57 research outputs found

    Emerging Networks : A study on learning networks during the Covid-19 lockdown

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    This paper discusses findings from an investigation of students’ experiences from and participation in different learning networks during the Covid19-lockdown. The investigation is based on empirical data in the form of 32 interviews with students from a variety of University College Programmes (business-, administration-, construction-, technology-, health-, pedagogy- and teacher education). The interviews were collected as part of a larger study, where data also consisted of responses to surveys from, potentially, 84000 students. In the interviews, the students shared their experiences regarding learning and teaching online, respectively. Three cases were singled out aiming to maintain a high degree of complexity and maximum variation. Through the contemporary theories within the field of Networked Learning, we aim to show examples of how the students were networked during the Covid-19 shutdown and the implications that emerging networks had on their participation in online educational activities. Furthermore, we wish to make a suggestion for the use of the applied categorisation of networks for analyzing how students are networked. These categories, presented in this paper, are proposed by researchers within the field. The main findings suggest that online teaching during the lockdown required students to establish new patterns of participation, thus, establishing new structures and ways to collaborate. This led to emerging networks supporting different aspects of their life setting as students and creating opportunities for engaging in new social configurations and learning

    Mindfulness meditation – mellem autenticitet og effektivisering

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    Meditation er ikke et nyt fænomen i det danske samfund. Det er den fokus som meditationsformen Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) har været genstand for i de senere år imidlertid. Inden for en sundhedssociologisk ramme undersøges nogle af grundene til, at netop MBSR er blevet populær både i virksomheder og blandt individer med fokus på selvudvikling i en dansk kontekst. Artiklen tager afsæt i empiri hentet fra et kvalitativt forskningsprojekt vedrørende netop denne meditationsform og indledes med en fremstilling af det teoretiske, analytiske og empiriske udgangspunkt for artiklen. Herefter følger en analyse af empirien, i hvilken forfatterne bl.a. argumenterer for, at opfattelsen af virkninger tilskrevet mindfulness meditation må ses i relation til to diskurser, som fremanalyseres og benævnes henholdsvis autenticitets- og effektiviseringsdiskurserne. Disse diskurser udgør i artiklen omdrejningspunktet for mere generelle betragtninger over nogle af de udfordringer, som det senmoderne menneske står overfor. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Kristina Grünenberg, Hanne Kjærgaard Walker and Jakob Skov Knudsen: Mindfulness Meditation – between Authenticity and Efficiency This article investigates how mindfulness meditation, more precisely cd-guided Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), relates to and contributes to general normative discourses on ways of being human in late modern socie­ty. The article is based on empirical data from a qualitative research project on this form of meditation and starts with a presentation of the theoretical, analytical and empirical points of departure. This is followed by an analysis of the empirical data, in which we argue that the perception of effects attributed to mindfulness meditation should be viewed in relation to two discourses, which we have named discourses of authenticity and of efficiency respectively. These discourses constitute the central point for more general reflections on some of the challenges faced by late-modern people. Key words: Mindfulness meditation, MBSR, alternative medicine, discourse, late-modern society

    Forventningsafstemning i undervisningen ved brug af modellen for Det konvergente læringsrum: Et studenterperspektiv

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    In a context where students are given still greater influence on important choices in their education, the authors of this article wanted to continue their work with the application and usability of a pre­viously developed model for pedagogical reflection, The Convergent Learning Space - this time taking the students’ perspective. More specifically, we wanted to study whether the model could be presented at “student level” in a way that would make it useful for the balancing of expectations between students and teachers. The article describes the development of a tool for this presentation and the testing of it.I en kontekst, hvor studerende generelt får gradvis større indflydelse på afgørende valg i deres ud­dannelse, ønskede forfatterne i et studenterperspektiv at arbejde videre med anvendelse og brug­barhed af en tidligere udviklet didaktisk refleksionsmodel, Det konvergente læringsrum. Konkret ønskede vi at undersøge, om modellen kunne formidles enkelt i ”studenterhøjde” på en sådan måde, at den kunne blive brugbar til forventningsafstemning mellem underviser og studerende. Artiklen beskriver udviklingen af et redskab samt afprøvningen heraf

    Data on association between QRS duration on prehospital ECG and mortality in patients with confirmed STEMI

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    Data presented in this article relates to the research article entitled âAssociation between QRS duration on prehospital ECG and mortality in patients with suspected STEMIâ (Hansen et al., in press) [1].Data on the prognostic effect of automatically recoded QRS duration on prehospital ECG and presence of classic left and right bundle branch block in 1777 consecutive patients with confirmed ST segment elevation AMI is presented. Multivariable analysis, suggested that QRS duration >111 ms, left bundle branch block and right bundle branch block were independent predictors of 30 days all-cause mortality. For interpretation and discussion of these data, refer to the research article referenced above

    Pregnancy-induced gene expression changes in vivo among women with rheumatoid arthritis: a pilot study

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    Background: Little is known about gene expression changes induced by pregnancy in women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and healthy women because the few studies previously conducted did not have pre-pregnancy samples available as baseline. We have established a cohort of women with RA and healthy women followed prospectively from a pre-pregnancy baseline. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that pregnancy-induced changes in gene expression among women with RA who improve during pregnancy (pregDAS_(improved)) overlap substantially with changes observed among healthy women and differ from changes observed among women with RA who worsen during pregnancy (pregDAS_(worse)). Methods: Global gene expression profiles were generated by RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) from 11 women with RA and 5 healthy women before pregnancy (T0) and at the third trimester (T3). Among the women with RA, eight showed an improvement in disease activity by T3, whereas three worsened. Differential expression analysis was used to identify genes demonstrating significant changes in expression within each of the RA and healthy groups (T3 vs T0), as well as between the groups at each time point. Gene set enrichment was assessed in terms of Gene Ontology processes and protein networks. Results: A total of 1296 genes were differentially expressed between T3 and T0 among the 8 pregDAS_(improved) women, with 161 genes showing at least two-fold change (FC) in expression by T3. The majority (108 of 161 genes) were also differentially expressed among healthy women (q<0.05, FC≥2). Additionally, a small cluster of genes demonstrated contrasting changes in expression between the pregDAS_(improved) and pregDAS_(worse) groups, all of which were inducible by type I interferon (IFN). These IFN-inducible genes were over-expressed at T3 compared to the T0 baseline among the pregDAS_(improved) women. Conclusions: In our pilot RNA-seq dataset, increased pregnancy-induced expression of type I IFN-inducible genes was observed among women with RA who improved during pregnancy, but not among women who worsened. These findings warrant further investigation into expression of these genes in RA pregnancy and their potential role in modulation of disease activity. These results are nevertheless preliminary and should be interpreted with caution until replicated in a larger sample

    The Sign of the V: Papers in Honour of Sten Vikner

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    ‘The Sign of the V’ is a festschrift in honour of Sten Vikner, written by friends, colleagues, and collaborators, present and past, to celebrate both his 60th birthday and his contribution to the field of linguistics. The papers cover a wide range of topics in theoretical and empirical linguistic research, from phonetics and phonology, through morphology, semantics, and syntax, to pragmatics, as well as language acquisition, second-language learning, language processing, language teaching, language contact, historical linguistics, and language variation and change. Many different languages are featured, including the Scandinavian languages (i.e. Danish, Faroese, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish), Catalan, Dutch, English, Finnish, West Flemish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Scots, and Yiddish. The scope and depth of the chapters in this anthology is a clear indication of the scope and depth of Sten Vikner’s own comparative research well as his impact on the field of linguistics.‘The Sign of the V’ is a festschrift in honour of Sten Vikner, written by friends, colleagues, and collaborators, present and past, to celebrate both his 60th birthday and his contribution to the field of linguistics. The papers cover a wide range of topics in theoretical and empirical linguistic research, from phonetics and phonology, through morphology, semantics, and syntax, to pragmatics, as well as language acquisition, second-language learning, language processing, language teaching, language contact, historical linguistics, and language variation and change. Many different languages are featured, including the Scandinavian languages (i.e. Danish, Faroese, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish), Catalan, Dutch, English, Finnish, West Flemish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Scots, and Yiddish. The scope and depth of the chapters in this anthology is a clear indication of the scope and depth of Sten Vikner’s own comparative research well as his impact on the field of linguistics