects

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    In the last three decades, quantitative approaches that rely on organism traits instead of taxonomy have advanced different fields of ecological research through establishing the mechanistic links between environmental drivers, functional traits, and ecosystem functions. A research subfield where trait-based approaches have been frequently used but poorly synthesized is the ecology of seagrasses; marine angiosperms that colonized the ocean 100M YA and today make up productive yet threatened coastal ecosystems globally. Here, we compiled a comprehensive trait-based response-effect framework (TBF) which builds on previous concepts and ideas, including the use of traits for the study of community assembly processes, from dispersal and response to abiotic and biotic factors, to ecosystem function and service provision. We then apply this framework to the global seagrass literature, using a systematic review to identify the strengths, gaps, and opportunities of the field. Seagrass trait research has mostly focused on the effect of environmental drivers on traits, i.e., “environmental filtering” (72%), whereas links between traits and functions are less common (26.9%). Despite the richness of trait-based data available, concepts related to TBFs are rare in the seagrass literature (15% of studies), including the relative importance of neutral and niche assembly processes, or the influence of trait dominance or complementarity in ecosystem function provision. These knowledge gaps indicate ample potential for further research, highlighting the need to understand the links between the unique traits of seagrasses and the ecosystem services they provide

    Detrimental impact of sulfide on the seagrass Zostera marina in dark hypoxia.

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    Sulfide poisoning, hypoxia events, and reduced light availability pose threats to marine ecosystems such as seagrass meadows. These threats are projected to intensify globally, largely due to accelerating eutrophication of estuaries and coastal environments. Despite the urgency, our current comprehension of the metabolic pathways that underlie the deleterious effects of sulfide toxicity and hypoxia on seagrasses remains inadequate. To address this knowledge gap, I conducted metabolomic analyses to investigate the impact of sulfide poisoning under dark-hypoxia in vitro conditions on Zostera marina, a vital habitat-forming marine plant. During the initial 45 minutes of dark-hypoxia exposure, I detected an acclimation phase characterized by the activation of anaerobic metabolic pathways and specific biochemical routes that mitigated hypoxia and sulfide toxicity. These pathways served to offset energy imbalances, cytosolic acidosis, and sulfide toxicity. Notably, one such route facilitated the transformation of toxic sulfide into non-toxic organic sulfur compounds, including cysteine and glutathione. However, this sulfide tolerance mechanism exhibited exhaustion post the initial 45-minute acclimation phase. Consequently, after 60 minutes of continuous sulfide exposure, the sulfide toxicity began to inhibit the hypoxia-mitigating pathways, culminating in leaf senescence and tissue degradation. Utilizing metabolomic approaches, I elucidated the intricate metabolic responses of seagrasses to sulfide toxicity under in vitro dark-hypoxic conditions. My findings suggest that future increases in coastal eutrophication will compromise the resilience of seagrass ecosystems to hypoxia, primarily due to the exacerbating influence of sulfide

    Detrimental impact of sulfide on the seagrass Zostera marina in dark hypoxia

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    Sulfide intrusion and detoxification in the seagrass Zostera marina - dataset

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    <p>Raw data for :</p> <p>Sulfide intrusion and detoxification in the seagrass Zostera marina</p

    Sulfur budget of different fractions of <i>Zostera marina in situ</i> (A) stacked values of all fractions, (B) total sulfur, (C) sulfate, (D) organic sulfur, (E) thiols, (F) S<sup>0</sup>.

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    <p>Values represent mean ± SEM. Lower case letters indicate differences between tissues (ANOVA and Tukey’s test, p < 0.05); n = 12.</p

    Sulfur content in atomic-percent [at%] by SEM-EDX in <i>Zostera marina</i> roots exposed to sulfide intrusion.

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    <p>Letters indicate significant differences (Dunn's test p < 0.05); n = 48. HS = high sulfide; C = control.</p

    Relative net accumulation of total sulfur in <i>Zostera marina</i> (HS minus C) including the assemblage total sulfur composition of sulfur compounds in the different tissues (n = 6).

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    <p>Relative net accumulation of total sulfur in <i>Zostera marina</i> (HS minus C) including the assemblage total sulfur composition of sulfur compounds in the different tissues (n = 6).</p