958 research outputs found

    Reform of the Backbone of the United Nations

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    This paper outlines what can be done to reform the backbone of the United Nations to further the work of the organization. That is the General Assembly, the Security Council and ECOSOC. It shows that the General Assembly can play a stronger role in international peace and security matters by suggesting peace proposals for potential conflicts, and inform the Security Council if, and when, it is not in agreement with measures taken by the Council. The paper comments on ongoing negotiations on Security Council reform and shows the difficulty of reforming the veto clause. It suggests that ECOSOC deals with both economic and social causes of conflicts and develops macro-economic and macro-social strategies to prevent conflict for the General Assembly to recommend to member states and onwards to the Security Council to act on. Some concrete examples are indicated to that effect

    International Protection of Refugees and the UN Global Compacts A Case Study of Governance and Non-State Actors in Greece

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    The research of this thesis is guided by a curiosity to understand the soft law non-binding framework of the 2018 UN Global Compacts on Refugees and for Migration, and its significance for the international protection of refugees in a South-eastern European border zone. This thesis explores the challenges of international protection of refugees in relation to the UN Global Compacts, through a qualitative case study. The relationship between multilevel governance and refugees and migrants’ rights is of central concern. Main research question: How has the global norms manifested in the UN Global Compacts (and regional European policies) influenced Greece, to make right-based changes for refugees and migrants and allowed non-governmental actors to advocate refugees and migrants’ rights? The number of irregular migrants that crossed the Greek borders in 2020 and 2021 was just a bit more than 20 000 people each year respectively. The significant low numbers made central Greek politicians declare the ‘migration crisis’ as over, and that the focus now should instead be on prevent a new crisis from happening. However, there are major concerns, first and foremost related to pushback operations. There are also major concerns with access to asylum applications and shrinking space for NGOs with criminalisation of humanitarian actors and other who do search and rescue operationsMasteroppgaveSAMPOL350MASV-SAP

    Pedagogikk og elevkunnskap - det nye lærereutdanningsfaget?

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    Høsten 2010 startet implementeringen av en differensiert lærerutdanning, Grunnskolelærerutdanninger, G10. De nasjonale retningslinjene for grunnskolelærerutdanningene(G10) krever at det nye faget pedagogikk og elevkunnskap skal ha en integrerende funksjon og bidra til profesjonsorientering. Vårt prosjekt er knyttet til implementering av G10 ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus (HiOA), nærmere bestemt 5-10-utdanningen. Prosjektet søker å utvikle en lærerutdannings-didaktikk både i teori- og praksisdelen av utdanningen. Parallelt med implementeringen av utdanningsprogram har vi undersøkt studentenes læringserfaringer med hensyn til framtidige profesjonsoppgaver og utvikling av egen læreridentitet. Studentene erfarer at obligatoriske arbeidskrav bidrar til et integrert forhold mellom teori- og praksisdel av utdanningen som del av profesjonskvalifiseringen. Vi argumenterer for at flerfaglig samarbeid, der praksisopplæring er en integrert del, er en forutsetning for å motvirke fragmenteringen av de ulike utdanningskomponentene

    Organic field-testing of compounds to control apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) in combination with alleyway cover crops

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    To find new potential fungicides acceptable to organic production preventing apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) infections on leaf and fruits during primary apple scab infection period. The trials were carried out in combination with different cover crop treatments in single-tree plots. The formerly resistant variety ‘Delorina’ on rootstock M9, planted 1995 at a planting distance of 3.3 m x 1.6 m, unfertilized and with mechanical weed cleaning in the tree row, were used. The experimental orchard is located at Research Centre Aarslev (100 27´ E, 550 18´N)

    Fiskeundersøgelse i Vejle Fjord 1993-1994

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    Guide to MildSim

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    Landboliv 1950-2000 - kontinuitet eller brud? En historisk-etnologisk punktundersøgelse af fire midtsønderjyske gårde

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       Udviklingen på fire midtsønderjyske gårde er undersøgt med det dobbelte formål at dokumentere de omfattende fysiske og strukturelle forandringer inden for landbruget i de sidste 50 år, set indefra, og at indkredse, hvordan udviklingen har påvirket landboidentiteten. Samtidig søgte museet efter en metode, der kan anvendes ved bondegårdsundersøgelser i andre egne af landet. Der er anvendt en kombination af historisk og etnologisk tilgang, således at der både etableres konkret viden og gennem interviews søges bag om de beslutninger, som løbende er truffet på gårdene. For hver af de fire gårde er der indsamlet et nuanceret empirisk materiale, som med henblik på identitetsspørgsmålet er sammenstillet med Thomas Højrups livsformsteori