2,346 research outputs found

    High order splitting schemes with complex timesteps and their application in mathematical finance

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    High order splitting schemes with complex timesteps are applied to Kolmogorov backward equations stemming from stochastic differential equations in the Stratonovich form. in the setting of weighted spaces, the necessary analyticity of the split semigroups can easily be proved. A numerical example from interest rate theory, the CIR2 model, is considered. The numerical results are robust for drift-dominated problems and confirm our theoretical results. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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    For the future, Germany banks on renewable energy. That bears a challenge, because this energy generation heavily depends on climate conditions. Therefore, a proper storage technology is needed to ensure the energy supply all over the year. Furthermore, the expansion of renewable power plants and the power grid expansion advance in different pace. The power grid operators have to react with feed-in management actions to safe the grid against overloading. As a consequence, operators have to switch off some of their windmills if the wind blows to strong. Suitable storage technologies will help to avoid shutting down renewable power plants to generate the full energy potential. A promising technology is Power2Gas. These facilities transform electrical energy into gas, which could be stored in the huge German gas network

    Engineering sensorial experiences by modulating fragrance microcapsule mechanics and morphology

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    Fragrance delivery systems and technologies are incorporated into many consumer products in order to enhance the sensorial experience and provide performance cues. To engineer substantive, controlled-release fragrance microcapsules which selectively adhere to targeted substrates, we program large physical deformations into the capsule geometry of stable, oil-loaded microcapsules during the interfacial polymerization process. Shape anisotropy is introduced by exploiting the buckling phenomenon which is related to the interfacial viscoelasticity of the burgeoning membrane, and this shape anisotropy results in the formation of novel ‘suction caps’ with favorable microcapsule-substrate interactions. The deformations are tuned by modulating the mechanical properties of the microcapsule membranes in 3D and 2D, and these mechanical differences are successfully probed by imaging studies and interfacial rheology. The capsule interaction area is enhanced to promote adhesion onto targeted substrates such as glass, hair, skin and fabric in model systems and consumer formulations. Quantitative deposition tests and sensory trials substantiate the benefits of modulating and measuring microcapsule membrane properties and morphology in a scalable, industrially-relevant process while systematically optimizing the consumer product formulation-independent physical parameters of our system

    Augmented Reality for Subsurface Utility Engineering, Revisited

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    New evidence for the establishment of coastal cod Gadus morhua in Svalbard fjords

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    The Arctic is experiencing increasing water temperatures, leading to a northward shift of Atlantic species into Arctic waters. Arctic marine ecosystems are therefore subject to sub- stantial changes in species distributions and occurrence due to anthropogenic climate change. Atlantic cod is one of the most important commercial fish species in the northern seas. The largest known stock is the migrating Northeast Arctic cod (NEAC) that is distributed along the Norwe- gian coast, the Barents Sea and off Svalbard. Atlantic cod in Svalbard waters are generally reported in the literature as belonging to the NEAC ecotype. The more stationary coastal cod (CC) spawn together with NEAC in the Lofoten region and several other areas along the Norwegian coast. The aim of this study was to investigate the population structure of Atlantic cod in Svalbard waters. We used single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) markers, the pantophysin locus (Pan I) and otolith structure to categorize the 2 cod ecotypes collected in Svalbard fjords between 2017 and 2019. Our results show that both NEAC and CC appear in Svalbard fjords and revealed that 0- group and adult CC individuals caught in Svalbard fjords differ genetically from those along the Norwegian coast, indicating a separation into a local Svalbard CC population. The establishment of CC in Svalbard fjords may be another keystone of the ongoing borealization of the Arctic, with consequences for the local Arctic fjord ecosystem
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