3,258 research outputs found

    Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati Cosmology in Bianchi I brane

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    The dynamics of Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati Cosmology (DGP) braneworld with an anisotropic brane is studied. The Friedmann equations and their solutions are obtained for two branches of anisotropic DGP model. The late time behavior in DGP cosmology is examined in the presence of anisotropy which shows that universe enters a self-accelerating phase much later compared to the isotropic case. The acceleration conditions and slow-roll conditions for inflation are obtained

    Study of the superconducting properties of the Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O system

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    High Temperature Superconductivity in the Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O System has been observed and has attracted considerable attention in 1988. The 80 K superconductivity phase has been identified to have a composition of Bi2CaSr2Cu2Ox, while the 110 K phase as reported in the literature has a possible composition of Bi2Ca2Sr2Cu3Ox. Researchers present here a study of the electrical properties of bulk samples of the slowly cooled and rapidly quenched 2:1:2:2 system. The samples used in this study were prepared from appropriate amounts of Bi2O3, CuO, SrCO3, CaCO3

    Sistem Tracking Panel Surya untuk Pengoptimalan Daya Menggunakan Metode Kendali Logika Fuzzy

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    Salah satu jenis energi alternatif yang berkembang pesat dan banyak digunakan adalah energi matahari yang digunakan sebagai pembangkit listrik, dalam bentuk panel surya. Dalam rangka mengoptimalkan penggunaan panel surya tersebut, diperlukan sebuah sistem pengendali yang dapat mengontrol posisi panel surya agar selalu mengikuti arah dan posisi dari matahari secara otomatis. Sistem yang digunakan untuk pengaturan tersebut dinamakan sistem tracking matahari dengan dua derajat kebebasan. Sistem ini bekerja menggunakan Perubahan daya yang terbaca oleh panel surya. Kelebihan dari sistem ini dapat mengikuti posisi matahari. Dalam sistem ini digunakan perbandingan daya yang terbaca oleh sistem dan mencari yang paling optimal diantara daya tersebut. Berdasarkan perbedaan daya yang diterima, Kendali Logika Fuzzy akan menggerakkan motor servo untuk melakukan aksi kendali terhadap posisi panel surya supaya selalu tegak lurus terhadap posisi matahari. Perbandingan respon unjuk kerja antara sistem yang tanpa menggunakan kontroler fuzzy yaitu tegangan =15,40 V, arus = 0,46 A, dan daya = 7.17 W , sedangkan untuk sistem yang menggunakan kontroler fuzzy 2 DOF (Degree Of Freedom) menghasilkan tegangan = 15,54 V, arus = 0,51 A, dan daya = 7.94 W. Sistem yang dibuat sudah mengikuti matahari untuk mencapai daya yang maksimal

    Transmuted New Weibull-Pareto Distribution and its Applications

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    this article, a generalization of the new Weibull-Pareto (NWP) distribution is derived. The quadratic equation (QRTM rank transmutation map) studied by Shaw and Buckley (2007), has been used to develop the generalization. The proposed distribution includes as special cases with the new Weibull-Pareto distribution (NWP), transmuted Weibull distribution (TW), transmuted Rayleigh (TR) distribution and transmuted exponential (TE) distribution. Various structural properties of the new distribution, including of moments, quantiles, moment generating function, mean deviations, reliability analysis, order statistics and Renyi entropy are derived. The maximum likelihood estimation method has been proposed for the estimation of the parameters of the TNWP distribution. The usefulness of the derived model is illustrated using two data sets and it is proved that TNWP distribution is a better distribution than other distributions based on some goodness of fit measures. Therefore, we conclude that the new model attracts applications in several areas such as engineering, survival data, economics and others

    Influence of palm oil fuel ash on fresh and mechanical properties of selfcompacting concrete

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    This paper presents experimental results of some fresh and hardened state properties of selfcompacting concrete (SCC) incorporating palm oil fuel ash (POFA). Three concrete mixes namely ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete i.e. concrete with 100% OPC as control, and concrete with 30% and 60% POFA having different water/binder (w/b) ratios of 0.4, 0.45 and 0.5 were prepared. Filling ability, passing ability and segregation resistance of SCC along with strength properties were determined and compared with those of the OPC based SCC. Test results revealed that replacement of POFA in general decreased the workability of concrete with acceptable range. The compressive strength, however, increased with lower w/b ratio and lower replacement of ash. The splitting tensile and flexural strength values have also followed the same trend. The results obtained and the observation made in this study suggest that POFA can suitably be used as supplementary cementing material in SCC
