12 research outputs found

    The Role of Social Media and Its Implication for Democracy in 2020 U.S. Elections

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    We can see the growing use of social media for politics through 2020 U.S. elections. This social media presence has the potential to shift the perspective of democracy. This paper is a reflection to explore the use of social media in the United States democracy, especially in the 2020 election. This paper explained that social media has a significant role in the United States democracy, including those of the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Social media, with its shortcomings and advantages, contributed greatly to the election results, increasing public engagement, and increasing political participation. On the other hand, social media also gave rise to public polarization in the U.S. and opened up foreign intervention opportunities. However, by the 2020 U.S. election, the foreign intervention was relatively low, so that it did not have enough effect on the election results. Trump and Biden became two candidates who understood this social media potential and sought to attract voters in their respective ways. With the right and structured strategy, Biden was able to achieve deeper engagement through numerous interactions on social media. As the result, Biden emerged as the winner of the election, one of which with social media support


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    ABSTRAKEra digital membawa tantangan baru bagi Gen Z sebagai natives digital. Bagi Indonesia, Gen Z berperan penting dalam kehidupan demokrasi, sebagai calon pemimpin bangsa. Namun, media Online juga memberi tantangan pada hoaks, potensi indoktrinasi, radikalisasi dan berbagai tantangan lain. Karenanya, Gen Z membutuhkan pemahaman nilai demokrasi. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dalam rangka “penguatan nilai demokrasi melalui peran generasi Z indonesia dalam media Online”. Tujuannya adalah mendukung Gen Z menjawab tantangan dinamika era digital yang kompleks, sehingga menjadi pribadi-pribadi unggul dan berkontribusi positif dalam demokrasi Indonesia. Metode yang dilakukan berupa pendidikan masyarakat, dalam skema daring. Skema daring dilakukan guna menyesuaikan kondisi pandemi sekaligus membuka kesempatan melibatkan sasaran yang lebih luas, yakni Gen Z dari berbagai daerah di seluruh Indonesia. Kegiatan dilakukan melalui tahap penjajagan, promosi, sosialisasi, pendampingan dan evaluasi. Sosialisasi dilakukan oleh pakar demokrasi dan pakar media Online. Selanjutnya, dilakukan pendampingan selama dua bulan. Tahap evaluasi dilakukan dengan penilaian indikator luaran untuk melihat perubahan pola pikir dan perilaku peserta kegiatan. Evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa seluruh indikator luaran mengalami peningkatan atau hasil positif, terutama pada peningkatan pemahaman dalam menggunakan media Online, seperti media sosial secara bermanfaat. Kata kunci: demokrasi; gen Z, Indonesia, media online. ABSTRACTThe digital era provides new challenges for Gen Z as digital natives. For Indonesia, Gen Z plays an important role in democratic life, as a future leader of the nation. However, online media poses challenge of hoaxes, indoctrination, radicalization and others. Understanding the value of democracy can be good modal for them. This program was carried out in the context of "Strengthening democratic values through the role of Z Generation Indonesia in online media". The purposes was to support Gen Z in responding to the challenges of digital era, so they can be better and contribute positively to Indonesian democracy. The method used was public education, in an online scheme. The online scheme was adapted to the pandemic conditions while at the same time opening up opportunities to involve a wider target, Z Generation from around Indonesia. Activities were included assessment, promotion, socialization, mentoring and evaluation. The socialization was carried out by democracy experts and online media experts. Assistance was held for two months. The evaluation stage done by assessing the output indicators to see changes in the mindset and behavior of participants. The evaluation showed that all of the output indicators have improved or have positive results, especially increased understanding in using online media, such as social media in a useful way. Keywords: democracy; gen Z; Indonesia; online media

    Revolusi Industri 4.0 Ditengah Society 5.0

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    Kita memasuki era baru, menyaksikan bagaimana globalisasi telah menyajikan tatanan dunia dengan teknologi modern dan canggih. Dunia menyebut era ini denghan Revolusi Industri 4.0. Buku ini mengajak pembaca untuk mengenali fenomena Revolusi Industri 4.0, sebuah era disrupsi yang penuh kerumitan dan kejutan baru. Inovasi berkembang sangat cepat, harapan pelangaan meningkat tinggi, dan memaksa dunia bisnis berkompetisi secara cerdas. Teknologi berkembang luas dan terintegrasi dalam berbagai lini kehidupan masyarakat. Kondisi ini memaksa terciptanya masyarakat digital yang cerdas, yaitu masyarakat 5.0, masyarakat yang berpusat pada manusia dan terintegrasi dengan teknologi diberbagai aspek. Buku ini dibagi menjadi enam bab. Bab I, sejarah revolusi industri. Bab II, menyambut revolusi industry 4.0. Bab III, perkembangan teknologi. Bab IV, pengaruh integrasi teknologi dalam bisnis. Bab V, society 5.0. Bab VI, wajah baru dinamika global.Kata kunci: teknologi, masyarakat 5.0, peradaba

    Subsidi Pertanian Amerika Serika Dalam Kasus Perang Dagang Amerika Serikat dan China Tahun 2018-2019

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    The beginning of the trade war between the United States and China was caused by the imposition of United States tariffs on several Chinese products. The imposition of these tariffs led to retaliatory tariffs from China against the United States. China's retaliatory tariffs have an impact on one of the United States' sectors, namely the agricultural sector. The United States agricultural sector is an important sector in the agricultural trade sector in the United States. With the retaliation of tariffs, the agricultural sector experienced a significant decline. In response to this incident, the United States government made a policy to overcome this problem by making a new policy, namely subsidies. This study aims to describe and find out how the implementation of United States agricultural subsidies in the case of the 2018-2019 trade war using qualitative methods and data sources sought using primary and secondary data. To analyze this research, the writer uses neoclassical theory and national interest to find out how the implementation and perspective of the policy are. The results of this study indicate that there are 3 programs implemented by the United States to overcome the trade war, namely MFP, FPDP, ATP. However, these programs reap many pros and cons. The subsidy policy is a policy that endangers the United States economy because it disrupts the market mechanism