415 research outputs found

    Christian Misionaries Responsibilities in Preaching

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    Preaching the Word of God or sermonizing is God's commandment which must be done by every believer. Missionaries are people who are specifically called to convey the truth of the Word of God, through sermons, Bible study and living testimonies that glorify God. Missionaries experience obstacles in preaching because of  many factors, such as: lack of mastery in hermeneutic and homiletical skills and ignoring the communication skill. Therefore the text assessment will be shallow and its relevance at the present time has not been well delivered. Those limitations must be the missionaries’ main concern besides spiritual qualifications that are equally important. The research found several important things, such as: the right definition for Christian missionaries, Christian missionaries’ responsibilities and Christian missionaries’ preaching in the perspective of a communication skill. This research was conducted in qualitative methods that provide descriptions and histories with social sciences, theology, communication approaches

    Islam Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin

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    This research found that Islam rah}matan li al-‘a>lami>n in Shamsi Ali’s thought is a grace or welfare for the entire universe, Moslem and non Moslem as well. The concept of Islam rah}matan li al-‘a>lami>n according to Shamsi Ali is implemented in the Muslim’s lifestyle that devoted, peaceful, moderate, dynamic, progressive, democratic, and respectful toward differences which constitutes a blessing and positive contribution to human welfare and dignity. Islam rah}matan li al-‘a>lami>n is described in the gait of  da’wah of Shamsi Ali through bi al-Lisa>n da’wah, bi al-Qala>m da’wah, and bi al-H{a>l da’wah by combining various models of da'wah which is also partly known in Christian mission: spiritual growth preaching model, educational preaching model, inclusive preaching model, and open preaching model. The last two models of preachings are unknown in the literature of Christian mission theory and at the same time will be Shamsi Ali’s contribution in the development of da'wah theory. This research promotes some of the previous researches: First, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who stated that the Muslim community in America has applied the Islam rah}matan li al-‘a>lami>n which characterized by building a strong vision to unify moderates, anti-violence and against extremism. Second, Mohamed Al - Hilali explains there is  effectiveness  of  leadership that can be felt by Islam in America. Third, Julie Nava wrote that Muhammad Shamsi Ali is a figure representing Islam rah}matan li al-‘a>lami>n principles. Fourth, Muhammad Fethullah Gülen in Turkey and out side Turkey has proved himself to be an example in applying Islam rah}matan li al-‘a>lami>n. This study refuses or does not support the research of  Noor Ul Mobeen which stated that the first generation of Muslim students’ leadership in America in 2009-2012 failed in spelling out Islam rah}matan li al-‘a>lami>n. The approach used in this research: religion, history, leadership, and communication, while the method uses grounded research.   &nbsp

    The Solidarity of Jesus Christ and the Comprehensive Handling of the Problem of Radicalism and Terrorism in Indonesia

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    Jesus Christ has never shown an act of solidarity toward men as a result of being cornered by their failures to obey His commands, but as an active conduct that reflected Himself as an all-loving, all-knowing, and most sovereign Individual. This study found that: first, radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia emerged right after the fall of the New Order regime. Initially these movement only demanded justice for the oppressed Muslims. However, in their development during the nation\u27s post-reformation era, they position themselves as an opposition to the ruling government and threaten the existence and the continuity of the Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia or known as NKRI (Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia), urging the government to revise Pancasila, the philosophical foundation of Indonesia and the Basic Constitution, UUD (Undang-Undang Dasar) 1945 to suit their own agenda. The Indonesian Goverment has been giving its serious and continous efforts to tackle this matter through the National Counterterrorism Agency or BNPT (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme). Second, the government, religious leaders and the community must synergise  to build good communication among them and to provide a fast and  “down to earth” solution as to take down factors that blossom the radicalism and terrorism. Third, the Church needs to engange courageously in positioning itself to support the government that is anti-radicalism and anti-terrorism. A forum for inter-religious communication needs to be improved by advancing contributions with  positive impacts rather than just becoming a passive follower; a decent interfaith dialogue and a “SERMIAH” preaching model can be adopted as options for evangelism and for achieving the spiritual maturity of the believers. The types of approaches used in this research are: historical approach,  hermeneutical approach, and leadership approach

    The Exegesis of The Parent’s Assessment On The Teachers Teaching Quality According to 2 Timothy 2:15-21

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    Parents have the potential to doubt the the teacher’s quality in teaching the students, that is why a barometer or indicators are needed so that the teacher as an educator can be assessed objectively. Ideas built by the experts are needed as the best solution as well as biblical principles to find the right formula. This study uses the exegesis method which is seen through contextual analysis, syntactical analysis, verbal analysis, theological analysis and homiletical analysis. This study found what is meant by parents' assessment on the teachers’ teaching quality according to 2 Timothy 2:15-21 is the act of assessing the intelligence, the potential done by the father or the mother regarding good quality or services in facilitating the activities of learning or training through explanations, questions and answers, discussions, and expressing the opinions guided by competent educators or instructors, who are characterized by: teaching professionally (verse 15), teaching correctly in accordance with learning material (paragraph 15), teaching in accordance with learning objectives (verse 16-19), teaching with the right media (verse 20) and teaching with the right method (verse 21)

    The Exegesis of Woman Leadership According to 1 Corinthians 11:2-16

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                  The role of woman until now still encounters various problems, such as in the leadership. Do  women have decent capacity to lead, or they are on second class under men. This research, brings up to the readers the original understanding about the role of woman especially in leadership. To see woman leadership, the researchers using exegesis method by utilizing four Bible analysis, these are: contextual analysis, syntactical analysis, verbal analysis, theological analysis, and homiletical analysis.             Study which was done toward this research found out that woman essential leadership is how the man and woman aware that leadership which is designed by God, the Creator, is leadership based on function, where the man and the woman realize their roles and function corresponding with  God\u27s created nature. Man are leader, who lead with obedience and love. Whereas woman are under man\u27s authority who has to be followed with respect and full of love

    Human Capital Spillovers, Productivity and Growth in the Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan

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    Manufacturing is an important sector of Pakistan’s economy. The main focus of this paper is to analyse the major factors of value-added growth and productivity in the manufacturing sector by using Translog Production Technology over the period 1971-72 to 2004-05. The empirical findings show that the contribution of productivity and human capital is around one- third of the total value-added growth in manufacturing sector which is less than the contribution attributed to these factors in developed and many other developing countries. Conventional factors like capital and labour are still the mainstay in the value-added growth of Pakistan’s manufacturing sector.Human Capital Spillovers, Total Factor Productivity, Absolute and Relative Shares

    Communicating Health Impact of Air Pollution

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    Menerapkan Model Penginjilan pada Masa Kini

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    Evangelism has many obstacles, it cannot be done optimally, the challenges faced cannot weaken the spirit of winning souls for Jesus Christ. That is why it is necessary to try to develop the right evangelistic model. This study found 6 (six) evangelistic models, namely: interpersonal, personal, mass, media services, social services and friendship. The research method used is qualitative with the approach phenomenology. In conclusion, the preaching of the gospel can still be done by developing suitable models according to the needs of each person receiving Jesus Christ as Lord or Savior. Abstrak Penginjilan mengalami banyak kendala, sehingga kurang bisa dilakukan dengan maksimal, berbagai tantangan yang dihadapi tidak dapat melemahkan semangat memenangkan jiwa bagi Yesus Kristus. Itulah sebabnya perlu upaya mengembangkan model penginjilan yang tepat. Penelitian ini menemukan 6 (enam) model penginjilan, yakni: interpersonal, pribadi, massal, pelayanan media, pelayanan sosial dan persahabatan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan ilmu fenomenologi. Kesimpulannya, pekabaran Injil tetap dapat dilakukan dengan mengembangkan model yang cocok sesuai kebutuhan dengan tujuan setiap orang menerima Yesus Kristus sebagai Tuhan atau Juruselamat

    Apologetika Alkitabiah tentang Penciptaan Alam Semesta dan Manusia terhadap Kosmologi Fengshui sebagai Pendekatan dalam Pekabaran Injil

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    Abstract. Fenghui's cosmology has penetrated people's understanding and this must be confronted with apologetics originated from the Bible. This study found three main things. First, the universe was created by God and God is personal. Second, humans are created by God but humans are not God. Third, the universe is not eternal, therefore anything that is sought to obtain a longer life as taught through Fengshui's cosmology is futile. Humans seek eternal life, this is only possible through receiving the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. The method used in this study is presuppositions based on the Bible to present objective truths. Presuppositions are supported by various related literature that addresses this theme is certainly placed under the authority of the Bible.Abstrak. Kosmologi Fenghsui telah merambah dalam pemahaman masyarakat, hal ini harus dihadapi dengan apologetika yang bersumber dari Alkitab. Penelitian ini menemukan tiga hal utama. Pertama, alam semesta diciptakan oleh Allah dan Allah itu berpribadi. Kedua, manusia diciptakan oleh Allah tetapi manusia bukanlah Allah. Ketiga, alam semesta tidak bersifat kekal, sehingga apa pun yang diupayakan untuk memperoleh hidup yang lebih lama (long life) seperti yang diajarkan melalui kosmologi Fengshui adalah kesia-siaan. Manusia mencari hidup yang kekal, hal ini hanya dimungkinan melalui menerima pengampunan Yesus Kristus. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah presuposisi yang didasarkan pada Alkitab guna menyuguhkan kebenaran yang obyektif. Presuposisi didukung oleh berbagai literatur terkait yang membahas tema ini, tentu ditempatkan di bawah otoritas Alkitab

    Kepemimpinan Hamba Tuhan Menurut Matius 20:25-28

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    Abstract: The leadership of God's servant raises a polemic because there are still those who think about God's servant being only servant and not being leader, however, in that opinion it is true. The researcher found a superior idea from Matthew 20:25-28 that placed God's servant not only as servant but also as leader. The method used in this research is the research developed by Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. in the book Towards Exegetical Theology: Biblical Exegesis for Teaching and Teaching, which addresses: contextual analysis, syntactic analysis, verbal analysis, theological analysis and homiletical analysis. The researchers, after observing the principle of exegesis presented by Kaiser, Jr., found that the text of Matthew 20: 25-28 could be discussed the themes of the leadership of God's servant who studied contextual and syntactical analysis providing support for the theme. Researchers also pay attention to verbal analysis, theological analysis and homiletical analysis, the results of which support the characteristics of God's servant leadership in Matthew 20:25-28, namely: communicative, assertive, gentle, humble, serving, willing to sacrifice