37 research outputs found

    Quinpramine Ameliorates Rat Experimental Autoimmune Neuritis and Redistributes MHC Class II Molecules

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    Activation of inflammatory cells is central to the pathogenesis of autoimmune demyelinating diseases of the peripheral nervous system. The novel chimeric compound quinpramine—generated from imipramine and quinacrine—redistributes cholesterol rich membrane domains to intracellular compartments. We studied the immunological and clinical effects of quinpramine in myelin homogenate induced Lewis rat experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN), a model system for acute human inflammatory neuropathies, such as the Guillain-Barré syndrome. EAN animals develop paresis of all limbs due to autoimmune inflammation of peripheral nerves. Quinpramine treatment ameliorated clinical disease severity of EAN and infiltration of macrophages into peripheral nerves. It reduced expression of MHC class II molecules on antigen presenting cells and antigen specific T cell proliferation both in vitro and in vivo. Quinpramine exerted its anti-proliferatory effect on antigen presenting cells, but not on responder T cells. Our data suggest that quinpramine represents a candidate pharmaceutical for inflammatory neuropathies

    Whole-Day Schools - Management and Education

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    Ganztagsschulen haben durch ihr Mehr an Zeit einen größeren Spielraum, die Schulgestaltung an den Bedürfnissen der Beteiligten zu orientieren. In einer Auseinandersetzung mit anderen Perspektiven kann es gelingen, die Ausrichtung der eigenen Schule zu diskutieren, zu festigen und zu schärfen. Pädagogische Fortbildungsveranstaltungen bieten dazu eine Möglichkeit. Der zweite bayerische Ganztagsschulkongress Ganztagsschule gestalten – ganztags Unterricht organisieren am 3. und 4. März 2010 in Forchheim bot den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern anhand vielfältiger Vorträge und Workshops ein Forum zur Diskussion mit Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft, Schulpraxis und Bildungspolitik. Die Dokumentation der Veranstaltung liegt hiermit vor.All-day schools stand out against other types of schools due to the extended availability of time and therewith a wider range of possibilities to adjust the orientation of the school to the needs of the persons involved. Schools can evolve and strengthen their orientation by a discursive examination and discussion of different approaches. A good opportunity for advancing this discussion are events in pedagogical further education. During the second Bavarian all-day school congress "Modelling All-Day School - Organizing All-Day Tuition", held on the 3rd and 4th of March 2010 in Forchheim/Germany, participants had the opportunity to attend numerous workshops and presentations as well as a panel discussion featuring experts from the fields of educational science, educational policy and teaching. The documentation of the congress is now available

    Unraveling Structure and Device Operation of Organic Permeable Base Transistors

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    Organic permeable base transistors (OPBTs) are of great interest for flexible electronic circuits, as they offer very large on-current density and a record-high transition frequency. They rely on a vertical device architecture with current transport through native pinholes in a central base electrode. This study investigates the impact of pinhole density and pinhole diameter on the DC device performance in OPBTs based on experimental data and TCAD simulation results. A pinhole density of NPin = 54 µm−2 and pinhole diameters around LPin = 15 nm are found in the devices. Simulations show that a variation of pinhole diameter and density around these numbers has only a minor impact on the DC device characteristics. A variation of the pinhole diameter and density by up to 100% lead to a deviation of less than 4% in threshold voltage, on/off current ratio, and sub-threshold slope. Hence, the fabrication of OPBTs with reliable device characteristics is possible regardless of statistical deviations in thin film formation. © 2020 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinhei

    Percutaneous Ablation of Hepatic Tumors Using Irreversible Electroporation: A Prospective Safety and Midterm Efficacy Study in 34 Patients

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    Purpose: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of percutaneous irreversible electroporation (IRE) of primary and secondary liver cancer unsuitable for resection or thermal ablation. Materials and Methods: In this prospective, single-center study, 65 malignant liver tumors (hepatocellular carcinoma; n = 33; cholangiocellular carcinoma, n = 5; colorectal cancer metastasis, n = 22; neuroendocrine cancer metastasis, n = 3; testicular cancer metastasis, n = 2) in 34 patients (27 men, 7 women; mean age, 59.4 y +/- 11.2) were treated. Local recurrence-free survival (LRFS) according to the Kaplan-Meier method was evaluated after a median follow-up of 13.9 months. Results: Median tumor diameter was 2.4 cm +/- 1.4 (range, 0.2-7.1 cm). Of 65 tumors, 12 (18.5%) required retreatment because of incomplete ablation (n = 3) or early local recurrence (n = 9). LRFS at 3, 6, and 12 months was 87.4%, 79.8%, and 74.8%. The median time to progressive disease according to modified Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors was 15.6 months. Overall complication rate was 27.5% with six major complications and eight minor complications. Major complications included diffuse intraperitonal bleeding (n = 1), partial thrombosis of the portal vein (n = 1), and liver abscesses (n = 4). Minor complications were liver hematomas (n = 6) and clinically inapparent pneumothoraces (n = 2). Conclusions: IRE showed promising results regarding therapeutic efficacy for the percutaneous treatment of liver tumors; however, significant concerns remain regarding its safety

    Flexible Electronic Circuits - Vertical Transistors and Passive Devices

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    <p>Poster shown on the European Conference on Molecular Electronics ECME 2017 in Dresden.<br></p><p>Organic large area electronics have the potential to enable fully flexible applications. This requires efficient transistors on flexible substrates as well as capacitors, inductors, and resistors to complete an electrical circuit.</p><p>We operate Organic Permeable Base Transistors (OPBT) on polymer substrates to combine impressive transistor characteristics, facile manufacturing techniques and mechanical flexibility. Large current densities and on/off-ratios are achieved with simple shadow mask structuring well known from OLED technology. Currently our flexible devices reach on/off-ratios exceeding 10<sup>6</sup> and current densities above 1 A/cm².<br></p>Thin-film capacitors and inductors are produced to fit the needs of a transmitter circuit that we aim to use for indoor wireless localization applications