5,624 research outputs found

    Non-local Thermodynamic Equilibrium Stellar Spectroscopy with 1D and 〈3D〉 Models. II. Chemical Properties of the Galactic Metal-poor Disk and the Halo

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    From exploratory studies and theoretical expectations it is known that simplifying approximations in spectroscopic analysis (local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), 1D) lead to systematic biases of stellar parameters and abundances. These biases depend strongly on surface gravity, temperature and, in particular, for LTE versus non-LTE (NLTE), on metallicity of the stars. Here we analyze the [Mg/Fe] and [Fe/H] plane of a sample of 326 stars, comparing LTE and NLTE results obtained using 1D hydrostatic models and averaged ⟨3D⟩\langle 3{\rm{D}}\rangle models. We show that compared to the ⟨3D⟩\langle 3{\rm{D}}\rangle NLTE benchmark, the other three methods display increasing biases toward lower metallicities, resulting in false trends of [Mg/Fe] against [Fe/H], which have profound implications for interpretations by chemical evolution models. In our best ⟨3D⟩\langle 3{\rm{D}}\rangle NLTE model, the halo and disk stars show a clearer behavior in the [Mg/Fe]–[Fe/H] plane, from the knee in abundance space down to the lowest metallicities. Our sample has a large fraction of thick disk stars and this population extends down to at least [Fe/H] ~ −1.6 dex, further than previously proven. The thick disk stars display a constant [Mg/Fe] ≈ 0.3 dex, with a small intrinsic dispersion in [Mg/Fe] that suggests that a fast SN Ia channel is not relevant for the disk formation. The halo stars reach higher [Mg/Fe] ratios and display a net trend of [Mg/Fe] at low metallicities, paired with a large dispersion in [Mg/Fe]. These indicate the diverse origin of halo stars from accreted low-mass systems to stochastic/inhomogeneous chemical evolution in the Galactic halo

    Fast 3D super-resolution ultrasound with adaptive weight-based beamforming

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    Objective: Super-resolution ultrasound (SRUS) imaging through localising and tracking sparse microbubbles has been shown to reveal microvascular structure and flow beyond the wave diffraction limit. Most SRUS studies use standard delay and sum (DAS) beamforming, where high side lobes and broad main lobes make isolation and localisation of densely distributed bubbles challenging, particularly in 3D due to the typically small aperture of matrix array probes. Method: This study aimed to improve 3D SRUS by implementing a new fast 3D coherence beamformer based on channel signal variance. Two additional fast coherence beamformers, that have been implemented in 2D were implemented in 3D for the first time as comparison: a nonlinear beamformer with p-th root compression and a coherence factor beamformer. The 3D coherence beamformers, together with DAS, were compared in computer simulation, on a microflow phantom and in vivo. Results: Simulation results demonstrated that all three adaptive weight-based beamformers can narrow the main lobe suppress the side lobes, while maintaining the weaker scatter signals. Improved 3D SRUS images of microflow phantom and a rabbit kidney within a 3-second acquisition were obtained using the adaptive weight-based beamformers, when compared with DAS. Conclusion: The adaptive weight-based 3D beamformers can improve the SRUS and the proposed variance-based beamformer performs best in simulations and experiments. Significance: Fast 3D SRUS would significantly enhance the potential utility of this emerging imaging modality in a broad range of biomedical applications

    Decoherence of matter waves by thermal emission of radiation

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    Emergent quantum technologies have led to increasing interest in decoherence - the processes that limit the appearance of quantum effects and turn them into classical phenomena. One important cause of decoherence is the interaction of a quantum system with its environment, which 'entangles' the two and distributes the quantum coherence over so many degrees of freedom as to render it unobservable. Decoherence theory has been complemented by experiments using matter waves coupled to external photons or molecules, and by investigations using coherent photon states, trapped ions and electron interferometers. Large molecules are particularly suitable for the investigation of the quantum-classical transition because they can store much energy in numerous internal degrees of freedom; the internal energy can be converted into thermal radiation and thus induce decoherence. Here we report matter wave interferometer experiments in which C70 molecules lose their quantum behaviour by thermal emission of radiation. We find good quantitative agreement between our experimental observations and microscopic decoherence theory. Decoherence by emission of thermal radiation is a general mechanism that should be relevant to all macroscopic bodies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Three Dimensional Electrical Impedance Tomography

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    The electrical resistivity of mammalian tissues varies widely and is correlated with physiological function. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) can be used to probe such variations in vivo, and offers a non-invasive means of imaging the internal conductivity distribution of the human body. But the computational complexity of EIT has severe practical limitations, and previous work has been restricted to considering image reconstruction as an essentially two-dimensional problem. This simplification can limit significantly the imaging capabilities of EIT, as the electric currents used to determine the conductivity variations will not in general be confined to a two-dimensional plane. A few studies have attempted three-dimensional EIT image reconstruction, but have not yet succeeded in generating images of a quality suitable for clinical applications. Here we report the development of a three-dimensional EIT system with greatly improved imaging capabilities, which combines our 64-electrode data-collection apparatus with customized matrix inversion techniques. Our results demonstrate the practical potential of EIT for clinical applications, such as lung or brain imaging and diagnostic screening

    Creation of a multiple-use recombinant inbred line population for the development of molecular markers in soft white winter wheat

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    Tese de doutoramento em Física (Pré-Bolonha), especialidade de Física Experimental, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de CoimbraPositron emission tomography based on resistive plate chambers (RPC-PET) has been proposed for both preclinical and clinical applications. We firstly present imaging results of needle-like and planar 22Na sources obtained with a prototype of a high-acceptance small-animal RPC-PET. The two detector modules utilized in this experiment had an effective front face of 6.4 x 6.4 cm^2 and consisted of 5 gas gaps and 6 glass electrodes with a total thickness of 5 mm. The data included lines of response (LORs) inclined up to 58º, and the depth of interaction (DOI) was accurately measured, demonstrating the parallax-free property inherent to RPC-PET. The maximum likelihood expectation-maximization (MLEM) reconstruction of the acquired data yielded an excellent and stable resolution of 0.4 mm full width at half maximum (FWHM). Concurrently, we pursued studies of a suggested whole-body single-bed RPC-PET. It has been shown by simulation that RPC-PET with an axial field-of-view (AFOV) of 2.4 m is feasible and yields an absolute sensitivity at least one order of magnitude superior to that of typical crystal-based PET scanners. In addition, RPC-PET offers an important time-of-flight (TOF) advantage and provides a potentially very-high spatial resolution at the detector level. In the second part of this work, a fully three-dimensional reconstruction algorithm capable of processing the very inclined LORs from large AFOV systems such as RPC-PET is demonstrated. It relies on the application of a TOF-based-kernel into the MLEM algorithm. With the 300 ps FWHM time resolution, already experimentally demonstrated, a rejection of 63% of the body-scattered events is obtained. We present reconstructed results from blind simulations corresponding to the anthropomorphic phantom, NCAT, with oncological lesions introduced into different locations within the human body. A comparison between 300 and 600 ps FWHM TOF reconstructed images is performed, with an increasing detectability being observed for a better TOF resolution. We finally compare issues related to image convergence speed. An alternative new approach, which consists in dividing the full-body data into nine different image regions that are reconstructed independently with graphical processing unit (GPU) assistance, provides a six times faster reconstruction compared with a GPU-based whole-body reconstruction. For a 300 ps FWHM RPC-PET scanner, this allows reaching a reconstructed image, that results from 1.6 x 10^10 annihilations within 7 minutes and upon injection of 2 mCi, just 4 minutes after the end of data acquisition. We conclude that RPC-PET is well oriented to compete with other commercial PET scanners in the global market.A tomografia por emissão de positrões baseada em detectores do tipo câmaras de placas resistivas (RPC-PET) foi proposta para aplicação em ensaios com pequenos animais e na prática clínica. Neste trabalho, apresentamos primeiramente resultados experimentais obtidos a partir de um protótipo RPC-PET de alta aceitação para pequenos animais. Foram obtidas imagens de fontes do radioisótopo 22Na, uma quase pontual e outra planar. Usámos dois módulos de detectores RPC com uma área activa de 6.4 x 6.4 cm^2 e uma espessura de 5 mm, constituída por 6 vidros empilhados e 5 espaços gasosos definidos entre eles. Os dados adquiridos incluíram linhas de coincidência (LORs) inclinadas até um ângulo de 58º, tornando essencial a medida precisa da profundidade de interacção. A identificação dos espaços gasosos onde ocorreram as avalanches permitiu demonstrar a ausência de erro de paralaxe nas medidas realizadas com o RPC-PET para pequenos animais. A partir da reconstrução dos dados processados com o algoritmo maximum likelihood expectation-maximization (MLEM), obtivemos uma resolução espacial com largura a meia altura (FWHM) de 0.4 mm, excelente e estável. Em paralelo, continuámos a estudar as potencialidades de um protótipo RPC-PET de corpo inteiro e cama única, orientado para pessoas. Já foi anteriormente demonstrado por simulação que um scanner RPC-PET com 2.4 m de campo de visão axial (AFOV) é viável e permitirá o aumento de sensibilidade de pelo menos uma ordem de grandeza em relação aos scanners PET com cristais. Duas outras virtudes do RPC-PET são a sua capacidade de medição do tempo de voo (TOF) dos fotões e a elevada resolução espacial ao nível do detector. Na segunda parte deste trabalho apresentamos um algoritmo de reconstrução, totalmente tridimensional, capaz de processar LORs muito inclinadas em sistemas com um AFOV longo, como é o caso do RPC-PET. Este algoritmo acrescenta um kernel ao algoritmo MLEM, baseado na informação de TOF. Com uma resolução temporal de 300 ps FWHM, já experimentalmente comprovada, é possível rejeitar 63% dos eventos dispersados no corpo humano. Exibimos imagens reconstruídas obtidas a partir de simulações do fantoma antropomórfico, NCAT, com lesões oncológicas situadas em diferentes locais do corpo humano. A comparação entre imagens conseguidas com resoluções temporais de 300 ps e 600 ps FWHM, permite observar uma detectabilidade acrescida associada à melhor resolução de TOF. Por último, são estudados os tempos de convergência da reconstrução. Um método inovador e alternativo, que consiste na divisão dos dados do corpo humano em nove regiões e na reconstrução independente desses dados com recurso a unidades de processamento gráfico (GPUs), permite uma reconstrução seis vezes mais rápida do que a reconstrução de corpo inteiro também com o auxílio de GPUs. A partir de dados de 1.6 x 10^10 aniquilações ocorridas durante uma aquisição de 7 minutos e para uma actividade injectada de 2 mCi, um scanner RPC-PET com uma resolução temporal de 300 ps FWHM permitirá obter uma imagem reconstruída apenas 4 minutos após o fim da aquisição. Podemos assim concluir que o RPC-PET está bem colocado para competir no mercado dos scanners PET comerciais

    The role of mutation rate variation and genetic diversity in the architecture of human disease

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    Background We have investigated the role that the mutation rate and the structure of genetic variation at a locus play in determining whether a gene is involved in disease. We predict that the mutation rate and its genetic diversity should be higher in genes associated with disease, unless all genes that could cause disease have already been identified. Results Consistent with our predictions we find that genes associated with Mendelian and complex disease are substantially longer than non-disease genes. However, we find that both Mendelian and complex disease genes are found in regions of the genome with relatively low mutation rates, as inferred from intron divergence between humans and chimpanzees, and they are predicted to have similar rates of non-synonymous mutation as other genes. Finally, we find that disease genes are in regions of significantly elevated genetic diversity, even when variation in the rate of mutation is controlled for. The effect is small nevertheless. Conclusions Our results suggest that gene length contributes to whether a gene is associated with disease. However, the mutation rate and the genetic architecture of the locus appear to play only a minor role in determining whether a gene is associated with disease
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