2,362 research outputs found

    Photic effects on sustained performance

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    Research is described which evaluates manipulating environmental light intensity as a means to attenuate fatigue. A counter balanced, within-subjects design was used to compare nine male subjects exposed to dim (100 lux) and bright (3000 lux) light conditions. Oral temperature values were greater for the bright light group over the dim light condition. Melatonin levels were suppressed by bright light treatment. Also, the frequency of eye blink rate was less for subjects during bright over dim light exposure. Light exposure was without effect on subjective fatigue. However, irrespective of light condition, significant effects on confusion, fatigue, and vigor mood dimensions were found as a result of 30 hour sleep deprivation. The findings suggest that bright lights may be used to help sustain nocturnal activity otherwise susceptible to fatigue. Such findings may have implications for the lighting arrangements on space flights during the subjective night for astronauts

    Compressed Genotyping

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    Significant volumes of knowledge have been accumulated in recent years linking subtle genetic variations to a wide variety of medical disorders from Cystic Fibrosis to mental retardation. Nevertheless, there are still great challenges in applying this knowledge routinely in the clinic, largely due to the relatively tedious and expensive process of DNA sequencing. Since the genetic polymorphisms that underlie these disorders are relatively rare in the human population, the presence or absence of a disease-linked polymorphism can be thought of as a sparse signal. Using methods and ideas from compressed sensing and group testing, we have developed a cost-effective genotyping protocol. In particular, we have adapted our scheme to a recently developed class of high throughput DNA sequencing technologies, and assembled a mathematical framework that has some important distinctions from 'traditional' compressed sensing ideas in order to address different biological and technical constraints.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transaction on Information Theory - Special Issue on Molecular Biology and Neuroscienc

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Compressible Fluid Flow in Two-Dimensional Channels

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    We study compressible fluid flow in narrow two-dimensional channels using a novel molecular dynamics simulation method. In the simulation area, an upstream source is maintained at constant density and temperature while a downstream reservoir is kept at vacuum. The channel is sufficiently long in the direction of the flow that the finite length has little effect on the properties of the fluid in the central region. The simulated system is represented by an efficient data structure, whose internal elements are created and manipulated dynamically in a layered fashion. Consequently the code is highly efficient and manifests completely linear performance in simulations of large systems. We obtain the steady-state velocity, temperature, and density distributions in the system. The velocity distribution across the channel is very nearly a quadratic function of the distance from the center of the channel and reveals velocity slip at the boundaries; the temperature distribution is only approximately a quartic function of this distance from the center to the channel. The density distribution across the channel is non-uniform. We attribute this non-uniformity to the relatively high Mach number, approximately 0.5, in the fluid flow. An equation for the density distribution based on simple compressibility arguments is proposed; its predictions agree well with the simulation results. Validity of the concept of local dynamic temperature and the variation of the temperature along the channel are discussed.Comment: 16 pages (in latex) + 8 figures (in a single ps file). Submitted to the Physical Review

    Shutdown is a component of the Drosophila piRNA biogenesis machinery

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    In animals, the piRNA pathway preserves the integrity of gametic genomes, guarding them against the activity of mobile genetic elements. This innate immune mechanism relies on distinct genomic loci, termed piRNA clusters, to provide a molecular definition of transposons, enabling their discrimination from genes. piRNA clusters give rise to long, single-stranded precursors, which are processed into primary piRNAs through an unknown mechanism. These can engage in an adaptive amplification loop, the ping-pong cycle, to optimize the content of small RNA populations via the generation of secondary piRNAs.Many proteins have been ascribed functions in either primary biogenesis or the ping-pong cycle, though for the most part the molecular functions of proteins implicated in these pathways remain obscure. Here, we link shutdown (shu), a gene previously shown to be required for fertility in Drosophila, to the piRNA pathway. Analysis of knockdown phenotypes in both the germline and somatic compartments of the ovary demonstrate important roles for shutdown in both primary biogenesis and the ping-pong cycle. shutdown is a member of the FKBP family of immunophilins. Shu contains domains implicated in peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase activity and in the binding of HSP90-family chaperones, though the relevance of these domains to piRNA biogenesis is unknown. Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Copyright © 2012 RNA Society

    Characterization of Dicer-deficient murine embryonic stem cells

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    Dicer is an RNase III-family nuclease that initiates RNA interference (RNAi) and related phenomena by generation of the small RNAs that determine the specificity of these gene silencing pathways. We have previously shown that Dicer is essential for mammalian development, with Dicer-deficient mice dying at embryonic day 7.5 with a lack of detectable multipotent stem cells. To permit a more detailed investigation of the biological roles of Dicer, we have generated embryonic stem cell lines in which their single Dicer gene can be conditionally inactivated. As expected, Dicer loss compromises maturation of microRNAs and leads to a defect in gene silencing triggered by long dsRNAs. However, the absence of Dicer does not affect the ability of small interfering RNAs to repress gene expression. Of interest, Dicer loss does compromise the proliferation of ES cells, possibly rationalizing the phenotype previously observed in Dicer-null animals. Dicer loss also affects the abundance of transcripts from mammalian centromeres but does so without a pronounced affect on histone modification status at pericentric repeats or methylation of centromeric DNA. These studies provide a conditional model of RNAi deficiency in mammals that will permit the dissection of the biological roles of the RNAi machinery in cultured mammalian cells

    Resonant X-Ray Scattering on the M-Edge Spectra from Triple-k Structure Phase in U_{0.75}Np_{0.25}O_{2} and UO_{2}

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    We derive an expression for the scattering amplitude of resonant x-ray scattering under the assumption that the Hamiltonian describing the intermediate state preserves spherical symmetry. On the basis of this expression, we demonstrate that the energy profile of the RXS spectra expected near U and Np M_4 edges from the triple-k antiferromagnetic ordering phase in UO_{2} and U_{0.75}Np_{0.25}O_{2} agree well with those from the experiments. We demonstrate that the spectra in the \sigma-\sigma' and \sigma-\pi' channels exhibit quadrupole and dipole natures, respectively.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Supp

    Relativistic theory of magnetic scattering of x rays: Application to ferromagnetic iron

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    We present a detailed description of a first-principles formalism for magnetic scattering of circularly polar- ized x rays from solids in the framework of the fully relativistic spin-polarized multiple-scattering theory. The scattering amplitudes are calculated using a standard time-dependent perturbation theory to second order in the electron-photon interaction vertex. Particular attention is paid to understanding the relative importance of the positive- and negative-energy solutions of the Dirac equation to the scattering amplitude. The advantage of the present theory as compared with other recent works on magnetic x-ray scattering is that, being fully relativistic, spin-orbit coupling and spin-polarization effects are treated on an equal footing. Second, the electron Green’s function expressed in terms of the path operators in the multiple-scattering theory allows us to include the contribution of the crystalline environment to the scattering amplitude. To illustrate the use of the method we have done calculations on the anomalous magnetic scattering at the K , L_II , and L_III absorption edges of ferromagnetic iron

    Experiências de contacto dos bebés com a linguagem escrita

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    The purpose of this study is to characterize the literacy experiences ofbabies aged between 14 and 24 months. In this study, four issues were analysed: which type of written language experiences are offered to the children, how parents value these literacy experiences, the way parents perceive their own role in the literacy development of their children and what parents know about their means of contributing to the literacy development of their children. Six mothers were interviewed. These interviews were analysed with the use of a categorical content analysis. The results suggest that mothers value and include in their practices facilitative and mediation actions of literacy experiences with their children, noting some variability depending on the respective qualifications.Este estudo exploratório visa descrever as experiências de literacia de bebés entre os 14 e os 25 meses. Analisamse quatro questões, que experiências envolvendo a linguagem escrita no seio familiar são proporcionadas aos bebés, qual o valor que os pais lhes atribuem, como percepcionam o seu papel na promoção do desenvolvimento literácito dos filhos e como podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento da literacia dos mesmos. Adotou-se uma metodologia qualitativa, com recurso à análise de conteúdo categorial das respostas dadas por seis mães em entrevista individual e semiestruturada. Concluiu-se que estas mães valorizam e incluem nas suas práticas ações facilitadoras e de mediação de experiências de literacia por parte dos seus bebés, notando-se alguma variabilidade em função das respetivas habilitações académicas.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio