70 research outputs found

    Immunogenetic Risk Factors of Chlamydia-induced Tubal Factor Infertility

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    EuGMS-kongressi Ateenassa – toiset kuulumiset

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    Ajoterveyden arviointi muistisairaalta

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    Vertaisarvioitu. English summary.Ajoterveyden arviointi kuuluu tärkeänä osana muistisairauksien diagnostiikkaan ja seurantaan. Ajoterveyttä arvioidaan kaikkien lääkärissäkäyntien yhteydessä eikä vain silloin, kun potilas on vastaanotolla saadakseen lääkärinlausunnon ajokorttia varten. Eri muistisairaudet vaikuttavat ajoturvallisuuteen eri tavalla sairauden alkuvaiheessa. Lievässä muistisairaudessa (CDR 0,5–1) ajoterveysvaatimukset voivat vielä täyttyä ryhmän 1 mutta ¬ei ¬¬r¬¬yhmän 2 ajolupaan. Keskivaikea muistisairaus estää sekä ryhmän 1 että 2 ajoluvan (CDR ≥ 2). Ajokortista luopumista on lähestyttävä päättäväisesti, mutta hienotunteisesti

    EuGMS–kongressi Helsingissä 20.‒22.9.2023

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    Cognitive Training Interventions for Patients with Alzheimer's Disease : A Systematic Review

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    Background: Cognitive training (CT) refers to guided cognitive exercises designed to improve specific cognitive functions, as well as enhance performance in untrained cognitive tasks. Positive effects of CT on cognitive functions in healthy elderly people and persons with mild cognitive impairment have been reported, but data regarding the effects of CT in patients with dementia is unclear. Objective: We systematically reviewed the current evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to find out if CT improves or stabilizes cognition and/or everyday functioning in patients with mild and moderate Alzheimer's disease. Results: Altogether, 31 RCTs with CT as either the primary intervention or part of a broader cognitive or multi-component intervention were found. A positive effect was reported in 24 trials, mainly on global cognition and training-specific tasks, particularly when more intensive or more specific CT programs were used. Little evidence of improved everyday functioning was found. Conclusions: Despite some positive findings, the inaccurate definitions of CT, inadequate sample sizes, unclear randomization methods, incomplete datasets at follow-up and multiple testing may have inflated the results in many trials. Future high quality RCTs with appropriate classification and specification of cognitive interventions are necessary to confirm CT as an effective treatment option in Alzheimer's disease.Peer reviewe

    Neuropsychiatric Symptoms as Predictors of Falls in Long-Term Care Residents With Cognitive Impairment

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    Objectives: Falls and neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) are common among long-term care residents with cognitive impairment. Despite the high prevalence of falls and NPS, little is known about their association. The aim of our study was to explore how NPS, particularly the severity of NPS and specific NPS subgroups, are associated with falls and how psychotropics modify this association. Design: Longitudinal cohort study. Setting and Participants: In total, 532 long-term care residents aged 65 years or older in Helsinki, Finland. Methods: NPS were measured with Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) at baseline. Participants were grouped into 3 groups: no significant NPS (NPI points 0-3), low NPS burden (NPI 4-12), and high NPS burden (NPI >12). The number of falls, injuries, fractures, and hospitalizations were collected from medical records over 12 months following baseline assessment. Results: Altogether, 606 falls occurred during the follow-up year. The falls led to 121 injuries, 42 hospitalizations, and 20 fractures. Falls and injuries increased significantly with NPS burden (P <.001): 330 falls in the high NPS group (n = 184), 188 falls in the low NPS group (n = 181), and 88 falls in the no significant NPS group (n = 167). The risk of falling showed a curvilinear association with NPI total score. Of NPS subgroups, psychosis and hyperactivity were associated with a higher incidence rate ratio of falls, whereas apathy had a protective association even after adjustment for age, sex, and mobility. Affective symptoms were not associated with falls. Psychotropics did not modify the association between NPS burden and falls. Conclusions and Implications: The results of this study show that NPS, especially NPS severity, may predict falls and fall-related negative consequences. Severity of NPS should be taken into account when assessing fall risk in long-term care residents with cognitive impairment. (C) 2020 AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.Peer reviewe

    Smoking during pregnancy reduces vitamin D levels in a Finnish birth register cohort

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    Objective Maternal vitamin D level in pregnancy may have implications for both the mother and fetus. Deficiency of vitamin D has been linked to several pregnancy complications and fetal skeletal health. Smoking has been associated with reduced serum level of the vitamin D metabolite, 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D). Design A nested case-control study within the Finnish Maternity Cohort, a population-based cohort which includes first-trimester sera from 98 % of pregnancies in Finland since 1987. The selection consisted of women with uncomplicated pregnancies. We studied serum concentration of 25(OH)D in 313 non-smoking and forty-six self-reported smoking pregnant women. Setting We hypothesize that pregnant smokers may have an increased risk of low 25(OH)D levels especially during winter months. Participants A control group from an unpublished pregnancy complication study consisting of 359 uncomplicated pregnancies. Individuals who reported that they do not smoke were considered 'non-smokers' (n 313) and those who reported continued smoking after the first trimester of pregnancy were considered 'smokers' (n 46). Results Smokers had significantly lower levels of 25(OH)D irrespective of sampling time (PPeer reviewe

    Use of Anticholinergic Drugs According to Various Criteria and Their Association With Psychological Well-Being and Mortality in Long-Term Care Facilities

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    Objectives: To compare 3 internationally established criteria for drugs with anticholinergic properties (DAPs) and their associated factors in long-term care facilities, and to investigate the association between use of DAPs and psychological well-being (PWB) or mortality. Design: Cross-sectional study and 1-year follow-up of all-cause mortality. Setting and Participants: Of all 4449 residents living in long-term care facilities in Helsinki in 2011, 2432 (>= 65 years of age) participated after exclusion of residents with severe dementia. Measurements: Data on demographics, medication use, and active diagnoses were collected by trained staff using structured questionnaires. DAP use was defined by the following 3 international criteria: Chew's list, the Anticholinergic Risk Scale, and the Anticholinergic Drug Scale. The total number of DAPs was counted and referred to as anticholinergic burden. PWB was assessed by a questionnaire and yielded a score ranging from 0 to 1. Mortality data was retrieved from central registers. Results: Of all participants, 85% were DAP users according to at least 1 of the 3 criteria used. Overlap between the 3 criteria was only moderate. DAP users were younger and a larger proportion of them had better cognition. However, they suffered more often from depression and other psychiatric diagnoses than nonusers. DAP users had lower PWB scores than those not using DAPs, and PWB decreased linearly in the overlapping groups from nonusers to those using DAPs according to all 3 criteria. The total number of DAPs used predicted mortality. Conclusions and Implications: DAP use and PWB appear to be negatively associated. When combining several criteria of DAPs, their burden predicted mortality. Clinicians should carefully consider the potential benefits and harms when prescribing DAPs to older persons. (C) 2019 AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.Peer reviewe

    Temporal Trends Over Two Decades in the Use of Anticholinergic Drugs Among Older Community-Dwelling People in Helsinki, Finland

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    Background Knowledge of the adverse effects of drugs with anticholinergic properties (DAPs) has increased in recent decades. However, research on the temporal trends of the clinical use of DAPs is still sparse. Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the temporal trends of DAP use over two decades in the older community-dwelling population and to explore the medication classes contributing to the use of DAPs. Methods The study involved random samples of >= 75-year-old community-dwelling Helsinki citizens in 1999, 2009, and 2019 from the Helsinki Ageing Study. A postal questionnaire inquired about their health, functioning, and medications. The medications were categorized as DAPs according to Duran's list. In addition, we grouped DAPs into various medication groups. Results The prevalence and burden of DAPs on Duran's list showed a decreasing trend over the years. In 1999 the prevalence was 20% and the burden 0.35, in 2009 they were 22% and 0.35, respectively, and in 2019 they were 16% and 0.23, respectively. There were no differences in how the 75- and 80-year-olds used DAPs compared with those aged 85 years and older. The proportion of typical antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, hypnotics, urinary antispasmodics, and asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease medications decreased, whereas the proportion of atypical antipsychotics, antidepressants, strong opioids, and antihistamines increased. In particular the use of mirtazapine increased-to 3.9% in 2019. In 2019 the three most prevalent groups of DAPs were antidepressants (7.4%), opioids (2.7%), and antihistamines (2.4%). Conclusions The decrease in the use of DAPs on Duran's list is a welcome change. Although the use of old, strong DAPs has decreased, new DAPs have simultaneously emerged. Physicians need continuous education in prescribing DAPs and more recent information on the use and effects of DAPs is needed in order to decrease their exposure among the rapidly growing older population.Peer reviewe