12 research outputs found

    Construction of Artificial Forest Point Clouds by Laser SLAM Technology and Estimation of Carbon Storage

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    In order to reduce the impact of global warming, forestry carbon sink trading is an effective approach to achieving carbon neutrality, while carbon storage estimation plays an important role as the basis of the whole carbon sink trading. Therefore, an accurate estimation of carbon storage is conducive to the sustainable development of carbon sink trading. In this paper, we use laser SLAM technology to model an artificial forest in three dimensions, extract the tree parameters by the point cloud processing software, and calculate the carbon storage according to the allometric growth equation of the tree species. The experimental results show that the loop path is the best among the three-path planning of ZEB-HORIZON scanner data acquisition. For large-scale plantations, the fusion data acquisition of linear and loop paths by Livox Mid-40 and ZEB-HORIZON LIDAR can be adopted with a highly precise and a complete 3D point cloud obtained. The Lidar360 software is used for single wood segmentation and parameter extraction, and the manual measurement is taken as the quasi-true value. After the measurement accuracy analysis, the carbon storage estimation is met. Using the volume source biomass method in the sample plot inventory method, the carbon storages of camphor and cypress in the experimental area were estimated through the allometric growth equation of camphor and cypress and the international conversion rate

    Construction of Artificial Forest Point Clouds by Laser SLAM Technology and Estimation of Carbon Storage

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    In order to reduce the impact of global warming, forestry carbon sink trading is an effective approach to achieving carbon neutrality, while carbon storage estimation plays an important role as the basis of the whole carbon sink trading. Therefore, an accurate estimation of carbon storage is conducive to the sustainable development of carbon sink trading. In this paper, we use laser SLAM technology to model an artificial forest in three dimensions, extract the tree parameters by the point cloud processing software, and calculate the carbon storage according to the allometric growth equation of the tree species. The experimental results show that the loop path is the best among the three-path planning of ZEB-HORIZON scanner data acquisition. For large-scale plantations, the fusion data acquisition of linear and loop paths by Livox Mid-40 and ZEB-HORIZON LIDAR can be adopted with a highly precise and a complete 3D point cloud obtained. The Lidar360 software is used for single wood segmentation and parameter extraction, and the manual measurement is taken as the quasi-true value. After the measurement accuracy analysis, the carbon storage estimation is met. Using the volume source biomass method in the sample plot inventory method, the carbon storages of camphor and cypress in the experimental area were estimated through the allometric growth equation of camphor and cypress and the international conversion rate

    RGB-D Camera for 3D Laser Point Cloud Hole Repair in Mine Access Shaft Roadway

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    With the rapid development of the geographic information service industry, point cloud data are widely used in various fields, such as architecture, planning, cultural relics protection, mining engineering, etc. Despite that there are many approaches to collecting point clouds, we are facing the problem of point cloud holes caused by the inability of a 3D laser scanner to collect data completely in the narrow space of the mine access shaft. Thus, this paper uses RGB-D cameras to collect data and reconstruct the hole in the point cloud. We used a 3D laser scanner and RGB-D depth camera to collect the 3D point cloud data of the access shaft roadway. The maximum error was 2.617 cm and the minimum error was 0.031 cm by measuring the distance between the feature points, which satisfied the visualization repair of the missing parts of the 3D laser scanner data collection. We used the FPTH + ICP algorithm, ISS + ICP algorithm, SVD + ICP algorithm, and 3D-NDT algorithm to perform registration and fusion of the processed 3D point cloud and the original point cloud and finally repaired the hole. The study results show that the ISS + ICP registration algorithm had the most matching points and the lowest RMSE value of 13.8524 mm. In addition, in the closed and narrow roadway, the RGB-D camera was light and easy to operate and the point data acquired by it had relatively high precision. The three-dimensional point cloud of the repaired access shaft roadway has a good fit and can meet the repair requirements

    Discontinuity Recognition and Information Extraction of High and Steep Cliff Rock Mass Based on Multi-Source Data Fusion

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    It is fundamental to acquire accurate point cloud information on rock discontinuities efficiently and comprehensively when evaluating the stability of rock masses. Taking a high and steep cliff as an example, we combined 3D laser scanning and UAV photogrammetry technology to collect rock data, and proposed an intelligent identification method for rock discontinuities based on the multi-source fusion of point clouds. First, the 3D-laser-collected point cloud data were used as the basis to fuse with the UAV-photogrammetry-collected data, and the unified coordinate system and improved ICP algorithm were used to obtain the complete 3D point cloud in the study area. Secondly, we used neighborhood information entropy to achieve adaptive neighborhood-scale selection and to obtain the optimal neighborhood radius for the KNN search, to effectively calculate the point cloud normal vector and rock mass orientation information. Finally, the KDE algorithm and DBSCAN algorithm were combined for rock discontinuity clustering to achieve intelligent identification and information extraction of the rock structural plane. The clustering results were imported into the DSE program developed based on Matlab to calculate the discontinuity spacing and continuity of the rock mass structure, and to efficiently obtain the parameters of rock mass occurrence. The research results showed that this method can effectively solve the problem of incomplete-data-acquisition ground 3D laser scanning in complex geological conditions, and UAV photogrammetry prone to blurred images in depressed areas. When the extraction results were compared with the field-measured rock occurrence, the average dip angle error was about 2°, the average dip direction error was 1°, and the recognition results met the accuracy requirements. The research results provide a feasible scheme for the identification and extraction of discontinuities of high and steep rock masses

    Discontinuity Recognition and Information Extraction of High and Steep Cliff Rock Mass Based on Multi-Source Data Fusion

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    It is fundamental to acquire accurate point cloud information on rock discontinuities efficiently and comprehensively when evaluating the stability of rock masses. Taking a high and steep cliff as an example, we combined 3D laser scanning and UAV photogrammetry technology to collect rock data, and proposed an intelligent identification method for rock discontinuities based on the multi-source fusion of point clouds. First, the 3D-laser-collected point cloud data were used as the basis to fuse with the UAV-photogrammetry-collected data, and the unified coordinate system and improved ICP algorithm were used to obtain the complete 3D point cloud in the study area. Secondly, we used neighborhood information entropy to achieve adaptive neighborhood-scale selection and to obtain the optimal neighborhood radius for the KNN search, to effectively calculate the point cloud normal vector and rock mass orientation information. Finally, the KDE algorithm and DBSCAN algorithm were combined for rock discontinuity clustering to achieve intelligent identification and information extraction of the rock structural plane. The clustering results were imported into the DSE program developed based on Matlab to calculate the discontinuity spacing and continuity of the rock mass structure, and to efficiently obtain the parameters of rock mass occurrence. The research results showed that this method can effectively solve the problem of incomplete-data-acquisition ground 3D laser scanning in complex geological conditions, and UAV photogrammetry prone to blurred images in depressed areas. When the extraction results were compared with the field-measured rock occurrence, the average dip angle error was about 2°, the average dip direction error was 1°, and the recognition results met the accuracy requirements. The research results provide a feasible scheme for the identification and extraction of discontinuities of high and steep rock masses

    New loci and coding variants confer risk for age-related macular degeneration in East Asians

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    加齢黄斑変性の発症に関わるアジア人特有の遺伝子変異を発見. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2015-02-05.Updated 30 March 2015. [Corrigendum] doi:10.1038/ncomms7817Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a major cause of blindness, but presents differently in Europeans and Asians. Here, we perform a genome-wide and exome-wide association study on 2, 119 patients with exudative AMD and 5, 691 controls, with independent replication in 4, 226 patients and 10, 289 controls, all of East Asian descent, as part of The Genetics of AMD in Asians (GAMA) Consortium. We find a strong association between CETP Asp442Gly (rs2303790), an East Asian-specific mutation, and increased risk of AMD (odds ratio (OR)=1.70, P=5.60 × 10[-22]). The AMD risk allele (442Gly), known to protect from coronary heart disease, increases HDL cholesterol levels by 0.17mmoll-1 (P=5.82 × 10[-21]) in East Asians (n=7, 102). We also identify three novel AMD loci: C6orf223 Ala231Ala (OR=0.78, P=6.19 × 10[-18]), SLC44A4 Asp47Val (OR=1.27, P=1.08 × 10[-11]) and FGD6 Gln257Arg (OR=0.87, P=2.85 × 10[-8]). Our findings suggest that some of the genetic loci conferring AMD susceptibility in East Asians are shared with Europeans, yet AMD in East Asians may also have a distinct genetic signature

    CEPC Conceptual Design Report: Volume 2 - Physics & Detector

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    The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a large international scientific facility proposed by the Chinese particle physics community to explore the Higgs boson and provide critical tests of the underlying fundamental physics principles of the Standard Model that might reveal new physics. The CEPC, to be hosted in China in a circular underground tunnel of approximately 100 km in circumference, is designed to operate as a Higgs factory producing electron-positron collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 240 GeV. The collider will also operate at around 91.2 GeV, as a Z factory, and at the WW production threshold (around 160 GeV). The CEPC will produce close to one trillion Z bosons, 100 million W bosons and over one million Higgs bosons. The vast amount of bottom quarks, charm quarks and tau-leptons produced in the decays of the Z bosons also makes the CEPC an effective B-factory and tau-charm factory. The CEPC will have two interaction points where two large detectors will be located. This document is the second volume of the CEPC Conceptual Design Report (CDR). It presents the physics case for the CEPC, describes conceptual designs of possible detectors and their technological options, highlights the expected detector and physics performance, and discusses future plans for detector R&D and physics investigations. The final CEPC detectors will be proposed and built by international collaborations but they are likely to be composed of the detector technologies included in the conceptual designs described in this document. A separate volume, Volume I, recently released, describes the design of the CEPC accelerator complex, its associated civil engineering, and strategic alternative scenarios