10 research outputs found
Peningkatatn Kesadaran Masyarakat Di Kelurahan Bener Tegalrejo Yogyakarta Terhadap Bahaya Pernikahan Di Bawah Umur Melalui Penyuluhan Hukum
Underage marriage is something that still happens a lot in society, there are many negative impacts that arise due to underage marriage, ranging from the possibility of violence in the household to the potential for maternal and child deaths that occur too early. Marriage is ideally carried out by a partner who is physical and can be said to be an adult, thus being able to be responsible for himself and for others. Prevention of underage marriages is also closely related to the fulfillment of children's rights which should be fulfilled but their access is closed because they are considered adults and have to take care of their own household. To this problem finally issued a revision of Law No. 1 of 1974 related to the minimum marriage limit for children especially women, who were originally 16 years old to 19 years old as a form of responsibility to protect their citizens. Based on the survey results from the Janabadra University Community Service Team, village officials view this issue as one of the important issues that must be submitted by the community, the request was followed up with legal counseling related to Law no. 16 of 2019 in conjunction with Law No. 1 of 1974. The preparation stage was coordinated with the Janabadra University Community Service Team to determine the time and place, then continued with preparations to look for materials and materials to be delivered to the fish. The implementation of the activities carried out with the presentation of the material followed by a question and answer session with the counseling participants
Novels are one of the literary genres that utilize language. In this case, the use of language in literary or literature, according to Umar Kayam, is not about using it correctly or not, but rather whether or not that language appropriate for specific occasion. Likewise, legal science cannot separate itself from language in terms of its application. Language in law of legal filed has its own variety which often makes it difficult for people who are not directly involved in it to grasp its certain meanings. This is because language in law require that it can conveyed in a concrete, straightforward manner, so that it will not lead to many ambiguous interpretations. It can be said that the use of language form in these two domains is in very opposite direction. Novel written by Agus Sardjono, "Legal Research: A Novel on Legal Research Methods" tries to unravel these difficulties by using literary as tools specifically to facilitate students of university in understanding and applying legal research methods. This paper will further describe the novel in two perspectives; legal point of view and literary point of view. The novel "Legal Research" proves that literature is a very broad as a medium, that can be used to describe various field of expertise such as history, psychology, politics, including law
The purpose of this study was to analyze the urgency or importance of the issuance of restrictions on currency (banknotes and coins) both from banks and the public increased dramatically. This is caused by increasing domestic economic activity which is increasing . The analysis technique used is the analysis of solving money laundering problems. The results of the analysis directly have a negative and significant effect on the money supply. Increasing economic activity is undeniable that there are opportunities for money laundering actors. Therefore, PPATK in collaboration with BI and OJK proposed a Draft Bill on Limiting Money Currency Transactions. The maximum nominal value restricted in this bill refers to Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Money laundering Crimes Article 34 Paragraph (1), in which the maximum cross-border cash flow is Rp100 million.Keywords: PPATK, Money laundering, Bill the Counterfeiting Currency urgency
Bahaya Apatisme Pemuda terhadap Kehidupan Bernegara: Edukasi Partisipasi Politik Karang Taruna Ira Kusuma Yogyakarta
Tujuan penulisan ini adalah mensosialisasikan secara tertulis tentang partisipasi politik terhadap pemuda yang merupakan hal yang layaknya dilakukan secara berkelanjutan. Negara demokrasi yang sehat membutuhkan partisipasi warga negara, khususnya pemuda yang berkualitas untuk bisa tetap melanjutkan eksistensinya. Tim Pengabdi Fakultas Hukum Universitas Janabadra berusaha untuk menanamkan pengetahuan tentang pentingnya partisipasi politik serta bahayanya sikap apatis terhadap kebijakan pemerintah. Sosialisasi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman serta meningkatkan kesadaran Pemuda Karang Taruna Ira Kusuma di Yogyakarta terkait dengan pendidikan politik, sedangkan tujuan penulisan adalah untuk mempublikasikan lebih lanjut mengenai kegiatan tersebut. Metode pelaksanaan terdiri dari dua tahap yaitu tahap persiapan serta tahap pelaksanaan sosialisasi. Keseluruhan rangkaian berjalan dengan baik dengan meningkatnya pemahaman pemuda Karang Taruna Ira Kusuma terkait pentingnya partisipasi politik. The purpose of this paper is to socialize in writing about political participation in youth which is something that should be done on an ongoing basis. A healthy democracy requires the participation of citizens, especially qualified youth to be able to continue their existence. Janabadra University's Faculty of Law Service Team seeks to instill knowledge about the importance of political participation as well as the dangers of apathy towards government policies. This socialization aims to provide understanding and increase awareness of the Karang Taruna Ira Kusuma Youth in Yogyakarta related to political education, while the purpose of writing is to publish more about the activity. The implementation method consists of two stages, namely the preparatory stage and the socialization implementation stage. The whole series went well with the increasing understanding of âKarang Tarunaâ youth Ira Kusuma regarding the importance of political participation
Analisis Utilitas Dan Biaya Terapi Pada Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Di RSUD Dr Moewardi Surakarta
The progressive decline in kidney function can be influenced by the presence of other diseases that come together and the presence of new diseases or health problems caused by CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). The objectives of the study were to determine the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and health utility index in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), to know the average cost required by chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients and to know the difference in the health utility index and costs patient characteristics and disease characteristics. The inclusion criteria in the study were patients with a diagnosis of CKD and over 19 years of age. Data were taken concurrently to obtain utility data, by conducting interviews with patients and retrospectively to obtain data on costs, patient characteristics, and disease characteristic data, namely comorbidity, complications, stage and the duration of the CKD. The results of the measurement of utility with the Indonesian version of EQ5D5L in CKD patients have an average EQ5D5L utility value of 0.66 ± 0.24 and a VAS (Visual Analog Scale) of 82.07 ± 7.123. The average cost by CKD patients is Rp.616,928.90 / outpatient with the total cost of the total number of outpatients Rp.92,539,335.00, so the total percentage of the average cost per outpatient treatment with the total cost of outpatient care is Rp.0.67% and the largest total cost was the cost of goods / medicine amounting to Rp.63,911,385.00 ± 260,367.17. Based on the results of the analysis, there are differences in utility values based on the characteristics of comorbidity, complications and stage. In the cost analysis, there are differences in costs based on the characteristics of the comorbidity, complications, stage, and duration of CKD patients
Konsep Internalisasi Integritas dan Nilai- Nilai Pancasila dalam Sistem Hukum untuk Penanggulangan Korupsi
AbstractCorruption is a latent problem that hinders the guarantee of public welfare and social justice which has been the nation's goal since the Proclamation of Independence. The awareness of this country in eradicating corruption has begun to be seen as a consequence of the fall of the New Order regime, marked by the establishment of an anti-corruption organization, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). However, from various data and statistical facts, indications of corruption in Indonesia still do not show figures that can be proud of - so in this case it takes several measurable steps that can overcome them. Preventive actions through internalization of the value of Pancasila integrity and decisive actions and political will from the authorities as vanguard fighters should be concrete in their attitudes, regulations and executions. The results of the research show that Indonesianâs nature traits is a fair human being, both towards oneself, others, and towards God as the prime cause; internalization of Pancasila norms and integrity as opposed to corruption can be a preventive measure from oneself against corrupt behavior, furthermore, as for stakeholders such as political parties, representative institutions, and the elected president have to represent its respectives consistency, seriousness and political will in eradicating corruption by carrying out competency-based regeneration, executing a sustainable and comprehensive anti-corruption policy. This research is a normative juridical study with a conceptual, historical and legislative approach.AbstrakKorupsi merupakan permasalahan laten yang menghambat penjaminan kesejahteraan umum serta keadilan sosial yang menjadi cita bangsa semenjak Proklamasi Kemerdekaan. Kesadaran negara ini dalam pemberantasan korupsi mulai terlihat konkritisasinya semenjak tumbangnya rezim Orde Baru, ditandai dengan dibentuknya lembaga anti rasuah, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK). Namun dari berbagai data dan fakta statistik, indikasi korupsi di Indonesia masih belum menunjukkan angka yang dapat dibanggakanâsehingga dalam hal ini diperlukan beberapa langkah terukur yang dapat mengatasinya. Tindakan preventif melalui internalisasi nilai integritas Pancasila dan tindakan tegas dan kemauan politik dari penguasa sebagai pejuang garda depan seharusnya dikonkritkan dalam sikap, peraturan perundang-undangan serta eksekusinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa watak manusia Indonesia adalah berwatak kemanusiaan yang adil, baik terhadap diri sendiri, sesama, maupun terhadap Tuhan sebagai kausa prima; internalisasi norma Pancasila dan integritas sebagai lawan dari korupsi dapat menjadi langkah preventif dari diri sendiri terhadap perilaku korupsi, lebih lanjut partai politik, lembaga perwakilan, serta presiden terpilih dapat menunjukkan konsistensi, kesungguhan, dan kemauan politiknya dalam memberantas korupsi dengan melakukan kaderisasi berbasis kompetensi, penyusunan kebijakan anti korupsi yang berkelanjutan dan paripurna. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan konseptual, sejarah, dan pendekatan perundang-undangan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persamaan, perbedaan, kelebihan, dan kelemahan fungsi pengawasan hakim oleh Komisi Yudisial dan Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature di Perancis, serta hal-hal yang dapat diadopsi dari fungsi pengawasan Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature sebagai bentuk penguatan peran Komisi Yudisial.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif bersifat preskriptif, dengan cara membandingkan antara dua pengaturan yang berbeda. Jenis data sekunder meliputi bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang adalah studi kepustakaan baik cetak maupun elektronik, selanjutnya teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah metode deduktif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa antara fungsi pengawasan Komisi Yudisial dengan Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature memiliki persamaan peran dan kewenangan, jenis sanksi yang dijatuhkan, serta kewenangan untuk memantau persidangan. Sedangkan perbedaannya terletak pada obyek yang diawasi, penggunaan kode etik, eksekusi sanksi, proses pemeriksaan, biro penyelidikan, mekanisme penerimaan laporan, serta mekanisme banding. Hal yang dapat diadopsi adalah kewenangan badan tersebut menjatuhkan sanksi terhadap hakim yang terbukti bersalah , kesempatan banding bagi hakim yang diputus bersalah, serta proses persidangan yang terbuka.
Kata Kunci: perbandingan, Fungsi pengawasan, Komisi Yudisial, Conseil Supérieur de la Magistratur