109 research outputs found

    Induction and Regulation of Plasma Membrane Blebbing by SH4-Domains and the Diaphanous Related Formin FHOD1

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    Die Plasmamembran (PM) tierischer Zellen besteht aus einer dynamischen, lipidhaltigen Doppelschicht, die beispielsweise bei der Bildung von ZellauslĂ€ufern wie Lamellipodien, Filopodien oder Membranfalten abhĂ€ngig von zellulĂ€ren BedĂŒrfnissen konstant umgestaltet wird. Die ballonartigen PM "blebs" stellen ebenfalls einen solchen Typ ZellauslĂ€ufer dar und können zum Beispiel wĂ€hrend Apoptose, Sekretion und Zellbeweglichkeit auftreten. Dabei werden Ausdehnung, Stabilisierung und RĂŒckbildung der "blebs" vermutlich durch eine gemeinsame zellulĂ€re Maschinerie kontrolliert, die sowohl die Organisation und IntegritĂ€t des Zytoskeletts als auch dessen Interaktion mit der PM beeinflusst. Eine wichtige Rolle spielt dabei die Rho Kinase ROCK, deren AktivitĂ€t notwendig fĂŒr PM "blebbing" ist. In dieser Studie wurden SH4-DomĂ€nen als neuartiger Auslöser fĂŒr PM "blebbing" identifiziert. SH4-DomĂ€nen sind die AnkerdomĂ€nen bestimmter peripherer PM Proteine wie der protoonkogenen Src Kinasen und des OberflĂ€chenproteins HASPB des Leishmania Parasiten. Sie werden durch acetylierte und gesĂ€ttigte Kohlenwasserstoffketten, teils unterstĂŒtzt durch basische Bereiche in der AminosĂ€uresequenz an die PM gebunden. Es stellte sich heraus, dass diese Assoziation an die PM notwendig fĂŒr die Induktion von SH4-DomĂ€nen vermitteltem PM "blebbing" war, welches Kinetiken aufwies, die vergleichbar mit beschriebenen PM "blebbing" PhĂ€notypen waren. DarĂŒber hinaus stand dieser dynamische Prozess allein unter der Kontrolle eines auf Rho, jedoch nicht auf Rac oder Cdc42 basierenden GTPase Signalweges, wurde durch ROCK AktivitĂ€t und Myosin II ATPase reguliert und benötigte sowohl F-Aktin- als auch Mikrotubuli-IntegritĂ€t. Als neuer regulierender Faktor wurden Src Kinasen bestimmt, da endogene Src Kinase AktivitĂ€t essentiell fĂŒr SH4-DomĂ€nen induziertes PM "blebbing" war. DarĂŒber hinaus waren SH4-DomĂ€nen induzierte PM "blebs" sowohl mit aktivem c-Src als auch mit aktivem ROCK angereichert. Es bestand eine funktionelle Korrelation von SH4-DomĂ€nen induziertem PM "blebbing" sowohl mit einer erhöhten zellulĂ€ren Aufnahme flĂŒssiger Bestandteile als auch mit einer erhöhten Zellinvasion in 3D Matrizen, welche in direktem Zusammenhang mit der amöboiden Form der Zellwanderung metastasierender Tumorzellen steht. TatsĂ€chlich zeigten SH4-DomĂ€nen exprimierende CHO Zellen auch in 3D Umgebungen eine Ă€hnliche "bleb" Morphologie und ihre InvasivitĂ€t war vergleichbar mit der von MDA-MB-435 Brustkrebszellen, was auf eine neue zellulĂ€re Funktion dieser AnkerdomĂ€nen hinweist. Auch das "diaphanous related formin" FHOD1 konnte, basierend auf RNAi vermittelter Herunterregulierung, als Faktor fĂŒr SH4-DomĂ€nen induziertes PM "blebbing" identifiziert werden. In Koexpression mit ROCK1 war FHOD1 in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von seiner FĂ€higkeit zur F-Aktin-Nukleierung und möglicherweise durch direkte Interaktion mit ROCK1 an der Induktion von nicht-apoptotischem PM "blebbing" beteiligt. Dabei war Src Kinase AktivitĂ€t sowohl fĂŒr die Induktion von PM "blebs" als auch fĂŒr Interaktion von FHOD1 mit ROCK1 notwendig, was auf ein direktes Zusammenspiel dieser Faktoren hinweist. In einem in dieser Studie aufgestellten hypothetischen Modell sind c-Src und ROCK1 verantwortlich fĂŒr PM Assoziation und Regulation der "blebbing" Maschinerie. FHOD1 vermittelte F-Aktin Polymerisierung ist hingegen notwendig fĂŒr die Organisation des Zytoskeletts wĂ€hrend des "blebbing" Vorganges, möglicherweise mit UnterstĂŒtzung anderer Formine. Schließlich konnte unter Verwendung eines neuen FHOD1 spezifischen Antikörpers gezeigt werden, dass endogenes FHOD1 in tierischen Zellen in perinukleĂ€ren, Golgi Ă€hnlichen Bereichen lokalisierte. ZusĂ€tzlich zu seiner Rolle in SH4-DomĂ€nen vermitteltem PM "blebbing" war es jedoch durch RNAi vermittelte Herunterregulierung nicht möglich, weitere Funktionen fĂŒr FHOD1 zu ermitteln, weder in Bezug auf seine Golgi Assoziation noch auf seine postulierten Funktion fĂŒr F-Aktin-Organisation. Zusammenfassend wurden sowohl Src Kinasen als auch FHOD1 als neue Bestandteile einer zellulĂ€ren Maschinerie identifiziert, die von Rho-ROCK AktivitĂ€t abhĂ€ngig war und von SH4-DomĂ€nen gesteuert wurde. Ferner weisen die hier beschriebenen Ergebnisse auf ein neuartiges Zusammenspiel von SH4-DomĂ€nen, Src AktivitĂ€t, ROCK Signalwirkung und FHOD1 vermittelte Zytoskelett Umgestaltung hin. Da PM "blebbing" mit erhöhter zellulĂ€rer Aufnahme flĂŒssiger Bestandteile und erhöhter Zellwanderung in 3D Umgebungen korrelierte, könnte SH4-DomĂ€nen vermittelte PM Dynamik einen Mechanismus darstellen, der die InvasivitĂ€t von Zellen beeinflusst, die durch SH4-DomĂ€nen-haltige Onkoproteine transformiert wurden

    Generic test case to understand cryogenic methane combustion dynamics

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    The accurate numerical simulation of high-pressure rocket combustion chambers is a key element for the design of future space transportation vehicles. In recent years investigations focus more and more on methane-based combustion chambers for which many thermodynamic and combustion issues are still unknown. Experimental investigations indicate that we might have to deal with a close interaction of non-ideal equation-of-state effects together with complex kinetic schemes. On the numerical side the main challenges include the consistent approximation of thermodynamic effects within a broad temperature range from cryogenic injection up to high temperature effects at combustion. Nowadays simple numerical test cases are missing to study and understand the basic effects during the injection and combustion process especially with methane as propellant. This open question is addressed by the definition of a simple test case for cryogenic methane combustion and its analysis by applying a range of thermodynamic and kinetic models

    A Mendelian randomization study on the effect of 25‐hydroxyvitamin D levels on periodontitis

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    Abstract Background Twenty five‐hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD) levels have been proposed to protect against periodontitis based on in vitro and observational studies but evidence from long‐term randomized controlled trials (RCTs) is lacking. This study tested whether genetically proxied 25OHD is associated with periodontitis using Mendelian randomization (MR). Methods Genetic variants strongly associated with 25OHD in a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) of 417,580 participants of European ancestry were used as instrumental variables, and linked to GWAS summary data of 17,353 periodontitis cases and 28,210 controls. In addition to the main analysis using an inverse variance weighted (IVW) model, we applied additional robust methods to control for pleiotropy. We also undertook sensitivity analyses excluding single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) used as instruments with potential pleiotropic effects and used a second 25OHD GWAS for replication. We identified 288 SNPs to be genome‐wide significant for 25OHD, explaining 7.0% of the variance of 25OHD levels and providing ≄90% power to detect an odds ratio (OR) of ≀ 0.97. Results MR analysis suggested that a 1 standard deviation increase in natural log‐transformed 25OHD was not associated with periodontitis risk (IVW OR = 1.04; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.97–1.12; P‐value = 0.297). The robust models, replication, and sensitivity analyses were coherent with the primary analysis. Conclusions Collectively, our findings suggest that 25OHD levels are unlikely to have a substantial effect on the risk of periodontitis, but large long‐term RCTs are needed to derive definitive evidence on the causal role of 25OHD in periodontitis

    HIV-1 Nef Interferes with Host Cell Motility by Deregulation of Cofilin

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    SummaryHIV-1 Nef is a key factor in AIDS pathogenesis. Here, we report that Nef potently inhibits motility of fibroblasts and chemotaxis of HIV-1-infected primary human T lymphocytes toward the chemokines SDF-1α, CCL-19, and CCL-21 ex vivo. Furthermore, Nef inhibits guided motility of zebrafish primordial germ cells toward endogenous SDF-1a in vivo. These migration defects result from Nef-mediated inhibition of the actin remodeling normally triggered by migratory stimuli. Nef strongly induces phosphorylation of cofilin, inactivating this evolutionarily conserved actin-depolymerizing factor that promotes cell motility when unphosphorylated. Nef-dependent cofilin deregulation requires association of Nef with the cellular kinase Pak2. Disruption of Nef-Pak2 association restores the cofilin phosphorylation levels and actin remodeling that facilitate cell motility. We conclude that HIV-1 Nef alters Pak2 function, which directly or indirectly inactivates cofilin, thereby restricting migration of infected T lymphocytes as part of a strategy to optimize immune evasion and HIV-1 replication

    Patterns of seafloor morphology as a response to tectonic- and sedimentary processes south of the Messina Strait, Italy

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    The Ionian Sea between Sicily and Calabria is known for its complex geological setting, as it is located at the convergence zone of the African and Eurasian plates. The seismogenic potential in this region is manifested by several high magnitude and disastrous earthquakes like the 1908 Messina Earthquake. Furthermore, the area is affected by intense volcanism like the Aeolian Island volcanos in the Tyrrhenian Sea and Europe’s largest active volcano, Mt Etna, sitting directly at the eastern coast of Sicily. During the last years, the possible presence of Subduction Tear Edge Propagator faults (STEP-faults) has been heavily debated. The main candidates for these faults are the Ionian Fault in the Northeast and the Alfeo-Etna Fault in the Southwest of the working area between Sicily and Calabria. Nevertheless, only little is known about near seafloor deformation zones and sedimentary processes in the Ionian Sea directly south of the Messina Strait.peer-reviewe

    Resource-aware Research on Universe and Matter: Call-to-Action in Digital Transformation

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    Given the urgency to reduce fossil fuel energy production to make climate tipping points less likely, we call for resource-aware knowledge gain in the research areas on Universe and Matter with emphasis on the digital transformation. A portfolio of measures is described in detail and then summarized according to the timescales required for their implementation. The measures will both contribute to sustainable research and accelerate scientific progress through increased awareness of resource usage. This work is based on a three-days workshop on sustainability in digital transformation held in May 2023.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, publication following workshop 'Sustainability in the Digital Transformation of Basic Research on Universe & Matter', 30 May to 2 June 2023, Meinerzhagen, Germany, https://indico.desy.de/event/3748

    Salmonella Typhimurium Type III Secretion Effectors Stimulate Innate Immune Responses in Cultured Epithelial Cells

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    Recognition of conserved bacterial products by innate immune receptors leads to inflammatory responses that control pathogen spread but that can also result in pathology. Intestinal epithelial cells are exposed to bacterial products and therefore must prevent signaling through innate immune receptors to avoid pathology. However, enteric pathogens are able to stimulate intestinal inflammation. We show here that the enteric pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium can stimulate innate immune responses in cultured epithelial cells by mechanisms that do not involve receptors of the innate immune system. Instead, S. Typhimurium stimulates these responses by delivering through its type III secretion system the bacterial effector proteins SopE, SopE2, and SopB, which in a redundant fashion stimulate Rho-family GTPases leading to the activation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase and NF-ÎșB signaling. These observations have implications for the understanding of the mechanisms by which Salmonella Typhimurium induces intestinal inflammation as well as other intestinal inflammatory pathologies

    Mortality differences by partnership status in England and Wales : the effect of living arrangements or health selection?

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    Sebastian Franke’s research was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council [ES/J500094/1] through the North West Doctoral Training Centre Social Statistics pathway (Ph.D. project: “Health, Mortality and Partnership Status: Protection or Selection”). The permission of the Office for National Statistics to use the Longitudinal Study is gratefully acknowledged, as is the help provided by staff of the Centre for Longitudinal Study Information and User Support (CeLSIUS). CeLSIUS is supported by the ESRC Census of Population Programme (Award Ref: ES/K000365/1).This paper investigates the relationship between partnership status and mortality in England and Wales. Using data from the Office for National Statistics Longitudinal Study (ONS LS) for the period between 2001 and 2011, we examine whether married people have lower mortality levels than unmarried individuals; whether individuals who cohabit have mortality levels similar to those of married or single persons; and how much the fact that married couples live with someone rather than alone explains their low mortality. Our analysis shows first that married individuals have lower mortality than unmarried persons. Second, men and women in pre-marital unions exhibit mortality levels similar to those of married men and women, whereas mortality levels are elevated for post-marital cohabitants. Third, controlling for household size and the presence of children reduces mortality differences between married and unmarried non-partnered individuals, but significant differences persist. The study supports both protection and selection theory. The increase in mortality differences by age group between never-married cohabitants and married couples is likely a sign of the long-term accumulation of health and wealth benefits of marriage. Similar mortality levels of cohabiting and married couples at younger ages suggest that healthier individuals are more likely to find a partner.PostprintPeer reviewe
