103 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Weisz, Hans (Rumford, Oxford County)

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    Alien Registration Card- Weisz, Hans (Rumford, Oxford County)

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    Signatures of unresolved binaries in stellar spectra: implications for spectral fitting

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    The observable spectrum of an unresolved binary star system is a superposition of two single-star spectra. Even without a detectable velocity offset between the two stellar components, the combined spectrum of a binary system is in general different from that of either component, and fitting it with single-star models may yield inaccurate stellar parameters and abundances. We perform simple experiments with synthetic spectra to investigate the effect of unresolved main-sequence binaries on spectral fitting, modeling spectra similar to those collected by the APOGEE, GALAH, and LAMOST surveys. We find that fitting unresolved binaries with single-star models introduces systematic biases in the derived stellar parameters and abundances that are modest but certainly not negligible, with typical systematic errors of 300K300\,\rm K in TeffT_{\rm eff}, 0.1 dex in logg\log g, and 0.1 dex in [Fe/H][\rm Fe/H] for APOGEE-like spectra of solar-type stars. These biases are smaller for spectra at optical wavelengths than in the near-infrared. We show that biases can be corrected by fitting spectra with a binary model, which adds only two labels to the fit and includes single-star models as a special case. Our model provides a promising new method to constrain the Galactic binary population, including systems with single-epoch spectra and no detectable velocity offset between the two stars.Comment: Accept to MNRAS with minor revisions since v1. 7 pages, 5 figure

    The M81 Group Dwarf Irregular Galaxy DDO 165. II. Connecting Recent Star Formation with ISM Structures and Kinematics

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    We compare the stellar populations and complex neutral gas dynamics of the M81 group dIrr galaxy DDO 165 using data from the HST and the VLA. Paper I identified two kinematically distinct HI components, multiple localized high velocity gas features, and eight HI holes and shells (the largest of which spans ~2.2x1.1 kpc). Using the spatial and temporal information from the stellar populations in DDO 165, we compare the patterns of star formation over the past 500 Myr with the HI dynamics. We extract localized star formation histories within 6 of the 8 HI holes identified in Paper I, as well as 23 other regions that sample a range of stellar densities and neutral gas properties. From population synthesis modeling, we derive the energy outputs (from stellar winds and supernovae) of the stellar populations within these regions over the last 100 Myr, and compare with refined estimates of the energies required to create the HI holes. In all cases, we find that "feedback" is energetically capable of creating the observed structures in the ISM. Numerous regions with significant energy inputs from feedback lack coherent HI structures but show prominent localized high velocity gas features; this feedback signature is a natural product of temporally and spatially distributed star formation. In DDO 165, the extended period of heightened star formation activity (lasting more than 1 Gyr) is energetically capable of creating the observed holes and high velocity gas features in the neutral ISM.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, in press. Full-resolution version available on request from the first autho

    Discovery and Characterization of 3000+ Main-Sequence Binaries from APOGEE Spectra

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    We develop a data-driven spectral model for identifying and characterizing spatially unresolved multiple-star systems and apply it to APOGEE DR13 spectra of main-sequence stars. Binaries and triples are identified as targets whose spectra can be significantly better fit by a superposition of two or three model spectra, drawn from the same isochrone, than any single-star model. From an initial sample of \sim20,000 main-sequence targets, we identify \sim2,500 binaries in which both the primary and secondary star contribute detectably to the spectrum, simultaneously fitting for the velocities and stellar parameters of both components. We additionally identify and fit \sim200 triple systems, as well as \sim700 velocity-variable systems in which the secondary does not contribute detectably to the spectrum. Our model simplifies the process of simultaneously fitting single- or multi-epoch spectra with composite models and does not depend on a velocity offset between the two components of a binary, making it sensitive to traditionally undetectable systems with periods of hundreds or thousands of years. In agreement with conventional expectations, almost all the spectrally-identified binaries with measured parallaxes fall above the main sequence in the color-magnitude diagram. We find excellent agreement between spectrally and dynamically inferred mass ratios for the \sim600 binaries in which a dynamical mass ratio can be measured from multi-epoch radial velocities. We obtain full orbital solutions for 64 systems, including 14 close binaries within hierarchical triples. We make available catalogs of stellar parameters, abundances, mass ratios, and orbital parameters.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS with minor revisions since v1. 19 pages, 12 figures, plus Appendice

    The M81 Group Dwarf Irregular Galaxy DDO 165. I. High Velocity Neutral Gas in a Post-Starburst System

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    We present new multi-configuration VLA HI spectral line observations of the M81 group dIrr post-starburst galaxy DDO 165. The HI morphology is complex, with multiple column density peaks surrounding a large region of very low HI surface density that is offset from the center of the stellar distribution. The bulk of the neutral gas is associated with the southern section of the galaxy; a secondary peak in the north contains ~15% of the total HI mass. These components appear to be kinematically distinct, suggesting that either tidal processes or large-scale blowout have recently shaped the ISM of DDO 165. Using spatially-resolved position-velocity maps, we find multiple localized high-velocity gas features. Cross-correlating with radius-velocity analyses, we identify eight shell/hole structures in the ISM with a range of sizes (~400-900 pc) and expansion velocities (~7-11 km/s). These structures are compared with narrow- and broad-band imaging from KPNO and HST. Using the latter data, recent works have shown that DDO 165's previous "burst" phase was extended temporally (>1 Gyr). We thus interpret the high-velocity gas features, HI holes, and kinematically distinct components of the galaxy in the context of the immediate effects of "feedback" from recent star formation. In addition to creating HI holes and shells, extended star formation events are capable of creating localized high velocity motion of the surrounding interstellar material. A companion paper connects the energetics from the HI and HST data.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, in press. Full-resolution version available on request from the first autho

    The Stellar and Gaseous Contents of the Orion Dwarf Galaxy

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    We present new KPNO 0.9-m optical and VLA HI spectral line observations of the Orion dwarf galaxy. This nearby (D ~ 5.4 Mpc), intermediate-mass (M_dyn = 1.1x10^10 Solar masses) dwarf displays a wealth of structure in its neutral ISM, including three prominent "hole/depression" features in the inner HI disk. We explore the rich gas kinematics, where solid-body rotation dominates and the rotation curve is flat out to the observed edge of the HI disk (~6.8 kpc). The Orion dwarf contains a substantial fraction of dark matter throughout its disk: comparing the 4.7x10^8 Solar masses of detected neutral gas with estimates of the stellar mass from optical and near-infrared imaging (3.7x10^8 Solar masses) implies a mass-to-light ratio of ~13. New H alpha observations show only modest-strength current star formation (~0.04 Solar masses per year); this star formation rate is consistent with our 1.4 GHz radio continuum non-detection.Comment: Astronomical Journal, in press. Full-resolution version available from http://www.macalester.edu/~jcannon/pubs.htm

    Worm algorithms for the 3-state Potts model with magnetic field and chemical potential

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    We discuss worm algorithms for the 3-state Potts model with external field and chemical potential. The complex phase problem of this system can be overcome by using a flux representation where the new degrees of freedom are dimer and monomer variables. Working with this representation we discuss two different generalizations of the conventional Prokof'ev-Svistunov algorithm suitable for Monte Carlo simulations of the model at arbitrary chemical potential and evaluate their performance.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure