23 research outputs found

    Government Policy Directions on Illegal Unreported Unregulated (IUU) Fishing in Indonesia

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    Indonesia always concerned about fishery crime that happen everyday. Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) Fishing is transnational crime that have many effect, not only for fishery industry but also give the effect for environment. Therefore this paper will discuss about modus operandi for the implementation of IUUF criminal acts in the Indonesian sea, the negative effect for criminal acts of IUUF in Indonesia and the policy of Indonesian Government to resolve IUUF. Modus operandi for the implementation of Illegal Unreported and Unregulated fishing (IUUF) in Indonesia consist of : document forgery, put the fishes not in the port base, double flagging and double registered, catch fishes without permission and or not completed of SLO / SPB, modify the ship without permission, use a foreign skipper, register odd pumpboat as an Indonesian ship and make a fake document of ABK demography, turn off the ship transmitter, illegal transshipment in sea, make a fake logbook report, fishing ground offence, use forbidden fishing gear, have no or no partnering with fish processing. The negative impact of IUUF are the contribution of fishery is low, decreasing of national export income and non-tax revenue.  IUU Fishing have been decrease the potency of using the national port base, added value of national ports, and revenue from services and legal operating taxes, damaging the ecosystem, also loss of value from coastal areas. IUU Fishing give the negative impact in fish stock that it is the important protein for some country include Indonesia. IUU Fishing have been reduce national employment potential in fishery sector like a reduce the fish company, processing fish company and the other sector. The illegal fishing also give impact with Indonesian fisherman especially traditional fisherman.  Keyword : Policy, Government, Illegal Fishin


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    Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk menjembatani antara masyarakat dengan perguruan tinggi sebagai kontribusi Tridharma perguruan tinggi. Ditengah masa pandemi yang menjadi bencana non-alam menjadikan tatanan masyarakat berubah bahkan berdampak pada kebijakan pemerintah dibidang ekonomi, sosial, pendidikan dan budaya. Tingkat penularan yang tinggi dan vaksin yang belum ditemukan menjadi alasan utama pencegahan perlu dilakukan. Dinas Kesehatan dan desa berlomba-lomba untuk menjadi wadah dalam proses edukasi sebagai salah satu langkah preventif yang efektif mampu meminimalisir adanya pencegahan sejak dini. Penyebaran tentang virus covid-19 sangat cepat sehingga dibutuhkan n proses penyampaian informasi cepat dan memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat. Melihat kenyataan dilapangan dan pentingnya dalam meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat menjadikan kami yakin bahwa pengabdian ini adalah edukasi yang di butuhkan masyarakat. Termasuk komponen didalamnya diantaranya adalah bagaimana melakukan pencegahan agar siap memasuki era adaptasi kebiasaan baru.Sasaran yang menjadi objek sosialisasi adalah warga di desa Pucangan  kecamatan Kartasura kabupaten Sukoharjo sebagai wilayah yang di pilih sesuai domisili. Metode yang digunakan dengan konsep sosialisasi secara langsung dengan sistem tanya jawab didalamnya


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kesesuaian alasan kasasi Terdakwa judex factie tidak menerapkan hukum dalam perkara Narkotika, sehingga Terdakwa dinyatakan hanya sebagai korban pengguna. Jenis penelitian hukum ini adalah hukum normatif bersifat preskriptif dan terapan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan undang-undang dan pendekatan kasus. Sumber bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Hasil dalam penelitian ini adalah pengajuan  kasasi  oleh  terdakwa  dengan  alasan  putusan  Pengadilan  Negeri Surabaya hanya didasarkan pada fakta-fakta hukum dalam perkara Narkotika adalah sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan KUHAP khususnya ketentuan Pasal  253  ayat  (1)  KUHAP  yang  menyatakan  bahwa  pemeriksaan  dalam tingkat Kasasi dilakukan oleh Mahkamah Agung atas permintaan para pihak sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 244 dan Pasal 248 KUHAP karena terbukti hanyalah memakai Narkotika


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    ABSTRAK             Bagaimanakah pengaturan tentang penghinaan di dunia maya dalam hukum positif indonesia? Bagaimana etika menggunakan sosial media yang benar ? Bagaimana aplikasi etika menggunakan sosial media yang sesuai dengan pancasila. Metode pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah berupa penyuluhan dalam bentuk ceramah dan diskusi , tanya jawab serta dilanjutkan dengan praktek demonstrasi penggunan etika yang baik dan benar dalam berselancar di dunia maya. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini dengan metode pendidikan kepada masyarakat (peternak) melalui penyuluhan, pelatihan, dan demontrasi di lapangan serta penerapan/aplikasi langsung (percontohan) dengan melibatkan kelompok ibu ibu di sekitar wilayah perumahan loh agung, jaten karanganyar. Tujuan gerakan internet sehat adalah untuk memberikan pendidikan kepada pengguna internet untuk menganalisis pesan yang disampaikan, mempertimbangkan tujuan komersil dan politik dibalik citra atau pesan di internet dan meneliti siapa yang bertanggungjawab atas pesan yang diimplikasikan itu. Bagaimanapun pelanggaran terhadap etika tersebut bisa berdampak kurang baik bahkan bisa menjadi sesuatu yang buruk bagi kita dan anak kita. Konsekuensinya sendiri bisa terjadi dalam bentuk ringan seperti pengucilan, pemblokiran, dan hal sejenis lainnya, hingga dalam bentuk yang cukup berat yang bisa membawa kita berurusan dengan pihak kepolisian dan pengadilan. Dari hasil pengabdian pada masyarakat dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan pengabdian di perumahan loh agung jaten Kecamatan jaten Kabupaten karanganyar melalui penyuluhan hukum dapat memberi dampak positif ke warga masyarakat,berdasarakan nilai-nilai luhur yang terkandung dalam Pancasila.   ABSTRACT How is the setting of humiliation in cyberspace in Indonesian positive law? How is the right ethics in using social media? How is ethical application in using social media compatible with Pancasila? This community service method was in the form of counseling in the way of lectures and discussions, question and answer and continued by practicing demonstration of the use of good and true ethics in surfing in cyberspace. The implementation of this service was done through education method to the community with counseling, training, and demonstrating in field and direct application by involving group of mothers around the Loh Agung residential area Jaten Karanganyar. The goal of a healthy internet movement is to provide education to internet users, to analyze the messages conveyed, to consider commercial and political purposes behind images or messages on the internet and to examine who is responsible for the implied message. However, violations of such ethics may have an adverse effect and can even be a bad thing for us and our children. The consequences can occur in the form of ostracism, blocking, and other similar things. It also can bring severe consequence such as we have to deal with the police and the courts. The results concluded that the activities of dedication in Loh Agung Resident, Jaten Karanganyar regency through legal counseling can give a positive impact to the community, based on the noble values contained in Pancasila

    The Quo Vadis Weaknesses in the Corruption Law Enforcement

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the Law Enforcement Arrangements for Corruption in Positive Law in Indonesia, and analyze the weaknesses of law enforcement of corruption in Indonesia. The method of approach used in this research is normative legal research. The results of this study are the weaknesses of law enforcement in Indonesia, including the weaknesses of legal substance, namely the existence of the principle of differentiation in the Criminal Procedure Code, many articles are multi-interpreted so that legal certainty is not guaranteed. The weakness of legal structure is the overlapping authority between law enforcement agencies in investigating corruption crimes. The weakness of legal culture is the existence of a legal culture of compromise, peace, patrimonial values and the attitude of the people who consider corruption cases as a breeze and ignorance of the law enforcement procession


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    This article discusses the understanding, actors, and the drivers of trafficking and also the impact of trafficking in Indonesia. Trafficking is one form of violence committed against children, which concerns physical, mental and/or sexual violence. The purpose of writing this article is to explore the trafficking issue from the human rights perspective and to understand its impact and to seek the solution to this kind of crime. In article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) it has been argued that slavery and trade of slaves in any form shall be prohibited. In addition to the provisions of this article, the prohibition of human trafficking as a violation of human rights is also contained in Article 8 of the ICCPR. Trafficking practices have been conducted in various ways, including threats, coercion, kidnapping, and fraud. Traffickers include the initial trading party, the providing party and the end party ie the recipient or the buyer. The vulnerable targets for trafficking victims are the children, especially street children. In short, people who are looking for work and do not have enough knowledge will also be targeted. So then the women and children who are in conflict areas or become refugees. In addition to the list, women, and children from poor families and women and children residing in border areas between countries, as well as women and children whose families are in debt. The targets expanded to the victims of domestic violence and victims of rape. The list shows us that it can be concluded that the main factor of the rampant crime of trafficking is poverty. As a result of this crime, from the physical aspects, the victim will get the disease, and from the psychological side, the victim will experience the depression. The solutions could be obtained from two ways: people follow government counseling on employment system, or the government expanding employment fields. It is expected that the government, along with religious leaders and parties concerned with criminal acts of trafficking in Indonesia, to be willing to provide counseling to the community. The government is also expected to maximize the performance of the national child protection commission, national human rights commission, and the government is expected to maximize SMEs (UMKM) in order to make the field work more widely


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    The perpetrators of terrorism will never succeed in carrying out their actions without various forms of other supporting facilities and instruments, one of which is funding support. In terrorism activities funds are urgently needed to promote ideology, finance theorists and their families, fund travel and lodging, recruit and train new members, falsify identities and documents, buy weapons and to design and implement operations. Funding for terrorism can come from illegal activities such as kidnapping, robbery, piracy, drugs, bartering / trading, or the results of legal businesses owned by terrorists, donations to foundations or NGOs, or cash couries. In order to prevent and eradicate the entry or availability of funds intended to carry out terrorism activities, the Government of Indonesia together with the House of Representatives has succeeded in establishing Law Number 9 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Criminal Acts on financing terrorism. Forms of terrorism financing prevention: Applying the principle of recognizing users of financial services; Reporting and monitoring compliance with PJK (Financial Services providers); Supervision of money transfer activities through the transfer system or sending money through other systems; Supervision of the carrying of cash and or other payment instruments into or outside the Indonesian customs area; blocking the flow of terrorism funds. Funding for terrorism is cross country so that prevention and eradication efforts are carried out by involving financial service providers, law enforcement officials, and international cooperation to detect the existence of a flow of funds used or allegedly used to fund terrorism activities


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    Penelitian bertujuan menjawab: (i) argumentasi absorbsi kerugian BUMN sebagai kerugian negara dalam perspektif pertanggung jawaban tindak pidana ekonomi; dan (ii) bentuk absorbsi kerugian BUMN sebagai kerugian negara. BUMN adalah perusahaan publik dimana pemerintah juga pemilik modal dari kekayaan negara yang dipisahkan. Praktiknya, kegiatan usaha BUMN cenderung menjadi alat korupsi dikarenakan intervensi politik terhadap BUMN. Artinya, BUMN dapat merugi karena penugasan dan intervensi pemerintah. Ironisnya, kerugian BUMN yang belum dimasukkan sebagai kerugian negara, menjadi celah korupsi. Penelitian doktrinal ini menggunakan bahan hukum primer dan sekunder dengan analisis deduktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (i) argumentasi valuasi kerugian BUMN sebagai kerugian negara dikarenakan: a. terdapat kebijakan BUMN merugikan negara; b. kekayaan BUMN termasuk kekayaan negara, c. intervensi negara terhadap kegiatan usaha BUMN; (ii) bentuk valuasi kerugian BUMN sebagai kerugian negara diwujudkan dengan: a. kerugian BUMN dimaknai kerugian negara bila negara menentukan arah kegiatan usaha, b. jika kerugian BUMN diakibatkan intervensi negara, maka menjadi kerugian negara, c. definisi kerugian BUMN sebagai kerugian negara bila kerugian berupa dana penyertaan yang digunakan direksi secara melawan hukum atau kelalaiannya dan berasal dari APBN untuk kewajiban public service, d. menambah aturan peralihan UU No. 17 Tahun 2003, bahwa ketentuan kerugian negara mengikat terhadap BUMN, e. perluasan frasa kerugian negara dalam UU Tipikor sehingga dapat menjerat direksi BUMN maupun pihak terkait