966 research outputs found


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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenThe purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the physiological basis, clinical picture and treatment opportunities of motion sickness. Motion sickness can occur when sensory inputs from body orientation and movements in space contradict or differ from those predicted from experience. In that case disturbing symptoms can occur when a person is exposed to unfamiliar movement or perceived movement in the environment. Best known is when this occurs at sea, referred to as sea sickness. Despite progress in the technology and comfort of modern sea transit and transportation (ships, planes and overland vehicles) a great number of workers and travellers still experience motion sickness, with its coexisting risks of accidents. A survey performed on Icelandic seamen indicates that up to 80% experience seasickness when at sea and up to 80% experience mal de debarquement. Bouts are characterized by an initial phase of mild discomfort followed by neurologic and gastro-intestinal manifestations. The delay in onset depends on specific circumstances and individual susceptibility. Signals from the vestibular system are essential for triggering motion sickness, where vestibuloautonomic pathways that typically subserve homeostasis play the key role. Attacks are precipitated by conflicting sensory, visual and vestibular signals but the underlying mechanism is unclear. The neural pathways that produce nausea and vomiting during motion sickness are presumed to be similar to those that generate illness after ingestion of toxins. Most medications used for prevention and treatment induce unwanted sedation, that both reduce ability to cope with the situation and delay the most wanted adaptation. Furthermore, no one drug is completely effective or preventive under all conditions.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Með yfirlitsgrein þessari er reynt að varpa ljósi á sjóveiki, orsakir hennar, einkenni og meðferðarúrræði. Sjóveiki kemur fram þegar skynjun okkar á staðsetningu og hreyfingu líkamans er óraunveruleg eða ófyrirsjáanleg. Þrátt fyrir framfarir í hönnun og smíði skipa og annarra farartækja herjar hreyfiveiki á farþega og starfsmenn sem um borð eru. Könnun, gerð í Slysavarnaskóla sjómanna, þar sem sjómenn voru inntir eftir vinnu á sjó og hvort þeir hafi fundið fyrir sjóveiki og sjóriðu, sýndi að um 80% íslenskra sjómanna upplifa sjóveiki við störf og sjóriðu þegar í land er komið. Einkenni sjóveiki eru margvísleg en best þekktu og þau sem flestir tengja sjóveiki eru ógleði og uppköst, enda eru þau mest truflandi, um leið og þau undirstrika veikleika og vanmátt þeirra er í hlut eiga. Einkennin eru tilkomin vegna skynárekstar sjónar, jafnvægis- og stöðuskyns en þáttur jafnvægis er mikilvægastur, sérstaklega tengslin við starf ósjálfráða taugakerfisins sem miðlar boðum ógleði og uppkasta. Engin lyf lækna sjóveiki, fá hafa reynst árangursrík við meðhöndlun á sjóveiki og þá aðeins með því að draga úr einkennum, en mörg þeirra hafa þá aukaverkun að slæva miðtaugakerfið og þar með taugabrautir sem flytja árekstraráreitin, en það tefur bata sem felst í aðlögun að hinu hreyfiríka umhverfi. „Það eru til þrjár manngerðir, þeir lifandi, þeir dauðu og þeir sjóveiku.“ Anacharsis1, grískur heimspekingur, 6. öld f. Kr

    Conjoined twins. Historical review

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn Skoða/Opna(view/open)Conjoined twinning is a rare and complex malformation of the newborn. In this study an attention is drawn to reports published in Icelandic historical logs. There are four examples of definite conjoined pairing and one uncertain. An embryologic background of conjoined twinning is introduced and new view of it's pathogenesis, are proposed.Samvaxnir tvíburar eru sjaldgæfir. Hér verður sagt frá nokkrum dæmum um samvöxt tvíbura fæddra á Íslandi; um fern pör mega heimildir kallast ótvíræðar; sterkar líkur benda til hins fimmta. Öll þessi fimm dæmi eru um samvöxt á búk. Vel þekkt er frá 19. öld dæmið um síamíska tvíbura sem samvaxnir voru á búk. Þekkt eru annars konar form af samvexti fóstra; ekki verður um það fjallað hér að sinni, og er enda ekki viðfangsefni þessarar rannsóknar. Meðal spendýra er ekki óalgengt að fæðist tvíhöfða afkvæmi, og vilja sumir hafa slíkt í sama flokki og samvöxt á búk. Gildir hið sama þar um; það verður ekki viðfangsefni þessarar greinar. Hér verður einungis skýrt frá ofangreindum fimm dæmum um fóstur samvaxin á búk. VE fór yfir íslenskar heimildir; HP ritaði seinni hluta greinarinnar, almenna umræðu um samvaxna tvíbur

    Gendering an Bildungseinrichtungen : Agential Cuts in Lehre und Forschung

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    According to Karen Barad’s notion of agential realism (Meeting the Universe Halfway, 2007), students, teachers, but also educational objects and spaces do not have primary qualities but are the result of changeable relations. Barad further describes the possibility of performing an agential cut within such an intra-active configuration, that is, the more or less conscious establishment of a subject-object relation from which a reconfiguration of the actual relations at any given time can take place. In our paper, we will use the concept of agential cut to explore Barad’s theoretical framework and discuss what happens during ethnographic research between analytical approach, empirical data, and the researcher in the field. Our considerations are based on ethnographic research carried out in three educational institutions in Germany: elementary school, comprehensive school, and university. Our study draws on ethnographic studies focusing on gender at school. Within this field, our approach is to understand our own research practice with Barad’s concept of the agential cut, which is discussed in many different research fields. Therein, we are not primarily concerned with questions related to Teaching with Feminist Materialisms (Hinton and Treusch 2015), but with questions about researching teaching with new material feminism; in particular, we want to offer an extended reading of Barad’s concept of agential cuts in order to make it applicable to the researcher and their research subject, as well as to the ethical relationship between them. Karen Barad’s Konzept des Agential Realism (Meeting the Universe Halfway, 2007) postuliert, dass Studierende, Schüler_innen und Lehrkräfte wie auch edukative Räume und Objekte nicht essentialistisch bestimmbar, sondern Produkte veränderbarer Relationen sind. Barad beschreibt die Möglichkeit, einen agentiellen Schnitt (agential cut) innerhalb solcher intra-aktiver Konfigurationen vorzunehmen. Dies bedeutet die mehr oder weniger bewusste Setzung einer Subjekt-Objekt-Relation, durch die jederzeit eine Rekonfigurierung der aktuellen Relationen erfolgen kann. In unserem Beitrag nutzen wir dieses Konzept des agential cut, um die baradsche Theorie darauf hin zu diskutieren, wie während einer ethnographischen Feldforschung analytischer Ansatz, empirische Daten und die Forscher_innen im Feld interagieren. Unsere Überlegungen basieren auf ethnographischer Forschung, die wir in drei unterschiedlichen deutschen Bildungsinstitutionen durchgeführt haben: Grundschule, Gesamtschule und Universität. Unsere Forschungen schließen an erziehungswissenschaftliche Geschlechterstudien im schulischen Kontext an. Innerhalb dieses Feldes analysieren wir unsere eigene Forschungspraxis mit Barads Konzept des agential cut, dessen Potential derzeit für verschiedene Forschungsbereiche diskutiert wird. Dabei liegt unser Fokus nicht auf dem Potential (neo-)materialistischer feministischer Ansätze für die Lehre (Teaching with Feminist Materialism, Hinton and Treusch 2015), sondern auf der Untersuchung bestehender Lehre aus (neo)materialistischer feministischer Perspektive. Dabei geht es uns insbesondere um ein erweitertes Verständnis des agential cut, um dieses Konzept auf Forscher_in und Forschungsgegenstand sowie deren ethischen Beziehung zueinander anwendbar zu machen

    Acute epiglottitis in Iceland from 1983-2005

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn Skoða/Opna(view/open)OBJECTIVE: To describe the changes in the epidemiology of acute epiglottitis in Iceland from 1983-2005. METHODS: All patients with discharge diagnosis of epiglottitis during the study years were identified and diagnosis confirmed by chart review. Main outcome measures were age, gender, month/year of diagnosis, microbiology, airway management, ICU admissions, choice of antibiotics, length of hospital stay and major complications/mortality. RESULTS: Fifty-seven patients were identified (annual incidence 0.93/100.000). The mean age was 33.3 years (1-82). Childhood epiglottitis disappeared after introduction of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccination in 1989 but adult disease showed non-significant increase. In the pre-vaccination era Hib was the most common organism cultured but it has not been diagnosed in Iceland since 1991 and Streptococci are now the leading cause of epiglottitis. The mean hospital stay was 5.05 nights with 51% of patients admitted to ICU. All children under 10 years and a total 30% of patients received airway intervention. Ninety percent of adults were observed without airway intervention. Major complications were rare and mortality was 0% in our series. CONCLUSION: There have been major changes in the epidemiology of epiglottitis in Iceland during the study period. Previously a childhood disease, epiglottitis has disappeared in children and is now almost exclusively found in adults. This can be attributed to widespread Hib vaccination, eliminating the major causative agent in children. The treatment of this life-threatening disease remains a challenge. Our series suggest that it is safe to observe patients with mild/moderate symptoms without airway intervention.Inngangur: Barkaloksbólga er bráðasjúkdómur sem hafa verður í huga hjá sjúklingum með öndunarerfiðleika eða í andnauð. Nýgengi sjúkdómsins hefur minnkað, sérstaklega meðal barna, og er því helst að þakka bólusetningu gegn Haemophilus influenzae týpu b (Hib) bakteríunni. Markmið rannsóknarinnar er að lýsa breytingum á faraldsfræði bráðrar barkaloksbólgu á Íslandi á tímabilinu frá 1983-2005. Efniviður og aðferðir: Fundnir voru sjúklingar með útskriftarsjúkdómsgreininguna bráða barkaloksbólgu. Skoðaðar og skráðar voru breyturnar: aldur, kyn, mánuður/ár greiningar, ræktunarsvör, meðhöndlun öndunarvega, innlögn á gjörgæsludeild, sýklalyfjaval, lengd sjúkrahússdvalar, tíðni meiriháttar fylgikvilla og dánartíðni. Niðurstöður: Fimmtíu og sjö sjúklingar fundust (árlegt nýgengi 0,93/100.000 íbúa). Meðalaldur var 33,3 ár (1-82). Eftir að bólusetning gegn Hib, í ungbarnavernd árið 1989, hætti sjúkdómurinn að greinast í börnum. Tíðni sjúkdómsins hjá fullorðnum hefur sýnt ómarktæka aukningu á tímabilinu sem skoðað var. Fyrir upphaf bólusetningar var Hib algengasta bakterían sem ræktaðist frá sjúklingum með bráða barkaloksbólgu en hefur ekki ræktast síðan 1991, en streptococcus bakteríur greinst sem algengasti orsakavaldur. Meðaldvöl á sjúkrahúsi var 5,05 nætur og voru 51% sjúklinga lagðir á gjörgæslu. Meiriháttar fylgikvillar voru sjaldgæfir og dánartíðni 0%. Ályktun: Á tímabilinu hafa orðið meiriháttar breytingar á faraldsfræði bráðrar barkaloksbólgu á Íslandi. Áður var sjúkdómurinn algengari hjá börnum en fullorðnum en eftir upphaf bólusetninga gegn Hib bakteríunni greinist hann nær eingöngu hjá fullorðnum. Meðferð hefur löngum verið umdeild, en samantekt okkar bendir til þess að óhætt sé að vakta sjúklinga með væg/ meðalvæg einkenni án öndunarfæraíhlutunar

    Effective treatment of experimental acute otitis media by application of volatile fluids into the ear canal

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    To access publisher version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Link fieldTo access full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink "View/Open" at the bottom of this pageEssential oils are volatile and can have good antimicrobial activity. We compared the effects of oil of basil (Ocimum basilicum) and essential oil components (thymol, carvacrol, and salicylaldehyde) to those of a placebo when placed in the ear canal of rats with experimental acute otitis media caused by pneumococci or Haemophilus influenzae. Progress was monitored by otomicroscopic examination and middle ear cultures. The treatment with oil of basil or essential oil components cured or healed 56%-81% of rats infected with H. influenzae and 6%-75% of rats infected with pneumococci, compared with 5.6%-6% of rats in the placebo group. Essential oils or their components placed in the ear canal can provide effective treatment of acute otitis media

    Sjaldgæft tilfelli af vöðvabandvefsæxli með bólgufrumuíferð í hægri kinnkjálka

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnKarlmaður með æxlisvöxt í hægri kinnkjálka af vöðvabandvefsgerð með bólgufrumuíferð fór í á annan tug aðgerða vegna síendurtekins æxlisvaxtar yfir fjögurra ára tímabil og er án einkenna um endurkomu sjúkdóms í dag. Frumur ræktaðar úr æxlinu sýna stofnfrumueiginleika sem gæti verið þáttur í endurteknum æxlisvexti. Mikilvægt er að fylgja sjúklingum með þessa sjúkdómsmynd vel eftir og ekki er hægt að útiloka frekari staðbundnar endurkomur þó svo að skurðbrúnir séu fríar af æxlisfrumum.28 year old male with inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor in the right maxilla undergoes multiple surgeries for the removal of recurrent tumors over a period of 4 years and is without symptoms of recurrences today. Cells cultured from the tumor show stem cell properties that could contribute to the recurrent tumor growth. It is important to do a close follow up on patients with these traits and further recurrences cannot be excluded even though surgical edges are free of tumor growth

    Postgraduate medical education in Iceland; medical students' and residents' attitude

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    Hægt er að lesa greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenBACKGROUND: Various parties have expressed interest in establishing formal postgraduate medical education programs. The interest of residents and medical students to such programs in Iceland has not been evaluated before. METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to 146 interns and residents and 84 senior medical students. The following variables were analyzed: Gender, attitude towards postgraduate training in Iceland, interest to participate in such training, preferred specialty and which factors might influence their decision. RESULTS: 100 subjects completed the questionnaire (response rate 45%), 61 interns and residents and 39 medical students. Of those completing the questionnaire, most interns and residents (97%) and medical students (87%) agreed or agreed strongly with the concept of postgraduate training in Iceland. The majority of responders wanted to undergo part of their postgraduate training in Iceland if this option would be available. Those who preferred postgraduate training in Iceland did so for the following reasons: The importance of "hands-on" training, availability of consultants, favorable social setting and organized teaching. Those who wanted to do all their postgraduate training abroad rated case variability, "hands-on" training, organized teaching and research opportunities as the main factors influencing their decision. CONCLUSIONS: Interns, residents and medical students are in favor of undergoing part of their postgraduate training in Iceland. Those who chose to train abroad rated case variability and research opportunities higher than those in favor of training in Iceland.Inngangur: Ýmsir hafa lýst áhuga á skipulegu sérfræðinámi í læknisfræði á Íslandi. Áhugi og afstaða unglækna og læknanema til slíks náms hefur ekki verið athuguð áður. Efniviður og aðferðir: Í ársbyrjun 2004 var sendur spurningalisti til 146 unglækna og 84 læknanema á fimmta og sjötta ári í læknisfræði. Spurt var um kyn, afstöðu til sérfræðináms á Íslandi, áhuga á að stunda slíkt nám og í hvaða sérgrein viðkomandi stefndi. Einnig var spurt hvaða þættir hefðu áhrif á ákvarðanir svarenda um val á sérfræðinámi og þáttum raðað eftir mikilvægi. Niðurstöður: Alls svöruðu 100 manns spurningalista (svarhlutfall 45%), 61 unglæknir (deildarlæknar og kandídatar) og 39 læknanemar. Af innsendum svörum voru langflestir unglæknar (97%) og lækna­nemar (87%) mjög hlynntir eða frekar hlynntir sérfræðinámi á Íslandi. Meirihluti þeirra er svaraði vildi stunda hluta sérfræðináms hérlendis. Þeir sem kusu hluta sérfræðináms á Íslandi sögðu verklega þjálfun, aðgengi að sérfræðingum, fjölskyldu­aðstæður og skipulega fræðslu ráða mestu um þetta val. Þeir sem vildu alfarið sérfræði­nám erlendis mátu mest sjúklingaúrval, verklega þjálfun, skipulega fræðslu og rannsóknatækifæri. Samantekt: Unglæknar og læknanemar eru hlynntir því að taka hluta síns sérfræðináms á Íslandi. Þeir sem kusu sérfræðinám erlendis mátu sjúklingaúrval og rannsóknatækifæri meir en þeir sem vildu sérfræðinám á Íslandi

    Mastoiditis in children in Iceland

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    Neðst á síðunni er að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenINTRODUCTION: Mastoiditis is an infection in the mastoid process and is a complication of otitis media. Studies have revealed that the incidence might be increasing with altered antibiotic usage. The aim of the current study was to describe the epidemiology, clinical symptoms and treatment of mastoiditis in Iceland during the last two decades with special emphasis on children and to study possible correlations between antibiotic use and incidence of mastoiditis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Information on patients diagnosed with mastoiditis during the period 1984-2002 at The Children's Hospital Iceland, The Department of Paediatrics, Landakoti and Landspitali--University Hospital Iceland was gathered and clinical data were recorded from patients records of children diagnosed with mastoiditis during 1999-2002. Information on antibiotic use during the years 1989-2002 was obtained from the Ministry of Health in Iceland. RESULTS: Eighty-four patients were diagnosed with mastoiditis during the period 1984-2002. Of those, 52 (62%) were children less than 18 years of age. The mean age of those children was 2 years and 8 months. Boys were 58%. Twenty six (50%) of the children were less than three years old. During the years 1999-2002, a total of 28 children were diagnosed; the mean age was 2 years and 2 months. Fifteen children (54%) sought medical attention within a week prior to admission to hospital and had been diagnosed with otitis media. Eleven children (73%) were appropriately treated with antibiotics prior to the diagnosis of mastoiditis but four (27%) received no antibiotics. During the period 1989-2002, a statistically significant correlation was detected between decreased antibiotic use among children and increasing incidence of mastoiditis (r=-0.68; p=0.007). DISCUSSION: Following changes in guidelines for antibiotic prescriptions for otitis media in Iceland during the nineties, antibiotic use in children decreased at the same time as the incidence for mastoiditis increased. It is uncertain, however, if a causal relationship exists. It is important to diagnose and appropriately treat otitis media, while staying alert for serious complications, especially in young children.Inngangur: Stikilbólga er sýking í stikilholrýmum gagnaugabeins og fylgikvilli miðeyrnabólgu. Erlendar rannsóknir benda til að síðustu ár hafi nýgengi aukist með breyttri notkun sýklalyfja við miðeyrnabólgu. Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að skoða faraldsfræði, einkenni og meðferð stikilbólgu á Íslandi síðustu 20 ár með sérstaka áherslu á börn með stikilbólgu, ásamt fylgni sýklalyfjanotkunar við nýgengi stikilbólgu. Sjúklingar og aðferðir: Upplýsingar um þá sem greindust með stikilbólgu á árunum 1984-2002 á Barnaspítala Hringsins, Landakoti og Landspítala (áður Borgarspítali og Sjúkrahús Reykjavíkur) voru skráðar og sjúkraskrár þeirra sem greindust á árunum 1999-2002 voru skoðaðar. Hjá heilbrigðisráðuneytinu fengust upplýsingar um sýklalyfjanotkun á Íslandi á tímabilinu 1989-2002. Niðurstöður: Alls greindust 84 með stikilbólgu á árunum 1984-2002, þar af 52 börn (62%). Miðaldur þeirra var 2 ár og 8 mánuðir. Drengir voru 58%. Tuttugu og sex (50%) börn voru yngri en 3 ára. Á árunum 1999-2002 greindust 28 börn, miðaldur var 2 ár og 2 mánuðir. Fimmtán börn (54%) leituðu til læknis innan viku fyrir innlögn og greindust með miðeyrnabólgu. Ellefu börn (73%) fengu viðeigandi sýklalyf en fjögur (27%) fengu ekki meðferð fyrir innlögn. Á tímabilinu 1989-2002 var marktæk fylgni á milli minnkandi notkunar sýklalyfja hjá börnum og vaxandi nýgengis stikilbólgu (r =-0,68; p = 0,007). Ályktanir: Í kjölfar breyttra ráðlegginga um sýklalyfjanotkun við miðeyrnabólgu á Íslandi sem birtar voru upp úr 1990 dró úr notkun sýklalyfja hjá börnum og nýgengi stikilbólgu jókst en óvíst er hvort um beint orsakasamhengi er að ræða. Mikilvægt er að greina miðeyrnabólgu og meðhöndla á réttan hátt, og vera vakandi fyrir alvarlegum fylgikvillum, einkum hjá ungum börnum

    Hereditary hearing impairment. Mutation analysis of connexin 26 and POU3F4 genes in Icelanders with nonsyndromic hearing impairment

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenAims: Mutations in the connexin 26 (Cx26) gene have recently been shown to be a major cause of hereditary nonsyndromic sensorineural hearing impairment in Caucasians. Studies indicate that approximately 10-30% of all childhood deafness are due to Cx26 mutations and the most frequently observed mutation is Cx26 35delG. Mutations in the POU3F4 are the most common cause of X-linked nonsyndromic hereditary hearing impairment. The aim of our study was to determine presence and type of Cx26 and POU3F4 mutations in an Icelandic cohort with nonsyndromic hearing impairment. Material and methods: All 15 individuals participating in the study, fulfilled the criteria of severe congenital nonsyndromic hearing impairment of unknown cause and the hearing loss was documented by audiologic testing in a clinical facility. Eleven had a family history and four were sporadic cases. All exons of the Cx26 and POU3F4 genes were amplified using PCR and six pairs of primers. The amplified DNA fragments were screened for sequence variations using enzymatic mutation detection and the nucleotide sequence of fragments showing signs of variation was determined. Results and conclusions: Using the methods described above four distinct sequence variations were detected in the Cx26 gene. The 35delG allele causing hereditary recessive hearing impairment was identified in one homozygous and one heterozygous individual. The heterozygous 35delG individual was also shown to carry the recessive allele 358-360delGAG (E). A missense mutation, 101Teth C (M34T), supposed to cause autosomal dominant form of hearing impairment with variable penetrance, was detected in one heterozygous individual. A novel sequence variation without known clinical significance, -63Teth G, was found in the 5'-noncoding sequence in one control sample. No mutations were detected in the POU3F4 gene.Markmið: Nýlegar erlendar rannsóknir hafa sýnt að um 10-30% af alvarlegri heyrnarskerðingu hjá nýburum eru vegna erfðabreytileika í geni konnexíns 26 (Cx26) og er Cx26 35delG langalgengastur. Erfðabreytileikar í geni POU3F4 eru algengasta orsök arfgengrar heyrnarskerðingar, sem erfist kynbundið. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að ákvarða hvort og hvaða erfðabreytileikar í genum Cx26 og POU3F4 valdi meðfæddri heyrnarskerðingu án tengsla við heilkenni hjá íslenskum einstaklingum. Efniviður og aðferðir: Þátttakendur voru 15 einstaklingar, sem uppfylltu þau skilyrði að hafa verulega meðfædda heyrnarskerðingu af óþekktum toga, og að heyrnarskerðingin hafði verið staðfest með heyrnarmælingu. Ellefu einstaklingar höfðu fjölskyldusögu, en fjögur voru stök tilfelli. Allar útraðir Cx26 og POU3F4 gena voru magnaðar upp með fjölliðunarhvarfi og leitað var að erfðabreytileikum í þeim með svokallaðri EMD tækni. Niturbasaraðir þeirra útraða, sem sýndu merki um erfðabreytileika, voru síðan ákvarðaðar. Niðurstöður og ályktun: Með ofangreindum aðferðum greindust fjórir erfðabreytileikar í geni Cx26. Víkjandi samsætan Cx26 35delG fannst hjá einum arfhreinum og öðrum arfblendnum einstaklingi. Hjá arfblendna 35delG einstaklingnum fannst einnig þriggja basa brottfall 358-360delGAG (Δ119E), en sú samsæta er einnig víkjandi. Hjá einum arfblendum einstaklingi fundust niturbasaskipti, T verður C í stöðu 101 (M34T) og er talið að sá erfðabreytileiki valdi ríkjandi heyrnarskerðingu með breytilegri sýnd. Þá greindist áður óþekktur erfðabreytileiki í 5'-enda Cx26 gensins hjá einum einstaklingi með fulla heyrn, T verður G í stöðu -63, og er klínískt vægi hans óvisst. Engir erfðabreytileikar greindust í POU3F4 gen

    Seasickness among Icelandic seamen

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Arnardottir et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Introduction The working environment abroad a ship is unique, with constant stimuli such as rolling of the vessel, noise, and vibration. Fishing industry is important for Icelandic economy, still the effect of seasickness-related symptoms on seamen´s health is not fully understood. Thus, the objective of this study is to explore the impact of seasickness-related symptoms, i.e., seasickness, seasickness symptoms and mal de débarquement on seaman´s health, and how their working environment may affect those factors. Methods Cross-sectional data was collected from 262 seamen answering questionnaire. Majority of the seamen participated while attending a compulsory course held by the Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre. The majority of participants were men. A chi-square test was used to detect the difference between variables. Results The majority of seamen had experienced seasickness (87.8%) or mal de débarquement (85.8%). Having a history of tension headache (38.1%) and tinnitus (37.9%) was quite common. A total of 30.6% of the participants had been admitted to hospital once or more due to mishaps or accidents on land. Discussion Seasickness and seasickness symptoms together with mal de débarquement are common in Icelandic seamen. Working conditions at sea are demanding and seam to affect the seamen´s health both at sea and ashore, making further research needed.Introduction The working environment abroad a ship is unique, with constant stimuli such as rolling of the vessel, noise, and vibration. Fishing industry is important for Icelandic economy, still the effect of seasickness-related symptoms on seamen´s health is not fully understood. Thus, the objective of this study is to explore the impact of seasickness-related symptoms, i.e., seasickness, seasickness symptoms and mal de débarquement on seaman´s health, and how their working environment may affect those factors. Methods Cross-sectional data was collected from 262 seamen answering questionnaire. Majority of the seamen participated while attending a compulsory course held by the Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre. The majority of participants were men. A chi-square test was used to detect the difference between variables. Results The majority of seamen had experienced seasickness (87.8%) or mal de débarquement (85.8%). Having a history of tension headache (38.1%) and tinnitus (37.9%) was quite common. A total of 30.6% of the participants had been admitted to hospital once or more due to mishaps or accidents on land. Discussion Seasickness and seasickness symptoms together with mal de débarquement are common in Icelandic seamen. Working conditions at sea are demanding and seam to affect the seamen´s health both at sea and ashore, making further research needed.Peer reviewe