71 research outputs found

    Similarity by state/descent and genetic vector spaces: analysis of a longitudinal family study

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    Using the genome-wide screening data of the Framingham Heart Study (394 nuclear families, 1328 genotyped subjects, 397 marker loci) we have quantified the underlying genetic diversity through high-dimensional genetic feature vectors and constructed a genetic vector space for the analysis of population substructure. Adaptive clustering procedures led to three major subgroups that were regarded as being related to "biological" ethnicity and that included more than 70% of the subjects. Based on these subgroups we addressed the question of ethnicity-related and ethnicity-independent risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD). To this end, we relied upon hypertension as an endophenotype of CHD and applied a multivariate sib-pair method in order to search for oligogenic marker configurations for which the sib-sib similarities deviated from the parent-offspring similarities. Indeed, the latter similarities are always "0.5" irrespective of the affection status of parents and offspring. Loci with significant contributions to the oligogenic marker configuration constituted a CHD-specific genetic vector space. We found several ethnicity-independent signals. One signal on chromosome 8 may relate to the CYP11B1/CYP11B2 genes

    The difficulties of reproducing conventionally derived results through 500k-chip technology

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    Based on a "training" sample of 1,042 subjects genotyped for 5,728 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of a conventional 0.4-Mb genome scan and a "test" sample of 746 subjects genotyped for 545,080 SNPs on a 500k-chip, we investigated the extent to which the subjects' immunoglobulin M levels can be reproducibly predicted from a multilocus genotype. We were specifically interested in the reproducibility of predictors across populations (1,042 versus 746 subjects) and across SNP sets (conventional genome scan versus anonymous 500k-chip) because this is a prerequisite for clinical application. For the training sample, neural network (NN) analysis yielded classifiers that predicted immunoglobulin M levels from the subjects' multilocus genotypes at acceptable error rates through a configuration of 15 genomic loci (61 SNPs). With the test sample (746 subjects) we addressed the question of reproducibility across populations and across SNP sets by means of a novel "competitive SNP set" approach. However, the chip data contained several sources of distortion, including greatly elevated noise levels and artifact-prone SNP regions, thus complicating attempts to verify the reproducibility of NN predictors. Though 5 of 15 genomic loci from the training samples appeared to be reproducible, the NN classifiers derived so far from the test samples are insufficiently compatible with the training samples. Nonetheless, our results are promising enough to justify further investigations. Because the underlying algorithm can easily be split into parallel tasks, the proposed "competitive SNP set" approach has turned out to be well suited for computers with today's 64-bit multiprocessor architectures and to offer a valuable extension to genome-wide association analyses

    No association of a set of candidate genes on haloperidol side effects.

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    We previously investigated a sample of patients during an active phase of psychosis in the search for genetic predictors of haloperidol induced side effects. In the present work we extend the genetic association analysis to a wider panel of genetic variations, including 508 variations located in 96 genes. The original sample included 96 patients. An independent group of 357 patients from the CATIE study served as a replication sample. Outcomes in the investigation sample were the variation through time of: 1) the ESRS and UKU total scores 2) ESRS and UKU subscales (neurologic and psychic were included) related to tremors and 3) ESRS and UKU subscales that do not relate to tremors. Outcome in the replication sample was the presence vs absence of motoric side effects from baseline to visit 1 (~ one month of treatment) as assessed by the AIMS scale test. Rs2242480 located in the CYP3A4 was associated with a different distribution of the UKU neurologic scores through time (permutated p = 0.047) along with a trend for a different haloperidol plasma levels (lower in CC subjects). This finding was not replicated in the CATIE sample. In conclusion, we did not find conclusive evidence for a major association between the investigated variations and haloperidol induced motoric side effects

    Monitoring the effects of therapeutic interventions in depression through self-assessments

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    The treatment of major psychiatric disorders is an arduous and thorny path for the patients concerned, characterized by polypharmacy, massive adverse side effects, modest prospects of success, and constantly declining response rates. The more important is the early detection of psychiatric disorders prior to the development of clinically relevant symptoms, so that people can benefit from early interventions. A well-proven approach to monitoring mental health relies on voice analysis. This method has been successfully used with psychiatric patients to ‘objectively’ document the progress of improvement or the onset of relapse. The studies with psychiatric patients over 2-4 weeks demonstrated that daily voice assessments have a notable therapeutic effect in themselves. Therefore, daily voice assessments appear to be a lowthreshold form of therapeutic means that may be realized through self-assessments. To evaluate performance and reliability of this approach, we have carried out a longitudinal study on 82 university students in 3 different countries with daily assessments over 2 weeks. The sample included 41 males (mean age 24.2±3.83 years) and 41 females (mean age 21.6±2.05 years). Unlike other research in the field, this study was not concerned with the classification of individuals in terms of diagnostic categories. The focus lay on the monitoring aspect and the extent to which the effects of therapeutic interventions or of behavioural changes are visible in the results of self-assessment voice analyses. The test persons showed an over-proportionally good adherence to the daily voice analysis scheme. The accumulated data were of generally high quality: sufficiently high signal levels, a very limited number of movement artifacts, and little to no interfering background noise. The method was sufficiently sensitive to detect: i) habituation effects when test persons became used to the daily procedure; and ii) short-term fluctuations that exceeded prespecified thresholds and reached significance. Results are directly interpretable and provide information about what is going well, what is going less well, and where there is a need for action. The proposed self-assessment approach was found to be well-suited to serve as a health-monitoring tool for subjects with an elevated vulnerability to psychiatric disorders or to stress-induced mental health problems. Daily voice assessments are in fact a low-threshold form of therapeutic means that can be realized through selfassessments, that requires only little effort, can be carried out in the test person’s own home, and has the potential to strengthen resilience and to induce positive behavioural changes

    Early detection of the risk of developing psychiatric disorders: a study of 461 Chinese university students under chronic stress

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    Chronic stress, a characteristic of modern time, has a significant impact on general health. In the context of psychiatric disorders, insufficient coping behavior under chronic stress has been linked to higher rates of (1) depressive symptoms among subjects of the general population, (2) relapse among patients under treatment for clinical depression, and (3) negative symptoms among subjects with an elevated vulnerability to psychosis. In this normative study we assessed basic coping behavior among 461 Chinese freshman university students along with their consumption behavior and general health in terms of regular exercises, physical health, psychosomatic disturbances, and mental health. The assessments relied on two instruments that have already demonstrated their capability of (1) reliably detecting insufficient coping behavior under chronic stress and (2) reliably quantifying the interrelation between coping behavior and mental health in the Western world. Thus, we aimed to complement existing data and to develop a generally available, socioculturally independent tool that can be used for the early detection of subjects with an elevated risk of mental health problems. Structural analyses yielded essentially the same scales "activity" and "defeatism" as previous studies on 2,500 students from Switzerland, Italy, Spain, the USA, and Argentina. These scales explained 74.3% of the observed variance in coping behavior among the 461 Chinese students. We found highly significant correlations (p < 0.0001) between the "defeatism" scale on the one hand, and the scales "regular use of medicine," "psychosomatic disturbances," and "impaired mental health" on the other. Particularly intriguing was the finding that a neural net classifier could be constructed to identify students with the highest contributions to the interrelation between "coping behavior" and "mental health," yielding a correlation coefficient as high as r = 0.597 for the respective subgroup. Based on the normative data, an online tool for risk assessments was developed with immediate feedback to users. This study provided another piece of evidence regarding the close link between basic coping behavior and mental health, across cultures and ethnicities. In consequence, our approach to quantifying basic coping behavior, along with other risk factors, can be expected to clear the way for an "early" detection of students with an elevated risk of stress-related mental health problems, nota bene prior to the development of clinically relevant symptoms. The socioeconomic impact of the potential prevention of depressive -disorders, and psychiatric disorders in general, may be enormous

    Inflammatory processes and schizophrenia: two independent lines of evidence from a study of twins discordant and concordant for schizophrenic disorders

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    The concept of twin concordance involves quantifying the resemblance between co-twins in an "objective" and reproducible way. Yet, quantifying resemblance in the case of complex psychiatric traits like schizophrenic disorders leads to methodological problems, as the yes-no dichotomy of diagnostic schemata does not allow one to assess between-subject differences in psychopathology patterns sufficiently accurately. Therefore, we relied on a multidimensional, quantitative concordance measure that provided a high resolution and differentiation when assessing the resemblance of psychopathology patterns. This concordance measure was central to our investigations into the potential link between schizophrenic disorders and aberrancies of the inflammatory response system. Specifically, we aimed to determine the extent to which (1) the observed variation of between-subject psychopathology concordance among 100 schizophrenic patients and (2) the observed variation of within-pair psychopathology concordance among 71 twin pairs can be explained by immunoglobulin M (IgM) levels. To accomplish this goal, we had to "gauge" in a first step the concordance measure's performance by (1) comparing the psychopathology patterns of 269 index cases suffering from functional psychoses with the respective patterns of the 350 "affecteds" among their first-degree relatives;(2) systematically comparing the psychopathology patterns of 100 unrelated patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenic disorders with each other;and (3) detailing the within-pair concordance of elementary traits among 2734 healthy twin pairs. As to the role of active immune processes in the context of schizophrenic disorders, we found that there exists a 20-30% subgroup of patients for whom aberrancies of the inflammatory response system, as quantified through IgM levels, appeared to be linked to the pathogenesis of schizophrenic disorders (r = 0.7515/0.8184, p < 0.0001). The variation of within-pair psychopathology concordance among twins with schizophrenic disorders was found to be "explainable" in part by chronically elevated IgM levels (24.5% of observed phenotypic variance;p = 0.0434), thus suggesting that monozygotic twins concordant for schizophrenic disorders may possess a less "robust" variant of the inflammatory response system which can more easily be triggered by exogenous factors than the more "robust" variants of discordant pairs. Though the underlying biological mechanisms remain to be detected, our data have cleared the way for an early identification of patients with schizophrenic disorders for whom the inflammatory response system may be a target for therapeutic intervention. Moreover, our results will likely lead to new treatment strategies that involve elements of personalized medicine

    Affective state and voice: cross-cultural assessment of speaking behavior and voice sound characteristics - a normative multicenter study of 577 + 36 healthy subjects

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    Human speech is greatly influenced by the speakers’ affective state, such as sadness, happiness, grief, guilt, fear, anger, aggression, faintheartedness, shame, sexual arousal, love, amongst others. Attentive listeners discover a lot about the affective state of their dialog partners with no great effort, and without having to talk about it explicitly during a conversation or on the phone. On the other hand, speech dysfunctions, such as slow, delayed or monotonous speech, are prominent features of affective disorders. This project was comprised of 4 studies with healthy volunteers from Bristol (English: n=117), Lausanne (French: n=128), Zurich (German: n=208), and Valencia (Spanish: n=124). All samples were stratified according to gender, age, and education. The specific study design with different types of spoken text along with repeated assessments at 14-day intervals allowed us to estimate the “natural” variation of speech parameters over time, and to analyze the sensitivity of speech parameters with respect to form and content of spoken text. Additionally, our project included a longitudinal self-assessment study with university students from Zurich (n=18) and unemployed adults from Valencia (n=18) in order to test the feasibility of the speech analysis method in home environments. The normative data showed that speaking behavior and voice sound characteristics can be quantified in a reproducible and language-independent way. The high resolution of the method was verified by a computerized assignment of speech parameter patterns to languages at a success rate of 90%, while the correct assignment to texts was 70%. In the longitudinal self-assessment study we calculated individual “baselines” for each test person along with deviations thereof. The significance of such deviations was assessed through the normative reference data. Our data provided gender-, age-, and language-specific thresholds that allow one to reliably distinguish between “natural fluctuations” and “significant changes”. The longitudinal self-assessment study with repeated assessments at 1-day intervals over 14 days demonstrated the feasibility and efficiency of the speech analysis method in home environments, thus clearing the way to a broader range of applications in psychiatry

    Factors Associated with Revision Surgery after Internal Fixation of Hip Fractures

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    Background: Femoral neck fractures are associated with high rates of revision surgery after management with internal fixation. Using data from the Fixation using Alternative Implants for the Treatment of Hip fractures (FAITH) trial evaluating methods of internal fixation in patients with femoral neck fractures, we investigated associations between baseline and surgical factors and the need for revision surgery to promote healing, relieve pain, treat infection or improve function over 24 months postsurgery. Additionally, we investigated factors associated with (1) hardware removal and (2) implant exchange from cancellous screws (CS) or sliding hip screw (SHS) to total hip arthroplasty, hemiarthroplasty, or another internal fixation device. Methods: We identified 15 potential factors a priori that may be associated with revision surgery, 7 with hardware removal, and 14 with implant exchange. We used multivariable Cox proportional hazards analyses in our investigation. Results: Factors associated with increased risk of revision surgery included: female sex, [hazard ratio (HR) 1.79, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.25-2.50; P = 0.001], higher body mass index (fo

    Inhibition of integrin function by a cyclic RGD-containing peptide prevents neointima formation

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    BACKGROUND--RGD-containing peptides are able to prevent binding of ligands to certain integrins such as alpha IIb beta 3 (glycoprotein IIb/IIIa) and alpha v beta 3 and as such are inhibitors for platelet aggregation and smooth muscle cell migration, both of which are involved in neointima formation. METHODS AND RESULTS--Hamster carotid arteries were damaged, and neointima formation was determined at different time points. G4120, a cyclic RGD-containing peptide, was administered continuously intravenously by an implanted osmotic pump. Neointima formation was inhibited dose dependently. The inhibition was strongest when treatment was started before the vascular injury and continued for the full observation period. Treatment started after the damage and maintained until neointima assessment or started before and stopped earlier was less effective. CONCLUSIONS--Inhibition of integrin function by an RGD-containing peptide results in reduction of the development of a neointima. This effect is due both to an early event, which could be due to inhibition of secretion of PDGF by the platelets with blocked alpha IIb beta 3, and to a late event, possibly by interference with smooth muscle cell alpha v beta 3.status: publishe