171 research outputs found

    Evidence for pressure induced polarization rotation, octahedral tilting and reentrant ferroelectric phase in tetragonal (Pb0.5Bi0.5)(Ti0.5Fe0.5)O3

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    Despite the technological significance of the tetragonal PbTiO3 for the piezoelectric transducer industry, its high pressure behaviour is quite controversial as two entirely different scenarios, involving pressure induced (1) morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) like structural transition with concomitant rotation of the ferroelectric polarization vector and (2) antiferrodistortive (AFD) phase transition followed by emergence of a reentrant ferroelectric phase, have been proposed in recent theoretical and experimental studies. We have attempted to address these controversies through a high resolution synchrotron x-ray diffraction study of pressure induced phase transitions in the tetragonal phase of a modified PbTiO3 composition containing 50% BiFeO3, where BiFeO3 was added to enhance the AFD instability of PbTiO3. We present here the first experimental evidence for the presence of the characteristic superlattice reflections due to an AFD transition at a moderate pressure pc1 ~2.15 GPa in broad agreement with scenario (2), but the high pressure ferroelectric phase belongs to the monoclinic space group Cc, and not the tetragonal space group I4cm predicted under scenario (2), which permits the rotation of the ferroelectric polarization vector as per scenario (1). We show that the monoclinic distortion angle and ferroelectric polarization of the Cc phase initially decrease with increasing pressure for p < 7 GPa, but start increasing above pc2 ~ 7 GPa due to an isostructural Cc-I to Cc-II transition reminiscent of MA(apc > bpc ~ cpc) to MB(apc< bpc ~ cpc) transition predicted for MPB systems. We also show that octahedral tilting provides an efficient mechanism for accommodating pressure induced volume reduction for the stabilisation of the reentrant ferroelectric phase Cc-II.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figure

    Residual stress induced stabilization of martensite phase and its effect on the magneto-structural transition in Mn rich Ni-Mn-In/Ga magnetic shape memory alloys

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    The irreversibility of the martensite transition in magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) with respect to external magnetic field is one of the biggest challenges that limits their application as giant caloric materials. This transition is a magneto-structural transition that is accompanied with a steep drop in magnetization (i.e., 'delta M') around the martensite start temperature (Ms) due to the lower magnetization of the martensite phase. In this communication, we show that 'delta M' around Ms in Mn rich Ni-Mn based MSMAs gets suppressed by two orders of magnitude in crushed powders due to the stabilization of the martensite phase at temperatures well above the Ms and the austenite finish (Af) temperatures due to residual stresses. Analysis of the intensities and the FWHM of the x-ray powder diffraction patterns reveals stabilized martensite phase fractions as 97, 75 and 90% with corresponding residual microstrains as 5.4, 5.6 and 3% in crushed powders of the three different Mn rich Ni-Mn alloys, namely, Mn1.8Ni1.8In0.4, Mn1.75Ni1.25Ga and Mn1.9Ni1.1Ga, respectively. Even after annealing at 773 K, the residual stress stabilised martensite phase does not fully revert to the equilibrium cubic austenite phase as the magneto-structural transition is only partially restored with reduced value of 'delta M'. Our results have very significant bearing on application of such alloys as inverse magnetocaloric and barocaloric materials

    In situ

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    Strong effect of stress on the seismic signature of the post-stishovite phase transition in the Earth’s lower mantle

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    The stishovite to post-stishovite phase transition may modify the scattering of seismic waves by stishovite-bearing rocks in the Earth's lower mantle. A series of continuous compression experiments on sintered polycrystalline stishovite was performed to study the effect of stress on the phase transition. The experimental results show that the phase transition shifts to lower pressures as the magnitude of deviatoric stress increases. Our results further show that the bulk modulus of sintered polycrystalline stishovite differs from that derived from single crystal measurements and decreases at the phase transition. In cold regions, such as subducted slabs, stresses may accumulate and shift the phase transition to a shallower depth. In hot regions with less stress, such as rising plumes, the phase transition is shifted to a greater depth. In addition, the phase transition may have varying seismic signatures depending on the behavior of the grain boundaries in mantle rocks and the micro-stresses present in neighboring grains

    Pressure, stress, and strain distribution in the double-stage diamond anvil cell

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    Double stage diamond anvil cells (DAC) of two designs have been assembled and tested. We used a standard symmetric DAC as a primary stage and CVD microanvils machined by a focused ion beam - as a second. We evaluated pressure, stress, and strain distributions in Au and Fe-Au samples as well as in secondary anvils using synchrotron x-ray diffraction with a micro-focused beam. A maximum pressure of 240 GPa was reached independent of the first stage anvil culet size. We found that the stress field generated by the second stage anvils is typical of conventional DAC experiments. The maximum pressures reached are limited by strains developing in the secondary anvil and by cupping of the first stage diamond anvil in the presented experimental designs. Also, our experiments show that pressures of several megabars may be reached without sacrificing the first stage diamond anvils

    Compressional pathways of α-cristobalite, structure of cristobalite X-I, and towards the understanding of seifertite formation

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    In various shocked meteorites, low-pressure silica polymorph α-cristobalite is commonly found in close spatial relation with the densest known SiO2 polymorph seifertite, which is stable above ∼80 GPa. We demonstrate that under hydrostatic pressure α-cristobalite remains untransformed up to at least 15 GPa. In quasi-hydrostatic experiments, above 11 GPa cristobalite X-I forms—a monoclinic polymorph built out of silicon octahedra; the phase is not quenchable and back-transforms to α-cristobalite on decompression. There are no other known silica polymorphs, which transform to an octahedra-based structure at such low pressures upon compression at room temperature. Further compression in non-hydrostatic conditions of cristobalite X-I eventually leads to the formation of quenchable seifertite-like phase. Our results demonstrate that the presence of α-cristobalite in shocked meteorites or rocks does not exclude that materials experienced high pressure, nor is the presence of seifertite necessarily indicative of extremely high peak shock pressures

    Automated pipeline processing X‐ray diffraction data from dynamic compression experiments on the Extreme Conditions Beamline of PETRA III

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    Presented and discussed here is the implementation of a software solution that provides prompt X‐ray diffraction data analysis during fast dynamic compression experiments conducted within the dynamic diamond anvil cell technique. It includes efficient data collection, streaming of data and metadata to a high‐performance cluster (HPC), fast azimuthal data integration on the cluster, and tools for controlling the data processing steps and visualizing the data using the DIOPTAS software package. This data processing pipeline is invaluable for a great number of studies. The potential of the pipeline is illustrated with two examples of data collected on ammonia–water mixtures and multiphase mineral assemblies under high pressure. The pipeline is designed to be generic in nature and could be readily adapted to provide rapid feedback for many other X‐ray diffraction techniques, e.g. large‐volume press studies, in situ stress/strain studies, phase transformation studies, chemical reactions studied with high‐resolution diffraction etc

    Compressibility of ferropericlase at high-temperature: evidence for the iron spin crossover in seismic tomography

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    The iron spin crossover in ferropericlase, the second most abundant mineral in Earth's lower mantle, causes changes in a range of physical properties, including seismic wave velocities. Understanding the effect of temperature on the spin crossover is essential to detect its signature in seismic observations and constrain its occurrence in the mantle. Here, we report the first experimental results on the spin crossover-induced bulk modulus softening at high temperatures, derived directly from time-resolved x-ray diffraction measurements during continuous compression of (Mg0.8Fe0.2)O in a resistive-heated dynamic diamond-anvil cell. We present new theoretical calculations of the spin crossover at mantle temperatures benchmarked by the experiments. Based on our results, we create synthetic seismic tomography models to investigate the signature of the spin crossover in global seismic tomography. A tomographic filter is applied to allow for meaningful comparisons between the synthetic models and data-based seismic tomography models, like SP12RTS. A negative anomaly in the correlation between Vs variations and Vc variations (S-C correlation) is found to be the most suitable measure to detect the presence of the spin crossover in tomographic models. When including the effects of the spin crossover, the misfit between the synthetic model and SP12RTS is reduced by 63%, providing strong evidence for the presence of the spin crossover, and hence ferropericlase, in the lower mantle. Future improvement of seismic resolution may facilitate a detailed mapping of spin state using the S-C correlation, providing constraints on mantle temperatures by taking advantage of the temperature sensitivity of the spin crossover

    A closer look into close packing : Pentacoordinated silicon in a high-pressure polymorph of danburite

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    Due to their high technological and geological relevance, silicates are one of the most studied classes of inorganic compounds. Under ambient conditions, the silicon in silicates is almost exclusively coordinated by four oxygen atoms, while high-pressure treatment normally results in an increase in the coordination from four- to sixfold. Reported here is a high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of danburite, CaB₂Si₂O₈, the first compound showing a step-wise transition of Si coordination from tetrahedral to octahedral through a trigonal bipyramid. Along the compression, the Si₂O₇ groups of danburite first transform into chains of vertice-sharing SiO₅ trigonal bipyramids (danburite-II) and later into chains of edge-sharing SiO₆ octahedra (danburite-III). It is suggested that the unusual formation of an SiO₅ configuration is a consequence of filling up the pentacoordinated voids in the distorted hexagonal close packing of danburite-II