78 research outputs found

    Factores que influyen en la elección de las carreras de pedagogía en Colombia

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    Resumen El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar los factores que influyen sobre las motivaciones, la satisfacción y expectativas en torno al ejercicio profesional en estudiantes de las facultades de Educación y ciclos complementarios de Escuelas Normales Superiores (ENS) en Colombia, tomando caso de estudio la región Caribe de este país. Para ello, se aplicó un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, cuya muestra estuvo integrada por 805 estudiantes de programas afines a los antes mencionados, quienes estuvieron a cargo del diligenciamiento de una encuesta orientada a la medición de los factores que influyen en la elección de estos estudios, de acuerdo con la escala FIT-choice (Factors Influencing Teaching choice), desarrollado por Watt y Richardson (2007). Los resultados obtenidos no solo nos permiten establecer un perfil socioeducativo de los futuros maestros analizados en este trabajo; sino también, facilitan la identificación de los factores vinculados a los principales tipos de motivaciones que tienen mayor peso, al momento de elegir carreras relacionadas con la Pedagogía; siendo las motivaciones de tipo altruistas e intrínsecas las más valoradas por los estudiantes encuestados. Las motivaciones extrínsecas, relacionadas con el salario y la conciliación, por ejemplo, tuvieron una valoración menor, con la excepción del factor relacionado con la seguridad del trabajo. La satisfacción de la elección es elevada pese al bajo salario, la falta de estatus social y una alta disuasión social.This paper aims to identify the factors that influence motivation, satisfaction and expectations about the professional practices among students in education colleges and postsecondary education colleges in Colombia, studying the case of the Caribbean region, based on a quantitative study with 805 students linked with the programs mentioned above, who were in charge of measuring the factors that influence the selection of teaching careers, according to the FIT-choice scale (Factors Influencing Teaching choice), developed by Watt and Richardson (2007). Findings not only allow us to establish a socio-educational profile of future teachers analyzed in this work, but also help us to identify factors linked to the main types of motivations that mostly affect the choice of education careers. In this case, the altruistic and intrinsic motivations are the most valued by respondents, compared with extrinsic motivations, related to salary and time for family, for example, whose valuation was lower. Satisfaction with choice is well valued despite low salaries, lack of social status and high social dissuasion


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    School Resources

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    Although there is intense policy interest in improving educational outcomes around the world, there is much greater uncertainty about how to accomplish this. The primary governmental decisions often relate to the resources that are devoted to schooling, but the research indicates little consistent relationship between resources to schools and student achievement. Much of the research considers how resources affect student achievement as measured by standardized test scores. These scores are strongly related to individual incomes and to national economic performance, making them a good proxy for longer run economic impacts. But, the evidence - whether from aggregate school outcomes, econometric investigations, or a variety of experimental or quasiexperimental approaches - suggests that pure resource policies that do not change incentives are unlikely to be effective. Importantly, the results appear similar across both developed and developing countries.class size, achievement, experimental evidence, economic growth

    Teacher Quality

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    Improving the quality of instruction is a central component to virtually all proposals to raise school quality. Unfortunately, policy recommendations often ignore existing evidence about teacher labor markets and the determinants of teacher effectiveness in the classroom. This chapter reviews research on teacher labor markets, the importance of teacher quality in the determination of student achievement, and the extent to which specific observable characteristics often related to hiring decisions and salary explain the variation in the quality of instruction. The evidence is applied to the comparison between policies that seek to raise quality by tightening the qualifications needed to enter teaching and policies that seek to raise quality by simultaneously loosening entry restrictions and introducing performance incentives for teachers and administrators.teacher salaries, incentives, teacher experience, teacher education, teacher test scores

    The Economics of International Differences in Educational Achievement

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    An emerging economic literature over the past decade has made use of international tests of educational achievement to analyze the determinants and impacts of cognitive skills. The cross-country comparative approach provides a number of unique advantages over national studies: It can exploit institutional variation that does not exist within countries; draw on much larger variation than usually available within any country; reveal whether any result is country-specific or more general; test whether effects are systematically heterogeneous in different settings; circumvent selection issues that plague within-country identification by using system-level aggregated measures; and uncover general-equilibrium effects that often elude studies in a single country. The advantages come at the price of concerns about the limited number of country observations, the cross-sectional character of most available achievement data, and possible bias from unobserved country factors like culture. This chapter reviews the economic literature on international differences in educational achievement, restricting itself to comparative analyses that are not possible within single countries and placing particular emphasis on studies trying to address key issues of empirical identification. While quantitative input measures show little impact, several measures of institutional structures and of the quality of the teaching force can account for significant portions of the large international differences in the level and equity of student achievement. Variations in skills measured by the international tests are in turn strongly related to individual labor-market outcomes and, perhaps more importantly, to cross-country variations in economic growth.Human Capital; Cognitive Skills; International Student Achievement Tests; Education Production Function