44,789 research outputs found

    Extensions of Lieb's concavity theorem

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    The operator function (A,B)\to\tr f(A,B)(K^*)K, defined on pairs of bounded self-adjoint operators in the domain of a function f of two real variables, is convex for every Hilbert Schmidt operator K, if and only if f is operator convex. As a special case we obtain a new proof of Lieb's concavity theorem for the function (A,B)\to\tr A^pK^*B^{q}K, where p and q are non-negative numbers with sum p+q\le 1. In addition, we prove concavity of the operator function (A,B)\to \tr(A(A+\mu_1)^{-1}K^* B(B+\mu_2)^{-1}K) on its natural domain D_2(\mu_1,\mu_2), cf. Definition 4.1Comment: The format of one reference is changed such that CiteBase can identify i

    Fundamental Gates for a Strongly Correlated Two-Electron Quantum Ring

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    We demonstrate that conditional as well as unconditional basic operations which are prerequisite for universal quantum gates can be performed with almost 100% fidelity within a strongly interacting two-electron quantum ring. Both sets of operations are based on a quantum control algorithm that optimizes a driving electromagnetic pulse for a given quantum gate. The demonstrated transitions occur on a time scale much shorter than typical decoherence times of the system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, copyright 2010 The American Physical Societ

    Non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann Theory for Swollen Clays

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    The non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation for a circular, uniformly charged platelet, confined together with co- and counter-ions to a cylindrical cell, is solved semi-analytically by transforming it into an integral equation and solving the latter iteratively. This method proves efficient, robust, and can be readily generalized to other problems based on cell models, treated within non-linear Poisson-like theory. The solution to the PB equation is computed over a wide range of physical conditions, and the resulting osmotic equation of state is shown to be in fair agreement with recent experimental data for Laponite clay suspensions, in the concentrated gel phase.Comment: 13 pages, 4 postscript figure

    Performance characteristics of the 12 GHz, 200 watt transmitter experiment package for CTS

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    The experiment package consists of a 200 W output stage tube (OST) powered by a power processing system (PPS). Descriptions of both the PPS and OST are given. The PPS provides the necessary voltages with a measured dc/dc conversion efficiency of 89 percent. The OST, a traveling wave tube with multiple collectors, has a saturated rf output power of 224 W and operates at an overall efficiency exceeding 40 percent over an 85 MHz bandwidth at 12 GHz. OST performance given includes frequency response, saturation characteristics, group delay, AM to PM conversion, inter-modulation distortion, and two channel gain suppression. Single and dual channel FM video performance is presented. It was determined that for 12 MHz peak to peak frequency deviation on each channel, dual channel FM television signals can be transmitted through the TEP at 60 W, each channel, with 40 MHz channel spacing (center to center)

    Crossover Behavior in Burst Avalanches of Fiber Bundles: Signature of Imminent Failure

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    Bundles of many fibers, with statistically distributed thresholds for breakdown of individual fibers and where the load carried by a bursting fiber is equally distributed among the surviving members, are considered. During the breakdown process, avalanches consisting of simultaneous rupture of several fibers occur, with a distribution D(Delta) of the magnitude Delta of such avalanches. We show that there is, for certain threshold distributions, a crossover behavior of D(Delta) between two power laws D(Delta) proportional to Delta^(-xi), with xi=3/2 or xi=5/2. The latter is known to be the generic behavior, and we give the condition for which the D(Delta) proportional to Delta^(-3/2) behavior is seen. This crossover is a signal of imminent catastrophic failure in the fiber bundle. We find the same crossover behavior in the fuse model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spherical near-field scanning at the Technical University of Denmark

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    The early work (1969-79) on spherical near-field antenna measurements at the Technical University of Denmark (TUD) is outlined. A spherical near-field transmission formula is described and the first probe-corrected spherical near-field measurements are discussed. The TUD-ESA (European Space Agency) joint effort on spherical near-field testing is also described

    Time delay occultation data of the Helios spacecraft for probing the electron density distribution in the solar corona

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    S-band time delay measurements were collected from the spacecraft Helios A and B during three solar occultations in 1975/76 within heliocentric distances of about 3 and 215 earth radius in terms of range, Doppler frequency shift, and electron content. Characteristic features of measurement and data processing are described. Typical data sets are discussed to probe the electron density distribution near the sun (west and east limb as well) including the outer and extended corona. Steady-state and dynamical aspects of the solar corona are presented and compared with earth-bound-K-coronagraph measurements. Using a weighted least squares estimation, parameters of an average coronal electron density profile are derived in a preliminary analysis to yield electron densities at r = 3, 65, 215 earth radius. Transient phenomena are discussed and a velocity of propagation v is nearly equal to 900 km/s is determined for plasma ejecta from a solar flare observed during an extraordinary set of Helios B electron content measurements


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    Pinochia, a new neotropical genus of Apocynaceae, subfamily Apocynoideae, is segregated from Forsteronia, described and illustrated. Four new combinations and a key to the species are provide

    Parametric vision simulation study, part 2 Final report

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    Effects of landing site redesignation on visibility during manned lunar landin