69 research outputs found

    A result of Hermite and equations of degree 5 and 6

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    A classical result from 1861 due to Hermite says that every separable equation of degree 5 can be transformed into an equation of the form x^5 + b x^3 + c x + d = 0. Later this was generalized to equations of degree 6 by Joubert. We show that both results can be understood as an explicit analysis of certain covariants of the symmetric groups S_5 and S_6. In case of degree 5, the classical invariant theory of binary forms of degree 5 comes into play whereas in degree 6 the existence of an outer automorphism of S_6 plays an essential role.Comment: 14 page

    Families of Group Actions, Generic Isotriviality, and Linearization

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    We study families of reductive group actions on A2 parametrized by curves and show that every faithful action of a non-finite reductive group on A3 is linearizable, i.e. G-isomorphic to a representation of G. The difficulties arise for non-connected groups G. We prove a Generic Equivalence Theorem which says that two affine mor- phisms p: S → Y and q: T → Y of varieties with isomorphic (closed) fibers become isomorphic under a dominant ́etale base change φ : U → Y . A special case is the following result. Call a morphism φ: X → Y a fibration with fiber F if φ is flat and all fibers are (reduced and) isomorphic to F. Then an affine fibration with fiber F admits an ́etale dominant morphism μ: U → Y such that the pull-back is a trivial fiber bundle: U ×Y X ≃ U × F . As an application we give short proofs of the following two (known) results: (a) Every affine A1-fibration over a normal variety is locally trivial in the Zariski-topology; (b) Every affine A2-fibration over a smooth curve is locally trivial in the Zariski-topology

    Automorphisms of the affine Cremona group

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    We show that every automorphism of the group Gn := Aut(An) of polynomial automorphisms of complex affine n-space An = Cn is inner up to field automorphisms when restricted to the subgroup TGn of tame automorphisms. This generalizes a result of Julie Deserti who proved this in dimension n = 2 where all automorphisms are tame: TG2 = G2. The methods are different, based on arguments from algebraic group actions

    Degree bounds for separating invariants

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    If V is a representation of a linear algebraic group G, a set S of G-invariant regular functions on V is called separating if the following holds: If two elements v,v' from V can be separated by an invariant function, then there is an f from S such that f(v) is different from f(v'). It is known that there always exist finite separating sets. Moreover, if the group G is finite, then the invariant functions of degree <= |G| form a separating set. We show that for a non-finite linear algebraic group G such an upper bound for the degrees of a separating set does not exist. If G is finite, we define b(G) to be the minimal number d such that for every G-module V there is a separating set of degree less or equal to d. We show that for a subgroup H of G we have b(H) <= b(G) <= [G:H] b(H),andthatb(G)<=b(G/H)b(H), and that b(G) <= b(G/H) b(H) in case H is normal. Moreover, we calculate b(G) for some specific finite groups.Comment: 11 page

    Covariants, Invariant Subsets, and First Integrals

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    Let kk be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, and let VV be a finite-dimensional vector space. Let End(V)End(V) be the semigroup of all polynomial endomorphisms of VV. Let EE be a subset of End(V)End(V) which is a linear subspace and also a semi-subgroup. Both End(V)End(V) and EE are ind-varieties which act on VV in the obvious way. In this paper, we study important aspects of such actions. We assign to EE a linear subspace DED_{E} of the vector fields on VV. A subvariety XX of VV is said to DED_{E} -invariant if h(x)h(x) is in the tangent space of xx for all hh in DED_{E} and xx in XX. We show that XX is DED_{E} -invariant if and only if it is the union of EE-orbits. For such XX, we define first integrals and construct a quotient space for the EE-action. An important case occurs when GG is an algebraic subgroup of GL(VGL(V) and EE consists of the GG-equivariant polynomial endomorphisms. In this case, the associated DED_{E} is the space the GG-invariant vector fields. A significant question here is whether there are non-constant GG-invariant first integrals on XX. As examples, we study the adjoint representation, orbit closures of highest weight vectors, and representations of the additive group. We also look at finite-dimensional irreducible representations of SL2 and its nullcone

    Varieties Characterized by their Endomorphisms

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    We show that two varieties X and Y with isomorphic endomorphism semigroups are isomorphic up to field automorphism if one of them is affine and contains a copy of the affine line. A holomorphic version of this result is due to the first author.Comment: 8 page
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