14 research outputs found

    Standardized and advanced MRI techniques in the diagnosis of pediatric brain tumours

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    Přehledové sdělení se věnuje standardizovanému protokolu zobrazení nádorů mozku dětského věku dle doporučení European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOPE) ke zvýšení efektivity prvovyšetření takto nemocných dětí i pro možnost komparace následujících MR. Protokol je sestaven s ohledem na rozdíly v hardwarovém i softwarovém vybavení pracovišť a je rozčleněn do základní (povinné) části a rozšiřujících sekvencí, které už jsou prováděny ve specializovaných centrech. Sdělení představuje základní použití sekvencí dle síly přístroje MR, zdůrazňuje možnosti využití nových technik. V pokročilé části protokolu uvádí základní princip i možnosti implementace.The overview report is devoted to the standardized protocol for intracranial imaging of the childhood brain tumors according to the European Society for Pediatric Oncology (SIOPE) recommendations to increase the effectiveness of the initial examination of such sick children, as well as for the possibility of comparing subsequent MRI. The protocol takes into account the differences in the hardware and software equipment of workplaces. It is divided into basic (mandatory) parts and extension sequences, which are already carried out in specialized centres. The communication presents the essential use of sequences according to the power of the MRI device and emphasizes the possibilities of using new techniques. The advanced part of the protocol offers the basic principle and implementation options.Web of Science86211310

    Is high accuracy of Vesical Imaging-Reporting and Data System (VI-RADS) sufficient for its implementation in the urological practice?

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    Aims. Currently, the only method used to differentiate between MIBC and NMIBC is transurethral resection of the bladder tumour (TURBT). Magnetic resonance and Vesical Imaging-Reporting and Data System (VI-RADS) would allow for discrimination between NMIBC and MIBC. We evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of VI-RADS in the diagnosis of muscle-invasive bladder cancer and discuss its value in everyday urological practice. Methods. 64 patients with bladder cancer (BC) were enrolled into this prospective study. Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) was performed before transurethral resection of the bladder tumour (TURBT) and evalu ated using the VI-RADS score. Score were compared to histopathology results. We evaluated the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of this system using both cut-off VI-RADS ≥ 3 and ≥ 4. Results. Sensitivity of 92.3% (95%CI: 64.0; 99.8), specificity of 81.4% (95%CI: 69.1; 90.3), positive predictive value of 52.2% (95%CI: 30.6; 73.2) and negative predictive value of 98.0% (95%CI: 89.1; 99.9) was determined using cut off VI RADS ≥ 3, while sensitivity of 76.9% (95%CI: 46.2; 95.0), specificity of 91.5% (95%CI: 81.3; 97.2), positive predictive value of 66.7% (95%CI: 38.4; 88.2), and negative predictive value of 94.7% (95%CI: 85.4; 98.9) was determined using cut-off VI-RADS ≥ 4. Based on our results, we consider the optimal cut-off point to be VI-RADS ≥ 3 with the overall prediction accuracy of 83.3% (95%CI: 72.7; 91.1). Conclusions. We acknowledge that mpMRI provides valuable information with regard to BC staging, however, despite its high overall accuracy, we do not consider the VI-RADS could replace TURBT in discrimination between non-muscle invasive and MIBC.Web of Science1671908

    A comparison between novel FPGA-based pad monitoring system using ballistocardiography and the conventional systems for synchronization and gating of CMRI at 3 tesla: A pilot study

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    This pilot pre-clinical study demonstrates the applicability of a new type of pneumatic cardiac triggering (PCT) for cardiac imaging. The pilot research compares the novel FPGA-based pad monitoring system for cardiac triggering using ballistocardiography (BCG) with conventional systems based on electrocardiography (ECG) and photoplethysmography (PPG). The implemented system enables cardiac triggering without the need to fix the sensors to the patient's body. This unique approach has the potential to reduce the preparation time for examination and the examination itself and to increase patient's comfort. The pilot pre-clinical study was conducted on 10 subjects at the Siemens Prisma 3T MRI Scanner within the CEITEC Multimodal and Functional Imaging Laboratory - Central European Institute of Technology, Masaryk University, upon the approval of the Ethics Committee. In total, 748 peaks (heart beats) were detected, with 7.347 correctly identified as true positive peaks, 140 incorrectly detected as false positive peaks, and 106 missed peaks (false negative). For all subjects, the total accuracy reached 96.31% and F1 score reached 98.18%. The applicability of the proposed BCG system was also analyzed in terms of objective (BRISQUE, NIQE, PIQE) and subjective evaluation of the images by 10 experts. The study compares images from two basic cardiac sequences - TRUE FISP (Free Induction Decay Steady-State Precession) and PSIR (Phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery) sequences. The BCG system achieves comparable results with the most frequently used and most accurate clinical ECG system used as gold standard. The results prove that the BCG signal captured by our new sensor can be used as a substitute for ECG signal during MRI exam with reliability of 97%.Web of Science84170414

    MR fully compatible and safe FBG breathing sensor: A practical solution for respiratory triggering

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    This publication describes an original simple low-cost MR fully-compatible and safe fiber-optic breathing sensor (FOBS), which can be used for respiratory triggering and for monitoring the development of respiratory rate within the MR environment and can, thus, serve as prevention from the hyperventilation syndrome. The sensor is created by encapsulation of the Bragg grating into conventional nasal oxygen cannulas. The sensor is immune to minor patient movements, thus limiting movement artifacts to a minimum. Thanks to this fact it can be used for the retrospective/prospective respiratory gating. The sensor is immune to electromagnetic interference (EMI) and can thus be used in any magnetic field (1.5T, 3T, and 7T). The sensor prototype has been tested in both laboratory and real magnetic resonance (3T) environments relative to conventional pneumatic respiration references (PRR). The data measured were statistically evaluated using the objective Bland-Altman method (BAM) and the functionality of the proposed solution was confirmed. Respiratory Triggering functionality was confirmed by the radiologic doctors on the basis of analyzing images using the most used respiratory triggered T2 TSE 3D sequences and by objective method using the Blind/Referenceless Image Spatial Quality Evaluator (BRISQUE).Web of Science712302512301

    A comparison of alternative approaches to MR cardiac triggering: A pilot study at 3 Tesla

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    This pilot comparative study evaluates the usability of the alternative approaches to magnetic resonance (MR) cardiac triggering based on ballistocardiography (BCG): fiber-optic sensor (O-BCG) and pneumatic sensor (P-BCG). The comparison includes both the objective and subjective assessment of the proposed sensors in comparison with a gold standard of ECG-based triggering. The objective evaluation included several image quality assessment (IQA) parameters, whereas the subjective analysis was performed by 10 experts rating the diagnostic quality (scale 1 - 3, 1 corresponding to the best image quality and 3 the worst one). Moreover, for each examination, we provided the examination time and comfort rating (scale 1 - 3). The study was performed on 10 healthy subjects. All data were acquired on a 3 T SIEMENS MAGNETOM Prisma. In image quality analysis, all approaches reached comparable results, with ECG slightly outperforming the BCG-based methods, especially according to the objective metrics. The subjective evaluation proved the best quality of ECG (average score of 1.68) and higher performance of P-BCG (1.97) than O-BCG (2.03). In terms of the comfort rating and total examination time, the ECG method achieved the worst results, i.e. the highest score and the longest examination time: 2.6 and 10:49 s, respectively. The BCG-based alternatives achieved comparable results (P-BCG 1.5 and 8:06 s; OBCG 1.9, 9:08 s). This study confirmed that the proposed BCG-based alternative approaches to MR cardiac triggering offer comparable quality of resulting images with the benefits of reduced examination time and increased patient comfort.Web of Science2662605259

    A low-cost system for seismocardiography-based cardiac triggering: A practical solution for cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging at 3 tesla

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    This study describes a pilot clinical validation of a new low-cost system for the continuous monitoring of the human body's cardiorespiratory activities within the magnetic resonance examination area. This study primarily focuses on monitoring cardiac activity and the related cardiac triggering. The patented system tested by the authors is based on seismocardiography (SCG). The study was conducted on 18 subjects on a Siemens Prisma 3T MR scanner. Standard anatomical and diffusion sequences were used to test cardiac activity monitoring. A wide range of commonly used diagnostic sequences were used to test imaging of the heart by means of cardiac triggering. System functionality was verified against a commercially available electrocardiography (ECG) system. Monitoring of cardiac activity (detection of the R-R interval in ECG and the AO-AO interval in SCG) was objectively evaluated by determining the overall probability of correct detection (ACC), sensitivity (SE), positive predictive value (PPV), and harmonic mean between SE and PPV, i.e. F1. Imaging quality control using Cardiac Triggering was performed by subjective evaluation of images by the physicians. The study conducted clearly confirmed the functionality of the system in terms of continuous cardiac activity monitoring. In all 18 subjects, a mean PPV > 99% was achieved; F1 > 99 %; SE > 99 %; ACC > 98 %; 1.96 sigma < 3.5 bpm. Also, Cardiac Triggering functionality was confirmed by the physicians on the basis of analyzing cardiac images using the T1/T2 balanced echo sequences and the T1 flash sequence measured natively.Web of Science711862911860

    Potential of Opavsko Region in Tourism

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    Import 29/09/2010Ve své bakalářské práci se zabývám problematikou cestovního ruchu ve městě Opava. Cílem je vytvořit analýzu silných a slabých stránek oblastí, příležitostí a hrozeb, identifikovat hlavní problémy a navrhnout možná řešení, která by pomohla eliminovat mnou zjištěné nedostatky. Po úvodu následuje obecný výklad a charakteristika cestovního ruchu z odborné literatury, která se vztahuje k danému tématu. Následující část mé bakalářské práce představuje město Opava a popisuje jeho současný stav v oblasti cestovního ruchu. V praktické části je provedena situační analýza popisující současný stav cestovního ruchu v Opavě. V poslední části bakalářské práce je vytvořen návrh ke zlepšení situace v oblasti cestovního ruchu města Opavy jako ucelený dokument.In my bachelor thesis I deal with the issues of the tourist trade in the city of Opava. The aim of my bachelor thesis is to create an analysis of strong and weak points in the area, opportunities and threats, identify main problems, to propose some possible solutions that would help to eliminate the inadequacies that I have found. After introduction following general inter-pretation and characteristics tourist trade from technical literature, witch is refer this work. Following part my bachelor thesis presents city of the Opava and describes its synchronous state of tourist trade area. In practical part is design situation analyse describe the present condition tourist trade in the city Opava. In last part bachelor thesis is created proposal to improvement situation in turist trade area city Opava as a whole document.115 - Katedra managementudobř

    The pharmacotherapy of the venous thromboembolism

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    Topic: Treatment of venous thromboembolism Author: Pavla Hanzlíková Venous thromboembolism is the designation for the states in which a new rising thrombus in the peripheral venous bloodstream can reach the pulmonary artery. These include deep vein thrombosis or phlebothrombosis legs and pulmonary embolism. Clinically, this is absolutely a different disease, but which are closely related and often occur together and have the same treatment. Anticoagulants, fibrinolytic, antiplatelet therapy with adenosine diphosphate receptor blockers, inhibitors of platelet glycoprotein receptor IIb / IIIa and venous medication are used in the treatment of thromboembolic disease. An important part of therapy are non- pharmacological approaches. Another promising treatment procedures are in a clinical testing

    Research of Employee Satisfaction with Communication in an Organization

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    Import 11/07/2012Cílem mé diplomové práce je zjistit míru spokojenosti zaměstnanců s komunikací v organizaci. A zda existují nějaké bariéry, které by tuto komunikaci komplikovaly. Pro získání informací v organizaci jsem si vybrala dotazníkový průzkum. Tohoto průzkumu se zúčastnilo 23 zaměstnanců, kteří ve vybrané organizaci pracují. Přínosem této diplomové práce byl návrh opatření, která mohou zmírnit či dokonce odstranit zjištěné problémy a tak přispět ke zkvalitnění a zefektivnění komunikace na daném pracovišti.The goal of my graduation thesis is find out how employee are satisfaction with the communication in the organization. And if there are any kind of barriers, which could this communication complicating. For getting information I chose technique questionnaire. On this questioning participated 23 employee, who work in the chosen organization. Contribution of this graduation thesis was concept of arrangements, which could reduce or even lever out finding problems and also could help with their better and more effectively communication on choosen workplace.115 - Katedra managementuvelmi dobř

    Monitoring and synchronization of cardiac and respiratory traces in magnetic resonance imaging: A review

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    Synchronization of human vital signs, namely the cardiac cycle and respiratory excursions, is necessary during magnetic resonance imaging of the cardiovascular system and the abdominal cavity to achieve optimal image quality with minimized artifacts. This review summarizes techniques currently available in clinical practice, as well as methods under development, outlines the benefits and disadvantages of each approach, and offers some unique solutions for consideration.Web of Science1522120