1,505 research outputs found

    Potenzial von Halophyten fĂŒr stoffliche und energetische Nutzung am Beispiel von Salicornia

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    Im Laufe der letzten Jahre sieht sich die Landwirtschaft vermehrt mit der Problematik der zunehmenden Bodenversalzung und schwindenden Frischwasserquellen konfrontiert. Die WelternĂ€hrung ist dabei abhĂ€ngig von wenigen salzsensitiven Kulturpflanzen. Folglich ist die Entwicklung alternativer Methoden, die es der Menschheit ermöglicht, salzkontaminierte Böden zu reinigen oder nutzbar zu machen, ein sinnvolles Unterfangen und deshalb entwickelte sich aus dieser Problematik ein alternativer Zweig zur konventionellen Landwirtschaft: die saline agriculture. In diesem Kontext steht Salicornia, eine Halophyte, deshalb schon seit einiger Zeit im Fokus der Forschung. Zu den vielversprechendsten Verwendungsmöglichkeiten zĂ€hlt die Nutzung von Salicornia zur Produktion von Biokraftstoffen wie Biodiesel, Bioethanol und Biogas. Insbesondere die Beteiligung von angesehenen Firmen wie Boeing, Etihad Airways, Lufthansa und der US Air Force an Projekten wie den „Integrated Seawater Energy Agricultural System“ in Abu Dhabi und Mexiko lĂ€sst auf eine zukunftsnahe Durchsetzung von Salicornia als nachwachsenden Rohstoff hoffen. Um mögliche Schadstoffe und Keime in geschlossenen Lebenserhaltungssystemen (Biological Life Support Systems, BLSS) zu mindern und eine bessere StickstoffverfĂŒgbarkeit fĂŒr Pflanzen zu gewĂ€hrleisten, forscht das Institut fĂŒr Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin an einem Biofiltersystem (C.R.O.P.Âź - Combined regenerative organic-food production) in Kombination mit hydroponischen Pflanzenzuchtsystemen. Das System basiert auf einer mit Lavagestein gefĂŒllten Filterröhre, welches Lebensraum fĂŒr viele Mikroorganismen bietet. Durch das vorherrschende Milieu werden Keime reduziert und es kommt zur Entgiftung von Schadstoffen durch mikrobiellen Abbau. Da sich Harnstoff aus dem Urin in das pflanzenschĂ€dliche Ammoniak aufspaltet, muss dieses vor der Ausbringung zu Nitrat oxidiert werden, damit Stickstoff in einer pflanzenverfĂŒgbaren Form vorliegt. Dies wird durch die AktivitĂ€t von aeroben und anaeroben Organismen im Filtersystem gewĂ€hrleistet. Zwar kann Salicornia Nitrat als Stickstoffquelle nutzen, allerdings zeigte sie deutlich bessere Wachstumserfolge und NaCl-Aufnahme mit der ZudĂŒngung von Stickstoff in Form von Harnstoff

    How to feel in order to be satisfied at work? A differentiating view on the Affective Events Theory

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    Affective Events Theory (AET; Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996) states that emotions at work affect job satisfaction. We specified existing research by distinguishing between frequency and intensity of emotional episodes at work and by varying the time frame for which emotions were reported. In a paper-pencil study employed persons (N = 228) reported the frequency and the intensity of positive and negative work-related affective states. The time period, for which emotions were reported, was varied between subjects (last week vs. last month). When predicting job satisfaction, regression analyses indicated that (1) the frequency of emotions is a better predictor than their intensity and that (2) positive emotions are a better predictor than negative emotions when reporting affective states for the last week, whereas this pattern reverses for the time frame of last month. Thus, with an increasing time interval, negative emotions seem to have a comparatively better cognitive representation


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    White women continue to contribute to the reproduction and maintenance of White supremacy even when they attempt to pursue antiracism. To better understand their antiracist agency, this study analyzed White women’s experiences and comprehension of White womanhood. Using phenomenology and critical autoethnography, this qualitative study invited six self-proclaimed antiracist White women to participate in individual interviews, attend two focus groups, and reflect on five guided prompts on White womanhood and antiracist action. The study revealed antiracist White women’s feelings of responsibility and lack of perceived agency for antiracist action. Participants demonstrated attempts to disengage from whiteness while also expressing desires to increase their antiracist consciousness. Learning about and intentionally reflecting on the construction and characteristics of White womanhood increased participants\u27 sense of antiracist agency. Findings indicate the need for White women to move beyond individual and into collective antiracist agency and action

    Divine Interference in Royal Affairs: New Perspectives on Lucina, the Roman Goddess of Birth and Shadow of the Virgin Mary in Catholic Early Modern Spain

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    Life is God-given and to give birth begs for divine help. This article seeks to present new perspectives on selected appearances and apparitions of Lu­cina, the Roman goddess of birth, with respect to birth in the Golden Age of Spain. Ovid, antique’s best-known author, paints Lucina as an ambiguous sorceress, vol­atilely answering prayers. Still, allegoric representations of Lucina relating to the Spanish rulers and high society are found in Spanish literature, art, architecture and medical tractates. The pagan gods are revived in Renaissance art and do not fit into Christian moral codes nor qualify as praiseworthy saints, but nevertheless main­tain a prevailing source of allegories and figurative images. Lucina’s appearances in Francisco NĂșñez’s obstetrical tractate Libro intitulado del parto humano, Pedro Ruiz de Camargo’s painting in the Arch of Santa MarĂ­a of Burgos and in Micheli Parrasio’s canvas AlegorĂ­a del nacimiento del infante don Fernando are described and interpreted. The goddess of birth appears with aspects of Juno, Venus and the Virgin Mary and is blamed when misfortune strikes

    Divine Interference in Royal Affairs: New Perspectives on Lucina, the Roman Goddess of Birth and Shadow of the Virgin Mary in Catholic Early Modern Spain

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    Life is God-given and to give birth begs for divine help. This article seeks to present new perspectives on selected appearances and apparitions of Lu­cina, the Roman goddess of birth, with respect to birth in the Golden Age of Spain. Ovid, antique’s best-known author, paints Lucina as an ambiguous sorceress, vol­atilely answering prayers. Still, allegoric representations of Lucina relating to the Spanish rulers and high society are found in Spanish literature, art, architecture and medical tractates. The pagan gods are revived in Renaissance art and do not fit into Christian moral codes nor qualify as praiseworthy saints, but nevertheless main­tain a prevailing source of allegories and figurative images. Lucina’s appearances in Francisco NĂșñez’s obstetrical tractate Libro intitulado del parto humano, Pedro Ruiz de Camargo’s painting in the Arch of Santa MarĂ­a of Burgos and in Micheli Parrasio’s canvas AlegorĂ­a del nacimiento del infante don Fernando are described and interpreted. The goddess of birth appears with aspects of Juno, Venus and the Virgin Mary and is blamed when misfortune strikes
