4 research outputs found
Regulations of catabolic and anabolic mechanisms; the interactions between exercise, carbohydrates and an excessive intake of amino acids : A review of some of the metabolic pathways that affects the homeostasis of the body, as well as β-oxidation and protein synthesis
Insulin as well as glucagon are important hormones in maintaining glucose homeostasis and regulating the metabolism in the body. Insulin receptors (IR) are transmembrane receptors that promote a signal transduction when activated by insulin. This can for example cause an increased influx of glucose into the cell performed by so called glucose transporters (GLUTs). These membrane proteins facilitate the transport of glucose from the blood into the cells, so the cell always has a constant supply of energy. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) are nuclear fatty acid receptors. They are activated by lipids and regulate fatty acid transcription. PPARδ/β is located in skeletal muscle and can promote fatty acid catabolism as well as cause a switch in fuel preference from glucose to fatty acids. It has been suggested that ligands for PPARδ could act as insulin sensitizers. The PPARγ coactivator-1α can increase mitochondrial content in skeletal muscle if over expressed. The same is true for endurance exercise. Hormones released from adipose tissue can cause hyperphagia and obesity if over- or under expressed. They can also work in the opposite way by decreasing appetite with weight loss as an effect. Impaired signalling or dysfunctional receptor can cause insulin resistance, obesity and diabetes. Lipolysis occurs in adipose tissues and is conducted by three enzymes, namely adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) and monoglyceride lipase (MGL). There are some factors that can increase lipolysis such as caffeine, a low glycemic index, high protein intake and training. The enzyme PEPCK is involved in the gluconeogensis in the liver and kidney cortex, and also in the glyceroneogenesis in the liver, as well as in brown and white adipose tissue. When overexpressed in skeletal muscle the enzyme increases the muscle activity. The overexpression of the enzyme did promote the β-oxidation as energy source for the muscles during exercise, instead of muscle glycogen as fuel. The processes of protein synthesis and breakdown are together called protein turnover. Muscle grows when synthesis is greater than breakdown, and withers if breakdown exceeds the level of synthesis. Acute effects of training is catabolic, but long time exercise causes however an increased protein synthesis. Leucine, an essential amino acid, has an important role in the initiation phase of translation. Glutamine is probably important in the regulation of muscle protein synthesis and breakdown. Together with glutamate, aspartate and asparagine, these are responsible for the amino acid metabolism that occurs in the muscles. Protein synthesis reaches its maximum in the recovery phase after intense training
Pedagogers erfarenhet kring hur skolsituationen kan se ut för elever med diagnosen ADHD
Gustavsson, Johanna & Hanselius, Marie (2011). Pedagogers erfarenhet kring hur skolsituationen kan se ut för elever med diagnosen ADHD? En studie om sex pedagogers erfarenheter av elever med diagnosen ADHD. (Pedagogue´s experience how the school situation appear for students that are diagnosed with ADHD? This is a study about six pedagogue’s experience for the children with ADHD.) Specialpedagogik, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola.
Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka sex pedagogers erfarenheter kring skolsituationen för elever med diagnosen ADHD. Fokus var att ta reda på pedagogernas erfarenheter kring det pedagogiska arbetet, sin pedagogiska betydelse för lärandemiljön samt klassrumsmiljön. Vi använde oss av en kvalitativ studie eftersom vi ville öka förståelsen av intervjupersonernas upplevelser av sina erfarenheter. Resultatet visar att pedagogerna inte gör någon skillnad på hur de lägger upp det pedagogiska arbetet för eleven oavsett om eleven har diagnosen ADHD eller inte. De menar att det är elevens behov och förutsättningar som styr upplägget. Dessa elever behöver tydlighet, struktur, tillgång till rätt resurser och arbetsro. Det framkommer i resultatet att pedagogernas betydelse för elevers lärandemiljö är av stor vikt. Pedagogers bemötande mot eleven med diagnosen ADHD, engagemang och förståelse för eleven och arbetsområdet är av avgörande betydelse för en god lärandemiljö. Resultatet visar att en god klassrumsmiljö är en miljö som är anpassad efter varje elevs behov
System Development with RUP and Prototyping : - a case study towards the pharmaceutical industry
Denna uppsats avser att undersöka om systemutvecklingsmetoderna RUP och Prototyping kan komplettera och kombineras med varandra. Vidare avser uppsatsen att undersöka hur de fungerar i praktiken men också hur UML och Prototyping kan visualisera och säkra kravlistan för processtyrning inom läkemedelsindustrin. Fallstudien som denna uppsats innehåller är gjord på ett läkemedelsföretag i Sverige. Vid tillverkning av läkemedel användes olika former av pappersbaserad dokumentation som signeras manuellt. Företaget har idag bland annat ingen kontroll över om signeringen utförs under eller efter tillverkningen och enligt GMP strider detta mot de regler och lagar som styr läkemedelstillverkningen. För att hitta de krav användarna ställer på ett kontrollstyrningssystem har både observationer och intervjuer utförts på plats
Patients' and healthcare professionals' views of cancer follow-up: systematic review
Cancer follow-up places a significant burden on hospital outpatient clinics. There are increasing calls to develop alternative models of provision.
To undertake a systematic review of qualitative studies examining patients' and healthcare professionals' views about cancer follow-up.
Design of study
Systematic review.
Primary and secondary care.
Comprehensive literature searches included: 19 electronic databases, online trial registries, conference proceedings, and bibliographies of included studies. Eligible studies included qualitative studies examining patients' and healthcare professionals' views of cancer follow-up. Studies of patients with any type of cancer, considered free of active disease, or no longer receiving active treatment were included. Findings were synthesised using thematic analysis.
Nineteen studies were included; seven were linked to randomised controlled trials. Eight studies examined the views of healthcare professionals (four of which included GPs) and 16 examined the views of patients. Twelve descriptive themes were identified, from which 12 perceived implications for practice were derived. Most themes related to conventional follow-up in secondary care. Some views concerning other models of care were based on participants' ideas, rather than experiences.
Patients' main concern is recurrent disease, and they find regular follow-up, expertise of specialists, and quick access to tests reassuring. Information regarding the effectiveness of follow-up is not given to patients who also have unmet information needs, which would help them to cope and be more involved. Continuity of care, unhurried consultations, and psychosocial support are important, but sometimes lacking in secondary care. GPs are thought to be unwilling and to have insufficient time and expertise to conduct follow-up